White kids show racial bias at an early age.

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I am poisoning the well in regards to the RAMPANT anti-white racism in this country and this world. The racism that is protected by despicable characters who claim to represent justice and equality.

Your one-sided social experiments created by major news corporations only prove my point about anti-white racism and heavily discredit any potential studies about racism in white people being more than anyone else.

(((major news corporations))) won't report studies that reflect badly on black people.
I am poisoning the well in regards to the RAMPANT anti-white racism in this country and this world. The racism that is protected by despicable characters who claim to represent justice and equality.

Your one-sided social experiments created by major news corporations only prove my point about anti-white racism and heavily discredit any potential studies about racism in white people being more than anyone else.

(((major news corporations))) won't report studies that reflect badly on black people.
There aren't that many studies like that anyway.
Shithead, the reason black kids are picking the white doll is because they see what shit their follow blacks are vs. how much nicer whites are to them. It's not that whites are racist, it's that blacks act like racist apes. That black kid sees his vulgar, lazy mom parade a bunch of punks through her bedroom and then he sees his white teacher at school always showing him civility and compassion. You shithead libtards spend all your time trying to convince people that reality is the opposite of what it really is.

I bet it would have been very interesting if the video showed the kids who picked the black doll. While the video is honest enough to disclose that some kids chose the black doll, it's one-side demonstration of kids choosing the white doll is misleading and therefore dishonest. And, what do you want to bet that the little black tykes that chose the black doll used racial slurs.

It runs much deeper than you this. Although the following is not a study....it is a social experiment on youth. The damage of living under the doctrine of white supremacy runs deep. Exhibit 1,000,001

The problem is that many whites will not accept the findings, regardless of how scholarly, that reflects badly upon whites. Yet, they accept without question negative statistics about blacks. I mean.....I certainly could question that 70% of black births in America are to single women. There are 42 million blacks in the this country. There is no way in hell that I can personally bear witness to the behavior of all the black mothers giving birth to know what there situation is. It is even less likely that a white person on this forum can do better than me in that regards. We have no way of KNOWING, but rather, we just accept that the information we are getting is true. However, many whites will attempt to discredit any study that shows them in a bad light.

Yeah...that is the case now.
Yeah....any experiment that shows, in America, that people are conditioned to believe that white is superior and black is inferior is obviously bogus, especially when you consider that such was the doctrine, practice, and law of the country for over 300 years. Yeah....totally out in left field with these findings.
Do you honestly believe plastic dolls accurately represent human beings?
Yeah....as much as I believe statistics on a page about out of wedlock births do. Statistics are not human beings either. They are just numbers. You are stupid enough to fall for numbers representing humans.
The numbers are literally representing humans, dumbass. You need to look up what a “statistic” is.

The dolls only represent what the people conducting the experiment think are human beings.
And the dolls are not.....the dolls are in the shape of human beings.....more than numbers are.

How can you be so stupid? The numbers were created using thousands of REAL situations and cases.

Now why don’t these idiots use images of real people instead of dolls?

Are they afraid that the results will show the opposite of what they want them to be?

Personally, I find all dolls creepy and scary...
Shithead, the reason black kids are picking the white doll is because they see what shit their follow blacks are vs. how much nicer whites are to them. It's not that whites are racist, it's that blacks act like racist apes. That black kid sees his vulgar, lazy mom parade a bunch of punks through her bedroom and then he sees his white teacher at school always showing him civility and compassion. You shithead libtards spend all your time trying to convince people that reality is the opposite of what it really is.

I bet it would have been very interesting if the video showed the kids who picked the black doll. While the video is honest enough to disclose that some kids chose the black doll, it's one-side demonstration of kids choosing the white doll is misleading and therefore dishonest. And, what do you want to bet that the little black tykes that chose the black doll used racial slurs.

It runs much deeper than you this. Although the following is not a study....it is a social experiment on youth. The damage of living under the doctrine of white supremacy runs deep. Exhibit 1,000,001

The problem is that many whites will not accept the findings, regardless of how scholarly, that reflects badly upon whites. Yet, they accept without question negative statistics about blacks. I mean.....I certainly could question that 70% of black births in America are to single women. There are 42 million blacks in the this country. There is no way in hell that I can personally bear witness to the behavior of all the black mothers giving birth to know what there situation is. It is even less likely that a white person on this forum can do better than me in that regards. We have no way of KNOWING, but rather, we just accept that the information we are getting is true. However, many whites will attempt to discredit any study that shows them in a bad light.

Yeah...that is the case now.
Do you honestly believe plastic dolls accurately represent human beings?
Yeah....as much as I believe statistics on a page about out of wedlock births do. Statistics are not human beings either. They are just numbers. You are stupid enough to fall for numbers representing humans.
The numbers are literally representing humans, dumbass. You need to look up what a “statistic” is.

The dolls only represent what the people conducting the experiment think are human beings.
And the dolls are not.....the dolls are in the shape of human beings.....more than numbers are.

How can you be so stupid? The numbers were created using thousands of REAL situations and cases.

Now why don’t these idiots use images of real people instead of dolls?

Are they afraid that the results will show the opposite of what they want them to be?

Personally, I find all dolls creepy and scary...

That is why puppets and dummies are frequently used as elements of the horror genre.
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If I presented you statistics about whites being much more racist than blacks......would you attempt to deconstruct that or accept it? I think there is a clear pattern with you all. You attempt to debunk everything that shows white racism or the impact of white racism.

The bottom line is that you cannot PROVE those statistics about blacks are true. It could be just racist propaganda and you accept it because you already believe negative about blacks, so any statistic showing blacks negatively you automatically accept. Now....I am not saying they data is true or not......I am saying that we just choose to believe that it is true....or not, because we can never verify.
You can't show me anything.

All you have are racist studies that were created with the sole purpose of dehumanizing white people and providing fresh white guilt material for sick teachers in primary learning facilities.

Until non-whites are actually analyzed(with the same standard as whites)for potential racist thoughts, your "statistics" are bullshit.

Whether I can show you or not remains to be seen. Right now I am asking you if you would accept the findings?
I would accept a study that actually analyzes whites and non-whites in a completely impartial manner to collect data and knowledge.

The problem is that no such study exists.

Every racial study in existence today has only analyzed whites...with the purpose of destroying the ability for white people to take pride in their ancestors and establish a collective identity.

Ahhhhh....you have already poisoned the well. There is NO STUDY that you will accept showing whites as racist.....but you will accept all comers, without question, that show blacks in a negative light relative to whites. You will not accept any study that shows whites being more racist......you will not even accept social experiments of how whites being favored like this:

I mean.....its easy to see why whites do better in America than blacks.....and its not do to black innate inferiority.

I am poisoning the well in regards to the RAMPANT anti-white racism in this country and this world. The racism that is protected by despicable characters who claim to represent justice and equality.

Your one-sided social experiments created by major news corporations only prove my point about anti-white racism and heavily discredit any potential studies about racism in white people being more than anyone else.

one sided social experiment? Again, you only see what you want to see. I shows a black and white kid stealing a bike....a black and white guy walking down the street with the same gun.....black, white, Hispanic children being shown dolls of different races.....STUDIES about white children bias.....AND YOU REJECT ALL THE FINDINGS....lol. Yet, you and those like you LOVE to accept statistics, regardless of the source and motive, that shows blacks in a negative light.

You are a RACIST plan and clear and not being allowed to enjoy the fruits of your racism, without being called a racist, is anti-white racism to you.
November: Children show implicit racial attitudes from a young age | News | University of Bristol

Another study (truth) about whites. I present these truths because people like to use statistics about blacks, so I am going to show studies about whites. Lets see how whites react to these TRUTHS. How will they try to discredit the findings and why don't they exert the effort to try and discredit statistics about blacks?

A white person is 5X more likely to get stopped for a crime than a black person, cops don't even want to involve blacks in a crime scene unless they have to because they are just too much damn trouble to deal with---- most of them are violent and congenital liars. So the whole thing about blacks getting "picked on" by cops is total BULLSHIT. A white person is MUCH more likely to be accommodating of people of other colors, accept them and get along with them fine and see them as equals, not surprisingly as it was white people who have DRIVEN the entire racial equality movement! And because they are very likely to be called racist for the slightest reason whereas blacks are never called out for their racism. Whereas from a kid up, you will find it MUCH HARDER to find a black at ANY AGE that isn't racially biased, see everything in terms of race, identify with their skin color, carry racial hatred as you do, hold it against whites and go out of their way to want to be with just Blacks and not be heavily prejudiced against whites calling them crackers and other names and not give it a second thought! So, go take those facts, sit on them and TWIST.
You can't show me anything.

All you have are racist studies that were created with the sole purpose of dehumanizing white people and providing fresh white guilt material for sick teachers in primary learning facilities.

Until non-whites are actually analyzed(with the same standard as whites)for potential racist thoughts, your "statistics" are bullshit.

Whether I can show you or not remains to be seen. Right now I am asking you if you would accept the findings?
I would accept a study that actually analyzes whites and non-whites in a completely impartial manner to collect data and knowledge.

The problem is that no such study exists.

Every racial study in existence today has only analyzed whites...with the purpose of destroying the ability for white people to take pride in their ancestors and establish a collective identity.

Ahhhhh....you have already poisoned the well. There is NO STUDY that you will accept showing whites as racist.....but you will accept all comers, without question, that show blacks in a negative light relative to whites. You will not accept any study that shows whites being more racist......you will not even accept social experiments of how whites being favored like this:

I mean.....its easy to see why whites do better in America than blacks.....and its not do to black innate inferiority.

I am poisoning the well in regards to the RAMPANT anti-white racism in this country and this world. The racism that is protected by despicable characters who claim to represent justice and equality.

Your one-sided social experiments created by major news corporations only prove my point about anti-white racism and heavily discredit any potential studies about racism in white people being more than anyone else.

one sided social experiment? Again, you only see what you want to see. I shows a black and white kid stealing a bike....a black and white guy walking down the street with the same gun.....black, white, Hispanic children being shown dolls of different races.....STUDIES about white children bias.....AND YOU REJECT ALL THE FINDINGS....lol. Yet, you and those like you LOVE to accept statistics, regardless of the source and motive, that shows blacks in a negative light.

You are a RACIST plan and clear and not being allowed to enjoy the fruits of your racism, without being called a racist, is anti-white racism to you.

No, the one-sided social experiment shows a white and a black kid stealing a bike in a WHITE neighborhood(cue the token black woman talking about how she thinks the white guy with a saw cutting a bikelock is "normal") being confronted by completely different people because it was designed to deliver a particular result.

The white guy and black guy with a gun were not shot in the same location,(not to mention the whole confrontation with the cop was not shown concerning the white guy) and it wasn't even the same channel shooting it(the first video was made by a pro-gun channel trying to keep the cops honest in Oregon concerning gun laws, while the second video looks to be from a BLM channel, and there is likely backstory that you don't know about concerning the second one)

Again, dolls are not people.
You aren’t debunking anything.

You are simply doubting well-documented history and data gathering from hundreds of thousands of recorded instances because you feel it proves something negative about you.

I am deconstructing a bullshit experiment that is predicated entirely on a presupposition, as well as an assumption that children will place the same value in hideous plastic dolls as they do in human beings.

If I presented you statistics about whites being much more racist than blacks......would you attempt to deconstruct that or accept it? I think there is a clear pattern with you all. You attempt to debunk everything that shows white racism or the impact of white racism.

The bottom line is that you cannot PROVE those statistics about blacks are true. It could be just racist propaganda and you accept it because you already believe negative about blacks, so any statistic showing blacks negatively you automatically accept. Now....I am not saying they data is true or not......I am saying that we just choose to believe that it is true....or not, because we can never verify.
You can't show me anything.

All you have are racist studies that were created with the sole purpose of dehumanizing white people and providing fresh white guilt material for sick teachers in primary learning facilities.

Until non-whites are actually analyzed(with the same standard as whites)for potential racist thoughts, your "statistics" are bullshit.

Whether I can show you or not remains to be seen. Right now I am asking you if you would accept the findings?
I would accept a study that actually analyzes whites and non-whites in a completely impartial manner to collect data and knowledge.

The problem is that no such study exists.

Every racial study in existence today has only analyzed whites...with the purpose of destroying the ability for white people to take pride in their ancestors and establish a collective identity.

Ahhhhh....you have already poisoned the well. There is NO STUDY that you will accept showing whites as racist.....but you will accept all comers, without question, that show blacks in a negative light relative to whites. You will not accept any study that shows whites being more racist......you will not even accept social experiments of how whites being favored like this:

I mean.....its easy to see why whites do better in America than blacks.....and its not do to black innate inferiority.

This is why I laugh at white people when they say Blacks are inferior. White people are crazy. :laugh:
If I presented you statistics about whites being much more racist than blacks......would you attempt to deconstruct that or accept it? I think there is a clear pattern with you all. You attempt to debunk everything that shows white racism or the impact of white racism.

The bottom line is that you cannot PROVE those statistics about blacks are true. It could be just racist propaganda and you accept it because you already believe negative about blacks, so any statistic showing blacks negatively you automatically accept. Now....I am not saying they data is true or not......I am saying that we just choose to believe that it is true....or not, because we can never verify.
You can't show me anything.

All you have are racist studies that were created with the sole purpose of dehumanizing white people and providing fresh white guilt material for sick teachers in primary learning facilities.

Until non-whites are actually analyzed(with the same standard as whites)for potential racist thoughts, your "statistics" are bullshit.

Whether I can show you or not remains to be seen. Right now I am asking you if you would accept the findings?
I would accept a study that actually analyzes whites and non-whites in a completely impartial manner to collect data and knowledge.

The problem is that no such study exists.

Every racial study in existence today has only analyzed whites...with the purpose of destroying the ability for white people to take pride in their ancestors and establish a collective identity.

Ahhhhh....you have already poisoned the well. There is NO STUDY that you will accept showing whites as racist.....but you will accept all comers, without question, that show blacks in a negative light relative to whites. You will not accept any study that shows whites being more racist......you will not even accept social experiments of how whites being favored like this:

I mean.....its easy to see why whites do better in America than blacks.....and its not do to black innate inferiority.

This is why I laugh at white people when they say Blacks are inferior. White people are crazy. :laugh:

Yes....but they will soon be the minority in the country. Soon minorities will control the narrative and not whites. Muuuuhhahahahahahahahaha....
Hispanics will be the majority and they don't much like black people, go figure. Meanwhile black women murder millions of black babies with abortion on demand.
The FBI says that whites commit more total; crime. .

What a dumbshit you are, trying to make whites out to be more criminally prone that the black race of thieves.

I don't have to make anything out, the facts show it. History as documented shows it. Your psychosis doesn't allow you to wake up every morning and look out at the nation whites stole.
Hispanics will be the majority and they don't much like black people, go figure. Meanwhile black women murder millions of black babies with abortion on demand.

Hispanics and blacks do just fine.
November: Children show implicit racial attitudes from a young age | News | University of Bristol

Another study (truth) about whites. I present these truths because people like to use statistics about blacks, so I am going to show studies about whites. Lets see how whites react to these TRUTHS. How will they try to discredit the findings and why don't they exert the effort to try and discredit statistics about blacks?

They spent a lot of time of money discovering something that most people already knew. Most kids, and likely most people will automatically associate more with people similar to them. Ever wonder why 6 year old boys play with boys while 6 year old girls play with other girls. The most interesting part of this “study”- they didn’t run the test to show black kids are also partial to black kids. I wonder why........NOT!
Nail on the head!
NO bias retard none nada zip I thought you read it? I guess your low IQ keeps you from comprehending the written word. Figures.
obviously you are retarded and cant read. I even quoted it.

Children show implicit racial bias from a young age, research finds: New research sheds light on how racial prejudice develops

"In three separate studies with over 350 five- to 12-year-old white children, researchers found that children show an implicit pro-white bias when exposed to images of both white and black children. But the type of bias depended on what children were asked to do. The goal of the research was to gain a better understanding of children's automatic racial attitudes."

Too bad they didn't bother doing a study on black kids as well because you'd probably see the same results.
They didnt but that doesnt change the fact you claimed there was no bias when it was clearly stated there was.

I didn't say that. Seems pretty obvious to me that kids would be predisposed to people that look like their mothers. I bet you if you did a study of white kids adopted by black parents you'd get opposite results.

How do you now there weren't any in this study? .You want to talk about what you think black kids would do but it is you white adults here practicing racism thats the problem.
Comprehension problems?

I mean.....its easy to see why whites do better in America than blacks.....and its not do to black innate inferiority.

You dumb, racist ape, AKIP, there's a big difference between nerd, with his arms folded, with a rifle strapped to his back vs. someone dressed as a gang banger in a bad neighborhood, carrying the rifle on his side. Even if race were a factor, which this video doesn't prove, so fking what. Blacks are far more prone to crime and therefor only a fool or someone oppressed by the government wouldn't exorcise more caution around blacks.

On the bike video, the ape is dressed more like a thug than the white guy and makes very clear the bike isn't his. The white boy equivocated on ownership. And, dumbshit, what's the odds of a hot girl stealing a crappy bike vs.a black teen boy? You libtards demonize people for being reasonable.

You dumb, racist savage, AKIP, the producers of these videos obviously tried to provoke different reactions for the blacks. Which really makes me wonder how much they didn't show, like the white people telling the girl to leave the bike alone.

We can't get rid of racism until people like you all change or die.

I mean.....its easy to see why whites do better in America than blacks.....and its not do to black innate inferiority.

You dumb, racist ape, AKIP, there's a big difference between nerd, with his arms folded, with a rifle strapped to his back vs. someone dressed as a gang banger in a bad neighborhood, carrying the rifle on his side. Even if race were a factor, which this video doesn't prove, so fking what. Blacks are far more prone to crime and therefor only a fool or someone oppressed by the government wouldn't exorcise more caution around blacks.

On the bike video, the ape is dressed more like a thug than the white guy and makes very clear the bike isn't his. The white boy equivocated on ownership. And, dumbshit, what's the odds of a hot girl stealing a crappy bike vs.a black teen boy? You libtards demonize people for being reasonable.

You dumb, racist savage, AKIP, the producers of these videos obviously tried to provoke different reactions for the blacks. Which really makes me wonder how much they didn't show, like the white people telling the girl to leave the bike alone.

We can't get rid of racism until people like you all change or die.

You shouldnt call people apes when you are the one that smells like one and you even attract hair lice like a monkey.
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obviously you are retarded and cant read. I even quoted it.

Children show implicit racial bias from a young age, research finds: New research sheds light on how racial prejudice develops

"In three separate studies with over 350 five- to 12-year-old white children, researchers found that children show an implicit pro-white bias when exposed to images of both white and black children. But the type of bias depended on what children were asked to do. The goal of the research was to gain a better understanding of children's automatic racial attitudes."

Too bad they didn't bother doing a study on black kids as well because you'd probably see the same results.
They didnt but that doesnt change the fact you claimed there was no bias when it was clearly stated there was.

I didn't say that. Seems pretty obvious to me that kids would be predisposed to people that look like their mothers. I bet you if you did a study of white kids adopted by black parents you'd get opposite results.

How do you now there weren't any in this study? .You want to talk about what you think black kids would do but it is you white adults here practicing racism thats the problem.
Comprehension problems?

You certainly have them.
I am no more stupid than you. You choose to debunk the findings of the experiment and I chose to debunk the findings of statistics about blacks. PROVE to me those statistics showing blacks being worse than whites are true. Prove it.
You aren’t debunking anything.

You are simply doubting well-documented history and data gathering from hundreds of thousands of recorded instances because you feel it proves something negative about you.

I am deconstructing a bullshit experiment that is predicated entirely on a presupposition, as well as an assumption that children will place the same value in hideous plastic dolls as they do in human beings.

If I presented you statistics about whites being much more racist than blacks......would you attempt to deconstruct that or accept it? I think there is a clear pattern with you all. You attempt to debunk everything that shows white racism or the impact of white racism.

The bottom line is that you cannot PROVE those statistics about blacks are true. It could be just racist propaganda and you accept it because you already believe negative about blacks, so any statistic showing blacks negatively you automatically accept. Now....I am not saying they data is true or not......I am saying that we just choose to believe that it is true....or not, because we can never verify.
You can't show me anything.

All you have are racist studies that were created with the sole purpose of dehumanizing white people and providing fresh white guilt material for sick teachers in primary learning facilities.

Until non-whites are actually analyzed(with the same standard as whites)for potential racist thoughts, your "statistics" are bullshit.

Whether I can show you or not remains to be seen. Right now I am asking you if you would accept the findings?
I would accept a study that actually analyzes whites and non-whites in a completely impartial manner to collect data and knowledge.

The problem is that no such study exists.

Every racial study in existence today has only analyzed whites...with the purpose of destroying the ability for white people to take pride in their ancestors and establish a collective identity.

kind of like putting most the police in the black community huh? Maybe if we police all communities equally, we would see that criminality is as prevalent among whites as blacks.
Ahhhhhhhh....kind of like when you treat black people like criminals and think of them as thugs and savages....that they become that way? Does it work like that? I guess you all wished for that with black people huh?
I don't treat black people any differently than I do white people...I'm a Marine there is no white black or brown in the corps. only green....
I was in the army. rambunctious was in the marines....I'm sorry
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