White kids show racial bias at an early age.

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How do you now there weren't any in this study? .You want to talk about what you think black kids would do but it is you white adults here practicing racism thats the problem.

Academics from the University of Bristol and York University in Toronto measured the automatic attitudes of 359 white children aged five to 12-years-old by testing their preferences of unknown white and black children in photographs.

Yes we know that but you said that if you did a study where white kids were adopted by black parents you'd get the opposite result. Now I understand you want to always explain to us the perfection and greatness of whitey, but you don't know if there are any kids there who were adopted by black parents and while you desperately try turning this around, the truth is those kids were pointing at pictures, you white racist adults do more than that.

I can't make sense out of that gibberish you just typed but the fact that this study is so one sided tells me that it's all about promoting this stereotype of evil racist white people. Even little kids aren't safe. How much you wanna bet the people in charge of the damn thing were a bunch of Jews?

Are you illiterate? YOU are part of the racism son. You post up chapters of racist bullshit then you talk about promoting the evil white racist? Are you retarded? This is what I mean when I talk about psychosis.

I joke around with you guys when we argue about who built the pyramids and whatnot but I draw the line when people go around talking about the good old days of slavery and lynching so don't even try that shit. I don't hate black people, I'm just sick of being blamed for all their problems.

Whites will get blamed for that whites have done. .I'm going to talk about slavery and lynching And as long as you guys keep talking about the democratic party of slavery we can talk about slavery and lynching. Get it?
Until a study is done with black kids then Asian kids this study provides no context and has no meaning.

When you whites post stuff up about us you don't counter it with a white comparison. Most of the time you just blurt stuff out like you have Tourette's syndrome. So this study does have meaning.
Until a study is done with black kids then Asian kids this study provides no context and has no meaning.

When you whites post stuff up about us you don't counter it with a white comparison. Most of the time you just blurt stuff out like you have Tourette's syndrome. So this study does have meaning.
Actually RETARD we use the statistics from the FBI and they INCLUDE all the data on ALL races.
Until a study is done with black kids then Asian kids this study provides no context and has no meaning.

When you whites post stuff up about us you don't counter it with a white comparison. Most of the time you just blurt stuff out like you have Tourette's syndrome. So this study does have meaning.
Actually RETARD we use the statistics from the FBI and they INCLUDE all the data on ALL races.

The FBI says that whites commit more total; crime. .
Because they are.
Statistics about blacks are accurate, but studies about whites are inaccurate and debunked by a single white person noting that they treat all people the same.

Come on man.
We've all seen the videos and the news cuts.
When the gov stepped in and made it profitable to have one parent households blacks were screwed.
Why would blacks get screwed any more by a government policy than whites? We both live in the same country.

I can answer that- Because of the self appointed black leadership. The Jessie Jackson’s and Al Sharpton’s of the world. Those guy hold the black down by telling them whitey is screwing them, and owes them a government check. On the other hand, If the Colin Powell’s and Ben Carson’s of the world were the voice to young blacks they would have hope, dignity and self-respect.

No you actually can't answer that. And you didn't.

Get under your blanky, the truth is scary, so keep denying it.
November: Children show implicit racial attitudes from a young age | News | University of Bristol

Another study (truth) about whites. I present these truths because people like to use statistics about blacks, so I am going to show studies about whites. Lets see how whites react to these TRUTHS. How will they try to discredit the findings and why don't they exert the effort to try and discredit statistics about blacks?
Racist study is racist.

No studies of non-white children = illegitimate study.
Now the racist wants to post about racism being in our dna :lol:

It fits nicely with their idea that if you are white ... You are racist even if you don't know it.
Even if you don't have racist thoughts, do racist things and know you are not racist ... Subconsciously, you're still racist.

Ahhhhhhhh....kind of like when you treat black people like criminals and think of them as thugs and savages....that they become that way? Does it work like that? I guess you all wished for that with black people huh?
I don't treat black people any differently than I do white people...I'm a Marine there is no white black or brown in the corps. only green....
Keep calling white people racist and soon it will no longer sting...you want to see a racist white America? be careful what you wish for...

There are other opinions:

The US Military Justice System Has A Race Problem

Everyone and every place and every institution has a race problem according only to race baiters like in your link... Most of us see it differently...At least those of us without a chip on our shoulder...
Why didn't they also test black kids?
They never do.

The people who create these “studies” are racist towards whites and should have their licenses revoked.

it really is time for you to go to school, little know nothing boy.
Thanks for confirming how low your IQ officially is.

Obviously you could go to school for your entire lifetime and you would still be nothing but a reactionary dumbass who doesn’t possess the intelligence to even question a completely illegitimate study.
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Why didn't they also test black kids?
They never do.

The people who create these “studies” are racist towards whites and should have their licenses revoked.

it really is time for you to go to school, little know nothing boy.
So you think a study that ONLY tested white kids proves anything? It is invalid as a predictor unless they do one with black kids and Asian kids.
She is too stupid to understand what you are saying.
Why didn't they also test black kids?
They never do.

The people who create these “studies” are racist towards whites and should have their licenses revoked.

it really is time for you to go to school, little know nothing boy.
So you think a study that ONLY tested white kids proves anything? It is invalid as a predictor unless they do one with black kids and Asian kids.
Yes. It proves white kids have a bias. If they wanted to test all kids they would have done that.
Why didn't they also test black kids?
They never do.

The people who create these “studies” are racist towards whites and should have their licenses revoked.

it really is time for you to go to school, little know nothing boy.
So you think a study that ONLY tested white kids proves anything? It is invalid as a predictor unless they do one with black kids and Asian kids.
Yes. It proves white kids have a bias. If they wanted to test all kids they would have done that.
And I am telling you it proves nothing unless they do a study with black then Asian kids if they find the same results then it is just Human nature you dumb ass. Without the other two groups being studied this study is useless.
Why didn't they also test black kids?
They never do.

The people who create these “studies” are racist towards whites and should have their licenses revoked.

it really is time for you to go to school, little know nothing boy.
So you think a study that ONLY tested white kids proves anything? It is invalid as a predictor unless they do one with black kids and Asian kids.
Yes. It proves white kids have a bias. If they wanted to test all kids they would have done that.
There you have it. You are touting a racist study. Go away.
Why didn't they also test black kids?
They never do.

The people who create these “studies” are racist towards whites and should have their licenses revoked.

it really is time for you to go to school, little know nothing boy.
So you think a study that ONLY tested white kids proves anything? It is invalid as a predictor unless they do one with black kids and Asian kids.
Yes. It proves white kids have a bias. If they wanted to test all kids they would have done that.
And I am telling you it proves nothing unless they do a study with black then Asian kids if they find the same results then it is just Human nature you dumb ass. Without the other two groups being studied this study is useless.

It runs much deeper than you this. Although the following is not a study....it is a social experiment on youth. The damage of living under the doctrine of white supremacy runs deep. Exhibit 1,000,001

The problem is that many whites will not accept the findings, regardless of how scholarly, that reflects badly upon whites. Yet, they accept without question negative statistics about blacks. I mean.....I certainly could question that 70% of black births in America are to single women. There are 42 million blacks in the this country. There is no way in hell that I can personally bear witness to the behavior of all the black mothers giving birth to know what there situation is. It is even less likely that a white person on this forum can do better than me in that regards. We have no way of KNOWING, but rather, we just accept that the information we are getting is true. However, many whites will attempt to discredit any study that shows them in a bad light.
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