Debate Now White Privilege and an Institution of Racism

Re racism, check all that you believe to be mostly true:

  • 1. Persistent racism makes it necessary for black people to be a protected class.

  • 2. Affirmative action and government programs to help black people are necessary to correct past wr

  • 3. Politically correct language used by white people is necessary for e well being of black peopl

  • 4. Black people are unable to achieve equality without government anti-racism programs.

  • 5. Constant focus on racism works to keep racism alive and well.

  • 6. Allowing a color blind society is the best way to make racism a non issue.

  • 7. The war against racism as an institution has been won and we need to stop fighting it.

Results are only viewable after voting.

In my field the data is overwhelming for both Communities and Individuals. You must take responsibility for problems in your life and your community. Focusing on bad things mommy and daddy might have done 30 years ago gets you nowhere. Those past actions cannot be changed.

All you can do is take responsibility now, improve your coping skills, and move forward in a positive direction.

As for the black can only heal itself....if it wants too. The great white father cannot swoop in and tell blacks folks how to clean up their problems.

Both sides need to take responsibility....but only blacks can fix issues in their community.

Control is also key. If blacks are told and believe there will never be the possibility of improving their lot in life....either individually or their community....they're screwed. Those that perpetrate that message are evil imho. It helps no one.

Nobody is telling black ( people, citizens, Americans ) anything of the sort. And....if someone were, they wouldn't be listening.

The message that America is a deeply racist and unfair society is extremely disempowering and negative. It helps no one, and it is false.

The message that there are still racists in this nation and that legal segregation exists and serves as a barrier to socio-economic advancement for black Americans is a fact. Knowing facts is empowering and leads to positive results.

Legal segregation still exists?

Link please?

Segregation Now The Resegregation of America s Schools - ProPublica

Separate and unequal Racial segregation flourishes in US suburbs Al Jazeera America

What Does Segregation Look Like Today

In my field the data is overwhelming for both Communities and Individuals. You must take responsibility for problems in your life and your community. Focusing on bad things mommy and daddy might have done 30 years ago gets you nowhere. Those past actions cannot be changed.

All you can do is take responsibility now, improve your coping skills, and move forward in a positive direction.

As for the black can only heal itself....if it wants too. The great white father cannot swoop in and tell blacks folks how to clean up their problems.

Both sides need to take responsibility....but only blacks can fix issues in their community.

Control is also key. If blacks are told and believe there will never be the possibility of improving their lot in life....either individually or their community....they're screwed. Those that perpetrate that message are evil imho. It helps no one.

Nobody is telling black ( people, citizens, Americans ) anything of the sort. And....if someone were, they wouldn't be listening.

The message that America is a deeply racist and unfair society is extremely disempowering and negative. It helps no one, and it is false.

The message that there are still racists in this nation and that legal segregation exists and serves as a barrier to socio-economic advancement for black Americans is a fact. Knowing facts is empowering and leads to positive results.

Legal segregation still exists?

Link please?

Segregation Now The Resegregation of America s Schools - ProPublica

Separate and unequal Racial segregation flourishes in US suburbs Al Jazeera America

What Does Segregation Look Like Today

And what will we see when we open those links LL? Please see Rule #3 in the OP for this discussion.

Will we see concentration of people in areas as a result of socioeconomic circumstances or choice--this of course is not actual segegation whether or not some call it that? Or will we see segregation as a result of the law requiring it; i.e. legal segregation?
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In my field the data is overwhelming for both Communities and Individuals. You must take responsibility for problems in your life and your community. Focusing on bad things mommy and daddy might have done 30 years ago gets you nowhere. Those past actions cannot be changed.

All you can do is take responsibility now, improve your coping skills, and move forward in a positive direction.

As for the black can only heal itself....if it wants too. The great white father cannot swoop in and tell blacks folks how to clean up their problems.

Both sides need to take responsibility....but only blacks can fix issues in their community.

Control is also key. If blacks are told and believe there will never be the possibility of improving their lot in life....either individually or their community....they're screwed. Those that perpetrate that message are evil imho. It helps no one.

Nobody is telling black ( people, citizens, Americans ) anything of the sort. And....if someone were, they wouldn't be listening.

The message that America is a deeply racist and unfair society is extremely disempowering and negative. It helps no one, and it is false.

The message that there are still racists in this nation and that legal segregation exists and serves as a barrier to socio-economic advancement for black Americans is a fact. Knowing facts is empowering and leads to positive results.

Legal segregation still exists?

Link please?

Segregation Now The Resegregation of America s Schools - ProPublica

Separate and unequal Racial segregation flourishes in US suburbs Al Jazeera America

What Does Segregation Look Like Today

Thanks for the links. Per the articles there is no allegation I can find of "legal segregation" (i.e. Jim Crows laws).

A key quote.

"He found that, despite a decline in racial segregation and improvements in incomes marked by the rise of the black middle class, blacks and Hispanics continue to live in the least desirable neighborhoods — even when they can afford better — and their children attend the lowest-performing schools."

It sounds like straight up racial preference on the part of minorities to live in close proximity to people of their own race. To whit: "blacks and Hispanics continue to live in the least desirable neighborhoods — even when they can afford better."

Should we deny minorities the right to live where they choose and among people they choose to interact with? How is their preference "legal segregation?"
Nobody is telling black ( people, citizens, Americans ) anything of the sort. And....if someone were, they wouldn't be listening.

The message that America is a deeply racist and unfair society is extremely disempowering and negative. It helps no one, and it is false.

The message that there are still racists in this nation and that legal segregation exists and serves as a barrier to socio-economic advancement for black Americans is a fact. Knowing facts is empowering and leads to positive results.

Legal segregation still exists?

Link please?

Segregation Now The Resegregation of America s Schools - ProPublica

Separate and unequal Racial segregation flourishes in US suburbs Al Jazeera America

What Does Segregation Look Like Today

And what will we see when we open those links LL? Please see Rule #3 in the OP for this discussion.

He asked for links. I gave him links. I told you already that I'm too busy to post more than a few words at a time. It is what it is.

In my field the data is overwhelming for both Communities and Individuals. You must take responsibility for problems in your life and your community. Focusing on bad things mommy and daddy might have done 30 years ago gets you nowhere. Those past actions cannot be changed.

All you can do is take responsibility now, improve your coping skills, and move forward in a positive direction.

As for the black can only heal itself....if it wants too. The great white father cannot swoop in and tell blacks folks how to clean up their problems.

Both sides need to take responsibility....but only blacks can fix issues in their community.

Control is also key. If blacks are told and believe there will never be the possibility of improving their lot in life....either individually or their community....they're screwed. Those that perpetrate that message are evil imho. It helps no one.

Nobody is telling black ( people, citizens, Americans ) anything of the sort. And....if someone were, they wouldn't be listening.

The message that America is a deeply racist and unfair society is extremely disempowering and negative. It helps no one, and it is false.

The message that there are still racists in this nation and that legal segregation exists and serves as a barrier to socio-economic advancement for black Americans is a fact. Knowing facts is empowering and leads to positive results.

Legal segregation still exists?

Link please?

Segregation Now The Resegregation of America s Schools - ProPublica

Separate and unequal Racial segregation flourishes in US suburbs Al Jazeera America

What Does Segregation Look Like Today

There is a difference between legal segregation, and de facto economic segregation. I don't think anyone can trust any more of your posts.

Unless you QUOTE, from one of those sources a law that states the legalization or the code that enforces segregation, you have made a false statement about "legalized segregation."
The message that America is a deeply racist and unfair society is extremely disempowering and negative. It helps no one, and it is false.

The message that there are still racists in this nation and that legal segregation exists and serves as a barrier to socio-economic advancement for black Americans is a fact. Knowing facts is empowering and leads to positive results.

Legal segregation still exists?

Link please?

Segregation Now The Resegregation of America s Schools - ProPublica

Separate and unequal Racial segregation flourishes in US suburbs Al Jazeera America

What Does Segregation Look Like Today

And what will we see when we open those links LL? Please see Rule #3 in the OP for this discussion.

He asked for links. I gave him links. I told you already that I'm too busy to post more than a few words at a time. It is what it is.

Personally, I appreciate the links. But there is zero evidence of "legal segregation." Unless you feel minorities desire to self-segregate is wrong or should somehow be made illegal?
Nobody is telling black ( people, citizens, Americans ) anything of the sort. And....if someone were, they wouldn't be listening.

The message that America is a deeply racist and unfair society is extremely disempowering and negative. It helps no one, and it is false.

The message that there are still racists in this nation and that legal segregation exists and serves as a barrier to socio-economic advancement for black Americans is a fact. Knowing facts is empowering and leads to positive results.

Legal segregation still exists?

Link please?

Segregation Now The Resegregation of America s Schools - ProPublica

Separate and unequal Racial segregation flourishes in US suburbs Al Jazeera America

What Does Segregation Look Like Today

Thanks for the links. Per the articles there is no allegation I can find of "legal segregation" (i.e. Jim Crows laws).

A key quote.

"He found that, despite a decline in racial segregation and improvements in incomes marked by the rise of the black middle class, blacks and Hispanics continue to live in the least desirable neighborhoods — even when they can afford better — and their children attend the lowest-performing schools."

It sounds like straight up racial preference on the part of minorities to live in close proximity to people of their own race. To whit: "blacks and Hispanics continue to live in the least desirable neighborhoods — even when they can afford better."

Should we deny minorities the right to live where they choose and among people they choose to interact with? How is their preference "legal segregation?"

Legal in the sense that it isn't illegal. Why are you trying to play with words? This nation is segregated. That is the primary reason there is still racial strife and why it is a benefit to be born white.

Until we are ACTUALLY integrated.......this issue will remain.

It isn't a desire to self segregate. It is a recognition that the barriers to integration are still too lofty.
The message that America is a deeply racist and unfair society is extremely disempowering and negative. It helps no one, and it is false.

The message that there are still racists in this nation and that legal segregation exists and serves as a barrier to socio-economic advancement for black Americans is a fact. Knowing facts is empowering and leads to positive results.

Legal segregation still exists?

Link please?

Segregation Now The Resegregation of America s Schools - ProPublica

Separate and unequal Racial segregation flourishes in US suburbs Al Jazeera America

What Does Segregation Look Like Today

And what will we see when we open those links LL? Please see Rule #3 in the OP for this discussion.

He asked for links. I gave him links. I told you already that I'm too busy to post more than a few words at a time. It is what it is.

So you are now admitting to purposely deceiving the board to advance your agenda?

That's akin to surrendering the debate.
The message that America is a deeply racist and unfair society is extremely disempowering and negative. It helps no one, and it is false.

The message that there are still racists in this nation and that legal segregation exists and serves as a barrier to socio-economic advancement for black Americans is a fact. Knowing facts is empowering and leads to positive results.

Legal segregation still exists?

Link please?

Segregation Now The Resegregation of America s Schools - ProPublica

Separate and unequal Racial segregation flourishes in US suburbs Al Jazeera America

What Does Segregation Look Like Today

Thanks for the links. Per the articles there is no allegation I can find of "legal segregation" (i.e. Jim Crows laws).

A key quote.

"He found that, despite a decline in racial segregation and improvements in incomes marked by the rise of the black middle class, blacks and Hispanics continue to live in the least desirable neighborhoods — even when they can afford better — and their children attend the lowest-performing schools."

It sounds like straight up racial preference on the part of minorities to live in close proximity to people of their own race. To whit: "blacks and Hispanics continue to live in the least desirable neighborhoods — even when they can afford better."

Should we deny minorities the right to live where they choose and among people they choose to interact with? How is their preference "legal segregation?"

Legal in the sense that it isn't illegal. Why are you trying to play with words? This nation is segregated. That is the primary reason there is still racial strife and why it is a benefit to be born white.

Until we are ACTUALLY integrated.......this issue will remain.

It isn't a desire to self segregate. It is a recognition that the barriers to integration are still too lofty. I have said....the data is clear. All races self-segregate to some degree. But this is not illegal.
Nobody is telling black ( people, citizens, Americans ) anything of the sort. And....if someone were, they wouldn't be listening.

The message that America is a deeply racist and unfair society is extremely disempowering and negative. It helps no one, and it is false.

The message that there are still racists in this nation and that legal segregation exists and serves as a barrier to socio-economic advancement for black Americans is a fact. Knowing facts is empowering and leads to positive results.

Legal segregation still exists?

Link please?

Segregation Now The Resegregation of America s Schools - ProPublica

Separate and unequal Racial segregation flourishes in US suburbs Al Jazeera America

What Does Segregation Look Like Today

Thanks for the links. Per the articles there is no allegation I can find of "legal segregation" (i.e. Jim Crows laws).

A key quote.

"He found that, despite a decline in racial segregation and improvements in incomes marked by the rise of the black middle class, blacks and Hispanics continue to live in the least desirable neighborhoods — even when they can afford better — and their children attend the lowest-performing schools."

It sounds like straight up racial preference on the part of minorities to live in close proximity to people of their own race. To whit: "blacks and Hispanics continue to live in the least desirable neighborhoods — even when they can afford better."

Should we deny minorities the right to live where they choose and among people they choose to interact with? How is their preference "legal segregation?"

For sure. At least that is one thing the 'left' finally conceded after doing irreparable damage to thousands of kids. Forced bussing to achieve racial balance didn't really help the kids and created all kinds of disadvantages for them.
I don't think "focus" (whatever we might mean by that term) on white privilege and/or racism either helps or hurts black people, no.

But I do think knowing our history -- which is the context of the world in which we live -- helps everybody equally. You can't know where you're going if you don't know how you got where you are now.
Just remember that history means history. Acting like it's going on today ignores the truth. Blacks were better off when they weren't constantly being reminded how everything bad that happens to them is because of race. Repeat this lie often enough and it becomes a self-fullfilling reality when it's nothing but pure fantasy, and builds an overly sensitive nature that is counterproductive. In other words, they learn to see racism when it doesn't exist.
Since the 1960's, there has been a lot of effort in predominately black schools to build self esteem in black children. As a part of that effort, children were taught that black poverty and crime was not the result of blacks being lazy or incapable of learning but rather the racist attitudes that created those false stereotypes. Although I believe improving self esteem was very important, blaming racism can certainly become a crutch.
Nobody is telling black ( people, citizens, Americans ) anything of the sort. And....if someone were, they wouldn't be listening.

The message that America is a deeply racist and unfair society is extremely disempowering and negative. It helps no one, and it is false.

The message that there are still racists in this nation and that legal segregation exists and serves as a barrier to socio-economic advancement for black Americans is a fact. Knowing facts is empowering and leads to positive results.

Legal segregation still exists?

Link please?

Segregation Now The Resegregation of America s Schools - ProPublica

Separate and unequal Racial segregation flourishes in US suburbs Al Jazeera America

What Does Segregation Look Like Today

There is a difference between legal segregation, and de facto economic segregation. I don't think anyone can trust any more of your posts.

Unless you QUOTE, from one of those sources a law that states the legalization or the code that enforces segregation, you have made a false statement about "legalized segregation."

I never spoke of a law. I spoke of segregation that exists,...and is legal. The Supreme Court has ruled time after time allowing segregation when it comes to education. I refer you to the works of Eric Segall of GSU. He's written extensively on the subject.

Eric J. Segall - College of Law
The message that there are still racists in this nation and that legal segregation exists and serves as a barrier to socio-economic advancement for black Americans is a fact. Knowing facts is empowering and leads to positive results.

Legal segregation still exists?

Link please?

Segregation Now The Resegregation of America s Schools - ProPublica

Separate and unequal Racial segregation flourishes in US suburbs Al Jazeera America

What Does Segregation Look Like Today

And what will we see when we open those links LL? Please see Rule #3 in the OP for this discussion.

He asked for links. I gave him links. I told you already that I'm too busy to post more than a few words at a time. It is what it is.

So you are now admitting to purposely deceiving the board to advance your agenda?

That's akin to surrendering the debate.

We can legitimately judge a post to be a surrender. But we can't accuse the member of purposely deceiving somebody.
The message that America is a deeply racist and unfair society is extremely disempowering and negative. It helps no one, and it is false.

The message that there are still racists in this nation and that legal segregation exists and serves as a barrier to socio-economic advancement for black Americans is a fact. Knowing facts is empowering and leads to positive results.

Legal segregation still exists?

Link please?

Segregation Now The Resegregation of America s Schools - ProPublica

Separate and unequal Racial segregation flourishes in US suburbs Al Jazeera America

What Does Segregation Look Like Today

Thanks for the links. Per the articles there is no allegation I can find of "legal segregation" (i.e. Jim Crows laws).

A key quote.

"He found that, despite a decline in racial segregation and improvements in incomes marked by the rise of the black middle class, blacks and Hispanics continue to live in the least desirable neighborhoods — even when they can afford better — and their children attend the lowest-performing schools."

It sounds like straight up racial preference on the part of minorities to live in close proximity to people of their own race. To whit: "blacks and Hispanics continue to live in the least desirable neighborhoods — even when they can afford better."

Should we deny minorities the right to live where they choose and among people they choose to interact with? How is their preference "legal segregation?"

Legal in the sense that it isn't illegal. Why are you trying to play with words? This nation is segregated. That is the primary reason there is still racial strife and why it is a benefit to be born white.

Until we are ACTUALLY integrated.......this issue will remain.

It isn't a desire to self segregate. It is a recognition that the barriers to integration are still too lofty.

When I was at college, all of the minorities CHOOSE to sit with each other in the dining halls.

I guess our college was segregated. Is it your contention the security guards should have broken up their friendships and dispersed them among the white students to force integration? Seriously?

Do you think the government should make it illegal for black people to associate with other black people, and the government should go into all the various China Towns and break them up? Really? Because those voluntary associations aren't "illegal," so that makes this segregation. . . . well.. . . legal?

Yeah, that's called voluntary association. Any poor black person that wants to can move into a white trailer park.
The message that America is a deeply racist and unfair society is extremely disempowering and negative. It helps no one, and it is false.

The message that there are still racists in this nation and that legal segregation exists and serves as a barrier to socio-economic advancement for black Americans is a fact. Knowing facts is empowering and leads to positive results.

Legal segregation still exists?

Link please?

Segregation Now The Resegregation of America s Schools - ProPublica

Separate and unequal Racial segregation flourishes in US suburbs Al Jazeera America

What Does Segregation Look Like Today

There is a difference between legal segregation, and de facto economic segregation. I don't think anyone can trust any more of your posts.

Unless you QUOTE, from one of those sources a law that states the legalization or the code that enforces segregation, you have made a false statement about "legalized segregation."

I never spoke of a law. I spoke of segregation that exists,...and is legal. The Supreme Court has ruled time after time allowing segregation when it comes to education. I refer you to the works of Eric Segall of GSU. He's written extensively on the subject.

Eric J. Segall - College of Law

I will concede that segregation as formally defined can include a voluntary aspect and that voluntary aspect is indeed legal. As it should be.

Most of us when we speak of Segregation though, are thinking of Segregation mandated and enforced by law. I don't believe that exists anywhere in the USA at this time. Nor is it legal for anybody to demand that any group, entity or whatever must be segregated except in cases of gender in certain circumstances.
Last edited:

He asked for links. I gave him links. I told you already that I'm too busy to post more than a few words at a time. It is what it is.

So you are now admitting to purposely deceiving the board to advance your agenda?

That's akin to surrendering the debate.

We can legitimately judge a post to be a surrender. But we can't accuse the member of purposely deceiving somebody.

He just said, in his view, anything that the government doesn't make illegal, it deems legal. So if people voluntarily segregate themselves, and the government hasn't made this illegal, than the government has deemed that legal.



Until he does, I stand by my statement, he has deceived the board by the statement, "legal segregation." The state does not condone segregation.
I don't think "focus" (whatever we might mean by that term) on white privilege and/or racism either helps or hurts black people, no.

But I do think knowing our history -- which is the context of the world in which we live -- helps everybody equally. You can't know where you're going if you don't know how you got where you are now.
Just remember that history means history. Acting like it's going on today ignores the truth. Blacks were better off when they weren't constantly being reminded how everything bad that happens to them is because of race. Repeat this lie often enough and it becomes a self-fullfilling reality when it's nothing but pure fantasy, and builds an overly sensitive nature that is counterproductive. In other words, they learn to see racism when it doesn't exist.
Since the 1960's, there has been a lot of effort in predominately black schools to build self esteem in black children. As a part of that effort, children were taught that black poverty and crime was not the result of blacks being lazy or incapable of learning but rather the racist attitudes that created those false stereotypes. Although I believe improving self esteem was very important, blaming racism can certainly become a crutch.

Yes. Many people can look to their past as an excuse for who and what they are today. Some kids of all the racial/ethnic groups grow up in significantly poorer circumstances than their peers. Kids with negligent, abusive, drunken, drugged out, or other irresponsible or destructive parenting are going to have some strikes against them no matter what color they are. But all still have a choice. They can use their disadvantages as kids as a crutch and excuse for who and what they are as adults.

Or they can choose to do what they have to do in order to be better than their parents or circumstances were and make choices to be who and what they want to be.

When we tell black kids that they have no chance and they're screwed because of their history or their circumstances, we are almost insisting that they don't see what choices they have. When we tell white kids that black kids are screwed because of what white people have done to them, those white kids are far more likely to reinforce that concept in the black kids. It is a vicious cycle spanning generations now.

And we need to stop it.

He asked for links. I gave him links. I told you already that I'm too busy to post more than a few words at a time. It is what it is.

So you are now admitting to purposely deceiving the board to advance your agenda?

That's akin to surrendering the debate.

We can legitimately judge a post to be a surrender. But we can't accuse the member of purposely deceiving somebody.

He just said, in his view, anything that the government doesn't make illegal, it deems legal. So if people voluntarily segregate themselves, and the government hasn't made this illegal, than the government has deemed that legal.



Until he does, I stand by my statement, he has deceived the board by the statement, "legal segregation." The state does not condone segregation.

Just argue against his argument or statement. And leave opinion about him personally out of it. And you're good to go.
The message that there are still racists in this nation and that legal segregation exists and serves as a barrier to socio-economic advancement for black Americans is a fact. Knowing facts is empowering and leads to positive results.

Legal segregation still exists?

Link please?

Segregation Now The Resegregation of America s Schools - ProPublica

Separate and unequal Racial segregation flourishes in US suburbs Al Jazeera America

What Does Segregation Look Like Today

Thanks for the links. Per the articles there is no allegation I can find of "legal segregation" (i.e. Jim Crows laws).

A key quote.

"He found that, despite a decline in racial segregation and improvements in incomes marked by the rise of the black middle class, blacks and Hispanics continue to live in the least desirable neighborhoods — even when they can afford better — and their children attend the lowest-performing schools."

It sounds like straight up racial preference on the part of minorities to live in close proximity to people of their own race. To whit: "blacks and Hispanics continue to live in the least desirable neighborhoods — even when they can afford better."

Should we deny minorities the right to live where they choose and among people they choose to interact with? How is their preference "legal segregation?"

Legal in the sense that it isn't illegal. Why are you trying to play with words? This nation is segregated. That is the primary reason there is still racial strife and why it is a benefit to be born white.

Until we are ACTUALLY integrated.......this issue will remain.

It isn't a desire to self segregate. It is a recognition that the barriers to integration are still too lofty.

When I was at college, all of the minorities CHOOSE to sit with each other in the dining halls.

I guess our college was segregated. Is it your contention the security guards should have broken up their friendships and dispersed them among the white students to force integration? Seriously?

Do you think the government should make it illegal for black people to associate with other black people, and the government should go into all the various China Towns and break them up? Really? Because those voluntary associations aren't "illegal," so that makes this segregation. . . . well.. . . legal?

Yeah, that's called voluntary association. Any poor black person that wants to can move into a white trailer park.
There's a good book that addresses this issue called, "Why Are All Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria"

"Walk into any racially mixed high school and you will see black youth seated together in the cafeteria. Of course, it's not just the black kids sitting together-the white, Latino, Asian Pacific, and, in some regions, American Indian youth are clustered in their own groups, too. The same phenomenon can be observed in college dining halls, faculty lounges, and corporate cafeterias. What is going on here? Is this self-segregation a problem we should try to fix, or a coping strategy we should support? How can we get past our reluctance to talk about racial issues to even discuss it? And what about all the other questions we and our children have about race? Beverly Daniel Tatum, a renowned authority on the psychology of racism, asserts that we do not know how to talk about our racial differences: Whites are afraid of using the wrong words and being perceived as "racist" while parents of color are afraid of exposing their children to painful racial realities too soon."

Thanks for the links. Per the articles there is no allegation I can find of "legal segregation" (i.e. Jim Crows laws).

A key quote.

"He found that, despite a decline in racial segregation and improvements in incomes marked by the rise of the black middle class, blacks and Hispanics continue to live in the least desirable neighborhoods — even when they can afford better — and their children attend the lowest-performing schools."

It sounds like straight up racial preference on the part of minorities to live in close proximity to people of their own race. To whit: "blacks and Hispanics continue to live in the least desirable neighborhoods — even when they can afford better."

Should we deny minorities the right to live where they choose and among people they choose to interact with? How is their preference "legal segregation?"

Legal in the sense that it isn't illegal. Why are you trying to play with words? This nation is segregated. That is the primary reason there is still racial strife and why it is a benefit to be born white.

Until we are ACTUALLY integrated.......this issue will remain.

It isn't a desire to self segregate. It is a recognition that the barriers to integration are still too lofty.

When I was at college, all of the minorities CHOOSE to sit with each other in the dining halls.

I guess our college was segregated. Is it your contention the security guards should have broken up their friendships and dispersed them among the white students to force integration? Seriously?

Do you think the government should make it illegal for black people to associate with other black people, and the government should go into all the various China Towns and break them up? Really? Because those voluntary associations aren't "illegal," so that makes this segregation. . . . well.. . . legal?

Yeah, that's called voluntary association. Any poor black person that wants to can move into a white trailer park.
There's a good book that addresses this issue called, "Why Are All Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria"

"Walk into any racially mixed high school and you will see black youth seated together in the cafeteria. Of course, it's not just the black kids sitting together-the white, Latino, Asian Pacific, and, in some regions, American Indian youth are clustered in their own groups, too. The same phenomenon can be observed in college dining halls, faculty lounges, and corporate cafeterias. What is going on here? Is this self-segregation a problem we should try to fix, or a coping strategy we should support? How can we get past our reluctance to talk about racial issues to even discuss it? And what about all the other questions we and our children have about race? Beverly Daniel Tatum, a renowned authority on the psychology of racism, asserts that we do not know how to talk about our racial differences: Whites are afraid of using the wrong words and being perceived as "racist" while parents of color are afraid of exposing their children to painful racial realities too soon."

Your observations have really added a lot to this thread. Thanks. :)

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