Zone1 "White privilege" does not exist, it is a lie.

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Your upbringing has everything to do with the color of your skin. Doors were open and opportunities given based on it. You never had to experience denied opportunities due to skin color.

Yet you whine about not having 100% of everything.
Bullshit. Every white has lost opportunities because of preferential treatment for minorities. Doors were closed to us soley because of our skin color.
It's the same "privilege" Asian families and Jewish families have. It's all how parents raise their children


On the whole when decent people raise decent children those children will grow up to be successful in life because they learn to be responsible, smart, have values, speak English well, have standards, work and learn to increase their value and thus increase their pay.

That's why on the whole white people succeed more because on the whole they had parents that raised them to be better. The people who raised me were middle america people grew up in the 50s when a man was a man, when women were women, when you worked hard and did what was right, and kids were raised to be tough and strong.
Evidence that White privledge still exists: All the hatred we see against Affirmative Action, Critical Race Theory, DEI, and anything else that may help Blacks and other POC.

Where is this evidence at you speak of? Please show me.

Oh, and when I say evidence I mean real evidence. Don't show me evidence where the people who are against it are against it because it's unfair. Like me for instance, I don't like critical race theory and forced diversity because it isn't fair to say you want to be equal, but also demand special treatment and attention because that isn't equal at all. It isn't equal or fair to put whites at a disadvantage in order to prop up people who didn't earn anything.

The people you speak of are against those things because of people like you that blindly push for it and tell others they are racist because they want actual real equality.

You're the reason racism exists, because you push false narratives without actually knowing what you're saying. You just repeat phrases you heard other people say.
I'll be clear. This isn't me saying every single white person or every single black person. This is all about generalization and the average white or black person.

There is no such thing as white privilege. It is a myth, a lie, it's fake, it does not exist.

You know what so called "white privilege" really is? It's white people raising good people, it's white people being better parents. That's all it is.

You know why white people will get the job, get the loan, get a new car, live in a nice area, have people treat them better? I'll explain.

Because on the whole white parents get their kids swimming lessons, they let them play sports, they help them with homework and make sure it's done, they take them to band practice, they make them earn an allowance, they teach them doing chores is part of helping out, dads play ball, dads teach them how to fix things, they encourage them when they do good and make them understand when they do something wrong, they teach them manners, teach them to be polite, to be honest, to work hard, how to take care of the things you own, how to control their emotions, be responsible , be smart, have a strong will and so on.

So when the white kid from that family grows up and goes to get a job he will look them in the eye, speak clearly, have a good vocabulary, stand up straight, shake their hand, and thank them for their time. When they apply for a mortgage they have good employment history they have built up over time, they look and sound professional and so on.

There is no privilege to it. It's white people raising their kids the way their parents raised them and so on. It's good training is all it is, it's good preparation for life, it's parents helping their children mature and grow.

There are millions and millions of broke, dumb, poorly mannered white people in America because they came from a family that perpetuates that so their kids continue it on. They have no white privilege at all and just as bad off as a lot of these called disadvantaged blacks.

Thomas sowell is a well mannered, intelligent, well spoken black guy with a successful son. His son was successful because his family helped him become that way.

So the idea of white privilege is really only, the privilege of being raised by a good mother and father and being taught good morals, values and standards. It has nothing to do with skin color it has to do with decent people raising their children to be decent.

I am white and I am privileged. I am privileged that I grew up with my grandmother who was loving, sweet, hard working and a smart country woman that wanted me to be a good man. And I am privileged I was practically raised by my uncle that was a old school marine recon and us marshall, he was as hard as a coffin nail, taught me more about being a man than anyone else and loved me like his son. So I am privileged but it doesn't have a damn thing to do with my skin color.

True. However, in our current justice system, there is a strong Democrat/leftist privilege.
True. However, in our current justice system, there is a strong Democrat/leftist privilege.
Absolutely true.

- If you’re a leftist, you can destroy public property, incite the mass murder of Jews, assault cops, whatever….and no consequences.

- If you’re on the right, you can walk peacefully through the Capitol in protest, damage no property, threaten to kill nobody, smile at the cop who holds the door open for you…and a year in jail without a trial.
I'll be clear. This isn't me saying every single white person or every single black person. This is all about generalization and the average white or black person.

There is no such thing as white privilege. It is a myth, a lie, it's fake, it does not exist.

You know what so called "white privilege" really is? It's white people raising good people, it's white people being better parents. That's all it is.

You know why white people will get the job, get the loan, get a new car, live in a nice area, have people treat them better? I'll explain.

Because on the whole white parents get their kids swimming lessons, they let them play sports, they help them with homework and make sure it's done, they take them to band practice, they make them earn an allowance, they teach them doing chores is part of helping out, dads play ball, dads teach them how to fix things, they encourage them when they do good and make them understand when they do something wrong, they teach them manners, teach them to be polite, to be honest, to work hard, how to take care of the things you own, how to control their emotions, be responsible , be smart, have a strong will and so on.

So when the white kid from that family grows up and goes to get a job he will look them in the eye, speak clearly, have a good vocabulary, stand up straight, shake their hand, and thank them for their time. When they apply for a mortgage they have good employment history they have built up over time, they look and sound professional and so on.

There is no privilege to it. It's white people raising their kids the way their parents raised them and so on. It's good training is all it is, it's good preparation for life, it's parents helping their children mature and grow.

There are millions and millions of broke, dumb, poorly mannered white people in America because they came from a family that perpetuates that so their kids continue it on. They have no white privilege at all and just as bad off as a lot of these called disadvantaged blacks.

Thomas sowell is a well mannered, intelligent, well spoken black guy with a successful son. His son was successful because his family helped him become that way.

So the idea of white privilege is really only, the privilege of being raised by a good mother and father and being taught good morals, values and standards. It has nothing to do with skin color it has to do with decent people raising their children to be decent.

I am white and I am privileged. I am privileged that I grew up with my grandmother who was loving, sweet, hard working and a smart country woman that wanted me to be a good man. And I am privileged I was practically raised by my uncle that was a old school marine recon and us marshall, he was as hard as a coffin nail, taught me more about being a man than anyone else and loved me like his son. So I am privileged but it doesn't have a damn thing to do with my skin color.
For the most part you are correct. Certainly during the era of slavery and after that Jim Crow, white privilege was a fact pretty much everywhere. But slavery ended 159 years ago. No one born in America living today ever experienced it even as infants. Jim Crow ended 60 years ago and the vast majority of black people living now never experienced it or weren't old enough to be affected by it before it ended. The few who do remember it have had sixty years to turn things around for themselves.

But there is still white privilege courtesy of the Democrats. White people aren't used as useful idiots by the Democrats. They aren't accused of being Uncle Toms or Hanky Heads or a discredit to their race and aren't demonized and personally attacked for not toeing the Democrat Party line and ideology, methods, mindset.

White people aren't asked to be spokespeople for their race.

White people aren't accused of 'acting white' if they conduct themselves, dress, speak and promote themselves as mainstream and give themselves the best chance for success in mainstream America.

Want to end 'white supremacy?' End the Democrat Party and its backward ideas, concepts, policies.
Not that HELP blacks and POC, but that give blacks and POC an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE. When the equal rights act was passed no one expected it to last forever. I'm 100 percent for equal treatment under the law, I'm 100 percent against any law that gives ANY group an advantage over any other.
Then you should be against White privledge.
Where is this evidence at you speak of? Please show me.

Oh, and when I say evidence I mean real evidence. Don't show me evidence where the people who are against it are against it because it's unfair. Like me for instance, I don't like critical race theory and forced diversity because it isn't fair to say you want to be equal, but also demand special treatment and attention because that isn't equal at all. It isn't equal or fair to put whites at a disadvantage in order to prop up people who didn't earn anything.

The people you speak of are against those things because of people like you that blindly push for it and tell others they are racist because they want actual real equality.

You're the reason racism exists, because you push false narratives without actually knowing what you're saying. You just repeat phrases you heard other people say.
Speaking of " people who didn't earn anything" what about all the days of segregation and Jim Crow?
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