Zone1 "White privilege" does not exist, it is a lie.

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“Meanwhile, one of the trainings I was given noted that white supremacy is "a smog we all ingest." Another was about how our organization was complicit in systemic racism and white supremacy. It was a given that if you're white, you're racist. And I was even asked to agree to a "Full Value Contract" shared over email that included a point saying we had to "Own that all white people are racist and that I am not the exception."

'I Was Asked To Agree to a "White People Are Racist" Contract at Work'

otto sufferers from the same toxic white fragility that this woman does…

I really hope a person of color has to take of your racist ass when you decline into healthcare.

Maybe the rebel flag in the old south will save you…
That’s about what I would expect a hypocritical snowflake to resort to when called out on their “whiteness”.

Unlike you I have no hate, I wish you no ill will. I just hope that some day you man up and practice what you preach. Until then, you are just empty words. In the word of James Brown, you are “talking loud and saying nothing”.

“Meanwhile, one of the trainings I was given noted that white supremacy is "a smog we all ingest." Another was about how our organization was complicit in systemic racism and white supremacy. It was a given that if you're white, you're racist. And I was even asked to agree to a "Full Value Contract" shared over email that included a point saying we had to "Own that all white people are racist and that I am not the exception."

'I Was Asked To Agree to a "White People Are Racist" Contract at Work'

otto sufferers from the same toxic white fragility that this woman does…
What is that felony fuckup. Not being barefoot and pregnant...
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Anecdotally , i hit rock bottom 20 yrs ago, and nobody would lend me a dime , because i was white

I literally had bankers inform me to be more 'ethnic' for a loan

So much for my white privilege.......i literally built my farm from job site refuse, and what i could muster out of pocket

I went from 210 to 150 lb's doing it, and never once blamed anyone for my circumstances

Yet here i am reading the 'blacks' , who do absolutely everything to blame others for their situation(s)

They claim no personal responsibility for themselves

What does that say for them?

Anecdotally , i hit rock bottom 20 yrs ago, and nobody would lend me a dime , because i was white

I literally had bankers inform me to be more 'ethnic' for a loan

So much for my white privilege.......i literally built my farm from job site refuse, and what i could muster out of pocket

I went from 210 to 150 lb's doing it, and never once blamed anyone for my circumstances

Yet here i am reading the 'blacks' , who do absolutely everything to blame others for their situation(s)

They claim no personal responsibility for themselves

What does that say for them?

Personal responsibility entails a lot of things. In this situation it is our personal responsibility to point out the racism that continues and demand for it to stop. So what does it say for whites who choose to ignore 248 years of policies designed to provide them preference while excluding others? What does it say for people who deny this history and current times to claim that blacks aren't taking responsibiity because we refuse to ignore what white racism has caused?
I find it funny how so many whites in here try telling me how they get told that they were denied things because the business had to do more for blacks. The funny thing about this is, that no one can tell you these things. It is against employment law to tell a candidate anythng but that they dd not get hired because more qualified canddates existed. You cannot be told that you were denied a business loan because the bank had to loan more to blacks. Both instances are racial discrimination. So can those who make such claims stop lying?
That's a lie. Because if a bank actually said that, you could have sued for discrimination.
But black people are apparently too stupid to do the same thing for the omni-present racism you claim they endure on a daily basis.
So you disagree with the woke social justice philosophy that all whites are racist?
No, I agree with the social justice woke philosophy of the majority of young people. Those that consider your outdated racism a burden.
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You can identify a woke liberal by how difficult it is to have a basic exchange of ideas with one.
No, I agree with the social justice woke philosophy of the majority of young people. Those that consider your outdated racism a burden.
So, you don’t disagree with the social justice claim that all white people (including yourself) are racist?
Omg can you imagine saying something like that about an actually oppressive society? In America, that dipshit is going to get a degree.

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