White Privilege Skeptics, Deniers or Attackers: Have you READ Rich Dad Poor Dad???

Sorry, Em, I couldn't help myself, I had to speak up for a brilliant American writer. I don't agree with her stance on this, though; she is looking through a very distorted lens, as are several who have replied to this thread.

I think you're right that we will understand better what is going on across the racial divide when we all understand the dynamics of the haves and have nots. It's not as simple as "pulling yourself up by your boot straps" if you don't know what boot straps are, or boots, even. Too many people don't understand what real generational poverty is and what its effects are.

When you add to the handicap of generational poverty the obstacle of racial bias, things get really desperate. Some people impatiently hear that as "excuses," but that is because they don't get it. If they knew what it was like to be not just situationally poor but generationally poor, no one would call it an "excuse," but a reason. And they would be even more impressed by those determined folks who break through, regardless, out of sheer will and energy and luck.

Bless you for trying.
I 'm White. Father died tragically when I was eleven. Left a widow with no more than a high school education and four young children to raise.

We didn't have a car for a long time. Mother walked to work. I went to work when I was 12. We never went near Food Stamps or any other kind of Government Relief.

Not a one of us ever felt sorry for himself; whined---all made successful lives.

Fuck all you whinny, excuse-making, lazy assholes.
These days your mother would HAVE to take food stamps. No way her job would make ends meet now.

Did your Dad work, if so you Mom received SS for you kids.
We have what you call "white privilege" because our ancestors created a society that enabled us to be successful. Just because your black ancestors didn't do the same for you isn't our fault. You think you can shame us by pointing out the advantages of our own culture, a culture we created and maintain. We were always willing to share the benefits with any others that were willing to contribute. Then progressives came along and brainwashed blacks and other minorities into the perpetual victim mentality, then most of you stopped contributing and became welfare leeches. So if you think we're going to bend over backwards to make you feel better, think again. If our "white privilege" society is too much for you to handle, back to Africa you can go. But we all know you won't do that. So much easier to live off white people's taxes.
I 'm White. Father died tragically when I was eleven. Left a widow with no more than a high school education and four young children to raise.

We didn't have a car for a long time. Mother walked to work. I went to work when I was 12. We never went near Food Stamps or any other kind of Government Relief.

Not a one of us ever felt sorry for himself; whined---all made successful lives.

Fuck all you whinny, excuse-making, lazy assholes.
These days your mother would HAVE to take food stamps. No way her job would make ends meet now.

Did your Dad work, if so you Mom received SS for you kids.
They never qualified for SS, because my dad managed to make a very small fortune and pay off the house. He always worked but my mum didn't until much later.
We have what you call "white privilege" because our ancestors created a society that enabled us to be successful. Just because your black ancestors didn't do the same for you isn't our fault. You think you can shame us by pointing out the advantages of our own culture, a culture we created and maintain. We were always willing to share the benefits with any others that were willing to contribute. Then progressives came along and brainwashed blacks and other minorities into the perpetual victim mentality, then most of you stopped contributing and became welfare leeches. So if you think we're going to bend over backwards to make you feel better, think again. If our "white privilege" society is too much for you to handle, back to Africa you can go. But we all know you won't do that. So much easier to live off white people's taxes.

Dear theHawk I like how 2aguy said it
There are cycles between the rich and the poor.

Also, if people get rich at the expense of other people and the planet depleted of resources, that isn't sustainable.

In a cooperative economy, people grow and develop businesses together, not competing for one to beat the others out of the market.

As for Black ancestors are you counting Egyptians as Black?
Because the Egyptians passed a wealth of contributions to future generations that we all benefit from, unconsciously or consciously. That's just one cultural example.

I think it is part of Eurocentric and Eurolinear culture to try to pin things down linearly. But there are "holistic" and interconnected contributions passed down from cultures collectively that may exceed your way of tracking these linearly./
I 'm White. Father died tragically when I was eleven. Left a widow with no more than a high school education and four young children to raise.

We didn't have a car for a long time. Mother walked to work. I went to work when I was 12. We never went near Food Stamps or any other kind of Government Relief.

Not a one of us ever felt sorry for himself; whined---all made successful lives.

Fuck all you whinny, excuse-making, lazy assholes.
These days your mother would HAVE to take food stamps. No way her job would make ends meet now.

Did your Dad work, if so you Mom received SS for you kids.
They never qualified for SS, because my dad managed to make a very small fortune and pay off the house. He always worked but my mum didn't until much later.

Not welfare.
I 'm White. Father died tragically when I was eleven. Left a widow with no more than a high school education and four young children to raise.

We didn't have a car for a long time. Mother walked to work. I went to work when I was 12. We never went near Food Stamps or any other kind of Government Relief.

Not a one of us ever felt sorry for himself; whined---all made successful lives.

Fuck all you whinny, excuse-making, lazy assholes.
These days your mother would HAVE to take food stamps. No way her job would make ends meet now.

Did your Dad work, if so you Mom received SS for you kids.
They never qualified for SS, because my dad managed to make a very small fortune and pay off the house. He always worked but my mum didn't until much later.

Not welfare.
What do you mean?
I 'm White. Father died tragically when I was eleven. Left a widow with no more than a high school education and four young children to raise.

We didn't have a car for a long time. Mother walked to work. I went to work when I was 12. We never went near Food Stamps or any other kind of Government Relief.

Not a one of us ever felt sorry for himself; whined---all made successful lives.

Fuck all you whinny, excuse-making, lazy assholes.
These days your mother would HAVE to take food stamps. No way her job would make ends meet now.

Did your Dad work, if so you Mom received SS for you kids.
They never qualified for SS, because my dad managed to make a very small fortune and pay off the house. He always worked but my mum didn't until much later.

Not welfare.
What do you mean?

I'm sorry I meant McCauley.
Sorry, Em, I couldn't help myself, I had to speak up for a brilliant American writer. I don't agree with her stance on this, though; she is looking through a very distorted lens, as are several who have replied to this thread.

I think you're right that we will understand better what is going on across the racial divide when we all understand the dynamics of the haves and have nots. It's not as simple as "pulling yourself up by your boot straps" if you don't know what boot straps are, or boots, even. Too many people don't understand what real generational poverty is and what its effects are.

When you add to the handicap of generational poverty the obstacle of racial bias, things get really desperate. Some people impatiently hear that as "excuses," but that is because they don't get it. If they knew what it was like to be not just situationally poor but generationally poor, no one would call it an "excuse," but a reason. And they would be even more impressed by those determined folks who break through, regardless, out of sheer will and energy and luck.

Bless you for trying.
You DO REALISE that almost everyone in every time and place EXCEPT the West and Japan since around 1960 has been way worse off that the contemporary Western welfare class. Ya want to prosper- study and learn from the already prosperous. There is likely a good reason they hold your layabout parents/aunties/uncles in contempt.
Sorry, Em, I couldn't help myself, I had to speak up for a brilliant American writer. I don't agree with her stance on this, though; she is looking through a very distorted lens, as are several who have replied to this thread.

I think you're right that we will understand better what is going on across the racial divide when we all understand the dynamics of the haves and have nots. It's not as simple as "pulling yourself up by your boot straps" if you don't know what boot straps are, or boots, even. Too many people don't understand what real generational poverty is and what its effects are.

When you add to the handicap of generational poverty the obstacle of racial bias, things get really desperate. Some people impatiently hear that as "excuses," but that is because they don't get it. If they knew what it was like to be not just situationally poor but generationally poor, no one would call it an "excuse," but a reason. And they would be even more impressed by those determined folks who break through, regardless, out of sheer will and energy and luck.

Bless you for trying.
You DO REALISE that almost everyone in every time and place EXCEPT the West and Japan since around 1960 has been way worse off that the contemporary Western welfare class. Ya want to prosper- study and learn from the already prosperous. There is likely a good reason they hold your layabout parents/aunties/uncles in contempt.
If it were that easy, we wouldn't be having this conversation. I haven't read the book Emily cited, but maybe it would be a good idea to try reading it. Or some of the other good books on the effects of generational poverty.
I'm a white male, I don't need to read a damn book, Ive lived it and can tell you that there is no such thing as White Privilege.
All white privilege is, is a catch phrase for unmotivated individuals to hide behind.
Study, work and I don't care what race you are (as long as you are legal) you can be every bit as successful as any white male that does the same.
I 'm White. Father died tragically when I was eleven. Left a widow with no more than a high school education and four young children to raise.

We didn't have a car for a long time. Mother walked to work. I went to work when I was 12. We never went near Food Stamps or any other kind of Government Relief.

Not a one of us ever felt sorry for himself; whined---all made successful lives.

Fuck all you whinny, excuse-making, lazy assholes.
These days your mother would HAVE to take food stamps. No way her job would make ends meet now.

Did your Dad work, if so you Mom received SS for you kids.
and the social security that mom received would be less than Tonailisha gets from welfare for her and her 6 fatherless kids.
We have what you call "white privilege" because our ancestors created a society that enabled us to be successful. Just because your black ancestors didn't do the same for you isn't our fault. You think you can shame us by pointing out the advantages of our own culture, a culture we created and maintain. We were always willing to share the benefits with any others that were willing to contribute. Then progressives came along and brainwashed blacks and other minorities into the perpetual victim mentality, then most of you stopped contributing and became welfare leeches. So if you think we're going to bend over backwards to make you feel better, think again. If our "white privilege" society is too much for you to handle, back to Africa you can go. But we all know you won't do that. So much easier to live off white people's taxes.

Dear theHawk I like how 2aguy said it
There are cycles between the rich and the poor.

Also, if people get rich at the expense of other people and the planet depleted of resources, that isn't sustainable.

In a cooperative economy, people grow and develop businesses together, not competing for one to beat the others out of the market.

As for Black ancestors are you counting Egyptians as Black?
Because the Egyptians passed a wealth of contributions to future generations that we all benefit from, unconsciously or consciously. That's just one cultural example.

I think it is part of Eurocentric and Eurolinear culture to try to pin things down linearly. But there are "holistic" and interconnected contributions passed down from cultures collectively that may exceed your way of tracking these linearly./

There is no proof that Egyptians were "black". Congoids were not in North Africa in ancient times. At best negroids were servants in their culture. If blacks were so innovative to had created Egyption culture, why did it not spread south into central Africa were the congoids were really from? Negroids are a tribal culture, not one of great builders. In any case, they've had hundreds of years to modernize and yet they haven't been able to. Their continent is rich with resources, yet they can't do anything with it all.

Now many of these negroes live in white societies, either in America or Europe, and complain they aren't given enough.
We have what you call "white privilege" because our ancestors created a society that enabled us to be successful. Just because your black ancestors didn't do the same for you isn't our fault. You think you can shame us by pointing out the advantages of our own culture, a culture we created and maintain. We were always willing to share the benefits with any others that were willing to contribute. Then progressives came along and brainwashed blacks and other minorities into the perpetual victim mentality, then most of you stopped contributing and became welfare leeches. So if you think we're going to bend over backwards to make you feel better, think again. If our "white privilege" society is too much for you to handle, back to Africa you can go. But we all know you won't do that. So much easier to live off white people's taxes.

Dear theHawk I like how 2aguy said it
There are cycles between the rich and the poor.

Also, if people get rich at the expense of other people and the planet depleted of resources, that isn't sustainable.

In a cooperative economy, people grow and develop businesses together, not competing for one to beat the others out of the market.

As for Black ancestors are you counting Egyptians as Black?
Because the Egyptians passed a wealth of contributions to future generations that we all benefit from, unconsciously or consciously. That's just one cultural example.

I think it is part of Eurocentric and Eurolinear culture to try to pin things down linearly. But there are "holistic" and interconnected contributions passed down from cultures collectively that may exceed your way of tracking these linearly./

There is no proof that Egyptians were "black". Congoids were not in North Africa in ancient times. At best negroids were servants in their culture. If blacks were so innovative to had created Egyption culture, why did it not spread south into central Africa were the congoids were really from? Negroids are a tribal culture, not one of great builders. In any case, they've had hundreds of years to modernize and yet they haven't been able to. Their continent is rich with resources, yet they can't do anything with it all.

Now many of these negroes live in white societies, either in America or Europe, and complain they aren't given enough.
what do you mean not builders? anyone that can take a pile of goat shit and a strand of straw and build a house is damn engineer.
I'm a white male, I don't need to read a damn book, Ive lived it and can tell you that there is no such thing as White Privilege.
All white privilege is, is a catch phrase for unmotivated individuals to hide behind.
Study, work and I don't care what race you are (as long as you are legal) you can be every bit as successful as any white male that does the same.
Dear Maryland Patriot I think we agree more than disagree there re too many problems with the term white privilege.

So my question remains MD Patriot :
What WOULD you call the disparity in mentality and sense of ownership between people who identify with generations of landowners and descendents of government founders VS those with no social connection to this lineage or class, even though it can change if we could bridge that gap.

Clearly this isn't just black and white, because the Allen West's and Booker T Washington's also identify with the entrepreneur approach to liberation and empowerment. These conservatives split from the liberal DuBois types who believed in fighting for rights politically through govt. So this same split exists between blacks today, so what do we call it if it isn't just whites.

What do you call people with this experience or financial knowledge of using property as collateral to leverage loans of OPM?

In politics we have terms for conservative and liberal, that either believe in minimal govt or believe in managing all public service programs through govt.

Financially what do you call the people who are independent wealthy or at least have knowledge, vs the ones with no training access or assistance to even start learning how to own and manage property to become independent?
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We have what you call "white privilege" because our ancestors created a society that enabled us to be successful. Just because your black ancestors didn't do the same for you isn't our fault. You think you can shame us by pointing out the advantages of our own culture, a culture we created and maintain. We were always willing to share the benefits with any others that were willing to contribute. Then progressives came along and brainwashed blacks and other minorities into the perpetual victim mentality, then most of you stopped contributing and became welfare leeches. So if you think we're going to bend over backwards to make you feel better, think again. If our "white privilege" society is too much for you to handle, back to Africa you can go. But we all know you won't do that. So much easier to live off white people's taxes.

Dear theHawk I like how 2aguy said it
There are cycles between the rich and the poor.

Also, if people get rich at the expense of other people and the planet depleted of resources, that isn't sustainable.

In a cooperative economy, people grow and develop businesses together, not competing for one to beat the others out of the market.

As for Black ancestors are you counting Egyptians as Black?
Because the Egyptians passed a wealth of contributions to future generations that we all benefit from, unconsciously or consciously. That's just one cultural example.

I think it is part of Eurocentric and Eurolinear culture to try to pin things down linearly. But there are "holistic" and interconnected contributions passed down from cultures collectively that may exceed your way of tracking these linearly./

There is no proof that Egyptians were "black". Congoids were not in North Africa in ancient times. At best negroids were servants in their culture. If blacks were so innovative to had created Egyption culture, why did it not spread south into central Africa were the congoids were really from? Negroids are a tribal culture, not one of great builders. In any case, they've had hundreds of years to modernize and yet they haven't been able to. Their continent is rich with resources, yet they can't do anything with it all.

Now many of these negroes live in white societies, either in America or Europe, and complain they aren't given enough.
Dear theHawk
If you look at the difference between Haiti that is plagued with corruption vs. The Dominican Republic that is like night and day, the difference is the deep rooted tribal warfare and voodoo level curses that have destroyed these nations, not just Haiti but across Africa.

The roots of tribal retribution the have divided nations and neighbors against each other in genocide. So that devastation is tied to the poverty cycles that gets exploited politically.

The fear and hatred, projection, and race baiting protests we see today are expressions of that pent up past.

If people had assistance to walk them through the process of buying and managing their own school ansd business property and organizing their own programs and services, they'd be too busy building solutions and not waste time arguing. Of course people with ACCESS to knowledge and sources of capital have an Advantage.

What are we going to call these things if we are going to focus on Resolving that disparity in knowledge and experience instead of griping complaining or arguing if this privilege exists or not

What do you call that disparity in mindset and access to capital resources and knowledge in leveraging business investment and development
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Toni Morrison was the moron who said Bill Clinton was the first black president. Morrison seems obsessed with race

Thanks SassyIrishLass
so CLEARLY TM is not using black and race "literally" if she used it loosely for Clinton!

How can we move toward acknowledging/agreeing we are talking about a cultural mindset, and not physical race???

You bring up a key point, that hits the target head on.
If she doesn't use "black" to mean literally
then why can't we do the same with what "white" means???

And stop offending people already?

You cannot use the term "white privilege" without offending whites who A. have worked hard for what they have and B. know that you are setting up to take from them to give to blacks.
hmmm interesting. When I was a kid I worked (full time in the summer and after school in the winter) this was before they put down the "you can only work and school for x hours a day" law (not sure if that's just up here or not, but my kids hated it) Anyway, while my parents were wealthy and they did provide me a good life at home, I don't particularly consider my money as having come from "privilege" but rather it was a "belief" a "gut-feeling" - I just knew that computers were going to be huge so I poured everything I made into it while I was living with my parents. On the one hand, my parents supported me doing this and guided me through the process of investing in the beginning, but then again when my buddy became an investor I switched handling over to him. So I suppose one could argue "privilege" and "knowing the right folks." I moved out of my folks' place when I was 18 because I'd already made enough to pay cash for my first home. After that, I did very little splurging, my "wants" are actually pretty simple despite my taste for expensive things. All in all, I consider my success to be more along the lines of "lucky" than "privileged" though there's some "thought" involved as well as I never spend more than I make and strive to always live within my means (if I want to buy something I work and use the money made to buy whatever.) I didn't exactly "work" for my money, but I played the "big money" game - a gamble that paid off for me.

On another note, the one article noting the differences in how rich and poor people think led to another link along the lines of "things rich people never say" - I'd not thought about it but my husband (who grew up on the lower end of middle class) says some of that stuff. I had a chuckle from it.

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