White Privilege Skeptics, Deniers or Attackers: Have you READ Rich Dad Poor Dad???

If you are too insecure to admit that you had a head start over others and have been viewed, in this society, favorably over people of color since the day you were born, you will vigorously deny your white privilege.

You will stare the facts square in the face and deny them.

It doesn't take anything away from you to acknowledge the facts here. Trust me.

When the "advantages" supposedly associated with having white skin are generally something you actually did not have, OR are actually just not being fucked up like the BLack Community, then pointing out the Truth, ie that White Privilege if bullshit, is the right thing to do.
If you are too insecure to admit that you had a head start over others and have been viewed, in this society, favorably over people of color since the day you were born, you will vigorously deny your white privilege.

You will stare the facts square in the face and deny them.

It doesn't take anything away from you to acknowledge the facts here. Trust me.
The world is not fair. There are people of all colors that start before me and behind me. There are even some through randomness that start even with me. That being said, whinning about it helps no one, so go out there and live life. Each should do there best and try there best to be fair to others. Also realize that by simply being born an American, what ever your color, you are more privileged that most of the people in the world.

Yes. Being born in America means that you are generally privileged when compared to most. That is an accurate statement.

That said, you began your American life with a built in advantage over every single person of color. Even those who were born to parents who were wealthier than yours. This is a fact.

Why is it that whenever someone points out the fact that white privilege exists, some immediately assume that they are whining?
I have stated earlier that there is an advantage i most (not all) cases when it comes to wealth due to job and educational opportunities of parents and grandparents etc... However to say that being white is automatically an advantage just for being white is somewhat of a dishonest statement.
I went to public school, same as the blacks at the time went too, There were black kids my age that sat in the same class rooms, hearing the same teacher and using the same books. They had the same requirements to pass that I had.
after school I went in the Navy, same as some blacks, I used my navy pay to put myself through college while I was in the navy, that opportunity was there for everyone regardless of race or socioeconomic background.
after the navy I found a job, now here is where the black privilage stepped in, I had to find a job even though I had a disadvantage because I was not a minority and affirmative action was extremely strong at the time.
I never fell back on my parents income I did it all by myself. There is not one step I took in my life up to this point that any black out there would have been denied. So please, explain to me where this white privilege that I magically posses came in to play and moved my superior white ass ahead of anyone else.
Ive heard he bullshit about how I can walk in a store and not be followed around, but think about this, if its true then there has to be a reason and there is.
When it comes to wealth, minorities love to look at the past generations and explain why they dont have the same family wealth, and as I pointed out in another thread, that is a valid issue. So its ok to point to the past to explain why today is different from most whites.
When it comes to explaining being followed around the store, it is because typically speaking, when something was stolen, or the store robbed, it was statistically speaking, generally a minority that committed the act. even if the kid being followed around never stole any thing, perhaps his past generations, or even his next door neighbor has.
Other than those lucky enough to be born to wealthy parents, there really is no privilege to be claimed.
The thought that Im automatically better just because Im white, or that being white gives me an advantage is in itself a racist way of looking at things.
and even if there is a privilege for being white, or being born in the U.S, is that really something that I should apologize or suffer for? If its my skin color only that makes me better, then its not my fault.
In the U.S today we all have the same opportunity as the person standing next to us, what you do with that opportunity is what determines your life in general.
there is no white privilege, and if those that feel there is would explain exactly what I get for being white, I will explain why its personal choice and not skin color that afforded me that opportunity.
Rich people always have an advantage. It's been like that since the beginning of time. It isn't a White or Black thing.
And many children squander that advantage and end up broke.
True, but most wealthy people make sure the wealth isn't squandered. They send their kids to the best schools. In essence their kids become "caretakers" of the money and don't do much with it, other than pass it on to the next generation. But there are some spoiled brats that get into drugs and all kinds of trouble.
Thanks JoeMoma and Roudy for both bringing up good points: if you compare how Bush Obama and others with influence/Privilege "got into trouble with DRUGS" but THEY were able to clear their drug records (and even run for President!) Versus people stuck with a felony record for life who can't get work,
There is a HUGE difference, as glaring as night and day!!!

It DOES happen to rich brats but look at the difference in who expunged or covers their records and or can still get work through their connections.

The legal system is so tied to political favor with courts and judges, and even campaign funding of candidates in every branch of govt, it's the most dangerous unchecked monopoly even more oppressive because those laws and ruling are mandatory. If you can buy your way out, yes, I'd consider that Major Privilege!!!

We solve this problem, then any other factors of race money and politics tied in will take care of themselves in the process.

To quote Trump it's YUUUUGE.

Thank you for bringing this up!!!

When I see the rape cases and charges of both sides of political campaigns, exploited in the media, I think we owe it to ourselves and all victims of legal abuse and judicial corruption to take this on. Let's do it, hold Trump and GOP and Democrats and Clintons to fix the disaster our court system has become that is the biggest cesspool of incestuous corruption affecting all other branches of government and all sectors of society. It's a huge monopoly and you have to have Privilege to buy favor to get out of crimes like OJ or the Stanford rape case.

It's privilege and connections above race, because Obama and OJ could do it but not the average person without those high powered lawyers.

Super point, thank you both!
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I'm a white male, I don't need to read a damn book, Ive lived it and can tell you that there is no such thing as White Privilege.
All white privilege is, is a catch phrase for unmotivated individuals to hide behind.
Study, work and I don't care what race you are (as long as you are legal) you can be every bit as successful as any white male that does the same.
Dear Maryland Patriot I think we agree more than disagree there re too many problems with the term white privilege.

So my question remains MD Patriot :
What WOULD you call the disparity in mentality and sense of ownership between people who identify with generations of landowners and descendents of government founders VS those with no social connection to this lineage or class, even though it can change if we could bridge that gap.

Clearly this isn't just black and white, because the Allen West's and Booker T Washington's also identify with the entrepreneur approach to liberation and empowerment. These conservatives split from the liberal DuBois types who believed in fighting for rights politically through govt. So this same split exists between blacks today, so what do we call it if it isn't just whites.

What do you call people with this experience or financial knowledge of using property as collateral to leverage loans of OPM?

In politics we have terms for conservative and liberal, that either believe in minimal govt or believe in managing all public service programs through govt.

Financially what do you call the people who are independent wealthy or at least have knowledge, vs the ones with no training access or assistance to even start learning how to own and manage property to become independent?

Still not a HINT of evidence that White folks owe the negro anything to make up for negro failure as a group.
If you are too insecure to admit that you had a head start over others and have been viewed, in this society, favorably over people of color since the day you were born, you will vigorously deny your white privilege.

You will stare the facts square in the face and deny them.

It doesn't take anything away from you to acknowledge the facts here. Trust me.
The world is not fair. There are people of all colors that start before me and behind me. There are even some through randomness that start even with me. That being said, whinning about it helps no one, so go out there and live life. Each should do there best and try there best to be fair to others. Also realize that by simply being born an American, what ever your color, you are more privileged that most of the people in the world.

Yes. Being born in America means that you are generally privileged when compared to most. That is an accurate statement.

That said, you began your American life with a built in advantage over every single person of color. Even those who were born to parents who were wealthier than yours. This is a fact.

Why is it that whenever someone points out the fact that white privilege exists, some immediately assume that they are whining?
I have stated earlier that there is an advantage i most (not all) cases when it comes to wealth due to job and educational opportunities of parents and grandparents etc... However to say that being white is automatically an advantage just for being white is somewhat of a dishonest statement.
I went to public school, same as the blacks at the time went too, There were black kids my age that sat in the same class rooms, hearing the same teacher and using the same books. They had the same requirements to pass that I had.
after school I went in the Navy, same as some blacks, I used my navy pay to put myself through college while I was in the navy, that opportunity was there for everyone regardless of race or socioeconomic background.
after the navy I found a job, now here is where the black privilage stepped in, I had to find a job even though I had a disadvantage because I was not a minority and affirmative action was extremely strong at the time.
I never fell back on my parents income I did it all by myself. There is not one step I took in my life up to this point that any black out there would have been denied. So please, explain to me where this white privilege that I magically posses came in to play and moved my superior white ass ahead of anyone else.
Ive heard he bullshit about how I can walk in a store and not be followed around, but think about this, if its true then there has to be a reason and there is.
When it comes to wealth, minorities love to look at the past generations and explain why they dont have the same family wealth, and as I pointed out in another thread, that is a valid issue. So its ok to point to the past to explain why today is different from most whites.
When it comes to explaining being followed around the store, it is because typically speaking, when something was stolen, or the store robbed, it was statistically speaking, generally a minority that committed the act. even if the kid being followed around never stole any thing, perhaps his past generations, or even his next door neighbor has.
Other than those lucky enough to be born to wealthy parents, there really is no privilege to be claimed.
The thought that Im automatically better just because Im white, or that being white gives me an advantage is in itself a racist way of looking at things.
and even if there is a privilege for being white, or being born in the U.S, is that really something that I should apologize or suffer for? If its my skin color only that makes me better, then its not my fault.
In the U.S today we all have the same opportunity as the person standing next to us, what you do with that opportunity is what determines your life in general.
there is no white privilege, and if those that feel there is would explain exactly what I get for being white, I will explain why its personal choice and not skin color that afforded me that opportunity.

What White Privilege amounts to is a White Process for Economic Success and Social Order. The ONLY Privileged Folks are blacks and mestizos here in the USA who get lifted far above anything there folk are able to manage back in the old country and all without coming close to carrying their own weight here in America.
I 'm White. Father died tragically when I was eleven. Left a widow with no more than a high school education and four young children to raise.

We didn't have a car for a long time. Mother walked to work. I went to work when I was 12. We never went near Food Stamps or any other kind of Government Relief.

Not a one of us ever felt sorry for himself; whined---all made successful lives.

Fuck all you whinny, excuse-making, lazy assholes.

You are whining now.
I dont see his post as whining, I see it as proof that people can succeed if they are willing to work. Maybe just a touch of rightfully earned bragging about the strength of his mother and for that matter his family.
If more people were raised like he was I doubt we would have the social problems we have today.
Yes Maryland Patriot
The college bound charter schools in Chicago that turn around urban kids into top academic performers are proof it can be done even with most disadvantaged kids from poor black communities.

The key is ownership.

The schools work because they teach ownership.

We need more communities to build their own schools not depend on the same Ivy League ones already established.

How can we set up more mentorship and business models to help every community build and manage their own schools instead of the bureaucratic mess we have now that only cares for tests quotas to get state funding
I 'm White. Father died tragically when I was eleven. Left a widow with no more than a high school education and four young children to raise.

We didn't have a car for a long time. Mother walked to work. I went to work when I was 12. We never went near Food Stamps or any other kind of Government Relief.

Not a one of us ever felt sorry for himself; whined---all made successful lives.

Fuck all you whinny, excuse-making, lazy assholes.

You are whining now.
I dont see his post as whining, I see it as proof that people can succeed if they are willing to work. Maybe just a touch of rightfully earned bragging about the strength of his mother and for that matter his family.
If more people were raised like he was I doubt we would have the social problems we have today.
Yes Maryland Patriot
The college bound charter schools in Chicago that turn around urban kids into top academic performers are proof it can be done even with most disadvantaged kids from poor black communities.

The key is ownership.

The schools work because they teach ownership.

We need more communities to build their own schools not depend on the same Ivy League ones already established.

How can we set up more mentorship and business models to help every community build and manage their own schools instead of the bureaucratic mess we have now that only cares for tests quotas to get state funding

Hmmmmm, the negro population of Chicago wants those Charter Schools GONE!!!!!!
I'm a white male, I don't need to read a damn book, Ive lived it and can tell you that there is no such thing as White Privilege.
All white privilege is, is a catch phrase for unmotivated individuals to hide behind.
Study, work and I don't care what race you are (as long as you are legal) you can be every bit as successful as any white male that does the same.
Dear Maryland Patriot I think we agree more than disagree there re too many problems with the term white privilege.

So my question remains MD Patriot :
What WOULD you call the disparity in mentality and sense of ownership between people who identify with generations of landowners and descendents of government founders VS those with no social connection to this lineage or class, even though it can change if we could bridge that gap.

Clearly this isn't just black and white, because the Allen West's and Booker T Washington's also identify with the entrepreneur approach to liberation and empowerment. These conservatives split from the liberal DuBois types who believed in fighting for rights politically through govt. So this same split exists between blacks today, so what do we call it if it isn't just whites.

What do you call people with this experience or financial knowledge of using property as collateral to leverage loans of OPM?

In politics we have terms for conservative and liberal, that either believe in minimal govt or believe in managing all public service programs through govt.

Financially what do you call the people who are independent wealthy or at least have knowledge, vs the ones with no training access or assistance to even start learning how to own and manage property to become independent?

Still not a HINT of evidence that White folks owe the negro anything to make up for negro failure as a group.
Dear rahtruelies not a matter of white but a matter of privilege. How do we help set up models for schools, microlending and business training where people who do have experience with property ownership and business management can be rewarded with paid jobs and tax breaks teaching others how to own and manage their own schools businesses and whole districts?

With Trump appointing Ben Carson for HUD can we clean up public housing and turn distressed districts into successful community campuses that teach independence instead of dependence on welfare: www.campusplan.org
Rich people always have an advantage. It's been like that since the beginning of time. It isn't a White or Black thing.
And many children squander that advantage and end up broke.
True, but most wealthy people make sure the wealth isn't squandered. They send their kids to the best schools. In essence their kids become "caretakers" of the money and don't do much with it, other than pass it on to the next generation. But there are some spoiled brats that get into drugs and all kinds of trouble.
Thanks JoeMoma and Roudy for both bringing up good points: if you compare how Bush Obama and others with influence/Privilege "got into trouble with DRUGS" but THEY were able to clear their drug records (and even run for President!) Versus people stuck with a felony record for life who can't get work,
There is a HUGE difference, as glaring as night and day!!!

It DOES happen to rich brats but look at the difference in who expunged or covers their records and or can still get work through their connections.

The legal system is so tied to political favor with courts and judges, and even campaign funding of candidates in every branch of govt, it's the most dangerous unchecked monopoly even more oppressive because those laws and ruling are mandatory. If you can buy your way out, yes, I'd consider that Major Privilege!!!

We solve this problem, then any other factors of race money and politics tied in will take care of themselves in the process.

To quote Trump it's YUUUUGE.

Thank you for bringing this up!!!

When I see the rape cases and charges of both sides of political campaigns, exploited in the media, I think we owe it to ourselves and all victims of legal abuse and judicial corruption to take this on. Let's do it, hold Trump and GOP and Democrats and Clintons to fix the disaster our court system has become that is the biggest cesspool of incestuous corruption affecting all other branches of government and all sectors of society. It's a huge monopoly and you have to have Privilege to buy favor to get out of crimes like OJ or the Stanford rape case.

It's privilege and connections above race, because Obama and OJ could do it but not the average person without those high powered lawyers.

Super point, thank you both!
Well Obama's rise is clearly a case of Black privilege. It's obvious got into all these schools because he was half black. Academia loves mixed race students, teachers, and professors. Now if you're mixed race AND gay...They'll stand in line for you. Bush (not Bush senior) on the other hand is a product of economic privilege and the power and connections that come with it. Both Bush senior's sons got into to the schools they did and owe their political careers to the wealth and connections of their father.
I 'm White. Father died tragically when I was eleven. Left a widow with no more than a high school education and four young children to raise.

We didn't have a car for a long time. Mother walked to work. I went to work when I was 12. We never went near Food Stamps or any other kind of Government Relief.

Not a one of us ever felt sorry for himself; whined---all made successful lives.

Fuck all you whinny, excuse-making, lazy assholes.

You are whining now.
I dont see his post as whining, I see it as proof that people can succeed if they are willing to work. Maybe just a touch of rightfully earned bragging about the strength of his mother and for that matter his family.
If more people were raised like he was I doubt we would have the social problems we have today.
Yes Maryland Patriot
The college bound charter schools in Chicago that turn around urban kids into top academic performers are proof it can be done even with most disadvantaged kids from poor black communities.

The key is ownership.

The schools work because they teach ownership.

We need more communities to build their own schools not depend on the same Ivy League ones already established.

How can we set up more mentorship and business models to help every community build and manage their own schools instead of the bureaucratic mess we have now that only cares for tests quotas to get state funding

Hmmmmm, the negro population of Chicago wants those Charter Schools GONE!!!!!!
Dear rahtruelies
I'm running into this with the progressive groups who don't quite get that the solution is to buy out and manage school districts themselves.
They understand people being govt to mean the govt should control public schools and public housing, but this is a disaster. They don't get that people being govt means people taking back control directly.

I posted federal plans to transform public housing into sustainable community campuses at www.campusplan.org

In two districts in Houston, Democrats in office abused the local public schools to take control of land and community and kick out the nonprofits that have plans for taking back the schools for communities to serve the local interests, instead of political favor for outside developers and political campaigns and offices.

So you're right this is completely backwards and going the wrong direction. It takes control and resources away from communities and keeps bureaucrats in charge.

But people don't trust independent groups to take over. So they cling to govt controls thinking that's protecting instead of replacing their representation and interests.
This is as close to a reasonable thread as I have seen on this board. That it is fairly civil AND about the most incendiary of all Topics (Race) is amazing.

It could not have happened before the election. Anyone saying some things I have just read would be howled off the board as a racist, a bigot, a member of the Klan, a redneck.....the usual epitaphs that liberals turn to ad nauseum....for any topic, not just Race.

Trump defied the dictates of political correctness...blew them to Hell...and liberals simply can not use those same old epitaphs that have been thrown at people from the South....not when the White Boys in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania have had enough too.

It seems to me that the issue is one the American Society right to inquire about:

Why.... after half a century of The War on Poverty, The Great Society, Affirmative Action, a twice elected Black President...does the Black Community just fall into and worse shape....decade after decade.

I saw W. E. B. DuBois mentioned in a response above....as a Black Advocate and Activist for Civil Rights for Blacks...which is true enough...a brave man....but he also said in 1906 that: "the Black man has got to quit blaming the White man for everything that goes wrong in his life".

It seems that DuBois is still waiting for that to happen.
This is as close to a reasonable thread as I have seen on this board. That it is fairly civil AND about the most incendiary of all Topics (Race) is amazing.

It could not have happened before the election. Anyone saying some things I have just read would be howled off the board as a racist, a bigot, a member of the Klan, a redneck.....the usual epitaphs that liberals turn to ad nauseum....for any topic, not just Race.

Trump defied the dictates of political correctness...blew them to Hell...and liberals simply can not use those same old epitaphs that have been thrown at people from the South....not when the White Boys in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania have had enough too.

It seems to me that the issue is one the American Society right to inquire about:

Why.... after half a century of The War on Poverty, The Great Society, Affirmative Action, a twice elected Black President...does the Black Community just fall into and worse shape....decade after decade.

I saw W. E. B. DuBois mentioned in a response above....as a Black Advocate and Activist for Civil Rights for Blacks...which is true enough...a brave man....but he also said in 1906 that: "the Black man has got to quit blaming the White man for everything that goes wrong in his life".

It seems that DuBois is still waiting for that to happen.

You have had it so rough. Thank GOD Trump won so you can finally be free to speak your mind.
This is as close to a reasonable thread as I have seen on this board. That it is fairly civil AND about the most incendiary of all Topics (Race) is amazing.

It could not have happened before the election. Anyone saying some things I have just read would be howled off the board as a racist, a bigot, a member of the Klan, a redneck.....the usual epitaphs that liberals turn to ad nauseum....for any topic, not just Race.

Trump defied the dictates of political correctness...blew them to Hell...and liberals simply can not use those same old epitaphs that have been thrown at people from the South....not when the White Boys in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania have had enough too.

It seems to me that the issue is one the American Society right to inquire about:

Why.... after half a century of The War on Poverty, The Great Society, Affirmative Action, a twice elected Black President...does the Black Community just fall into and worse shape....decade after decade.

I saw W. E. B. DuBois mentioned in a response above....as a Black Advocate and Activist for Civil Rights for Blacks...which is true enough...a brave man....but he also said in 1906 that: "the Black man has got to quit blaming the White man for everything that goes wrong in his life".

It seems that DuBois is still waiting for that to happen.

I'd like to know where DuBoise said that please.
This is as close to a reasonable thread as I have seen on this board. That it is fairly civil AND about the most incendiary of all Topics (Race) is amazing.

It could not have happened before the election. Anyone saying some things I have just read would be howled off the board as a racist, a bigot, a member of the Klan, a redneck.....the usual epitaphs that liberals turn to ad nauseum....for any topic, not just Race.

Trump defied the dictates of political correctness...blew them to Hell...and liberals simply can not use those same old epitaphs that have been thrown at people from the South....not when the White Boys in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania have had enough too.

It seems to me that the issue is one the American Society right to inquire about:

Why.... after half a century of The War on Poverty, The Great Society, Affirmative Action, a twice elected Black President...does the Black Community just fall into and worse shape....decade after decade.

I saw W. E. B. DuBois mentioned in a response above....as a Black Advocate and Activist for Civil Rights for Blacks...which is true enough...a brave man....but he also said in 1906 that: "the Black man has got to quit blaming the White man for everything that goes wrong in his life".

It seems that DuBois is still waiting for that to happen.

I'd like to know where DuBoise said that please.

I don't do research for you---you bogus piece of shit---but if you want to get off your ass and do it yourself you would best start with Souls of Black Folks.

I thought I had you on ignore.

This is as close to a reasonable thread as I have seen on this board. That it is fairly civil AND about the most incendiary of all Topics (Race) is amazing.

It could not have happened before the election. Anyone saying some things I have just read would be howled off the board as a racist, a bigot, a member of the Klan, a redneck.....the usual epitaphs that liberals turn to ad nauseum....for any topic, not just Race.

Trump defied the dictates of political correctness...blew them to Hell...and liberals simply can not use those same old epitaphs that have been thrown at people from the South....not when the White Boys in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania have had enough too.

It seems to me that the issue is one the American Society right to inquire about:

Why.... after half a century of The War on Poverty, The Great Society, Affirmative Action, a twice elected Black President...does the Black Community just fall into and worse shape....decade after decade.

I saw W. E. B. DuBois mentioned in a response above....as a Black Advocate and Activist for Civil Rights for Blacks...which is true enough...a brave man....but he also said in 1906 that: "the Black man has got to quit blaming the White man for everything that goes wrong in his life".

It seems that DuBois is still waiting for that to happen.

I'd like to know where DuBoise said that please.

I don't do research for you---you bogus piece of shit---but if you want to get off your ass and do it yourself you would best start with Souls of Black Folks.

I thought I had you on ignore.


You probably should have me on Iggy. It's the standard move of cowards.
This is as close to a reasonable thread as I have seen on this board. That it is fairly civil AND about the most incendiary of all Topics (Race) is amazing.

It could not have happened before the election. Anyone saying some things I have just read would be howled off the board as a racist, a bigot, a member of the Klan, a redneck.....the usual epitaphs that liberals turn to ad nauseum....for any topic, not just Race.

Trump defied the dictates of political correctness...blew them to Hell...and liberals simply can not use those same old epitaphs that have been thrown at people from the South....not when the White Boys in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania have had enough too.

It seems to me that the issue is one the American Society right to inquire about:

Why.... after half a century of The War on Poverty, The Great Society, Affirmative Action, a twice elected Black President...does the Black Community just fall into and worse shape....decade after decade.

I saw W. E. B. DuBois mentioned in a response above....as a Black Advocate and Activist for Civil Rights for Blacks...which is true enough...a brave man....but he also said in 1906 that: "the Black man has got to quit blaming the White man for everything that goes wrong in his life".

It seems that DuBois is still waiting for that to happen.

I'd like to know where DuBoise said that please.

I don't do research for you---you bogus piece of shit---but if you want to get off your ass and do it yourself you would best start with Souls of Black Folks.

I thought I had you on ignore.


You probably should have me on Iggy. It's the standard move of cowards.

People don't put you on ignore because they are afraid of you. THey put you on ignore because you are an asshole.

You don't say anything that other lefties don't say, less assholey.
This is as close to a reasonable thread as I have seen on this board. That it is fairly civil AND about the most incendiary of all Topics (Race) is amazing.

It could not have happened before the election. Anyone saying some things I have just read would be howled off the board as a racist, a bigot, a member of the Klan, a redneck.....the usual epitaphs that liberals turn to ad nauseum....for any topic, not just Race.

Trump defied the dictates of political correctness...blew them to Hell...and liberals simply can not use those same old epitaphs that have been thrown at people from the South....not when the White Boys in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania have had enough too.

It seems to me that the issue is one the American Society right to inquire about:

Why.... after half a century of The War on Poverty, The Great Society, Affirmative Action, a twice elected Black President...does the Black Community just fall into and worse shape....decade after decade.

I saw W. E. B. DuBois mentioned in a response above....as a Black Advocate and Activist for Civil Rights for Blacks...which is true enough...a brave man....but he also said in 1906 that: "the Black man has got to quit blaming the White man for everything that goes wrong in his life".

It seems that DuBois is still waiting for that to happen.

I'd like to know where DuBoise said that please.

I don't do research for you---you bogus piece of shit---but if you want to get off your ass and do it yourself you would best start with Souls of Black Folks.

I thought I had you on ignore.


You probably should have me on Iggy. It's the standard move of cowards.

People don't put you on ignore because they are afraid of you. THey put you on ignore because you are an asshole.

You don't say anything that other lefties don't say, less assholey.

Awwwww. Did I hurt your sensitive sensibilities?
This is as close to a reasonable thread as I have seen on this board. That it is fairly civil AND about the most incendiary of all Topics (Race) is amazing.

It could not have happened before the election. Anyone saying some things I have just read would be howled off the board as a racist, a bigot, a member of the Klan, a redneck.....the usual epitaphs that liberals turn to ad nauseum....for any topic, not just Race.

Trump defied the dictates of political correctness...blew them to Hell...and liberals simply can not use those same old epitaphs that have been thrown at people from the South....not when the White Boys in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania have had enough too.

It seems to me that the issue is one the American Society right to inquire about:

Why.... after half a century of The War on Poverty, The Great Society, Affirmative Action, a twice elected Black President...does the Black Community just fall into and worse shape....decade after decade.

I saw W. E. B. DuBois mentioned in a response above....as a Black Advocate and Activist for Civil Rights for Blacks...which is true enough...a brave man....but he also said in 1906 that: "the Black man has got to quit blaming the White man for everything that goes wrong in his life".

It seems that DuBois is still waiting for that to happen.

I'd like to know where DuBoise said that please.

I don't do research for you---you bogus piece of shit---but if you want to get off your ass and do it yourself you would best start with Souls of Black Folks.

I thought I had you on ignore.


You probably should have me on Iggy. It's the standard move of cowards.

People don't put you on ignore because they are afraid of you. THey put you on ignore because you are an asshole.

You don't say anything that other lefties don't say, less assholey.

Awwwww. Did I hurt your sensitive sensibilities?

Nope. Just speaking the Truth. It's my thing.
This can explain the difference in class AND CULTURE
but NOT calling it "White" which is confusing.
Not all rich people are white.

Not all whites are rich people.

With these two things observed, to pretend that all the economic dichotomy in this country also falls along racial lines is ignorant, obfuscating and serves a Marxist narrative of racial oppression when what we have seen is CLASS oppression and bigotry.

If the white working class would reunite like most of us were back in the 50s (but without the racial exclusion) the rich would not have gotten away with the robbery that they have since then.

When I was a kid I often heard racists justify their racism as necessary for the white middle class to be able to fight back against those born into wealth. They claimed that minorities were used to divide the middle class and the only way to counteract that was to unite on a combination of racial and economic interests.

While I can now, decades later, understand their perspective, the best counter strategy is still to unite along racial lines for the interests of the whole country, rich, poor, middle class, black, white, brown etc. Defend the interests of the whole nation by insisting on a racially neutral justice system and give EVERYONE equal opportunity, realizing that this will still produce unequal results for various reasons.

And in addition dismiss any suggestion of inequality and slanting the law in favor of anyone to be unacceptable because it is wrong, it is unjust and it is counter-productive as the best and most capable are always penalized and kept from contributing their possible share toward building the American Dream.

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