White Privilege Skeptics, Deniers or Attackers: Have you READ Rich Dad Poor Dad???

Toni Morrison was the moron who said Bill Clinton was the first black president. Morrison seems obsessed with race

Thanks SassyIrishLass
so CLEARLY TM is not using black and race "literally" if she used it loosely for Clinton!

How can we move toward acknowledging/agreeing we are talking about a cultural mindset, and not physical race???

You bring up a key point, that hits the target head on.
If she doesn't use "black" to mean literally
then why can't we do the same with what "white" means???

And stop offending people already?

You cannot use the term "white privilege" without offending whites who A. have worked hard for what they have and B. know that you are setting up to take from them to give to blacks.

White privilege is just another thing the left created to use as a wedge issue
Toni Morrison was the moron who said Bill Clinton was the first black president. Morrison seems obsessed with race

Thanks SassyIrishLass
so CLEARLY TM is not using black and race "literally" if she used it loosely for Clinton!

How can we move toward acknowledging/agreeing we are talking about a cultural mindset, and not physical race???

You bring up a key point, that hits the target head on.
If she doesn't use "black" to mean literally
then why can't we do the same with what "white" means???

And stop offending people already?

You cannot use the term "white privilege" without offending whites who A. have worked hard for what they have and B. know that you are setting up to take from them to give to blacks.

White privilege is just another thing the left created to use as a wedge issue
So that is the abuse of this issue to divide and create political hype.

What is the correct way to address this issue that would be productive and reward partnerships and building solutions?
I'm not sure there is a way to fix this generation honestly. In the long term we need to take the schools back from the extremist left and stop coddling these folks - clearly that was a mistake.
Toni Morrison was the moron who said Bill Clinton was the first black president. Morrison seems obsessed with race

Thanks SassyIrishLass
so CLEARLY TM is not using black and race "literally" if she used it loosely for Clinton!

How can we move toward acknowledging/agreeing we are talking about a cultural mindset, and not physical race???

You bring up a key point, that hits the target head on.
If she doesn't use "black" to mean literally
then why can't we do the same with what "white" means???

And stop offending people already?

You cannot use the term "white privilege" without offending whites who A. have worked hard for what they have and B. know that you are setting up to take from them to give to blacks.

White privilege is just another thing the left created to use as a wedge issue
So that is the abuse of this issue to divide and create political hype.

What is the correct way to address this issue that would be productive and reward partnerships and building solutions?

It's a made up issue the left bought hook, line and sinker. I'd never heard of "white privilege" until Obama came to office...
Toni Morrison was the moron who said Bill Clinton was the first black president. Morrison seems obsessed with race

Thanks SassyIrishLass
so CLEARLY TM is not using black and race "literally" if she used it loosely for Clinton!

How can we move toward acknowledging/agreeing we are talking about a cultural mindset, and not physical race???

You bring up a key point, that hits the target head on.
If she doesn't use "black" to mean literally
then why can't we do the same with what "white" means???

And stop offending people already?

You cannot use the term "white privilege" without offending whites who A. have worked hard for what they have and B. know that you are setting up to take from them to give to blacks.

White privilege is just another thing the left created to use as a wedge issue
So that is the abuse of this issue to divide and create political hype.

What is the correct way to address this issue that would be productive and reward partnerships and building solutions?

Step One: Those on the Left have to stop telling blacks that whites are the cause of their problems.

Step Two: Those on the Left have to stop falsely accusing whites of racism for partisan gain.

That should do it.
Rich people always have an advantage. It's been like that since the beginning of time. It isn't a White or Black thing.

And the sons of Cops have an easier time becoming cops, the sons of Plumbers get into the plumbers union when non plumber sons can't....teachers....ditto......if you own a family business your sons and daughters will inherit it.....

Everyone has advantages and disadvantages...toni morrison is a racist who excuses people based on their race and attacks others based on their race...
It's always about race and division with these guys. Rich people have always had an advantage. That's the way the world is. Life is not fair.

But in America........with Captialism, the rule of law and democracy.....that isn't the way your life has to end....the Rich become poor, the poor become rich.....the left hates this....they want everyone to be poor enough that they can be controlled......
Correct. The left hates success and wealth, or those who have ambition for it. They want everyone to be totally dependent on the Govt. and not do anything to rise up the income or social ladder. In other words they want this country to be a socialist entity. Remember, Obama ignorantly said in a speech once referring to successful businessmen "you didn't build it". He of course never understood entrepreneurship or what it takes to be successful in business, since he never did jack shit and was totally unqualified (other than being black) before he became president.
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Toni Morrison was the moron who said Bill Clinton was the first black president. Morrison seems obsessed with race

Thanks SassyIrishLass
so CLEARLY TM is not using black and race "literally" if she used it loosely for Clinton!

How can we move toward acknowledging/agreeing we are talking about a cultural mindset, and not physical race???

You bring up a key point, that hits the target head on.
If she doesn't use "black" to mean literally
then why can't we do the same with what "white" means???

And stop offending people already?

You cannot use the term "white privilege" without offending whites who A. have worked hard for what they have and B. know that you are setting up to take from them to give to blacks.

White privilege is just another thing the left created to use as a wedge issue
So that is the abuse of this issue to divide and create political hype.

What is the correct way to address this issue that would be productive and reward partnerships and building solutions?

It's a made up issue the left bought hook, line and sinker. I'd never heard of "white privilege" until Obama came to office...
It's been around. Both the concept and the specific term.

When affirmative action was first developed, was it called something else?

In Houston one of the historic activists told me that AA originated as urban development, but it got totally hijacked and distorted to be about race quotas! That wasn't the original intent or focus.

When Obama looked into complications with reparations for slavery, he concluded that addressing education and means of combating poverty would help ALL people of disadvantaged or minority status, so the problems of the black community, tied in part to recovery from generations of slavery and segregation, would be solved at the same time without trying to single out just blacks.

Since Obama believes in microlending and education/training that goes with it as the best way to end poverty and dependence on welfare, and so does Dr Carson, maybe they can unite the Black leadership on left and right, stop the class division by party, and invest in developing more campuses to restore distressed districts and create more paid jobs in education, health care and social services instead of depending on federal govt. Why not train whole communities to run their own schools to break the cycle of dependence?
Rich people always have an advantage. It's been like that since the beginning of time. It isn't a White or Black thing.
And many children squander that advantage and end up broke.
Rich people always have an advantage. It's been like that since the beginning of time. It isn't a White or Black thing.
The fact that someone is rich is not the cause of your poverty.
I am the furthest thing from "poor", just stating the facts. If wealth and the "advantages" that come tith it, is what one is after and all they're after, then one can get off one's ass, get educated, obtain the skills and / or devise a game plan to get there. That's what makes America great and different than most countries. But leftists want to take that away, because they're in love with a failed ideology called socialism and it's by-products.
Rich people always have an advantage. It's been like that since the beginning of time. It isn't a White or Black thing.
And many children squander that advantage and end up broke.
True, but most wealthy people make sure the wealth isn't squandered. They send their kids to the best schools. In essence their kids become "caretakers" of the money and don't do much with it, other than pass it on to the next generation. But there are some spoiled brats that get into drugs and all kinds of trouble.
I'm a white male, I don't need to read a damn book, Ive lived it and can tell you that there is no such thing as White Privilege.
All white privilege is, is a catch phrase for unmotivated individuals to hide behind.
Study, work and I don't care what race you are (as long as you are legal) you can be every bit as successful as any white male that does the same.
I agree, there is no "white privilege" today, in fact, most elite colleges such as the Ivy's and the Baby Ivy's (U of Chicago, Duke, Stanford, Wash U, Georgetown, etc.) are now taking non white kids who are less qualified than their white counterparts in the name of diversity.

In other words a black, Asian, or Latino person with a lower GPA, lower test scores, and less impressive extracurriculars will get their "golden ticket" into these elite colleges in the name of "diversity". Same goes when companies are looking at interns or job applicants. So actually, one could argue for a "non-white privilege" in many areas of today's society
I'm a white male, I don't need to read a damn book, Ive lived it and can tell you that there is no such thing as White Privilege.
All white privilege is, is a catch phrase for unmotivated individuals to hide behind.
Study, work and I don't care what race you are (as long as you are legal) you can be every bit as successful as any white male that does the same.
I agree, there is no "white privilege" today, in fact, most elite colleges such as the Ivy's and the Baby Ivy's (U of Chicago, Duke, Stanford, Wash U, Georgetown, etc.) are now taking non white kids who are less qualified than their white counterparts in the name of diversity.

In other words a black, Asian, or Latino person with a lower GPA, lower test scores, and less impressive extracurriculars will get their "golden ticket" into these elite colleges in the name of "diversity". Same goes when companies are looking at interns or job applicants. So actually, one could argue for a "non-white privilege" in many areas of today's society
exactly. However the point must be made that while I personally use this to point out that white privilege is not all its made out to be, and it does irritate me that whites are being moved aside, one has to understand that the policies of the 50s are still affecting many black kids today when it comes to college.
let me try to explain the way I see this.
In the 50s, a black man would have most likely had a very limited education, this would have left him with few choices for employment and even less choice of employment that was adequate to support oneself. certainly college would be out of the question for most black children during that period. In the 60s things opened up a bit and more blacks were making it into the workforce due to changing attitude of employers, but once again, we are now dealing with those kids from the 50s that did not have the education and because of that could not secure adequate compensation for their labor. So even though we end up with more blacks in college, the number was still extremely low. in the 70s the same thing for the same reasons, but then affirmative action came to be and loans, scholarships etc... where made possible, this allowed more black students than ever to attend college, however those numbers were still greatly skewed when compared to whites.
This trend continues today, more are getting into college due to affirmative action but the numbers are still too low when compared to other races that were not denied equal access years before. Poverty follows low education levels.
I suppose if we look at it, my grandfather being able to afford college in his day created a trickle down that made it so my father cold afford an education and because of that I was able to afford an education, and yes, my daughter is covered by me 100% for her college.
This same thing is why we still need (although It pisses me off) affirmative action in the workplace today. The success of these programs cant be measured on a yearly basis, it can only be measured on a generational time frame.
Other than that, Im not seeing any great advantage with being white when it comes to life in society. Everything else can be changed for the minorities advantage at a rate that can be determined by decade instead of generations.
I 'm White. Father died tragically when I was eleven. Left a widow with no more than a high school education and four young children to raise.

We didn't have a car for a long time. Mother walked to work. I went to work when I was 12. We never went near Food Stamps or any other kind of Government Relief.

Not a one of us ever felt sorry for himself; whined---all made successful lives.

Fuck all you whinny, excuse-making, lazy assholes.

You are whining now.
If you are too insecure to admit that you had a head start over others and have been viewed, in this society, favorably over people of color since the day you were born, you will vigorously deny your white privilege.

You will stare the facts square in the face and deny them.

It doesn't take anything away from you to acknowledge the facts here. Trust me.
I 'm White. Father died tragically when I was eleven. Left a widow with no more than a high school education and four young children to raise.

We didn't have a car for a long time. Mother walked to work. I went to work when I was 12. We never went near Food Stamps or any other kind of Government Relief.

Not a one of us ever felt sorry for himself; whined---all made successful lives.

Fuck all you whinny, excuse-making, lazy assholes.

You are whining now.
I dont see his post as whining, I see it as proof that people can succeed if they are willing to work. Maybe just a touch of rightfully earned bragging about the strength of his mother and for that matter his family.
If more people were raised like he was I doubt we would have the social problems we have today.
If you are too insecure to admit that you had a head start over others and have been viewed, in this society, favorably over people of color since the day you were born, you will vigorously deny your white privilege.

You will stare the facts square in the face and deny them.

It doesn't take anything away from you to acknowledge the facts here. Trust me.
The world is not fair. There are people of all colors that start before me and behind me. There are even some through randomness that start even with me. That being said, whinning about it helps no one, so go out there and live life. Each should do there best and try there best to be fair to others. Also realize that by simply being born an American, what ever your color, you are more privileged that most of the people in the world.
If you are too insecure to admit that you had a head start over others and have been viewed, in this society, favorably over people of color since the day you were born, you will vigorously deny your white privilege.

You will stare the facts square in the face and deny them.

It doesn't take anything away from you to acknowledge the facts here. Trust me.
The world is not fair. There are people of all colors that start before me and behind me. There are even some through randomness that start even with me. That being said, whinning about it helps no one, so go out there and live life. Each should do there best and try there best to be fair to others. Also realize that by simply being born an American, what ever your color, you are more privileged that most of the people in the world.

Yes. Being born in America means that you are generally privileged when compared to most. That is an accurate statement.

That said, you began your American life with a built in advantage over every single person of color. Even those who were born to parents who were wealthier than yours. This is a fact.

Why is it that whenever someone points out the fact that white privilege exists, some immediately assume that they are whining?
If you are too insecure to admit that you had a head start over others and have been viewed, in this society, favorably over people of color since the day you were born, you will vigorously deny your white privilege.

You will stare the facts square in the face and deny them.

It doesn't take anything away from you to acknowledge the facts here. Trust me.
The world is not fair. There are people of all colors that start before me and behind me. There are even some through randomness that start even with me. That being said, whinning about it helps no one, so go out there and live life. Each should do there best and try there best to be fair to others. Also realize that by simply being born an American, what ever your color, you are more privileged that most of the people in the world.

Yes. Being born in America means that you are generally privileged when compared to most. That is an accurate statement.

That said, you began your American life with a built in advantage over every single person of color. Even those who were born to parents who were wealthier than yours. This is a fact.

Why is it that whenever someone points out the fact that white privilege exists, some immediately assume that they are whining?
I will never be as privileged as Shasa and Milia Obama. My life does not have a built in advantage over every single person of color.
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Toni Morrison was the moron who said Bill Clinton was the first black president. Morrison seems obsessed with race

Thanks SassyIrishLass
so CLEARLY TM is not using black and race "literally" if she used it loosely for Clinton!

How can we move toward acknowledging/agreeing we are talking about a cultural mindset, and not physical race???

You bring up a key point, that hits the target head on.
If she doesn't use "black" to mean literally
then why can't we do the same with what "white" means???

And stop offending people already?

You cannot use the term "white privilege" without offending whites who A. have worked hard for what they have and B. know that you are setting up to take from them to give to blacks.

White privilege is just another thing the left created to use as a wedge issue
So that is the abuse of this issue to divide and create political hype.

What is the correct way to address this issue that would be productive and reward partnerships and building solutions?

It's a made up issue the left bought hook, line and sinker. I'd never heard of "white privilege" until Obama came to office...
were you living in a hole??? the term has been around for a near century!
Thanks SassyIrishLass
so CLEARLY TM is not using black and race "literally" if she used it loosely for Clinton!

How can we move toward acknowledging/agreeing we are talking about a cultural mindset, and not physical race???

You bring up a key point, that hits the target head on.
If she doesn't use "black" to mean literally
then why can't we do the same with what "white" means???

And stop offending people already?

You cannot use the term "white privilege" without offending whites who A. have worked hard for what they have and B. know that you are setting up to take from them to give to blacks.

White privilege is just another thing the left created to use as a wedge issue
So that is the abuse of this issue to divide and create political hype.

What is the correct way to address this issue that would be productive and reward partnerships and building solutions?

It's a made up issue the left bought hook, line and sinker. I'd never heard of "white privilege" until Obama came to office...
were you living in a hole??? the term has been around for a near century!

Yeah I'm sure a leftist moon bat such as yourself was well aware of it. It's stupid and a the loons use it as a wedge issue. Nobody gives a shit anymore

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