White Racism did Not End When Slavery ended

I have never liked trump. Trump was a democrat when he called for the execution of innocent kids. So don't tell me what I didn't do. As for Biden, that clean and articulate man picked him for VP and he worked with that clean and articulate black man with no drama for 8 years. Then he picks a black female as his VP. So all this jibberish you're talking is nonsense. I call you a racist for what YOU have said. And you conveniently ignore the crap republicans have said then run your mouth about a plantation.
You keep calling me racist yet you have yet to call out what I have said as being considered racist on a consensus level. It’s time you be accountable and provide some verifiable facts and not opinions between your ears which you feel entitled to as “fact”.
You appreciate Whites being fascinated that any Black could be clean and articulate? As for the man Biden worked for and the woman he picked as VP, both of them are descendants of Plantation OWNERS.

Apparently Obama wasn't bothered. So if that comment was so offensive to you, walk up to Obama and tell him about your plantation. Whites like you make me laugh with your disingenuous crap. Harris descended from a woman raped by a plantation owner. But you try making the claim you did like it's supposed to mean something. Trumps daddy was in the KKK. Trump got busted by the DOJ for racism in renting his apartments. So just stop.
You keep calling me racist yet you have yet to call out what I have said as being considered racist on a consensus level. It’s time you be accountable and provide some verifiable facts and not opinions between your ears which you feel entitled to as “fact”.
Read your posts. You are a racist.
Racism is such a broad term now…. There would be bullets flying left and right. It would accelerate everting.
No, racism is not a broad term. You think whites are smarter, less violent and work harder than blacks. So you believe in white inherent superiority and that is racist.
Apparently Obama wasn't bothered. So if that comment was so offensive to you, walk up to Obama and tell him about your plantation. Whites like you make me laugh with your disingenuous crap. Harris descended from a woman raped by a plantation owner. But you try making the claim you did like it's supposed to mean something. Trumps daddy was in the KKK. Trump got busted by the DOJ for racism in renting his apartments. So just stop.
I don’t have a plantation nor do I have conditional respect for Blacks like Biden and so many other Democrats do. You people are willing to accept Biden’s racism and used to accept Trump until he stood in your way. I don’t find any of the offensive. I find it ironic exposing more hypocrisy from your side.
Read your posts. You are a racist.
You think everyone who does not think like you and disagrees with you is racist. How ironic given the consensus understanding of the definition of racism.
No, racism is not a broad term. You think whites are smarter, less violent and work harder than blacks. So you believe in white inherent superiority and that is racist.
You are now outright lying about things I never said. You are clearly delusional in that you believe the world to be entitled not only to your opinions as fact but now your lies as well.
Refute the content instead of making veiled comments about a Black man. You people can’t resist beating up on Blacks just when they don’t align with your Plantation.

No veiled comments at all... it wasn't even his content, he was just reacting to Thomas Sowell trying to impress white people who hate him.

Who is talking about giving up Joe? And its been more than one setback. The only people whining are whites. Because you can't face the truth.

90% of the problems the black community have today are self-inflicted. Stop having babies out of wedlock, stop dropping out of school, stop letting the street gangs take over your neighborhood.
Of course not. You people have perpetuated it to this day. Look who you just elected!

Not to mention your fellow DemoKKKrat and favorite governor of all time, who was finally replaced by a Republican last year after you people kept reelecting him:

View attachment 657457
As much as this image must infuriate Black Democrats, they are told by the leaders to not get that uppity about this and instead focus on specious claims about Trump’s father being in the KKK. Reminds be back 30 years ago when Blacks were told to stand with Robert Byrd.
As much as this image must infuriate Black Democrats, they are told by the leaders to not get that uppity about this and instead focus on specious claims about Trump’s father being in the KKK. Reminds be back 30 years ago when Blacks were told to stand with Robert Byrd.

Or, maybe they really don't give a damn about shit.

Which, if true, makes all the whining about the confederate flag and statues complete bullshit.
No veiled comments at all... it wasn't even his content, he was just reacting to Thomas Sowell trying to impress white people who hate him.

90% of the problems the black community have today are self-inflicted. Stop having babies out of wedlock, stop dropping out of school, stop letting the street gangs take over your neighborhood.
Don't disagree with this at all.
Here is a good example of bad choices from the victim and the criminals.
Victim wins $30,000 in the lottery. What does he do with? He doesn't get out of debt, invest it, buy a decent car, put it in savings. Instead he takes $20,000 of it and buys a gold chain. Bad choice #1.
Bad Choice #2, victim decides to wear said chain like a fucking trophy in a bad part of town.
Next a few thugs come by and make a few more bad life choices and beat the victim and steal his chain.

You keep calling me racist yet you have yet to call out what I have said as being considered racist on a consensus level. It’s time you be accountable and provide some verifiable facts and not opinions between your ears which you feel entitled to as “fact”.
He does that a lot

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No veiled comments at all... it wasn't even his content, he was just reacting to Thomas Sowell trying to impress white people who hate him.

90% of the problems the black community have today are self-inflicted. Stop having babies out of wedlock, stop dropping out of school, stop letting the street gangs take over your neighborhood.
Too many of your people doing welfare scams (Click on any pic)




I wonder if these will show on the white crime stats ? I think not, even though your ppl steal millions of my and other blk ppl's tax money
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Whites here keep telling us about our bad choices and don't understand that their choice to be racists, ignore white racism or make excuses when they are shown their own double standard, is the worst choice
White supremacists "Blk ppl start your own business !!! Do for self !! Stop blaming whitey !!!"
Black person "Ok - Sure. I'll do that"

Guess what ?

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I don’t have a plantation nor do I have conditional respect for Blacks like Biden and so many other Democrats do. You people are willing to accept Biden’s racism and used to accept Trump until he stood in your way. I don’t find any of the offensive. I find it ironic exposing more hypocrisy from your side.
Nobody has accepted any racism. And your party is the white supremacist party. Obama is the leader of the democratic party. Biden is accepted because he worked under a black man for 8 years, took orders and didn't try to use his whiteness to sabotage Obama. You racists talk about words he said 50 years ago. Meanwhile trump is a racist right now. The bullshit you republicans repeat every damn day is a lie. Your party wants to end everything that has given us a fair chance and you lie about our history while pretending your white ----- have not been receiving preferences since the beginning of this country. All your bullshit is done in hopes of fooling enough blacks to give republicans power to return this country to Jim Crow.

F that.

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