White Supremacist indicted for threatening Trump

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I'm saving that link for the next time "the liberal narrative" comes up (in an hour probably)... LOL...

The guy is obviously nuts. I have no idea what his political ideology might be. I do know that around half of them support leftist, statist systems of governance and economics such as socialism, communism and fascism. The lying, liberal media refer to ALL white supremacists as "right wing", which is an absolute LIE.

I'm saving that link for the next time "the liberal narrative" comes up (in an hour probably)... LOL...

The guy is obviously nuts. I have no idea what his political ideology might be. I do know that around half of them support leftist, statist systems of governance and economics such as socialism, communism and fascism. The lying, liberal media refer to ALL white supremacists as "right wing", which is an absolute LIE.

The cool thing about these extremist haters is that they are so UNPREDICTABLE in their beliefs.. There's a classic article from Esquire that's funny as hell after hearing how ALL of these bigoted haters vote Republican.

And this link to your favorites -- filed under Bigots aint GOT a Party...

Why White Supremacists Support Barack Obama

If recent polls are to be believed, white voters favor John McCain over Barack Obama by nearly ten percentage points, but the McCain and Obama camps probably haven't factored in the following fact: In an informal Esquire survey, three out of four white supremacists prefer Obama, while McCain is the clear favorite among black nationalists. (Sure, our methodology suffered from an extraordinarily low sample size--limited to four white supremacists and one black nationalist--but just because it wouldn't fly with Gallup doesn't mean there ain't a kernel of truth in there.) This is just one of many surprising views that emerged after we talked to extremists about this historic electoral showdown between a 46-year-old black man and a 71-year-old white man.

Tom Metzger
Who: Director, White Aryan Resistance

Likes: White people, karaoke, environmentalists

Dislikes: Race-mixing, Jews, the federal government, capitalism

Career Highlights: Was Grand Dragon of Ku Klux Klan in the 70s; won the Democratic primary during his bid for Congress in 1980; appeared on the episode of Geraldo Rivera's show in 1988 when Rivera's nose was broken in a brawl.

"The corporations are running things now, so it's not going to make much difference who's in there, but McCain would be much worse. He's a warmonger. He's a scary, scary person--more dangerous than Bush. Obama, according to his book, Dreams Of My Father, is a racist and I have no problem with black racists. I've got the quote right here: 'I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's white race.' The problem with Obama is he's being dishonest about his racial views. I'd respect him if he'd just come out and say, 'Yeah, I'm a black racist.' I don't hate black people. I just think it's in the best interest of the races to be separated as much as possible. See, I'm a leftist. I'm not a rightist. I hate the transnational corporations far more than any black person."

Rocky Suhayda
Who: Chairman, American Nazi Party

Likes: Hitler, white people

Dislikes: Jews, immigrants, multinational corporations

Career highlights: Being widely quoted bemoaning in the fact that so few Aryan-Americans had the cojones of the 9/11 hijackers: "If we were one-tenth as serious, we might start getting somewhere."

"White people are faced with either a negro or a total nutter who happens to have a pale face. Personally I'd prefer the negro. National Socialists are not mindless haters. Here, I see a white man, who is almost dead, who declares he wants to fight endless wars around the globe to make the world safe for Judeo-capitalist exploitation, who supports the invasion of America by illegals--basically a continuation of the last eight years of Emperor Bush. Then, we have a black man, who loves his own kind, belongs to a Black-Nationalist religion, is married to a black women--when usually negroes who have 'made it' immediately land a white spouse as a kind of prize--that's the kind of negro that I can respect. Any time that a prominent person embraces their racial heritage in a positive manner, it's good for all racially minded folks. Besides, America cares nothing for the interests of the white American worker, while having a love affair with just about every non-white on planet Earth. It'd be poetic justice to have a non-white as titular chief over this decaying modern Sodom and Gomorrah."

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
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I'm saving that link for the next time "the liberal narrative" comes up (in an hour probably)... LOL...

The guy is obviously nuts. I have no idea what his political ideology might be. I do know that around half of them support leftist, statist systems of governance and economics such as socialism, communism and fascism. The lying, liberal media refer to ALL white supremacists as "right wing", which is an absolute LIE.

The cool thing about these extremist haters is that they are so UNPREDICTABLE in their beliefs.. There's a classic article from Esquire that's funny as hell after hearing how ALL of these bigoted haters vote Republican.

And this link to your favorites -- filed under Bigots aint GOT a Party...

Why White Supremacists Support Barack Obama

If recent polls are to be believed, white voters favor John McCain over Barack Obama by nearly ten percentage points, but the McCain and Obama camps probably haven't factored in the following fact: In an informal Esquire survey, three out of four white supremacists prefer Obama, while McCain is the clear favorite among black nationalists. (Sure, our methodology suffered from an extraordinarily low sample size--limited to four white supremacists and one black nationalist--but just because it wouldn't fly with Gallup doesn't mean there ain't a kernel of truth in there.) This is just one of many surprising views that emerged after we talked to extremists about this historic electoral showdown between a 46-year-old black man and a 71-year-old white man.

Tom Metzger
Who: Director, White Aryan Resistance

Likes: White people, karaoke, environmentalists

Dislikes: Race-mixing, Jews, the federal government, capitalism

Career Highlights: Was Grand Dragon of Ku Klux Klan in the 70s; won the Democratic primary during his bid for Congress in 1980; appeared on the episode of Geraldo Rivera's show in 1988 when Rivera's nose was broken in a brawl.

"The corporations are running things now, so it's not going to make much difference who's in there, but McCain would be much worse. He's a warmonger. He's a scary, scary person--more dangerous than Bush. Obama, according to his book, Dreams Of My Father, is a racist and I have no problem with black racists. I've got the quote right here: 'I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's white race.' The problem with Obama is he's being dishonest about his racial views. I'd respect him if he'd just come out and say, 'Yeah, I'm a black racist.' I don't hate black people. I just think it's in the best interest of the races to be separated as much as possible. See, I'm a leftist. I'm not a rightist. I hate the transnational corporations far more than any black person."

Rocky Suhayda
Who: Chairman, American Nazi Party

Likes: Hitler, white people

Dislikes: Jews, immigrants, multinational corporations

Career highlights: Being widely quoted bemoaning in the fact that so few Aryan-Americans had the cojones of the 9/11 hijackers: "If we were one-tenth as serious, we might start getting somewhere."

"White people are faced with either a negro or a total nutter who happens to have a pale face. Personally I'd prefer the negro. National Socialists are not mindless haters. Here, I see a white man, who is almost dead, who declares he wants to fight endless wars around the globe to make the world safe for Judeo-capitalist exploitation, who supports the invasion of America by illegals--basically a continuation of the last eight years of Emperor Bush. Then, we have a black man, who loves his own kind, belongs to a Black-Nationalist religion, is married to a black women--when usually negroes who have 'made it' immediately land a white spouse as a kind of prize--that's the kind of negro that I can respect. Any time that a prominent person embraces their racial heritage in a positive manner, it's good for all racially minded folks. Besides, America cares nothing for the interests of the white American worker, while having a love affair with just about every non-white on planet Earth. It'd be poetic justice to have a non-white as titular chief over this decaying modern Sodom and Gomorrah."

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Great post. I'll definitely be bookmarking this one.

I spent about a week on Stormfront just out of curiosity. I was surprised to find that so many of them support most leftist ideology. I wasn't surprised, however, to see how ignorant most of them are. They also have an unhealthy and obsessive hatred of Jews that I don't grasp. For the most part, their forum is a borefest. I like reading insightful posts that engage my mind. There just wasn't any there, at least none that I could find.
The cool thing about these extremist haters is that they are so UNPREDICTABLE in their beliefs.
I guess some people are just lost. They feel isolated, and one day just stumble into an ideology that feels right and ends up shaping their little worldview. And then (back to the internet and social media), they find a few others with this peculiar mindset and suddenly they belong to something.

Not really sure if, when all is said and done, the internet is a good thing or a bad thing.
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The cool thing about these extremist haters is that they are so UNPREDICTABLE in their beliefs.
I guess some people are just lost. They feel isolated, and one day just stumble into an ideology that feels right and ends up shaping their little worldview. And then (back to the internet and social media), they find a few others with this peculiar mindset and suddenly they belong to something.

Not really sure if, when all is said and done, the internet is a good thing or a bad thing.

Yea, I think there is some truth to that.

I've seen interviews where liberal students were asked why they were demonstrating and, many times, they didn't know why they were protesting, or they'd spout off that they're protesting "inequality" but when asked what specific policies they want, they were clueless. For a lot of them, it's a social event.
"White supremacist"... is that like a member of the NAACP?
Well, there was one who thought she could do it better than real blacks... dolezal-index.jpg

I'm saving that link for the next time "the liberal narrative" comes up (in an hour probably)... LOL...

The guy is obviously nuts. I have no idea what his political ideology might be. I do know that around half of them support leftist, statist systems of governance and economics such as socialism, communism and fascism. The lying, liberal media refer to ALL white supremacists as "right wing", which is an absolute LIE.

The cool thing about these extremist haters is that they are so UNPREDICTABLE in their beliefs.. There's a classic article from Esquire that's funny as hell after hearing how ALL of these bigoted haters vote Republican.

And this link to your favorites -- filed under Bigots aint GOT a Party...

Why White Supremacists Support Barack Obama

If recent polls are to be believed, white voters favor John McCain over Barack Obama by nearly ten percentage points, but the McCain and Obama camps probably haven't factored in the following fact: In an informal Esquire survey, three out of four white supremacists prefer Obama, while McCain is the clear favorite among black nationalists. (Sure, our methodology suffered from an extraordinarily low sample size--limited to four white supremacists and one black nationalist--but just because it wouldn't fly with Gallup doesn't mean there ain't a kernel of truth in there.) This is just one of many surprising views that emerged after we talked to extremists about this historic electoral showdown between a 46-year-old black man and a 71-year-old white man.

Tom Metzger
Who: Director, White Aryan Resistance

Likes: White people, karaoke, environmentalists

Dislikes: Race-mixing, Jews, the federal government, capitalism

Career Highlights: Was Grand Dragon of Ku Klux Klan in the 70s; won the Democratic primary during his bid for Congress in 1980; appeared on the episode of Geraldo Rivera's show in 1988 when Rivera's nose was broken in a brawl.

"The corporations are running things now, so it's not going to make much difference who's in there, but McCain would be much worse. He's a warmonger. He's a scary, scary person--more dangerous than Bush. Obama, according to his book, Dreams Of My Father, is a racist and I have no problem with black racists. I've got the quote right here: 'I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's white race.' The problem with Obama is he's being dishonest about his racial views. I'd respect him if he'd just come out and say, 'Yeah, I'm a black racist.' I don't hate black people. I just think it's in the best interest of the races to be separated as much as possible. See, I'm a leftist. I'm not a rightist. I hate the transnational corporations far more than any black person."

Rocky Suhayda
Who: Chairman, American Nazi Party

Likes: Hitler, white people

Dislikes: Jews, immigrants, multinational corporations

Career highlights: Being widely quoted bemoaning in the fact that so few Aryan-Americans had the cojones of the 9/11 hijackers: "If we were one-tenth as serious, we might start getting somewhere."

"White people are faced with either a negro or a total nutter who happens to have a pale face. Personally I'd prefer the negro. National Socialists are not mindless haters. Here, I see a white man, who is almost dead, who declares he wants to fight endless wars around the globe to make the world safe for Judeo-capitalist exploitation, who supports the invasion of America by illegals--basically a continuation of the last eight years of Emperor Bush. Then, we have a black man, who loves his own kind, belongs to a Black-Nationalist religion, is married to a black women--when usually negroes who have 'made it' immediately land a white spouse as a kind of prize--that's the kind of negro that I can respect. Any time that a prominent person embraces their racial heritage in a positive manner, it's good for all racially minded folks. Besides, America cares nothing for the interests of the white American worker, while having a love affair with just about every non-white on planet Earth. It'd be poetic justice to have a non-white as titular chief over this decaying modern Sodom and Gomorrah."

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Great post. I'll definitely be bookmarking this one.

I spent about a week on Stormfront just out of curiosity. I was surprised to find that so many of them support most leftist ideology. I wasn't surprised, however, to see how ignorant most of them are. They also have an unhealthy and obsessive hatred of Jews that I don't grasp. For the most part, their forum is a borefest. I like reading insightful posts that engage my mind. There just wasn't any there, at least none that I could find.
Yes. The "alt-right" is Nazi -- that is, NATIONAL SOCIALIST. Some of us let the left get away with defining the terms far too much.
The cool thing about these extremist haters is that they are so UNPREDICTABLE in their beliefs.
I guess some people are just lost. They feel isolated, and one day just stumble into an ideology that feels right and ends up shaping their little worldview. And then (back to the internet and social media), they find a few others with this peculiar mindset and suddenly they belong to something.

Not really sure if, when all is said and done, the internet is a good thing or a bad thing.

Yea, I think there is some truth to that.

I've seen interviews where liberal students were asked why they were demonstrating and, many times, they didn't know why they were protesting, or they'd spout off that they're protesting "inequality" but when asked what specific policies they want, they were clueless. For a lot of them, it's a social event.
"Belonging" is an incredibly powerful thing, especially to those who haven't found a place. Walk through the steps: An isolated person who feels cheated and alone stumbles into something on the internet that feels like something of a fit. They participate and are accepted. Suddenly, overnight, they belong. They matter. They have a place.

I have no doubt that such a person is FAR more likely at that point to fully buy into EVERYTHING that group says, regardless of what they might have thought about something before, and the internet has created a monster.

Certainly that is fueling this madness.
The cool thing about these extremist haters is that they are so UNPREDICTABLE in their beliefs.
I guess some people are just lost. They feel isolated, and one day just stumble into an ideology that feels right and ends up shaping their little worldview. And then (back to the internet and social media), they find a few others with this peculiar mindset and suddenly they belong to something.

Not really sure if, when all is said and done, the internet is a good thing or a bad thing.

Yea, I think there is some truth to that.

I've seen interviews where liberal students were asked why they were demonstrating and, many times, they didn't know why they were protesting, or they'd spout off that they're protesting "inequality" but when asked what specific policies they want, they were clueless. For a lot of them, it's a social event.
"Belonging" is an incredibly powerful thing, especially to those who haven't found a place. Walk through the steps: An isolated person who feels cheated and alone stumbles into something on the internet that feels like something of a fit. They participate and are accepted. Suddenly, overnight, they belong. They matter. They have a place.

I have no doubt that such a person is FAR more likely at that point to fully buy into EVERYTHING that group says, regardless of what they might have thought about something before, and the internet has created a monster.

Certainly that is fueling this madness.

I'm just impressed by the PROGRESS these cretins have made. They now hate Jews and Muslims MORE than black people.. I'm optimistic... :2up:

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