White Supremacy: the Left's New Russia Collusion

1. They are few in number and BARELY a threat in modern society.
Tell that to the people in Gilroy and El Paso and Christchurch and Tree of Life
2. Leftist exacerbate the problem when they call all of us racists on the smallest of infractions. It pushes some people to over-react by wanting to defend their own race in ways that are not exactly what I would call 'appropriate'--it just makes everything worse.

So you're blaming people who point out racism for what those racists do?

That's classic ...so when hubby beats you it's your fault for making him mad?

When someone gets violent it's only their fault for choosing violence. That goes on all sides btw.

However, in terms of CREATING more white supremacists, absolutely Leftists have a hand in that. It's a backlash against Cultural Appropriation and Mandatory Diversity Training. I don't think it's necessarily an appropriate backlash, but surely a very predictable one.

If you tell people often enough that they're racists for very slight reasons, some of them will shrug and say, "Well I might as well be a real one then."

You folks are so short-sighted never to see the ramifications of your constant, constant clanging.
When someone gets violent it's only their fault for choosing violence. That goes on all sides btw.

However, in terms of CREATING more white supremacists, absolutely Leftists have a hand in that.

LOL. Do you ALWAYS talk out of both sides of your mouth?

You keep coming back to

"He wouldn't hit me if I just stopped making him mad"

You realize, sweet cakes, that being a white supremacist just means you think white people are superior. It makes you a racist, but it doesn't mean you're violent.

WOW....the logical thinking of a Leftist. But if they could think better, they wouldn't be Leftists in the first place.
You realize, sweet cakes, that being a white supremacist just means you think white people are superior. It makes you a racist, but it doesn't mean you're violent.

Odd how violent white supremacists are then huh?

Charlottesville? Dylan Roof? Tree of Life? Gilroy? El Paso? Christchurch? and on and on
The left has been battling the white supremacist movement since day one. The only thing that is new is that it is becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate the haters from the Trumpublicans

However, Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats, is the party that claims the allegiance of virtually all Black voters, but whose mission is to politically pacify and neutralize Blacks, in service of the ruling class.
The official logo of the Alabama Democratic Party, adopted in 1904 and not replaced until 1966, featured an illustration of a crowing rooster and the slogan "White Supremacy, For the RIght."

You realize, sweet cakes, that being a white supremacist just means you think white people are superior. It makes you a racist, but it doesn't mean you're violent.

Odd how violent white supremacists are then huh?

Charlottesville? Dylan Roof? Tree of Life? Gilroy? El Paso? Christchurch? and on and on

Okay so since about half of British Muslims think homosexuality should be illegal...

That means exactly that many throw gays off rooftops, right?

Yes or no
You realize, sweet cakes, that being a white supremacist just means you think white people are superior. It makes you a racist, but it doesn't mean you're violent.

Odd how violent white supremacists are then huh?

Charlottesville? Dylan Roof? Tree of Life? Gilroy? El Paso? Christchurch? and on and on

Okay so since about half of British Muslims think homosexuality should be illegal...

That means exactly that many throw gays off rooftops, right?

Yes or no
You had to cross an ocean and find a completely different subject to try and defend your bullshit?


Piss off
YOU people are the racists, by screaming racism where there is none.

Right. There is no racism in America. El Paso and Gilroy didn't happen.

Fuck off you freak
There's plenty of racism.....and enough of it to go around.
But what do you call a person that thinks their race deserves special rights and privileges?????

YOU people are the racists, by screaming racism where there is none.
Right. There is no racism in America. El Paso and Gilroy didn't happen.
Fuck off you freak

Learn how to read English you rotten skank. I never said there was no racism. I said that you scream racism where there is none.

In other words you shit for brains, you ignore real racism and cry about fake racism.

Get it, fuckface? Now shot your cocksucker you moron
The Left is bankrupt of solutions to any real problems facing America. Most people know this.

All they have is fake outrage to fake problems. As I type this, they are working up a frothing frenzy over the new shadow-enemy: White Supremacy.

Sure, this is a problem, as witnessed in El Paso recently. Antifa is also a problem, as witnessed in Dayton. We have other problems: homelessness, the opioid crisis, immigration. These will all be left in the dust because they can't be blamed on Orange Man Bad.

No, they're dogs and they have their new bone: it's going to be White Supremacy from here to election day, 24/7. It's fakery, smokescreen, squirrel! But what else can they do? They're losing. They have to run with what they've got.

Here's E. Warren setting their new narrative on CNN:

Elizabeth Warren: Trump should not 'wink and nod and smile' about white supremacy - CNNPolitics

Strawman fallacy.

White supremacy and Russian interference in American elections are indeed threats to the American nation.

That conservatives are embarrassed by rightwing domestic terrorists is understandable, that conservatives take no issue with Russian interference in the American political process is reprehensible.
Tell that to the people in Gilroy and El Paso and Christchurch and Tree of Life

The man who opened fire Sunday at the Gilroy Garlic Festival, killing three people, did not appear to target people of a particular race, a law enforcement official said Thursday, pushing back on speculation — fueled by racist comments posted on the gunman’s Instagram account — that he was motivated by white supremacist beliefs.

“We’ve not yet determined the ideology, if ever,” said John F. Bennett, special agent in charge of the FBI’s San Francisco office. Asked at a news conference Thursday about a slur, directed at people of mixed race, that the gunman posted shortly before the attack, Bennet said it “doesn’t seem clear he was targeting any particular group. It seems very random at this point.”
Gilroy shooter did not appear to target people based on race, authorities say

The gunman who killed three people and injured 13 in Gilroy, Calif., had a “target list” of religious institutions, Democratic and Republican political organizations, and federal buildings, the F.B.I. said Tuesday, announcing that it had opened a domestic terrorism investigation.

The suspect had been exploring several “competing” violent ideologies, said John F. Bennett, the F.B.I. special agent in charge in San Francisco, at a news conference.

Mr. Bennett said investigators had not yet uncovered a motive and were trying to determine which ideology, if any, the gunman had ultimately subscribed to, and if anyone had helped him prepare for the shooting. The list also included courthouses and the garlic festival, Mr. Bennett said.
Dayton Gunman Had Been Exploring ‘Violent Ideologies,’ F.B.I. Says
The Left is bankrupt of solutions to any real problems facing America. Most people know this.

All they have is fake outrage to fake problems. As I type this, they are working up a frothing frenzy over the new shadow-enemy: White Supremacy.

Sure, this is a problem, as witnessed in El Paso recently. Antifa is also a problem, as witnessed in Dayton. We have other problems: homelessness, the opioid crisis, immigration. These will all be left in the dust because they can't be blamed on Orange Man Bad.

No, they're dogs and they have their new bone: it's going to be White Supremacy from here to election day, 24/7. It's fakery, smokescreen, squirrel! But what else can they do? They're losing. They have to run with what they've got.

Here's E. Warren setting their new narrative on CNN:

Elizabeth Warren: Trump should not 'wink and nod and smile' about white supremacy - CNNPolitics

So, you're not a Liberal Leftist against White Supremacy?
Tell that to the people in Gilroy and El Paso and Christchurch and Tree of Life

The man who opened fire Sunday at the Gilroy Garlic Festival, killing three people, did not appear to target people of a particular race, a law enforcement official said Thursday, pushing back on speculation — fueled by racist comments posted on the gunman’s Instagram account — that he was motivated by white supremacist beliefs.

“We’ve not yet determined the ideology, if ever,” said John F. Bennett, special agent in charge of the FBI’s San Francisco office. Asked at a news conference Thursday about a slur, directed at people of mixed race, that the gunman posted shortly before the attack, Bennet said it “doesn’t seem clear he was targeting any particular group. It seems very random at this point.”
Gilroy shooter did not appear to target people based on race, authorities say

The gunman who killed three people and injured 13 in Gilroy, Calif., had a “target list” of religious institutions, Democratic and Republican political organizations, and federal buildings, the F.B.I. said Tuesday, announcing that it had opened a domestic terrorism investigation.

The suspect had been exploring several “competing” violent ideologies, said John F. Bennett, the F.B.I. special agent in charge in San Francisco, at a news conference.

Mr. Bennett said investigators had not yet uncovered a motive and were trying to determine which ideology, if any, the gunman had ultimately subscribed to, and if anyone had helped him prepare for the shooting. The list also included courthouses and the garlic festival, Mr. Bennett said.
Dayton Gunman Had Been Exploring ‘Violent Ideologies,’ F.B.I. Says
fueled by racist comments posted on the gunman’s Instagram account


So, you took it and ran with it. You shouldn't have.
To a leftist there is no difference between white and white supremacist.

Yes, whites elected Trump.

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