Whites do have a role in stopping racism

If you cant accept that her death is seen as more tragic then you have some things you are going to have to deal with on your own to find peace.

I know that's what you think. What does Stewart's family say about it? What do you think they would do or say if you went up to them and suggested that their daughter's murder was less tragic because she wasn't killed by a white racist?

Do you not realize how utterly ridiculous that sounds?
Its not what just I think. Its what most Black people think. Stewarts family would agree a white person killing their daughter would be even worse than a Black person killing their daughter.

I only realize how utterly idiotic you sound.

How would you know this? Did you ask them? Do you know how they feel about whites? What if they're not as angry at whites as you are? (they're out there you know; blacks who are not angry at whites). Do you know if the race of the murderer is of any consequence to them at all? How can you say they would agree when you don't even know them?

I can't wait to see how you're going to reason your way through this.
I dont have to ask them. They share the same experience here in the US that I do.

I can't say whether or not they share the same experiences but I do know for a fact that many blacks do not feel as you do so there's no way you can speak for them. I know because I've worked with them, befriended them and welcomed them into the family. My niece's black husband does not feel this way and with the exception of the guy who spit on me, none of the black people I know feel this way.

Its the reason we speak to each other in passing even when we are total strangers. We understand the dynamic of racism. We see each other and all it takes is one instant for our eyes to lock and know. We know here is a Black man/woman. This is an ally that for the most part shares my opinions regarding whites. I'm not asking you to accept my explanation. Youre just going to have to deal with it on its own merits....or not.

Do you have a secret handshake? Good Christ.
"Many" is a very subjective number. Just because you worked with them and befriended them doesnt mean they tell you what they truly feel. Youre just another naive white person to them unless you have participated in some life altering event. I'll tell you what. Go ask your Black friends the same question and see what they tell you. Ask them does a white boy killing Black woman generate more alarm than a Black guy killing a Black woman? You dont have to report back because I dont trust that you wont lie being a white person. When you ask look for a hesitant response. If they are hesitant then they are telling you the truth. If not they are lying to avoid hearing your denials.
Jesus Christ, what is it with you guys? Not every race discussion is a goddamn contest.

I'm just asking why all the uproar and call to action over the white racist murderer but not the black murderer. They both killed a black woman but for some reason, the white murderer is the only one they're screaming about.
You're repeating what you have already and then people answer the question and then you repeat what you have say again.

That's because people are repeating answers to a question I never asked.

I said it before and I'll say it again: I am not making comparisons of white to black murderers in any way. I am not saying that blacks commit more murders or worse murders (if there is such a thing). I am not saying there should be more of an uproar over black murderers. I'm saying that since a black woman was murdered in both cases, there shouldn't have been an uproar at all. The fact that one of the murderers was a white racist is irrelevant.

That's it.

"The fact that one of the murderers was a white racist is irrelevant."

This here is your major problem. Your opinion has no basis in fact.

If that's true then neither does yours.

So you're telling me that the white guy made it about race so you're going to make it about race? How do you expect to end racism this way?

Since you're a white boy its even more irrelevant to Black people simply because you dont know what the hell you are talking about.

Okay black boy, whatever you say.

Ever hear of this thing called "the talk"? When Black children receive the talk heavy emphasis is put on the fact that white people will harm you because of your color.

So you're teaching your children that all white people will harm them because of their color?
Its not my job to end racism. Thats your job as a white person belonging to the group that started racism.

Answer the question: So you're teaching your children that all white people will harm them because of their color?

Glad you understand white boy.


Most Blacks teach their children that whites will attempt to harm them over their race. Thats what the talk is about.

What you're doing is poisoning their minds against whites, especially if you tell them all whites are like this.
I know that's what you think. What does Stewart's family say about it? What do you think they would do or say if you went up to them and suggested that their daughter's murder was less tragic because she wasn't killed by a white racist?

Do you not realize how utterly ridiculous that sounds?
Its not what just I think. Its what most Black people think. Stewarts family would agree a white person killing their daughter would be even worse than a Black person killing their daughter.

I only realize how utterly idiotic you sound.

How would you know this? Did you ask them? Do you know how they feel about whites? What if they're not as angry at whites as you are? (they're out there you know; blacks who are not angry at whites). Do you know if the race of the murderer is of any consequence to them at all? How can you say they would agree when you don't even know them?

I can't wait to see how you're going to reason your way through this.
I dont have to ask them. They share the same experience here in the US that I do.

I can't say whether or not they share the same experiences but I do know for a fact that many blacks do not feel as you do so there's no way you can speak for them. I know because I've worked with them, befriended them and welcomed them into the family. My niece's black husband does not feel this way and with the exception of the guy who spit on me, none of the black people I know feel this way.

Its the reason we speak to each other in passing even when we are total strangers. We understand the dynamic of racism. We see each other and all it takes is one instant for our eyes to lock and know. We know here is a Black man/woman. This is an ally that for the most part shares my opinions regarding whites. I'm not asking you to accept my explanation. Youre just going to have to deal with it on its own merits....or not.

Do you have a secret handshake? Good Christ.
"Many" is a very subjective number. Just because you worked with them and befriended them doesnt mean they tell you what they truly feel.

And just because you're pissed off and bitter doesn't mean they are too.

Youre just another naive white person to them unless you have participated in some life altering event. I'll tell you what. Go ask your Black friends the same question and see what they tell you. Ask them does a white boy killing Black woman generate more alarm than a Black guy killing a Black woman? You dont have to report back because I dont trust that you wont lie being a white person. When you ask look for a hesitant response. If they are hesitant then they are telling you the truth. If not they are lying to avoid hearing your denials.

You're the one who bears the burden of asking other blacks this question because you're the one presuming to speak for other people, not me. I only said there were blacks out there who are not angry at whites and that's the truth based on my experience. You, however, presume to speak for Stewart's parents and family and other blacks you've never met.
You're repeating what you have already and then people answer the question and then you repeat what you have say again.

That's because people are repeating answers to a question I never asked.

I said it before and I'll say it again: I am not making comparisons of white to black murderers in any way. I am not saying that blacks commit more murders or worse murders (if there is such a thing). I am not saying there should be more of an uproar over black murderers. I'm saying that since a black woman was murdered in both cases, there shouldn't have been an uproar at all. The fact that one of the murderers was a white racist is irrelevant.

That's it.

"The fact that one of the murderers was a white racist is irrelevant."

This here is your major problem. Your opinion has no basis in fact.

If that's true then neither does yours.

So you're telling me that the white guy made it about race so you're going to make it about race? How do you expect to end racism this way?

Since you're a white boy its even more irrelevant to Black people simply because you dont know what the hell you are talking about.

Okay black boy, whatever you say.

Ever hear of this thing called "the talk"? When Black children receive the talk heavy emphasis is put on the fact that white people will harm you because of your color.

So you're teaching your children that all white people will harm them because of their color?
Its not my job to end racism. Thats your job as a white person belonging to the group that started racism.

Answer the question: So you're teaching your children that all white people will harm them because of their color?

Glad you understand white boy.


Most Blacks teach their children that whites will attempt to harm them over their race. Thats what the talk is about.

What you're doing is poisoning their minds against whites, especially if you tell them all whites are like this.
I did answer the question. Asking me the same question is not going to change my answer. Of course I teach my children whites will try to harm them because of their color.

I wouldnt call it poisoning. If I tell me kids fire will burn you I am not poisoning their minds against fire. I am making them cautious in their interactions with fire.
Its not what just I think. Its what most Black people think. Stewarts family would agree a white person killing their daughter would be even worse than a Black person killing their daughter.

I only realize how utterly idiotic you sound.

How would you know this? Did you ask them? Do you know how they feel about whites? What if they're not as angry at whites as you are? (they're out there you know; blacks who are not angry at whites). Do you know if the race of the murderer is of any consequence to them at all? How can you say they would agree when you don't even know them?

I can't wait to see how you're going to reason your way through this.
I dont have to ask them. They share the same experience here in the US that I do.

I can't say whether or not they share the same experiences but I do know for a fact that many blacks do not feel as you do so there's no way you can speak for them. I know because I've worked with them, befriended them and welcomed them into the family. My niece's black husband does not feel this way and with the exception of the guy who spit on me, none of the black people I know feel this way.

Its the reason we speak to each other in passing even when we are total strangers. We understand the dynamic of racism. We see each other and all it takes is one instant for our eyes to lock and know. We know here is a Black man/woman. This is an ally that for the most part shares my opinions regarding whites. I'm not asking you to accept my explanation. Youre just going to have to deal with it on its own merits....or not.

Do you have a secret handshake? Good Christ.
"Many" is a very subjective number. Just because you worked with them and befriended them doesnt mean they tell you what they truly feel.

And just because you're pissed off and bitter doesn't mean they are too.

Youre just another naive white person to them unless you have participated in some life altering event. I'll tell you what. Go ask your Black friends the same question and see what they tell you. Ask them does a white boy killing Black woman generate more alarm than a Black guy killing a Black woman? You dont have to report back because I dont trust that you wont lie being a white person. When you ask look for a hesitant response. If they are hesitant then they are telling you the truth. If not they are lying to avoid hearing your denials.

You're the one who bears the burden of asking other blacks this question because you're the one presuming to speak for other people, not me. I only said there were blacks out there who are not angry at whites and that's the truth based on my experience. You, however, presume to speak for Stewart's parents and family and other blacks you've never met.
What makes you think I am pissed off?

I dont have to ask the question. We talk about it alot among ourselves. Youre the one in denial about what Black people feel not me.
That's because people are repeating answers to a question I never asked.

I said it before and I'll say it again: I am not making comparisons of white to black murderers in any way. I am not saying that blacks commit more murders or worse murders (if there is such a thing). I am not saying there should be more of an uproar over black murderers. I'm saying that since a black woman was murdered in both cases, there shouldn't have been an uproar at all. The fact that one of the murderers was a white racist is irrelevant.

That's it.

"The fact that one of the murderers was a white racist is irrelevant."

This here is your major problem. Your opinion has no basis in fact.

If that's true then neither does yours.

So you're telling me that the white guy made it about race so you're going to make it about race? How do you expect to end racism this way?

Since you're a white boy its even more irrelevant to Black people simply because you dont know what the hell you are talking about.

Okay black boy, whatever you say.

Ever hear of this thing called "the talk"? When Black children receive the talk heavy emphasis is put on the fact that white people will harm you because of your color.

So you're teaching your children that all white people will harm them because of their color?
Its not my job to end racism. Thats your job as a white person belonging to the group that started racism.

Answer the question: So you're teaching your children that all white people will harm them because of their color?

Glad you understand white boy.


Most Blacks teach their children that whites will attempt to harm them over their race. Thats what the talk is about.

What you're doing is poisoning their minds against whites, especially if you tell them all whites are like this.
I did answer the question. Asking me the same question is not going to change my answer. Of course I teach my children whites will try to harm them because of their color.

That's not my question. My question is: Are you teaching your children that ALL white people will harm them because of their color?

I wouldnt call it poisoning. If I tell me kids fire will burn you I am not poisoning their minds against fire. I am making them cautious in their interactions with fire.

Here's the problem with your analogy: Fire will always burn them if they're not careful. But not all whites will harm them because of their color.
How would you know this? Did you ask them? Do you know how they feel about whites? What if they're not as angry at whites as you are? (they're out there you know; blacks who are not angry at whites). Do you know if the race of the murderer is of any consequence to them at all? How can you say they would agree when you don't even know them?

I can't wait to see how you're going to reason your way through this.
I dont have to ask them. They share the same experience here in the US that I do.

I can't say whether or not they share the same experiences but I do know for a fact that many blacks do not feel as you do so there's no way you can speak for them. I know because I've worked with them, befriended them and welcomed them into the family. My niece's black husband does not feel this way and with the exception of the guy who spit on me, none of the black people I know feel this way.

Its the reason we speak to each other in passing even when we are total strangers. We understand the dynamic of racism. We see each other and all it takes is one instant for our eyes to lock and know. We know here is a Black man/woman. This is an ally that for the most part shares my opinions regarding whites. I'm not asking you to accept my explanation. Youre just going to have to deal with it on its own merits....or not.

Do you have a secret handshake? Good Christ.
"Many" is a very subjective number. Just because you worked with them and befriended them doesnt mean they tell you what they truly feel.

And just because you're pissed off and bitter doesn't mean they are too.

Youre just another naive white person to them unless you have participated in some life altering event. I'll tell you what. Go ask your Black friends the same question and see what they tell you. Ask them does a white boy killing Black woman generate more alarm than a Black guy killing a Black woman? You dont have to report back because I dont trust that you wont lie being a white person. When you ask look for a hesitant response. If they are hesitant then they are telling you the truth. If not they are lying to avoid hearing your denials.

You're the one who bears the burden of asking other blacks this question because you're the one presuming to speak for other people, not me. I only said there were blacks out there who are not angry at whites and that's the truth based on my experience. You, however, presume to speak for Stewart's parents and family and other blacks you've never met.
What makes you think I am pissed off?

Gee, I wonder...

I dont have to ask the question. We talk about it alot among ourselves. Youre the one in denial about what Black people feel not me.

Did "ourselves" include Stewart's family? If not then you have no right to speak for them on this matter.
I dont have to ask them. They share the same experience here in the US that I do.

I can't say whether or not they share the same experiences but I do know for a fact that many blacks do not feel as you do so there's no way you can speak for them. I know because I've worked with them, befriended them and welcomed them into the family. My niece's black husband does not feel this way and with the exception of the guy who spit on me, none of the black people I know feel this way.

Its the reason we speak to each other in passing even when we are total strangers. We understand the dynamic of racism. We see each other and all it takes is one instant for our eyes to lock and know. We know here is a Black man/woman. This is an ally that for the most part shares my opinions regarding whites. I'm not asking you to accept my explanation. Youre just going to have to deal with it on its own merits....or not.

Do you have a secret handshake? Good Christ.
"Many" is a very subjective number. Just because you worked with them and befriended them doesnt mean they tell you what they truly feel.

And just because you're pissed off and bitter doesn't mean they are too.

Youre just another naive white person to them unless you have participated in some life altering event. I'll tell you what. Go ask your Black friends the same question and see what they tell you. Ask them does a white boy killing Black woman generate more alarm than a Black guy killing a Black woman? You dont have to report back because I dont trust that you wont lie being a white person. When you ask look for a hesitant response. If they are hesitant then they are telling you the truth. If not they are lying to avoid hearing your denials.

You're the one who bears the burden of asking other blacks this question because you're the one presuming to speak for other people, not me. I only said there were blacks out there who are not angry at whites and that's the truth based on my experience. You, however, presume to speak for Stewart's parents and family and other blacks you've never met.
What makes you think I am pissed off?

Gee, I wonder...

I dont have to ask the question. We talk about it alot among ourselves. Youre the one in denial about what Black people feel not me.

Did "ourselves" include Stewart's family? If not then you have no right to speak for them on this matter.
I wonder too. Can you point to something I said or is your imagination working overtime?

I have every right to speak for the Stewart family. I am in the better position to know what they believe.
I can't say whether or not they share the same experiences but I do know for a fact that many blacks do not feel as you do so there's no way you can speak for them. I know because I've worked with them, befriended them and welcomed them into the family. My niece's black husband does not feel this way and with the exception of the guy who spit on me, none of the black people I know feel this way.

Do you have a secret handshake? Good Christ.
"Many" is a very subjective number. Just because you worked with them and befriended them doesnt mean they tell you what they truly feel.

And just because you're pissed off and bitter doesn't mean they are too.

Youre just another naive white person to them unless you have participated in some life altering event. I'll tell you what. Go ask your Black friends the same question and see what they tell you. Ask them does a white boy killing Black woman generate more alarm than a Black guy killing a Black woman? You dont have to report back because I dont trust that you wont lie being a white person. When you ask look for a hesitant response. If they are hesitant then they are telling you the truth. If not they are lying to avoid hearing your denials.

You're the one who bears the burden of asking other blacks this question because you're the one presuming to speak for other people, not me. I only said there were blacks out there who are not angry at whites and that's the truth based on my experience. You, however, presume to speak for Stewart's parents and family and other blacks you've never met.
What makes you think I am pissed off?

Gee, I wonder...

I dont have to ask the question. We talk about it alot among ourselves. Youre the one in denial about what Black people feel not me.

Did "ourselves" include Stewart's family? If not then you have no right to speak for them on this matter.
I wonder too. Can you point to something I said or is your imagination working overtime?

How about calling me "white boy" for starters? How about the fact that you have never given me one ounce of the benefit of the doubt regarding my story.

I have every right to speak for the Stewart family. I am in the better position to know what they believe.

Being black doesn't put you in a better position. Actually knowing them would put you in a better position.
"Many" is a very subjective number. Just because you worked with them and befriended them doesnt mean they tell you what they truly feel.

And just because you're pissed off and bitter doesn't mean they are too.

Youre just another naive white person to them unless you have participated in some life altering event. I'll tell you what. Go ask your Black friends the same question and see what they tell you. Ask them does a white boy killing Black woman generate more alarm than a Black guy killing a Black woman? You dont have to report back because I dont trust that you wont lie being a white person. When you ask look for a hesitant response. If they are hesitant then they are telling you the truth. If not they are lying to avoid hearing your denials.

You're the one who bears the burden of asking other blacks this question because you're the one presuming to speak for other people, not me. I only said there were blacks out there who are not angry at whites and that's the truth based on my experience. You, however, presume to speak for Stewart's parents and family and other blacks you've never met.
What makes you think I am pissed off?

Gee, I wonder...

I dont have to ask the question. We talk about it alot among ourselves. Youre the one in denial about what Black people feel not me.

Did "ourselves" include Stewart's family? If not then you have no right to speak for them on this matter.
I wonder too. Can you point to something I said or is your imagination working overtime?

How about calling me "white boy" for starters? How about the fact that you have never given me one ounce of the benefit of the doubt regarding my story.

I have every right to speak for the Stewart family. I am in the better position to know what they believe.

Being black doesn't put you in a better position. Actually knowing them would put you in a better position.
Youre white so how would I refer to your race without calling you white?

Actually youre wrong. Being Black definitely puts me in a better position than you are. I dont have to know them personally to understand what they believe regarding something Blacks share amongst themselves.
And just because you're pissed off and bitter doesn't mean they are too.

You're the one who bears the burden of asking other blacks this question because you're the one presuming to speak for other people, not me. I only said there were blacks out there who are not angry at whites and that's the truth based on my experience. You, however, presume to speak for Stewart's parents and family and other blacks you've never met.
What makes you think I am pissed off?

Gee, I wonder...

I dont have to ask the question. We talk about it alot among ourselves. Youre the one in denial about what Black people feel not me.

Did "ourselves" include Stewart's family? If not then you have no right to speak for them on this matter.
I wonder too. Can you point to something I said or is your imagination working overtime?

How about calling me "white boy" for starters? How about the fact that you have never given me one ounce of the benefit of the doubt regarding my story.

I have every right to speak for the Stewart family. I am in the better position to know what they believe.

Being black doesn't put you in a better position. Actually knowing them would put you in a better position.
Youre white so how would I refer to your race without calling you white?

If I said "You're a black boy" as opposed to "You are black" or "you are a black person", would you still be asking this question?

Actually youre wrong. Being Black definitely puts me in a better position than you are. I dont have to know them personally to understand what they believe regarding something Blacks share amongst themselves.

You just keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better now. Let's hope that eases your pain and grief at all if your wife, daughter, sister or niece gets murdered by a black guy.
What makes you think I am pissed off?

Gee, I wonder...

I dont have to ask the question. We talk about it alot among ourselves. Youre the one in denial about what Black people feel not me.

Did "ourselves" include Stewart's family? If not then you have no right to speak for them on this matter.
I wonder too. Can you point to something I said or is your imagination working overtime?

How about calling me "white boy" for starters? How about the fact that you have never given me one ounce of the benefit of the doubt regarding my story.

I have every right to speak for the Stewart family. I am in the better position to know what they believe.

Being black doesn't put you in a better position. Actually knowing them would put you in a better position.
Youre white so how would I refer to your race without calling you white?

If I said "You're a black boy" as opposed to "You are black" or "you are a black person", would you still be asking this question?

Actually youre wrong. Being Black definitely puts me in a better position than you are. I dont have to know them personally to understand what they believe regarding something Blacks share amongst themselves.

You just keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better now. Let's hope that eases your pain and grief at all if your wife, daughter, sister or niece gets murdered by a black guy.
Yes. I see nothing wrong with calling me a Black boy. I am Black so it doesnt bother me.

I dont think anything will ease my pain if any of my family is killed by whoever. That however has nothing to do with what I decide is more outrage evoking between a white boy doing it as opposed to a Black guy doing it.
Gee, I wonder...

Did "ourselves" include Stewart's family? If not then you have no right to speak for them on this matter.
I wonder too. Can you point to something I said or is your imagination working overtime?

How about calling me "white boy" for starters? How about the fact that you have never given me one ounce of the benefit of the doubt regarding my story.

I have every right to speak for the Stewart family. I am in the better position to know what they believe.

Being black doesn't put you in a better position. Actually knowing them would put you in a better position.
Youre white so how would I refer to your race without calling you white?

If I said "You're a black boy" as opposed to "You are black" or "you are a black person", would you still be asking this question?

Actually youre wrong. Being Black definitely puts me in a better position than you are. I dont have to know them personally to understand what they believe regarding something Blacks share amongst themselves.

You just keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better now. Let's hope that eases your pain and grief at all if your wife, daughter, sister or niece gets murdered by a black guy.
Yes. I see nothing wrong with calling me a Black boy. I am Black so it doesnt bother me.

Uh huh.

I dont think anything will ease my pain if any of my family is killed by whoever. That however has nothing to do with what I decide is more outrage evoking between a white boy doing it as opposed to a Black guy doing it.

You said you speak for Stewart's family and for all blacks. Do you also speak for the black murderer? How does he feel about it? Was he one of the "ourselves" you referred to? Do you think he was watching the news about the white guy killing the black woman as he was strangling the life out of his own black victim and said "I am outraged by this!"?

Also, it is pathetically hypocritical that you're outraged at the white guy killing the black woman and hold him responsible but not the Tutsis. With the Tutsis you blamed the white man for teaching them to hate each other but not the parents or whoever that taught the white guy to hate.
I wonder too. Can you point to something I said or is your imagination working overtime?

How about calling me "white boy" for starters? How about the fact that you have never given me one ounce of the benefit of the doubt regarding my story.

I have every right to speak for the Stewart family. I am in the better position to know what they believe.

Being black doesn't put you in a better position. Actually knowing them would put you in a better position.
Youre white so how would I refer to your race without calling you white?

If I said "You're a black boy" as opposed to "You are black" or "you are a black person", would you still be asking this question?

Actually youre wrong. Being Black definitely puts me in a better position than you are. I dont have to know them personally to understand what they believe regarding something Blacks share amongst themselves.

You just keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better now. Let's hope that eases your pain and grief at all if your wife, daughter, sister or niece gets murdered by a black guy.
Yes. I see nothing wrong with calling me a Black boy. I am Black so it doesnt bother me.

Uh huh.

I dont think anything will ease my pain if any of my family is killed by whoever. That however has nothing to do with what I decide is more outrage evoking between a white boy doing it as opposed to a Black guy doing it.

You said you speak for Stewart's family and for all blacks. Do you also speak for the black murderer? How does he feel about it? Was he one of the "ourselves" you referred to? Do you think he was watching the news about the white guy killing the black woman as he was strangling the life out of his own black victim and said "I am outraged by this!"?

Also, it is pathetically hypocritical that you're outraged at the white guy killing the black woman and hold him responsible but not the Tutsis. With the Tutsis you blamed the white man for teaching them to hate each other but not the parents or whoever that taught the white guy to hate.
Once you cross that line of killing a Black female goddess I cant speak for you. I no longer consider you one of my own.

When did the Tutsis become white?
How about calling me "white boy" for starters? How about the fact that you have never given me one ounce of the benefit of the doubt regarding my story.

Being black doesn't put you in a better position. Actually knowing them would put you in a better position.
Youre white so how would I refer to your race without calling you white?

If I said "You're a black boy" as opposed to "You are black" or "you are a black person", would you still be asking this question?

Actually youre wrong. Being Black definitely puts me in a better position than you are. I dont have to know them personally to understand what they believe regarding something Blacks share amongst themselves.

You just keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better now. Let's hope that eases your pain and grief at all if your wife, daughter, sister or niece gets murdered by a black guy.
Yes. I see nothing wrong with calling me a Black boy. I am Black so it doesnt bother me.

Uh huh.

I dont think anything will ease my pain if any of my family is killed by whoever. That however has nothing to do with what I decide is more outrage evoking between a white boy doing it as opposed to a Black guy doing it.

You said you speak for Stewart's family and for all blacks. Do you also speak for the black murderer? How does he feel about it? Was he one of the "ourselves" you referred to? Do you think he was watching the news about the white guy killing the black woman as he was strangling the life out of his own black victim and said "I am outraged by this!"?

Also, it is pathetically hypocritical that you're outraged at the white guy killing the black woman and hold him responsible but not the Tutsis. With the Tutsis you blamed the white man for teaching them to hate each other but not the parents or whoever that taught the white guy to hate.
Once you cross that line of killing a Black female goddess I cant speak for you. I no longer consider you one of my own.

But you spoke for him before he killed the "goddess", right? So when you were speaking for this guy and claiming that he would feel the same way about a black woman being killed by a white guy, he was probably plotting the murder of his black victim at the same time. And by the way, when they found him in L.A. in a hotel room (the Stewart murder was in New York), he had another woman held captive who he had found along the way and was most likely planning the same thing for her.

So you spoke on behalf of a black guy that ended up killing a black "goddess" as you put it; do you also speak for all the other blacks that kill blacks? Did you speak for the guy who killed Tupac? How about the guy who killed Notorious B.I.G.? How about the black guy who killed three year old T'Rhigi Diggs in Atlanta earlier this year in a drive-by? Or how about the black guy who killed one year old Malaysia Robson in Texas back in March of this year in another drive-by? Do you speak for the parents and families of these victims as well? Finally, do any of these people know you speak for them? Are they also speaking for you and the other black victims above?

When did the Tutsis become white?

Youre white so how would I refer to your race without calling you white?

If I said "You're a black boy" as opposed to "You are black" or "you are a black person", would you still be asking this question?

Actually youre wrong. Being Black definitely puts me in a better position than you are. I dont have to know them personally to understand what they believe regarding something Blacks share amongst themselves.

You just keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better now. Let's hope that eases your pain and grief at all if your wife, daughter, sister or niece gets murdered by a black guy.
Yes. I see nothing wrong with calling me a Black boy. I am Black so it doesnt bother me.

Uh huh.

I dont think anything will ease my pain if any of my family is killed by whoever. That however has nothing to do with what I decide is more outrage evoking between a white boy doing it as opposed to a Black guy doing it.

You said you speak for Stewart's family and for all blacks. Do you also speak for the black murderer? How does he feel about it? Was he one of the "ourselves" you referred to? Do you think he was watching the news about the white guy killing the black woman as he was strangling the life out of his own black victim and said "I am outraged by this!"?

Also, it is pathetically hypocritical that you're outraged at the white guy killing the black woman and hold him responsible but not the Tutsis. With the Tutsis you blamed the white man for teaching them to hate each other but not the parents or whoever that taught the white guy to hate.
Once you cross that line of killing a Black female goddess I cant speak for you. I no longer consider you one of my own.

But you spoke for him before he killed the "goddess", right? So when you were speaking for this guy and claiming that he would feel the same way about a black woman being killed by a white guy, he was probably plotting the murder of his black victim at the same time. And by the way, when they found him in L.A. in a hotel room (the Stewart murder was in New York), he had another woman held captive who he had found along the way and was most likely planning the same thing for her.

So you spoke on behalf of a black guy that ended up killing a black "goddess" as you put it; do you also speak for all the other blacks that kill blacks? Did you speak for the guy who killed Tupac? How about the guy who killed Notorious B.I.G.? How about the black guy who killed three year old T'Rhigi Diggs in Atlanta earlier this year in a drive-by? Or how about the black guy who killed one year old Malaysia Robson in Texas back in March of this year in another drive-by? Do you speak for the parents and families of these victims as well? Finally, do any of these people know you speak for them? Are they also speaking for you and the other black victims above?

When did the Tutsi become white?


What do you mean by what? When did the Tutsi become white?
If I said "You're a black boy" as opposed to "You are black" or "you are a black person", would you still be asking this question?

You just keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better now. Let's hope that eases your pain and grief at all if your wife, daughter, sister or niece gets murdered by a black guy.
Yes. I see nothing wrong with calling me a Black boy. I am Black so it doesnt bother me.

Uh huh.

I dont think anything will ease my pain if any of my family is killed by whoever. That however has nothing to do with what I decide is more outrage evoking between a white boy doing it as opposed to a Black guy doing it.

You said you speak for Stewart's family and for all blacks. Do you also speak for the black murderer? How does he feel about it? Was he one of the "ourselves" you referred to? Do you think he was watching the news about the white guy killing the black woman as he was strangling the life out of his own black victim and said "I am outraged by this!"?

Also, it is pathetically hypocritical that you're outraged at the white guy killing the black woman and hold him responsible but not the Tutsis. With the Tutsis you blamed the white man for teaching them to hate each other but not the parents or whoever that taught the white guy to hate.
Once you cross that line of killing a Black female goddess I cant speak for you. I no longer consider you one of my own.

But you spoke for him before he killed the "goddess", right? So when you were speaking for this guy and claiming that he would feel the same way about a black woman being killed by a white guy, he was probably plotting the murder of his black victim at the same time. And by the way, when they found him in L.A. in a hotel room (the Stewart murder was in New York), he had another woman held captive who he had found along the way and was most likely planning the same thing for her.

So you spoke on behalf of a black guy that ended up killing a black "goddess" as you put it; do you also speak for all the other blacks that kill blacks? Did you speak for the guy who killed Tupac? How about the guy who killed Notorious B.I.G.? How about the black guy who killed three year old T'Rhigi Diggs in Atlanta earlier this year in a drive-by? Or how about the black guy who killed one year old Malaysia Robson in Texas back in March of this year in another drive-by? Do you speak for the parents and families of these victims as well? Finally, do any of these people know you speak for them? Are they also speaking for you and the other black victims above?

When did the Tutsi become white?


So all these people you speak for that supposedly share your outrage at a black person being killed by a white person have no qualms about killing blacks themselves. Is that about the size of it?

What do you mean by what? When did the Tutsi become white?

Why are you asking me this?
Yes. I see nothing wrong with calling me a Black boy. I am Black so it doesnt bother me.

Uh huh.

I dont think anything will ease my pain if any of my family is killed by whoever. That however has nothing to do with what I decide is more outrage evoking between a white boy doing it as opposed to a Black guy doing it.

You said you speak for Stewart's family and for all blacks. Do you also speak for the black murderer? How does he feel about it? Was he one of the "ourselves" you referred to? Do you think he was watching the news about the white guy killing the black woman as he was strangling the life out of his own black victim and said "I am outraged by this!"?

Also, it is pathetically hypocritical that you're outraged at the white guy killing the black woman and hold him responsible but not the Tutsis. With the Tutsis you blamed the white man for teaching them to hate each other but not the parents or whoever that taught the white guy to hate.
Once you cross that line of killing a Black female goddess I cant speak for you. I no longer consider you one of my own.

But you spoke for him before he killed the "goddess", right? So when you were speaking for this guy and claiming that he would feel the same way about a black woman being killed by a white guy, he was probably plotting the murder of his black victim at the same time. And by the way, when they found him in L.A. in a hotel room (the Stewart murder was in New York), he had another woman held captive who he had found along the way and was most likely planning the same thing for her.

So you spoke on behalf of a black guy that ended up killing a black "goddess" as you put it; do you also speak for all the other blacks that kill blacks? Did you speak for the guy who killed Tupac? How about the guy who killed Notorious B.I.G.? How about the black guy who killed three year old T'Rhigi Diggs in Atlanta earlier this year in a drive-by? Or how about the black guy who killed one year old Malaysia Robson in Texas back in March of this year in another drive-by? Do you speak for the parents and families of these victims as well? Finally, do any of these people know you speak for them? Are they also speaking for you and the other black victims above?

When did the Tutsi become white?


So all these people you speak for that supposedly share your outrage at a black person being killed by a white person have no qualms about killing blacks themselves. Is that about the size of it?

What do you mean by what? When did the Tutsi become white?

Why are you asking me this?
No thats not the size of it. If you had been paying attention you wouldnt have asked that idiotic question.

I asked you this because you made another false equivalence. I know you white boys suffer from this extensively but you need to check your comments and claims prior to posting them..
You're repeating what you have already and then people answer the question and then you repeat what you have say again.

But I'll try to answer it a different way.

You seem to suggest that whites killing blacks is an exception and while no one is doing anything about black-on-black crime.

As it turns out, on average there is a shooting (armed security person or vigilante killing an unarmed black person) once every 28 hours.

Also there is plenty being done about black-on-black crime, There is PLENTY of talk about.

But I don't expect you to know about the cure violence projects all over the USA. Like in, Chicago and New York and all over world in places like Honduras and parts of Africa or the interrupters

Or the black star project, Not to mention that black people created one the biggest social movements this century in black lives matter, to highlight, not just police brutality, but black lives matter in general.

But you don't know this. Because you don’t know hardly any black people and haven’t spent time yourself in those communities. And you most likely don’t read or listen to black media, where not only are the issues covered, but the efforts made by people in the community to address those problems are also highlighted;

Needless to say you don’t know about groups like the Nation of Islam, which have a long track record of effective anti-crime initiatives in urban communities (and a history of getting black men with records moving in a more productive direction), And you don’t know about folks like the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who has been involved multiple initiatives aimed at addressing violence and crime on the South Side Chicago or the ministers who run day care programs, and job training programs, and whose churches are involved in rehabilitating housing for low-income families but the media does not report on that.

Finally do you care about your white brothers that are getting killed in Russia by us air strikes ?

Why don't you go and help your white brothers ?

Second - Crime is mostly intra-racial. That means there will ALWAYS be way more black-on-black crime than white-on-black crime.

While it is true that 94% of black murders are black-on-black, it is just as true that 86% of white murders are white-on-white. In fact, most crime in America is white-on-white – yet for every web page that mentions “white-on-white crime”, there are 25 that mention “black-on-black crime”.


Third - You makes the worth of black life conditional. Conditional on good behaviour,. Once blacks get black-on-black crime under control, then they can act as if their lives matter,

Meanwhile the worth of white life is taken seriously, as absolute, as not being conditional.

  • No one belittled the killings of white people in 9/11 by quoting white crime statistics, saying “white people kill each other all the time, what’s the big deal?”
  • No one deflected by talking about white parenting or violence in white films.
All these white racists know about Reverend Wright is that he, rightly, said "God damn America!" for its racist history and crimes, and that he's a leader of a Black Theology church, which is considered automatically bad to them, because it has the word "black" in it.

And last, but not least....OBAMA!
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You're repeating what you have already and then people answer the question and then you repeat what you have say again.

But I'll try to answer it a different way.

You seem to suggest that whites killing blacks is an exception and while no one is doing anything about black-on-black crime.

As it turns out, on average there is a shooting (armed security person or vigilante killing an unarmed black person) once every 28 hours.

Also there is plenty being done about black-on-black crime, There is PLENTY of talk about.

But I don't expect you to know about the cure violence projects all over the USA. Like in, Chicago and New York and all over world in places like Honduras and parts of Africa or the interrupters

Or the black star project, Not to mention that black people created one the biggest social movements this century in black lives matter, to highlight, not just police brutality, but black lives matter in general.

But you don't know this. Because you don’t know hardly any black people and haven’t spent time yourself in those communities. And you most likely don’t read or listen to black media, where not only are the issues covered, but the efforts made by people in the community to address those problems are also highlighted;

Needless to say you don’t know about groups like the Nation of Islam, which have a long track record of effective anti-crime initiatives in urban communities (and a history of getting black men with records moving in a more productive direction), And you don’t know about folks like the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who has been involved multiple initiatives aimed at addressing violence and crime on the South Side Chicago or the ministers who run day care programs, and job training programs, and whose churches are involved in rehabilitating housing for low-income families but the media does not report on that.

Finally do you care about your white brothers that are getting killed in Russia by us air strikes ?

Why don't you go and help your white brothers ?

Second - Crime is mostly intra-racial. That means there will ALWAYS be way more black-on-black crime than white-on-black crime.

While it is true that 94% of black murders are black-on-black, it is just as true that 86% of white murders are white-on-white. In fact, most crime in America is white-on-white – yet for every web page that mentions “white-on-white crime”, there are 25 that mention “black-on-black crime”.


Third - You makes the worth of black life conditional. Conditional on good behaviour,. Once blacks get black-on-black crime under control, then they can act as if their lives matter,

Meanwhile the worth of white life is taken seriously, as absolute, as not being conditional.

  • No one belittled the killings of white people in 9/11 by quoting white crime statistics, saying “white people kill each other all the time, what’s the big deal?”
  • No one deflected by talking about white parenting or violence in white films.
All these white racists know about Reverend Wright is that he, rightly, said "God damn America!" for it's racist history and crimes, and that he's a leader of a Black Theology church, which is bad, because it has the word "black" in it.

And last, but not least....OBAMA!
Do you agree with Wright’s teachings?

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