Whites will only realize, that the world is out to get them, when they start shipping whites off to concentration camps!


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2013
The left believes the only explanation for differences in outcomes, is that the white race is evil. They believe that the white race is guilty of the sin of racism. They believe that colored people are morally superior. This is why they want to kill whites.
The left believes the only explanation for differences in outcomes, is that the white race is evil. They believe that the white race is guilty of the sin of racism. They believe that colored people are morally superior. This is why they want to kill whites.
..and whose sock are you?
The left believes the only explanation for differences in outcomes, is that the white race is evil. They believe that the white race is guilty of the sin of racism. They believe that colored people are morally superior. This is why they want to kill whites.

I respectfully disagree that the "left" wants to "kill" Caucasians.

But I DO agree that as the Caucasian ethnicity continues its rapid decline in numbers in the coming decades, the left will be very happy to see the country being more and more governed by African Americans and Hispanic Americans (with maybe a few Asian Americans & Native Americans).

This change will surely be one of the most momentous events in the history of the world.

IMHO, it will not be a positive change for anyone!
The left believes the only explanation for differences in outcomes, is that the white race is evil. They believe that the white race is guilty of the sin of racism. They believe that colored people are morally superior. This is why they want to kill whites.

Wrong. But it is whites who practiced and enforced white supremacy.
The left believes the only explanation for differences in outcomes, is that the white race is evil. They believe that the white race is guilty of the sin of racism. They believe that colored people are morally superior. This is why they want to kill whites.

Wrong. But it is whites who practiced and enforced white supremacy.
Only in your empty head
The left believes the only explanation for differences in outcomes, is that the white race is evil. They believe that the white race is guilty of the sin of racism. They believe that colored people are morally superior. This is why they want to kill whites.

I respectfully disagree that the "left" wants to "kill" Caucasians.

But I DO agree that as the Caucasian ethnicity continues its rapid decline in numbers in the coming decades, the left will be very happy to see the country being more and more governed by African Americans and Hispanic Americans (with maybe a few Asian Americans & Native Americans).

This change will surely be one of the most momentous events in the history of the world.

IMHO, it will not be a positive change for anyone!

Whites need to start fucking. And America being ruled by races other than white is not going to be anything negative either. It might even be a wekcome change from people like you who live in a racialized delusion of granduer.
The left believes the only explanation for differences in outcomes, is that the white race is evil. They believe that the white race is guilty of the sin of racism. They believe that colored people are morally superior. This is why they want to kill whites.

Wrong. But it is whites who practiced and enforced white supremacy.
Only in your empty head
Documented history proves this happened in America.
But I DO agree that as the Caucasian ethnicity continues its rapid decline in numbers in the coming decades, the left will be very happy to see the country being more and more governed by African Americans and Hispanic Americans (with maybe a few Asian Americans & Native Americans).

This change will surely be one of the most momentous events in the history of the world.
IMHO, it will not be a positive change for anyone!
Whites 2000 years ago


Whites today


So now whites dominate the whole New World, northern Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Europe and have a permanent foothold in South Africa.

But whites are getting wiped out ?

Race-mixing is being done by : Who ? White people.
White people choosing to have fewer children is being done by : Who ? White people.

If this is a genocide, it’s the first in history to be carried out mainly by its own targets.
The left believes the only explanation for differences in outcomes, is that the white race is evil. They believe that the white race is guilty of the sin of racism. They believe that colored people are morally superior. This is why they want to kill whites.
People who scream “white genocide” need to remember what a genocide really is




Is there anything like this being done to all white people today ?

If so, show me the cattle cars, bullets, machetes, or Zyklon B.

You are not entitled to anything just for being born with fair skin. No one feels sorry for you that you’ve chosen to root your pride in something as superficial as your phenotype.

It's an affront to actual victims of mass extermination to label your wounded sense of entitlement as a genocide.

And bear in mind. The people who done this slaughters of white people were other white people.

Tell me when I'm lying.

Whites may become half or roughly 50% of the nation’s population by the latter part of this century.

But the idea that whites will be able to have no influence on the culture is laughable.

They would still be the largest single group by far in the United States.

This idea that whites can’t hang on at 50% when these other groups have managed to survive and thrive at 4% in the case of Asians and 12% in the case of blacks, 12% in the case of Latinos, their cultures are doing quite well at being manifested and celebrated.

The idea that whites can’t do that at 50%, I mean, you must think that white people are an incredibly weak retarded group of people if they can’t maintain their own influence at 50%. The arguments get's even more silly if you look Euro countries where the white population is at 90%
People who scream “white genocide” need to remember what a genocide really is




Is there anything like this being done to all white people today ?

If so, show me the cattle cars, bullets, machetes, or Zyklon B.

You are not entitled to anything just for being born with fair skin. No one feels sorry for you that you’ve chosen to root your pride in something as superficial as your phenotype.

It's an affront to actual victims of mass extermination to label your wounded sense of entitlement as a genocide.


There's absolutely nothing in the UN definition of genocide that says it has to be carried out through violent means, through the immediate extermination of individuals to qualify as genocide:

Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
Article II
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
  1. Killing members of the group;
  2. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
  3. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
  4. Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
  5. Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

So when you say only genocides committed through violent means qualify as "real" genocides you're pulling the definition out of your ass.

Having said that, since after WWII and more specifically after 1965 the US govenment has been implementing two main policies:

1 - Flooding the country with mass non-white immigration.

2 - Bombarding the american youth with the romantization and glamourization of race mixed couples through the US mass media, in a blatant, overt attempt to promote race mixing and interracial marriage as a model to be followed by young americans.

Massive non-white immigration coupled with massive indoctrination of the american youth fit the UN definition of genocide to a T, specially "c" and "d" reproduced below:
  1. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
  2. Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
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1 - Flooding the country with mass non-white immigration.
Where are you family from "Jose" ?

2 - Bombarding the american youth with the romantization and glamourization of race mixed couples through the US mass media, in a blatant, overt attempt to promote race mixing and interracial marriage as a model to be followed by young americans.
So let me get this right

Black men are gonna fk so many white girls (because lets be honest your not bohered about white men fkin and impregnaing non white women), get them pregnant, and this is gonna carry on and on until eventually there is no white people.

Are you being serious here ?
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For those who don't know "The Left" or "Liberals" means "N*gger Lovers" so any time you hear people use the term "The Left" or "Liberals" they mean "N*gger Lovers"
People who scream “white genocide” need to remember what a genocide really is




Is there anything like this being done to all white people today ?

If so, show me the cattle cars, bullets, machetes, or Zyklon B.

You are not entitled to anything just for being born with fair skin. No one feels sorry for you that you’ve chosen to root your pride in something as superficial as your phenotype.

It's an affront to actual victims of mass extermination to label your wounded sense of entitlement as a genocide.


There's absolutely nothing in the UN definition of genocide that says it has to be carried out through violent means, through the immediate extermination of individuals to qualify as genocide:

Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
Article II
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
  1. Killing members of the group;
  2. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
  3. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
  4. Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
  5. Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

So when you say only genocides committed through violent means qualify as "real" genocides you're pulling the definition out of your ass.

Having said that, since after WWII and more specifically after 1965 the US govenment has been implementing two main policies:

1 - Flooding the country with mass non-white immigration.

2 - Bombarding the american youth with the romantization and glamourization of race mixed couples through the US mass media, in a blatant, overt attempt to promote race mixing and interracial marriage as a model to be followed by young americans.

Massive non-white immigration coupled with massive indoctrination of the american youth fit the UN definition of genocide to a T, specially "c" and "d" reproduced below:
  1. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
  2. Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
The left believes the only explanation for differences in outcomes, is that the white race is evil. They believe that the white race is guilty of the sin of racism. They believe that colored people are morally superior. This is why they want to kill whites.
Such victims.
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Originally posted by Paul Essien
Where are you family from "Jose" ?

Latin America.

Originally posted by Paul Essien
Black men are gonna fk so many white girls (because lets be honest your not bohered about white men fkin and impregnaing non white women), get them pregnant, and this is gonna carry on and on until eventually there is no white people.

Are you being serious here ?

Not always the purpose of genocidal policies is the complete extermination of a given racial or ethnic group. Most of the time the perpetrators "only" want to reduce it to more "manageable numbers" or even diminish their political, electoral weight in their countries among many other different objectives.

And the perpetrators of genocide will surely be the first ones to point out to the existence of hundreds, thousands or millions of individuals of that group as evidence that they committed no crime.

This is precisely why the drafters of the Convention on Genocide carefully specified that genocide is any act committed to "destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group."

Following the logic that only total extermination qualifies as genocide immediately invalidates 95% of the "candidates", starting with the Holocaust.

Originally posted by Paul Essien
Black men are gonna fk so many white girls (because lets be honest your not bohered about white men fkin and impregnaing non white women), get them pregnant...

I don't see the relevance of gender in this discussion, Paul. The end result is always the same: genocide.

But let me rephrase your argument a little bit (if I end up putting words in your mouth you're free to complain):

The target of the genocide currently being perpetrated in North America (yes... the same thing is happening in Canada) is obviously the majority ethnic group, the group that made up 90% of the population 6, 7 decades ago.

But you are 100% correct when you say (or at least hint in a more or less convoluted way) that all minority ethnic groups in the US will be heavily affected by the genocide campaign, after all, the whole purpose of the monstrosity is to drastically reduce the numbers of the targeted group by using both historical minorities and immigrants to enable the miscegenation process.

That's why I believe all minority groups that have a historical presence in America (the vast majority of them, Blacks, but also small hispanic and asian minorities) should oppose this genocide attempt even if they are not specifically targeted.
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Originally posted by Paul Essien
Where are you family from "Jose" ?[
Latin America.
Now I get it. One of the steps to achieving white status is your level of disdain for black people. No matter how naturally tanned you are. Italians, asians, Hispanics do it. That's why you see hispanics/native Americans lead some of these white extremists groups.

Latino's like you are desparate to be not just white......but white supremacists

Look at ya.


But many in the Latino community try to hide the fact that they often identify with whiteness rather via documentation or socially. They wanna keep the door slightly cracked just in case the authentic WS pull their card one day.

You need to be quiet and show some respect to foundational black Americans

We don't run

You're family ran from South America.

They ran because they couldn't handle it in South America and now you have the nerve to come to country that black people built and fought for and show disrespect ?

Not always the purpose of genocidal policies is the complete extermination of a given racial or ethnic group. Most of the time the perpetrators "only" want to reduce it to more "manageable numbers" or even diminish their political, electoral weight in their countries among many other different objectives.
So let me go over your logic again.

Black men are not gonna fk and impregnate white women to the point of white genocide. Black men are now just gonna fk a few white women, so there is less white people, and more black people

That's your logic. Right ?

The solution is very simple but you're not going to like it though

A massive investment in opportunities for black women for schooling and jobs, globally.

The gap between the differential birth rates between black women (Because let's face it's black people who on are only your radar) and white women is entirely a function of the very inequalities guys like you demand be kept in place.

Women with access to education and better jobs have fewer kids than women without.

This is true for all ethnic groups at all times in history.

It’s why immigrant working-class “whites” who came to the United States regularly had 5–10 kids but their descendants don’t.

As white women gained opportunity, they reduced their birth rates, while black women (And other women of color) have higher rates.

Equalizing educational access would bring down birth rates for poorer women of color very quickly.

It’s why U.S birth rates for black women with degrees are now equal to (or even slightly lower than) those for white women with degrees.

It's why black birth rates generally have fallen dramatically as opportunities have expanded.

But of course, guys like you will never call for wealthy nations to invest more in expanding opportunities for black women and women of color, even though this would “solve” your stupid white genocide fears.

Likewise, you would never support a more equitable distribution of global resources to poorer nations, even though doing so would slow the migration patterns to so-called white countries, which are a function of global economic inequalities.

This is precisely why the drafters of the Convention on Genocide carefully specified that genocide is any act committed to "destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group."
Following the logic that only total extermination qualifies as genocide immediately invalidates 95% of the "candidates", starting with the Holocaust.
If interracial dating is “white genocide”. If that’s the case, then how is it not also genociding the other race? Because white supremacists believe in racial purity, but only for white people. No ?

I guess you are too stupid to realize a dilution of the White race due to mixing with Blks would stimunaeously mean a dilution of Blks also.
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