Whitesplaning Racism

What white policies are to blame for this?

View attachment 197398

The same white policies that destabilizes countries to put in puppet leaders.

BTW there is also such a thing as drought

That was a picture of Zimbabweans under Mugabe. When it was Rhodesia it exported food.

When it was Rhodesia it was an apartheid government. When Mugabe took over and sent the white famers packing, white countries ganged up on him and sanctioned Zimbabwe into starvation.
What white policies are to blame for this?

View attachment 197398

The same white policies that destabilizes countries to put in puppet leaders.

BTW there is also such a thing as drought

That was a picture of Zimbabweans under Mugabe. When it was Rhodesia it exported food.

When it was Rhodesia it was an apartheid government.

And it fed everyone in its borders which enough left over to export to surrounding black run socialist shitholes.
What white policies are to blame for this?

View attachment 197398

The same white policies that destabilizes countries to put in puppet leaders.

BTW there is also such a thing as drought

That was a picture of Zimbabweans under Mugabe. When it was Rhodesia it exported food.

When it was Rhodesia it was an apartheid government.

And it fed everyone in its borders which enough left over to export to surrounding black run socialist shitholes.

When it was Rhodesia it was an apartheid government. I don't think you say the same thing about authoritarian governments anywhere else on earth. When Mugabe took over and sent the white famers packing, white countries ganged up on him and sanctioned Zimbabwe into starvation.
So the OP demonizes and denegrates{sic} an entire group of people...
... and you feel the need to be offended by such stupidity?

Pointing out his hypocrisy and racism isn’t the same as being offended.
Yet you come across as offended, and easily so. It could be your style, but I've seen far too much denial on his issue

Or, more than likely, that’s what you wanted to get out of it.
I.C. 4 members so far awarding you with those things. Funny: 3 Dale Smith, Markle, talksalot, and Winner Medal: 1 MarcATL

I do not know why they see it as they do, and I do not if any are black like you or what ideological seat on the spectrum they hold. But I must try and assure you, criticism is not always a terrible thing

This section of USMB is he ultimate example of whitesplaining.

6 Ways Well-Intentioned People Whitesplain Racism (And Why They Need to Stop)
I'd love to respond and all, but doing so could be construed as whitesplaining.

I guess it must be equally frustrating to realize one-sided conversations can ~ oops!

It’s incredibly frustrating to share my intellect and opinions, only to have a person obviously not as bright as me try to speak over me.

I'd certainly like to understand how whites can explain racism without trying to claim how blacks are racists too even as all we are doing is asking that the racism end. I would like it explained how whites can make claims of black racism without understanding how the way blacks have been treated and continue being treated by whites is not a contributing factor to why there might actually be blacks who don't like whites. i'd like it explained to me how whites here in particular, keep telling us how such racism is a thing of the past when we see it happen all the time now. How whites can ignore 200 years of preferential treatment by written law to pretend how they have never been preferred or protected. Why can whites ignore laws and policies made on purpose to deny opportunity and wealth for blacks then claim that blacks don't want to work and that poverty is the fault of blacks. I'd like it explained to me how whites organized and made crime corporate controlling the guns and drugs but blame blacks for criminality. I'd like it explained to me how whites have slaughtered millions yet blacks are blamed for being the most violent killers in this country. Let's start with these things.
When blacks are angry at whites today just because they are white, that is racism. I treat everyone equally, regardless of race. If someone is a white thug, black thug, oriental thug, etc. I don't treat them kindly, not because of their race, but their behavior. In the PAST whites had advantages I dont deny that, I can't change it. Today, you have the same opportunities, and you certainly cant blame the majority of whites today for anything you feel you are denied.
Try explaining what I asked to be explained because I am not assuming that only blacks are wanting to end racism, but I am saying we are called racists for saying that we want to end racism.
How often? and By who?

I've seen that type of tactic used before, bit purposefully and in ignorance. But it appears to me, and correct me if I am in error, that you have an agenda that claims a moral high ground, but is mostly arguments based on generalizations

I wonder why we have to have agendas but whites don't. My argument is based on a solid foundation of American laws and policies. No moral high ground, no generalizations. Straight documented fact. The reality of white racism is that it is based on a belief whites have on how they are morally superior. The claim of blacks being racist for asking that racism end has been a long used strategy by mostly the right and the republican party.

Ask Rush Limbaugh and his listeners. Or Sean Hannity and his. I can go on for quite a while naming conservative talk show hosts who do this.
You aren't asking that racism end. You are asking for and blaming whites to take responsibility for things out of their control and in the past. In your case, I am quite sure people don't hate you for your race, you have a piss poor attitude toward whites, and it shows.
I'd certainly like to understand how whites can explain racism without trying to claim how blacks are racists too even as all we are doing is asking that the racism end. I would like it explained how whites can make claims of black racism without understanding how the way blacks have been treated and continue being treated by whites is not a contributing factor to why there might actually be blacks who don't like whites.

Think we've covered that. The divide here is ideologically DEEPER than racism. You're NOT a typical black person -- YET -- you seem perfectly fine representing the entire race because according to you the entire black race wants RETRIBUTION and PAIN from whites in order to HAVE a reconciliation. You've also railed against individualism and glorified Group Think.. This is a lot of baggage ON TOP of any racism that either of us may have.

You're the oddity. Not us. We're here to learn and patch up the racial divide. THAT scares the FUCK out of you. Because then you wouldn't be an asset to the cause anymore.
If reparations were to be given, I seriously doubt the hatred of blacks toward whites would end there.
I did supply an answer.

A prejudiced comment against a religion. Jews are not a race, it's a religion.

Is what Hilter did early on before his power grab, only prejudiced comments against a religion? Do people consider Jews to be a race. Other than converts, how does one become a 'Jew?'

Now do you believe there is a Black gene, genes for race?

How about we look at laws and policies whites made that denied people of color opportunities? For that killed way more and lasted way longer than what Hitler did. Even a war didn't stop that from continuing.
HISTORY, let's live in the present
"None of this has changed much?" While respect your attempt(s) at honest discussion, I fail to see any truth in that statement.

But with caveats, I agree with you that:

[*1] It shows a past history of the callous and cavalier attitudes of some whites (women even) towards blacks, and their lives in general. One need only look at protests and outrage over how some blacks have been treated to se how much things have changed, changed since slavery existed in America, or even Jim Crow laws.

[*]It shows a history of whites (women even) lying on blacks that leads to their death. And we have always had Blacks (women even) lying on Blacks leading to Blacks being incarcerated or dying.

The callousness shown by bigots towards the memory of those kids you mentioned, in no way is a reflection upon White people in American society. Bigots are a sub group in most culture and society. If YOU want to appeal to the Angels of our Better Nature, I would go out out on a limb and 'splain to you to be more introspective and intellectually honest. Or not.
Yes, it hasn't changed much.

Right now we have video footage of white women calling cops on blacks for...
  1. Sleeping in the general reading area of their dormitory
  2. Cooking outside
  3. Moving into their apartments
  4. Moving out of an AirBnB home

And these are RECENT, as in the last month or so. All that had the cops called, some of which ended in either arrest or some sort of action against them.

For what!?!? Because these white women felt uncomfortable...somehow.

Their uncomfort = violence to these blacks. Where absolutely NO crime was taken place.

This is what we have on VIDEO, mind you. Imagine how many times this goes on undocumented by video.

Clearly you don't have a problem with that, which colors your perspective, and hence your opinions. Or, at worse case, you're simply a dishonest broker.

So if anything, it seems the only dishonest person here is you.
IM2 states his reasons for being suspicious of white people, There are white women who have experienced scary encounters with black men. So, only black people can be suspicious? I think too many times some whites jump the gun, it isn't warranted for them to call the cops for someone sleeping in a dorm or cooking outside. Those are extreme examples. You will find examples of all kinds of crazy people, it doesn't make it the norm.
Whites enacted laws and policies to deny people of color that did not have to be implemented. It's just that simple.
Try and make some sense of this.

Laws and polices were enacted that did not have to be implemented?
Whites enacted laws and policies to deny people of color that did not have to be implemented. It's just that simple.
Try and make some sense of this.

Laws and polices were enacted that did not have to be implemented?
Ironic, isn't it? Whites are the ones who changed the laws and policies.
White women owned slaves
Oh, so that's your experience. Something that literally never happened to you. How awful!:rolleyes:
White women owned slaves? Who knew?

Slavery was part of some cultures. There were lost of White women who would never own slaves in America. Who refused to on principle. Those are facts too. What does it all mean? Is pointing out one thing while ignoring the other disingenuous?
True. Blacks owned slaves here in America and all over the planet. No blacks bitch about that.
Who is "whitey" bigot boi? :dunno:

You mean racist fucks like you plan violence against others based on the color of their skin?

We already know.

Ask squeeze berry bitch.

let us know when black america takes responsibility for their own shortcomings instead of blaming mean ole whitey

I'd rather ask you, bigot boi.

Well since I didn't make the comment you're asking the wrong man, bitch.

Do you plan violence against whites, due to your seething hatred and racism?

None of that exists within me. Opposing your racism isn't hate. And it's certainly not racism.


You are a hate filled racist.

Anyone reading you white hating OP can see that, even if deltazmebro is running interference for you. Beyond that, you have a reputation, both under this ID and under the Asclepais ID you used to post under as a rabbid and raging bigot and racist.

deltazmebro thinks your racism is cute and he wants to coddle you, but the rest of us see you as the racist scumbag that you are.
Oh, and while you're explaining how you magically know someone's race from the internet (no, Donald Trump did not invent the art of the lie, btw), explain to me ...

why should any white person discuss race at all, in any capacity? As far as I'm concerned, there is no advantage in it, other than to spread hate or to troll. We benefit more from not saying anything about the subject and not responding when provoked.

It's pretty easy to tell you are white. The rest of your post shows why. So if you think whites have no reason to talk about race that means you shut your fucking mouths up with your opinions about blacks. Because that's what spreads hate and you whites are the ones here rolling.

You're clearly the one who wants to talk about it. How many threads have you started on this board? Lol.

The only white people who want to talk about race are idiots and racists. The normal ones realize there is no point and no advantage for them.

It's the same as arguing with feminists. You can, and you can make them look ridiculous if they don't know what they're talking about (most do not), but why bother? They're not going to change their minds anyway, and you're likely to come away from the encounter looking like an asshole to the ordinary person who doesn't understand how terrible the statistics supporting things like the wage gap and rape culture are, regardless of how right you may be. There is no INCENTIVE, no advantage to discussing these subjects as a member of the "majority" group. I guess feminists and black civil rights activists must get something out of it, but males and whites sure as hell do not.

There are over 4,000 threads in this section. So don't make yourself look silly by making comments not based in fact. The only reason why you're whining is because you don't get to freely run your mouths off with your racist claims about blacks. It is apparent what you are doing son, because you do not enter any thread made by a white person doing what you are here.

Racist claims about blacks? Lol? Where?

You'd be hard-pressed to find any, I'd bet. Probably because I don't generalize based upon race. Nice try though. As usual with IM2, a swing and a miss.

And what am I doing here? Asking a simple question, one I thought would be quite easy for you to answer. Apparently it isn't, because you still haven't answered it. Why should any whites be willing to discuss race? What is in it for them?

Waiting ...

I'm not answering your questions. Why? Because there are over 4,000 threads here full of whites commenting about race.

Secondly you do not enter any threads by whites doing what you are here, but you have entered several threads by blacks doing it.

So keep waiting.

I think you can't answer it.

White people talk about race because they are being illogical. If they were being completely logical, they would refrain. As you well know, there is no advantage for them in the discussion.
Ask squeeze berry bitch.

I'd rather ask you, bigot boi.

Well since I didn't make the comment you're asking the wrong man, bitch.

Do you plan violence against whites, due to your seething hatred and racism?

None of that exists within me. Opposing your racism isn't hate. And it's certainly not racism.


You are a hate filled racist.

Anyone reading you white hating OP can see that, even if deltazmebro is running interference for you. Beyond that, you have a reputation, both under this ID and under the Asclepais ID you used to post under as a rabbid and raging bigot and racist.

deltazmebro thinks your racism is cute and he wants to coddle you, but the rest of us see you as the racist scumbag that you are.

No you are the hate filled racist. Opposing white racism is not racism. I am not Asclepais and the fact is you are a whiny pussy who can't take getting your little racist lies torn apart.
I see your point, but I don't think I can completely agree with all you say. Trust me. This isn't an effort to be confrontational, but just an effort to better understand your beliefs and you perhaps understanding mine. I guess a person saying they don't see you as black could mean that they think you might somehow be better than their perception of what a black person is, (an obvious insult) but more likely it's just a clumsy way of saying your race is not an issue. I don't understand why that would offend you. Please explain.

People do not need to attempt to defend themselves from something they are not guilty of (in an open discussion).

The opposition has no interest in listening to anything they have to say anyway.
They want you to shut up and listen so they can control the dialog ... And promote their agenda.

I'd rather ask you, bigot boi.

Well since I didn't make the comment you're asking the wrong man, bitch.

Do you plan violence against whites, due to your seething hatred and racism?

None of that exists within me. Opposing your racism isn't hate. And it's certainly not racism.


You are a hate filled racist.

Anyone reading you white hating OP can see that, even if deltazmebro is running interference for you. Beyond that, you have a reputation, both under this ID and under the Asclepais ID you used to post under as a rabbid and raging bigot and racist.

deltazmebro thinks your racism is cute and he wants to coddle you, but the rest of us see you as the racist scumbag that you are.

No you are the hate filled racist. Opposing white racism is not racism. I am not Asclepais and the fact is you are a whiny pussy who can't take getting your little racist lies torn apart.

NUHN-UHN - :rofl:

What a brilliant retort.

Dude, you are a racist, own it.

Oh and shithead, what "racist lies" are these?
I'd rather ask you, bigot boi.

Well since I didn't make the comment you're asking the wrong man, bitch.

Do you plan violence against whites, due to your seething hatred and racism?

None of that exists within me. Opposing your racism isn't hate. And it's certainly not racism.


You are a hate filled racist.

Anyone reading you white hating OP can see that, even if deltazmebro is running interference for you. Beyond that, you have a reputation, both under this ID and under the Asclepais ID you used to post under as a rabbid and raging bigot and racist.

deltazmebro thinks your racism is cute and he wants to coddle you, but the rest of us see you as the racist scumbag that you are.

No you are the hate filled racist. Opposing white racism is not racism. I am not Asclepais and the fact is you are a whiny pussy who can't take getting your little racist lies torn apart.

Hey “Prime Time,” claiming to be opposing any other sort of racism does NOT grant your words, deeds, or thoughts immunity from racism. You’re fooling yourself.

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