Who and/or What Are Establishment Republicans?

No, I drink alcohol, which by your post you want to ban.

That didn't work before.

Again, you are just as horrible as progressive statists are.

Unless you sell it, it isn't your business. It may be a hobby but not a business. It didn't wirk because it wasn't enforced.

I'm an Authoritarian.
No, I drink alcohol, which by your post you want to ban.

That didn't work before.

Again, you are just as horrible as progressive statists are.

Unless you sell it, it isn't your business. It may be a hobby but not a business. It didn't wirk because it wasn't enforced.

I'm an Authoritarian.

Then this applies to you.

Establishment Republicans are moderate/centrist legislators who have all too often sided with Liberal Democrats rather than standing for Conservative ideals. The term is similar to RINO and means close to the aame thing.

The vast majority, anf almost entirety of the non-Tea Party Republican majority in Washington meet these criteria.

I have my doubts that the vast majority is in tune with liberal or progressive Democrats. And anyone who finds Objectivism and fiscal conservatism sane and safe is a fool. Fiscal responsibility is needed, not patching the roof is insane.

Fiscal responsibility is needed, not patching the roof is insane.

Last year the Feds spent over $3.5 trillion.
If you can't patch the roof for less than that, you're probably using union labor.

Don't try to be glib, you've proved you're not thoughtful enough. It's all about priorities and making pragmatic decisions - not policy based on dogmatic ideologies.

Don't try to be glib,

You mean like comparing a $3.5 trillion government with patching a roof? Thanks for the tip, Sparky.

I'll simplify it for you simon:

The roof left leaking will eventually destroy the furnishings within the house, and the walls, floor and windows; soon the entire structure will be destroyed and need a complete and expensive rebuild. Not patching the roof timely is an example of how cutting costs can be more costly in the future.

Now, even that may be too abstract for you, suffice it to point out that this is the kick the can down the road of Congress under the leadership (lol) of the Republicans.

The roof left leaking will eventually destroy the furnishings within the house, and the walls, floor and windows

Since that groovy Obama guy, I hear he's blackish, fixed the economy, maybe we can reduce his inflated social spending back to Bush levels, and fix the roof with the savings?
What do you think?
Religion is a proper authority? Please elaborate, include the execution of Christ, the Crusades, the Insurrections, Sharia Law and other manifest horrors like the Salem Witch trials and human sacrifice.

Religion has been considered a proper authority throughout most of history.

The execution of Jesus was a secular matter, for the mist part political instead of religious.

The Crusades were largely agai. Political, and a means to reduce excess population i Europe.

Sharia Law is about as close to real moral law as can be found i the world today.

The Salem witch trials were brought on by a pair if snotty girks who didn't like a servant in their home.

Politics, more so than religion, is humanity's problem.
I have my doubts that the vast majority is in tune with liberal or progressive Democrats. And anyone who finds Objectivism and fiscal conservatism sane and safe is a fool. Fiscal responsibility is needed, not patching the roof is insane.

Fiscal responsibility is needed, not patching the roof is insane.

Last year the Feds spent over $3.5 trillion.
If you can't patch the roof for less than that, you're probably using union labor.

Don't try to be glib, you've proved you're not thoughtful enough. It's all about priorities and making pragmatic decisions - not policy based on dogmatic ideologies.

Don't try to be glib,

You mean like comparing a $3.5 trillion government with patching a roof? Thanks for the tip, Sparky.

I'll simplify it for you simon:

The roof left leaking will eventually destroy the furnishings within the house, and the walls, floor and windows; soon the entire structure will be destroyed and need a complete and expensive rebuild. Not patching the roof timely is an example of how cutting costs can be more costly in the future.

Now, even that may be too abstract for you, suffice it to point out that this is the kick the can down the road of Congress under the leadership (lol) of the Republicans.

The roof left leaking will eventually destroy the furnishings within the house, and the walls, floor and windows

Since that groovy Obama guy, I hear he's blackish, fixed the economy, maybe we can reduce his inflated social spending back to Bush levels, and fix the roof with the savings?
What do you think?

What might be the cost deficit for your simplistic economic proposal Simon? Same thing applies, cut back social spending and the needs remain. Of course that is not of concern to callous conservatives; it is to local government, local non profits and the aged, infirm, mentally ill and children.
Religion is a proper authority? Please elaborate, include the execution of Christ, the Crusades, the Insurrections, Sharia Law and other manifest horrors like the Salem Witch trials and human sacrifice.

Religion has been considered a proper authority throughout most of history.

The execution of Jesus was a secular matter, for the mist part political instead of religious.

The Crusades were largely agai. Political, and a means to reduce excess population i Europe.

Sharia Law is about as close to real moral law as can be found i the world today.

The Salem witch trials were brought on by a pair if snotty girks who didn't like a servant in their home.

Politics, more so than religion, is humanity's problem.

Politics = Organized Religion; it is really that simple.
This seems to be the hot term these days, but can anyone define it?

If so, please do.

Also, who are the Establishment Republicans in office? How about in the media? Can we get some names?

Finally, do we have any local Establishment Republicans here on USMB, self-proclaimed or otherwise?

I'm looking for some clarity here.

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They're the lifer politicians that have yet to realize that you don't try to compromise with evil.
Fiscal responsibility is needed, not patching the roof is insane.

Last year the Feds spent over $3.5 trillion.
If you can't patch the roof for less than that, you're probably using union labor.

Don't try to be glib, you've proved you're not thoughtful enough. It's all about priorities and making pragmatic decisions - not policy based on dogmatic ideologies.

Don't try to be glib,

You mean like comparing a $3.5 trillion government with patching a roof? Thanks for the tip, Sparky.

I'll simplify it for you simon:

The roof left leaking will eventually destroy the furnishings within the house, and the walls, floor and windows; soon the entire structure will be destroyed and need a complete and expensive rebuild. Not patching the roof timely is an example of how cutting costs can be more costly in the future.

Now, even that may be too abstract for you, suffice it to point out that this is the kick the can down the road of Congress under the leadership (lol) of the Republicans.

The roof left leaking will eventually destroy the furnishings within the house, and the walls, floor and windows

Since that groovy Obama guy, I hear he's blackish, fixed the economy, maybe we can reduce his inflated social spending back to Bush levels, and fix the roof with the savings?
What do you think?

What might be the cost deficit for your simplistic economic proposal Simon? Same thing applies, cut back social spending and the needs remain. Of course that is not of concern to callous conservatives; it is to local government, local non profits and the aged, infirm, mentally ill and children.

Same thing applies, cut back social spending and the needs remain.

Obama fixed Bush's economy. Millions of new jobs. Record tax revenues.
Are you saying the need is higher now than it was under Bush in 2007? Really?
Law and order when applied to something like Pot is a social conservative position, not a libertarian one. small "l" libertarians want the police to go after robbers, and murderers, not some hippie selling dime bags out of his backpack between hackey sack games.

Whereas Conservatives understand that CRIME, in all forms, must be harshly and constantly punished.

It what you define as crime. Defining everything as a crime only leads to more government power. conservative statism is just as bad as progressive statism.

Making "everything I don't like" criminal plays into the hands of people that want government to control every little thing we do.

That's what he thinks he wants...he dreams of being Stalin.
On your first statement, no, weed is not the devil herb it is made out to be. Again, YOU thinking its icky is not a reason to ban it. Weed bans create more problems then they solve. kind of like gun bans.

and your second point only relates to people of a certain mental state. Most law abiding people obey the law because 1) they believe in it and 2) their nature.

Marijuana creates an altered mental state and should not be allowed for yse outside of direct medical supervision. Just like alcohol and most pain medication.

That mental state us called Consrrvatism and it's the only thing left thst might save this worthless nation's ass.

Plenty of things provide an altered mental state...coffee, tea, chocolate, music, motorcycle riding, gymnastics, good sex.
You're no authority on ConLaw. In fact/reality, not even the Supreme Court has been capable of coming to an agreement on many issues.

As for spending our way out of debt, that comment suggests you haven't given a thought to the issue.

Some cuts provide a cost-benefit, others create a cost-deficit (hence my comment on patching the roof). Thus ideology once again creates and impasse on a rational discussion on how best to govern.

Im an expert on Right and Wrong. That supercedes ConLaw.

By rational discussion you mean debate and compromise, two IRRATIONAL concepts.

Debate is a method to compare and contrast ideas
Compromise is a method of synthesizing ideas into an agreed upon set between to parties.

The concept is not irrational.
However, a strict belief in right and wrong is based on an incomplete understanding of reality.

Some acts that are superflous you may consider right.
Some acts that are necessary you may consider wrong.
Our survival is not in the equation
However, a strict belief in right and wrong is based on an incomplete understanding of reality.

Some acts that are superflous you may consider right.
Some acts that are necessary you may consider wrong.
Our survival is not in the equation

Our survival is immaterial to the equation. Right abd Wrong don't give a crap aboit oir survival.
This seems to be the hot term these days, but can anyone define it?

If so, please do.

Also, who are the Establishment Republicans in office? How about in the media? Can we get some names?

Finally, do we have any local Establishment Republicans here on USMB, self-proclaimed or otherwise?

I'm looking for some clarity here.

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk
They are progressive in nature, moderate in behavior, spineless around others, and want everyone to like them also play well with others.

Pretty sad Huh??
Starkey is an Establishment Republican, which is to say he unites with the Democrats to destroy the USA
I thought you guys have been swearing that Starkey isn't, and never was, a Republican. What changed?

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That's what I mean, for all intents and purposes, an Establishment Republican is a progressive

no no no, Establishment Republican is one who despises his constituents. A Cobb county Republican, who runs and wins on being fiscally responsible but ends up giving a massive handout to billionaires for a sports stadium.

in short .... a liar
A billionaire that wants to build a sports stadium that will bring money to Cobb County is bad, but a billionaire that wants to build a solar panel factory that has already determined not to be
a good risk is good.

Liberal fat cats good. Conservative fat cats bad..... OK Got ya.
Establishment Republicans are moderate/centrist legislators who have all too often sided with Liberal Democrats rather than standing for Conservative ideals. The term is similar to RINO and means close to the aame thing.

The vast majority, anf almost entirety of the non-Tea Party Republican majority in Washington meet these criteria.
So, essentially, people with some sense and willingness to compromise for the sake of the country as a whole. What demons.
There is problem your statement. Republicans are always the ones compromising. Democrats never compromise. It's BS.

How long have you been challenged by reality (since your first brainwash, I suppose)?
Fuck you. I'm not stupid so if that's all you have to say just ignore me and move on to call the next person stupid.

I'm not willfully ignorant, so I won't ignore you. I don't ignore Stephanie or CrusaderFrank or the other dozen or so others whose ignorance - some willful, others congenital - provide humor and on going evidence of the foolishness that hoi polloi conservatives believe.
You're not willfully ignorant? Then what would you call it? Arrogantly ignorant? Supremely ignorant? Incredibly ignorant? Confidently ignorant?
OH I know! You are proudly ignorant.
No, I drink alcohol, which by your post you want to ban.

That didn't work before.

Again, you are just as horrible as progressive statists are.

Unless you sell it, it isn't your business. It may be a hobby but not a business. It didn't wirk because it wasn't enforced.

I'm an Authoritarian.
I sell it. I own a bar. Do you have a problem with that?
Alcohol is just there. It causes nothing.
People abuse it and do incredibly stupid things, but the alcohol didn't fall asleep at the wheel or drive to fast for conditions because it got pissed at the wife.
Alcohol, guns, food.... All inanimate objects that have no evil intent or free will.
So, people drink and do stupid shit. Alcohol may make it easier to do dumb shit and guns may make it easier to kill an enemy, but banning alcohol to cut down on ass holes or guns to cut down on murderers would be as stupid and ineffective as banning food to end obesity.

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