Who are the Biggest Liars Running for POTUS?

Who are the three biggest liars running for President?

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 13 68.4%
  • Bernie Sanders

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • Jeb! Bush

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • Marco Rubio

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • Ted Cruz

    Votes: 10 52.6%
  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 7 36.8%
  • John Kasich

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Ben Carson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It doesnt matter, they are all liars

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • None of them are liars

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

So your opinion of the men targeted by the lies makes the lies not reflective of the candidate who gained by them?

Admittedly, yes. I know that's not a noble position but I want my guy to win and as long as his "lies" have some grey areas I can deal with them. As far as the Gowdy issue goes I haven't heard a lot about it, but I assume it's not as serious as the Carson issue and that can still be overlooked because there is no proof that CRUZ KNEW the Al-CNN story was bogus, or that his campaign staff knew it. If they allowed the rumor to fester, yeah that's a shitty thing to do, but it's hardball.

If someone can show me an example of Cruz repeatedly saying things he knows to be untrue that had any serious consequence, I might lose faith in his character. All of these other political whores consistently lie, but it only seems to be an issue when the media wants to take the candidate out.

You have every right to doubt Trump and I dont think it is unreasonable to do so. Trump strikes me as being honest when he admits to having different thoughts on various issues, but so much of it was on record, maybe that was his best play anyway? But I dont find him lying to cover up his past beliefs.

The question is whether he validly had a change of heart. Romney swung 180 degrees in one year just before he decided to run for President, and almost all of the GOP decided he deserved the benefit of the doubt, so why not Trump?

I can agree that Trump may change his mind, and of all the republicrats running, I could tolerate having to vote for him. That would not be the case with Jeb, or Christie even though he's out. I would vote Bernie over Jeb and in a Jeb Vs. Hitlery race I would write in Yosemite Sam because I support his stance on the RKBA.


I dont doubt Cruz' ideological loyalty. I doubt his loyalty to telling the Truth, and to me that trumps loyalty to an ideology.

It all seems kind of an essoteric issue now anyway. So close to the SC primary and Trump with over a 20% lead still? Things seem fated for Trump at this date.

Cruz has been climbing in national polls, and I suspect he will do better in SC than the polls predict just as he did in Iowa. Of all the candidates, and their adherence to absolute truth Cruz strikes me as more reliable. I guess it's an issue of perception and bias on my part, but I want someone in office who will reign in the federal behemoth and neuter it. I don't see any other candidate who has shown an inclination to do so.

All you sources are on a planned meeting that never seems to have taken place. What he said was: “I got to know him very well because we were both on ’60 Minutes,’ we were stablemates, and we did very well that night” The two did appear on the same “60 Minutes” episode, which aired on Sept. 27. But journalist Charlie Rose traveled to Moscow for the two-hour interview with Putin, and Trump was interviewed by Scott Pelley in Trump’s Fifth Avenue penthouse in Manhattan. Trump vs. Fiorina: Who Knows Putin Best?

The meeting was not in Moscow, it was in New York.

The meeting never took place, except in Trump's mind.

"Donald Trump insisted on Friday that he never tried to imply that he met Russian President Vladimir Putin on the set of "60 Minutes," even though he said during the fourth GOP debate Tuesday that he and Putin were "stablemates" when they were interviewed for the show."
well Hillary wins that honor and then the old avowed socialist because he's making all these promises that will cost the people BILLIONS and doesn't tell the little people how he plans on paying for. Just another day in the life of the Democrat party. You think people had a learned a lesson after the liar Obama, who won LIE OF THE YEAR for his lie that cost BILLIONS and stuck us with another Government ENTITLEMENT on our backs to pay for
All you sources are on a planned meeting that never seems to have taken place. What he said was: “I got to know him very well because we were both on ’60 Minutes,’ we were stablemates, and we did very well that night” The two did appear on the same “60 Minutes” episode, which aired on Sept. 27. But journalist Charlie Rose traveled to Moscow for the two-hour interview with Putin, and Trump was interviewed by Scott Pelley in Trump’s Fifth Avenue penthouse in Manhattan. Trump vs. Fiorina: Who Knows Putin Best?

The meeting was not in Moscow, it was in New York.

The meeting never took place, except in Trump's mind.

"Donald Trump insisted on Friday that he never tried to imply that he met Russian President Vladimir Putin on the set of "60 Minutes," even though he said during the fourth GOP debate Tuesday that he and Putin were "stablemates" when they were interviewed for the show."

Your article says that Trump claimed to have not met Putin as part of the CBS 60 minutes piece.
"@CarlyFiorina I only said I was on 60minutes four weeks ago with Putin — never said I was in Green Room. Separate pieces — great ratings!" Trump tweeted."

I know it is tough for an ideologue to stretch their brain to grasp this, but Trump could have met Putin elsewhere in NEW York and not in Moscow or related directly to the CBS interviews at all. Trump could have put those separate events together in his mind because they occurred at about the same time.

Come on! Stretch that brain! You can do it!
well Hillary wins that honor and then the old avowed socialist because he's making all these promises that will cost the people BILLIONS and doesn't tell the little people how he plans on paying for. Just another day in the life of the Democrat party. You think people had a learned a lesson after the liar Obama, who won LIE OF THE YEAR for his lie that cost BILLIONS and stuck us with another Government ENTITLEMENT on our backs to pay for
He plans on taxing Wall Street for it, and I am in total sympathy as those bastards have robbed the American people of $4 TRILLION and I WANT IT BACK ALONG WITH MY COUNTRY.
I know it is tough for an ideologue to stretch their brain to grasp this, but Trump could have met Putin elsewhere in NEW York and not in Moscow or related directly to the CBS interviews at all. Trump could have put those separate events together in his mind because they occurred at about the same time.

Come on! Stretch that brain! You can do it!

No I can't. Sorry. It seems like Putin was not even in NY. You might want to avoid stretching yours too far and believing what you want to believe, as opposed to confining your beliefs to what is real.

“I call us stable mates but we never met,” Trump conceded

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