Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Earlier todayI quoted an article by a former PFLP leader who later became a senior advisor to Yasir Arafat who claimed that rich Jews controlled US defense contractors and gave their technology to Israel for free, where somehow Israel took credit for them after threatening them....it made no sense but it is unquestionably antisemitic.

Here's another antisemitic article published this past weekend from a former Palestinian political leader, Dr. Ghazi Husain, currently legal advisor and head of administration in the Political Department of the Palestine Liberation Organization in Damascus.

You don't have to go far into the article to see Husain fall down the rabbit hole of Nazi-style antisemitism:

The facts and events since the crystallization of Zionism as an ideology and a global political movement whose backbone is Jewish settler colonialism from the Nile to the Euphrates, and the secret decisions of the First Zionist Congress known as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion clearly prove the impossibility of coexisting with the Zionist entity, which is the practical embodiment of lies and ambitions, Biblical, Talmudic, Zionism, colonialism and Israel.

He covers a lot of Jew-hating territory in only two paragraphs! And Husain is another elder statesman of Palestinian nationalism.

From the Mufti through Arafat through Abbas, antisemitism has been the backbone of Palestinian nationalism. Most of the world refuses to believe it, but the original thinkers of the movement continue to publish explicitly antisemitic articles in Arabic for Arab audiences - today.

(full article online)

If the land would be leased to a Muslim, no one would care. If it would be leased to Christians, no one would care. But when it is leased to a Jew - not an Israeli, but a Jew -the furor proves yet again that anti-Zionism is merely a thin camouflage for old fashioned Jew-hatred.

(full article online)

As we see with regularity, Pally'ism is about glorification of mass murder / suicidal psychopaths represented as models for the society.

European-funded foundation trains Palestinian teachers using text on child-murderer as example
Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus | Oct 5, 2021
The A.M Qattan Foundation trained Palestinian teachers in a specific education approach using a 5th grade lesson describing terrorist Dalal Mughrabi who led the murder of 37, including 12 kids, as a hero
“Co-funding partners” of the foundation include the EU, France, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, UNICEF, and UNRWA
Lesson includes praise for terrorist murderer: “Dalal rode the sea while leading her group of [13] self-sacrificing fighters… Dalal and eight of her heroic squad members ascended to Heaven as Martyrs… [Dalal] watered the soil of Palestine with her pure blood, and brought to bloom a history full of unrelenting revolution"
There is no option other than to issue a “Hurt Feelings” Alert.

It seems Pallys are indignant because they claim Facebook has censored or removed their accounts.

What a horrible thing.

I suppose the Pallys feel an entitlement to use Facebook as Fatah does and use that media outlet to promote and glorify the killers and misfits they create.

A Palestinian data rights group, two news agencies and a translator have filed a legal complaint with Facebook, saying the social media giant censored their posts and, in some cases, shut down their accounts in violation of the company's own policies.
On September 30, 2021, the London-based Qatari Al-Quds Al-Arabi daily reported on a meeting that took place that day between Palestinian Authority (PA) Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh and Israeli Arab journalists, including a correspondent for Al-Quds Al-Arabi. According to the report, Shtayyeh asked that the meeting, which took place in his office, not be recorded. In the meeting, he said that Israel is not interested in a solution to the Palestinian issue – neither the two-state solution nor the one-state solution – and persists in its efforts to fragment the Palestinian people and ignore its cause. Given this reality, he said, there will be no choice but to go back to the starting point of the Palestinian issue in 1948, and in that situation the Palestinian people "from the river to the sea" will have a single united leadership. He also stated that Israel is bound to "die demographically since the Jewish human reservoir in the world has dwindled." He added that, in a meeting one month ago in Ramallah between PA President Mahmoud 'Abbas and Israeli Foreign Minister Benny Gantz, the former said that if the two-state solution was not implemented, the solution would be to return to the 1947 partition resolution. Ganz, said Shtayyeh, was astonished by the Palestinian president's words.

According to the report, Shtayyeh also expressed disappointment in the current U.S. administration which, he said, has promised to reopen the U.S. consulate in East Jerusalem and the PLO offices in Washington, and to renew funding to organizations aiding the Palestinians, but in practice has done almost nothing to fulfill these promises.

It should be noted that, in his speech at the September 24, 2021 UN General Assembly, 'Abbas gave Israel an ultimatum, saying it has one year to withdraw to the 1967 borders and reach a permanent solution with the Palestinians, otherwise the Palestinians will revoke their recognition of Israel. He stressed that, in such a situation, various options will be available, including "returning to a solution based on the partition plan of resolution 181 (II), adopted in 1947, which gives the State of Palestine 44% of the land," and appealing to the International Court of Justice "on the issue of the legality of the occupation of the land of the Palestinian state."[1]

The following are translated excerpts from the report in
Al-Quds Al-Arabi.

(full article online)

The rocket came from an underground Hamas rocket launch site with 10 silos. It flew 7.5 kilometers to Beit Hanoun, where it killed the al-Masry family.

The silos were located next to a mosque in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood.

This occurred at 6 PM on May 10, either before or within minutes of any Israeli airstrikes in Gaza.

Even though Defense for Children - International believed that this might have been a "homemade" rocket, Human Rights Watch decided months later this was an Israeli missile after its sham "investigation."

On May 10 near the town of Beit Hanoun, an Israeli-guided missile struck near four houses of the al-Masri family, killing 8 civilians, including 6 children.
HRW based its lies on "eyewitnesses" who said the rocket came from the east. and it decided, based on its experts who know literally nothing about weapons, that it was an Israeli anti-personnel missile.

And so it goes - Hamas kills Gaza kids and Israel gets blamed.

(full article online)

During Hamas’ war against Israel in May, Israel condemned Hamas for using civilians as human shields. During the war, the PA and Fatah supported Hamas’ terror campaign and even encouraged Palestinians and Israeli Arabs to riot against Israeli civilians.

However, a few months later, Fatah is acknowledging that the Hamas war tactic was immoral because they used civilians including children as human shields.

A striking example of this is Fatah’s posting the above cartoon on the official website of the Fatah Commission of Information and Culture. Accompanying the cartoon showing Hamas using an infant as a shield, are the words "Without explanation." [Website of the Fatah Commission of Information and Culture, Aug. 29, 2021]

Similar criticism was expressed by Fatah in this cartoon depicting a man with “Hamas” written on him making a “V” for victory with one hand, while putting his other hand around the shoulders of a man with “The Palestinian people” written on him. The “Hamas” man is holding a target over the other man’s heart.

(full article online)


“I’ll Die Over My Rubble”: Israel’s Army Is Terrorizing This Palestinian Family​

Did they have building permits to build? Any of these times?

Do they really believe they do not need a permit to build a home?

Jews do. Why not Arabs?

And no.....It is not "your land". It is not Palestinian land.
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‘They Came Here to Attack Arabs.’ Welcome to Life in Israel’s ‘Mixed Cities’​

How cute. Invoke ISIS and the Nazis.

Oh, look....Pallywood !!!!

Well staged crying missing one's father. If that is actually happening. But it was so well staged.....
I doubt it.

First and foremost, Led is an ancient Jewish city:

Lod (Hebrew: לוד‎, לֹד‎; Arabic: اللد‎ al-Lidd, al-Ludd; Latin: Lydda, Diospolis, Ancient Greek: Λύδδα / Διόσπολις – city of Zeus) is a city 15 km (9.3 mi) southeast of Tel Aviv in the Central District of Israel. In 2019 it had a population of 77,223.[1]

The name is derived from the Biblical city of Lod,[2][3] and it was a significant Judean town from the Maccabean Period to the early Christian period. During the 1948 Arab–Israeli War most of the city's Arab inhabitants were expelled in the 1948 Palestinian exodus from Lydda and Ramle, also known as the Lydda Death March.[4][5] The town was resettled by Jewish immigrants, most of them from Arab countries,[6][7]alongside 1,056 Arabs who remained.[6] Today, the city has an Arab population of 30%.[8]

So, when Palestinians (the word means Invaders) attempt to stop Jews from moving in.......well.....how right is that?

Can't these Arabs just learn and live in peace and learn how to make the city and their lives better?

Here is the whole story:

Jews are not allowed to live in ancient Jewish cities. Because Arabs who have been taught that it is "Palestinian Land" do not want it. After all, Jews have no rights, and must do as Muslims tell them to.

Oh, the good all days when Muslims could do anything they wanted to Jews in the Land of Israel, without any consequences .

And Tinmore is doing his Christian duty in helping those Arabs any way he can, any lies they tell, any demands they make for Jews to leave their ancient homeland so that Muslims can again do whatever they want with any Jew they want.

Well, that was last May, during the war Hamas started. Hopefully things have gotten much better as Tinmore could not find a more recent video of any more attacks. :)

Palestinian Homes Are Being Demolished in Jerusalem​

Oh, you mean City of David? As in King David, the Jewish king?

Could these building also have been built without a permit?

Palestinians do not need permits, maybe they say. It is "their land", maybe?
Maybe they just keep dreaming they do not live in Israel?

According to Israeli officials, the structure was built illegally in the al-Bustan area of Silwan, without a permit, on public land. Palestinians contend that their requests for permits are rarely granted by the Jerusalem municipality, giving them no choice but to build illegally.

alestinian residents said an additional 17 illegally built structures — including homes — have demolition orders in effect. The municipality has marked another 80 homes for demolition, but those orders are currently being fought in the courts.

According to a former Jerusalem municipality official, al-Bustan’s Palestinian residents have rejected numerous offers by the city to accept compromises that would leave most of the homes in place.

“Every year, we would go to the courts to update them on the negotiations with residents, and ask for an extension of the freeze [in demolitions]. At a certain point, the court decided that these were going nowhere,” said the former official.

The Jerusalem municipality has contended that it demolishes structures when Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem build illegally.

“To remove all doubt — orders against illegal construction are enforced throughout the city on a daily basis, in both the west and east of the city.,” the municipality said in a statement.

Well, these are Arabs who are never going to want to love Israel as so many other Arabs have, and consider themselves proud Israelis.

Until the next generations do, they will feel themselves entitled to think that it is their land and "they" have been robbed of it.
(But.....They are Jews.....They are Jews....and we Muslims conquered this land.......and they are still Jews.......and they need to live under Muslim sovereignty. Do as we have been saying for the previous 13 centuries. It worked out so much better then )

She didn't say Jews could say prayers out loud. She didn't say they can build a synagogue. All the judge said is that Jews, standing respectfully and silently praying on the holiest Jewish site, cannot be considered to be doing anything criminal.

Can any statement be more obvious? What possible crime could there be?

Naturally, the Muslim world went a little crazy.

The Palestinian ministry of foreign affairs condemned Jews silently praying.

In a press statement, the Palestinian ministry of foreign affairs said that it condemns "the unprecedented decision of an Israeli court granting Jews limited right to perform silent prayers in the courtyards of al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem."

"It is a flagrant aggression against al-Aqsa Mosque," the statement said.

The Arab League condemned the ruling:
The Secretary-General of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, condemned the Israeli court’s decision to allow Jews to pray in Al-Aqsa Mosque, which sets a dangerous precedent, and reflects the new government’s intentions and continuous plans to Judaize Jerusalem and target the Palestinian presence there.

Anyone who argues strenuously against the rights of Jews to quietly say prayers at the site of the First and Second Temples is simply an antisemite. One can argue that it isn't a good idea for various reasons (real and mostly imagined,) but to say Jews have no right to pray is saying that Jews should not have the same human rights as members of every other religion.

(full article online)

Recently Palestinian Media Watch speculated whether new and positive role models – in particular for women - are emerging in the PA as an alternative to honoring terrorists like murderer Dalal Mughrabi. An episode of a PA TV children’s show, however, confirms that a change in the PA’s role modeling is still light years away.

On the show From my country, which is aimed at and hosted by children, several kids praised terrorist murderer Dalal Mughrabi, who led the murder of 25 adults and 12 children when she and other terrorists hijacked an Israeli bus full of civilians and killed many of the passengers in 1978.

The show is testimony to the result of decades of PA brainwashing. Today’s Palestinian children are well aware that mass-murderer Mughrabi led a “hijacking operation,” “died as a Martyr,” and was nicknamed “the Bride of Jaffa.” Official PA TV dedicated part of this children’s program to the terrorist, and in addition to interviewing children about her, they also had the child hosts teach child viewers details of murderer Mughrabi’s biography:


(full article online)

Religion of Peace™

Peace Partners™

Yes. Suicide bombers, mass murdering psychopaths, gee-had killers basically define Messengers Of Peace™

Fatah Official Abbas Zaki: Israelis Are Sons Of Bitches, Murderers; They Are Messengers Of Instability, While We Are Messengers Of Peace

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