Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Where does one find the invention of your mythical "state of Pal'istan" in the Treaty of Lausanne?

Anything yet on those "new states" you claim were invented by the "Treaty of Lausanne"?
I don't know. :dunno: I don't hear the voices in your head.
This is apartheid. The government of Sudan is in no hurry to release seized assets Abbas claims belongs to the Pally terrorists.

Palestinian Authority urges Sudan to hand over assets it seized from Hamas

'The Palestinian people are in need of this money, especially our great people under siege in Gaza,' top Abbas adviser says

25 September 2021, 8:34 pm
Palestinian Authority urges Sudan to hand over assets it seized from Hamas
Palestinian Authority Civil Affairs Commissioner Hussein al-Sheikh. (WAFA)
The Palestinian Authority has called on Sudan’s government to hand over assets that it seized from Hamas as part of a recent crackdown on the terror group.

Hussein al-Sheikh, a close confidant of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, tweeted on Saturday: “We hope that the sisterly state of Sudan, which has always been with the people of Palestine, both the people and the government, will hand over the movable and immovable funds that were confiscated [from Hamas] to the State of Palestine and its government.”
It appears that the IDF had actionable Intel that caused them to launch an anti gee-had operation.

Security forces acted tonight in Judea and Samaria against Hamas terrorists who were poised to carry out terror attacks in the immediate future,” Bennett said in a statement, en route to New York to speak at the United Nations General Assembly, using the biblical term for the West Bank.
It's just a game of oneupsmanship the islamic terrorist franchises play against each other.

Islamist terror group plans to boycott local Palestinian vote unless presidential, legislative elections also held; PA president indefinitely delayed national vote in April
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: General Question
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: I did not mention armed struggle.

Where do you get the idea that guns are necessary for the existence of a state? The rights of a state are (supposed to be) protected by law not necessarily by a military.

OMG... The concepts of democracy are not universally accepted.

The people are the sovereigns in their defined territory. They are the ones who can, if they want, create a government.

Who created the government of the US? "We the people." The sovereigns of the territory.

The problem is, that the Israelis beat the Arab Palestinians to it and made smarter choices. And that is substantiated by the number of times the Arab Palestinians rejected the incorporation into building self-governing institutions.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: General Question
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: I did not mention armed struggle.


OMG... The concepts of democracy are not universally accepted.


The problem is, that the Israelis beat the Arab Palestinians to it and made smarter choices. And that is substantiated by the number of times the Arab Palestinians rejected the incorporation into building self-governing institutions.


Most Respectfully,
You missed the point of my post.
The Islamist Ra’am Party is warning that Israeli flags on the Temple Mount are a “red line” for its constituents, the Hebrew-language Ynet site reported Tuesday night.

Ra’am is a member of the Israeli government coalition.

(full article online)

The Islamist Ra’am Party is warning that Israeli flags on the Temple Mount are a “red line” for its constituents, the Hebrew-language Ynet site reported Tuesday night.

Ra’am is a member of the Israeli government coalition.

(full article online)

I agree, they should remove their mosques.
Two Palestinian brothers were arrested in Belgium in the past week after they threatened their sister and brother-in-law for being "too western," according to Belgian media. After their arrest, a partially completed explosive device was found in the home of one of the brothers.

The two reportedly broke into their sister's home in Antwerp last week and assaulted her and her husband for being "too western." One brother was arrested on the evening of the assault, while the second brother surrendered to police at a later date.

One of the brothers is being investigated on suspicion of participating in the actions of a terrorist group and possessing illegal weapons after "a half-completed explosive device, gunpowder and several empty cartridge cases" were found at his home in Roeselare, the Federal Judicial Authorities in Belgium told VRT news.

(full article online)

I find it difficult to believe that anyone can use the terms "peace partners" and expect islamic terrorists to be a part of that conversation.

Abbas’ UN speech explains why he is no partner for peace
Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Sep 29, 2021
One needs look no further than the recent speech by Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, in order to understand why he is not a partner for peace. Referring to the creation of the State of Israel as a “catastrophe,” rewriting history, rejecting criticism of the PA terror reward payments, and telling outright lies, were just some of the highlights.

Here’s a quick overview:

Creation of Israel was a “catastrophe”

Abbas started his speech noting that “This year marks the 73rd anniversary of the Nakba.” The word “Nakba”, which in English means a “catastrophe,” is the Palestinian terminology used to refer to the creation of the State of Israel in 1948. For Abbas and the PA, the problem is not the Israeli settlements built in Judea and Samaria after 1967 and the Six-Day War, but rather the very existence of Israel.
Make no mistake about the priorities of the Pally terrorist enterprise. They tell us in no uncertain terms that the misfits they create are created for a purpose.

PA PM Shtayyeh repeats Abbas’ vow that last penny will be paid to terrorist prisoners​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Sep 30, 2021

  • Broadcast over 40 times on official PA TV:
    Abbas: “Even if I’m left with one penny, I’ll pay it to the families of the Martyrs, to the prisoners, and to the wounded”

  • PA Grand Mufti: “We are hearing [it]… from the top of the pyramid His Honor President Abbas said clearly: ’Even if I’m left with one penny, I’ll pay it to the prisoners, the prisoners’ families, and the families of the Martyrs’”

  • Director of PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs: “Abbas has repeatedly emphasized… that if one penny is left in the treasury of the PA it will be paid to our brave prisoners”

Pally'land - the things you actually hear about.

Israeli police fatally shot a Palestinian woman who tried to stab officers in Jerusalem's Old City on Thursday, AFP reported.
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