Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Intentional Deception.
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is a half-truth.

The Mandate was forbidden from making land transfers.

The Mandate was never used as a transfer method for any territory. And You should watch out for what you imply.

In the case of Israel, The Council endorsed the "right of Self-Determination."


Most Respectfully,
You would think the territories occupied by the pally terrorists are thousands of miles from NYC but the Pallys bring their ideological baggage of hate and derision wherever they go.

NYC Pro-Palestinian Rally: Zionist Professors Should Be Banned From Colleges, Zionist Students Should Not Be In The Same Spaces As Palestinians; Zionism Is A Genocidal Threat To Us​

It's been a busy month for the Peacefull Inner Strugglers.

Just a warm up for the islamist ''holy month'' of killing and maiming?

The Moatti Information Center has published data on the terror attacks carried out by Palestinian Authority Arabs against Israeli targets throughout the month of March 2022.

According to the report, the number of terror attacks carried out in March was the highest since 2017: 821 "acts of war" were conducted during the month, killing 12 Israelis and wounding 64. Twenty Palestinian Authority Arabs died as well.

Secretary of Fatah's Jenin Branch, At Rally Celebrating Bnei Brak Attack: Shooter Was a Fatah Hero​

Quite a scene. The Islamic terrorist rally included giving thanks to allah for his apparent help and assistance in killing Israelis.

Lovely folks with a lovely ''religion''.
It's apparently a game of one upsmanship as the Islamic terrorist franchises all compete to apply slathering praise to another of the sociopaths they bred.

Fatah Official From Jenin Jamal Al-Huwail Praises Bnei Brak, Israel Terrorist: He Restored The Glory Of Fatah, Hamas, PFLP, And Islamic Jihad; The Solution To Occupation Is The Use Of Force​

How strange. We're told by the humble servants of Islamic terrorists that ''this is not a religious conflict'', yet the humble servants of allah say it is.

PA sides with terror organizations – rejects Israel’s right to stop terror​

Itamar Marcus | Apr 3, 2022
  • PA joins Islamic Jihad and Hamas by condemning Israel’s killing of 3 terrorists on way to Israeli city

  • PA Prime Minister: Killing terrorists on way to terror attack is “extrajudicial murder” and “horrific crime”

  • PA Chairman Abbas: Killing terrorists on way to terror attack is a “challenge to… international law”

It only took only two days for Palestinian Media Watch’s assessment to be proven correct - that Mahmoud Abbas’ condemnation of the recent Palestinian terror was “insincere,” and not an honest statement rejecting terror.

On Saturday morning, Israeli soldiers killed three Palestinian terrorists who were on their way to an Israeli city to commit a major terror attack. One of the terrorists Seif Abu Libdeh wrote a long farewell letter - which he read in front of a camera and then placed in their car, assuming it would be found by the Israeli army after their attack. The Islamic Jihad terror organization publicized the video after the terrorists were killed.

In the note he wrote of his motivation to commit a terror attack and die as a Martyr:
“I, the humble servant of Allah… Seif Hifzi Abu Libdeh... I surrender my soul easily for the sake of Allah, for the liberation of Muslim Palestine, from the defilement of the attacking Jews.”
[QUDS NET, April 2, 2022]
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Intentional Deception
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

BLUF: I think you are correct. The policy they hold is " Islam is against all forms of religious, ethnic or sectarian extremism and bigotry." But here is the tension. They believe that the Arab Palestinian holds the "right" by all divine law. That anything that conflicts with this policy is illegal (no argument).

How strange. We're told by the humble servants of Islamic terrorists that ''this is not a religious conflict'', yet the humble servants of allah say it is.
Well, they [Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) and Islamic Resistance Members (IRM)] say a number of political themes. They want to sound like real organized effort by some portion (not all) of the civil population with a cause. The HoAP and IRM want to portray themselves as a only resisting the foreign Army on foreign territory (the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) and Civil Administration).

The HoAP and IRM are trying to give the impression that the fight the IDF to regain the legally established government taken over by an occupying power. The HoAP want to put forth the concept that the IDF represent a disruptive civil order and stability that the Arab Palestinian built up and maintained. The organized effort to disseminate false or inaccurate information, especially that which is deliberately intended to deceive the International Community. The HoAP and IRM want to present their organization amorally just under the teachings of the Islamic faith, but that to argue against HoAP and IRM violence.

Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) and Islamic Resistance Members (IRM) want to pretend that what they do has the objective of national liberation and resistance movement. Its goal is to liberate Palestine.

And while the HoAP and IRM want to create the illusion that it is willing to negotiate for a fair and equitable peace that is so far from the truth that it is unworthy of any consideration. When HoAP and IRM say "Palestine," the HoAP and IRM want the entirety of the territory which extends from the River Jordan in the east to the Mediterranean in the west and from Ras Al-Naqurah in the north to Umm Al-Rashrash in the south. And they make it very clear that they are willing to continue the unconventional warfare effort until the Occupying Power (the Israelis) overthrown and the entirety of the territory is secured.

The key here is that to secure "Palestine" that not only dissolve the 'State of Israel,' but remove the Jewish National Home all together. The whole of Palestine is a natural right, to both the Arab individual and general population of Arabs. And this s a very good recruitment pitch. That, plus the stipend (if captured or killed) makes many more valuable if captured (particularly).


Most Respectfully,

A message from Laila Al Marayati chairwoman of KinderUSA SD​

Interesting dynamic in that Egypt and Qatar are involved with trying to keep the pal terrorists calm leading up the Islamic ''holy month'', ''due to the motivation among terrorists to carry out attacks during Ramadan''

Don't all religions use their ''holy celebrations'' to kill people?

Egypt and Qatar, according to the sources, have been working for the past two days to ensure calm ahead of Ramadan, understanding that an escalation towards the sensitive month will lead to increased terrorist activity and further escalation, also due to the motivation among terrorists to carry out attacks during Ramadan.
Mother of the Year, nominee.

''That the land won’t be liberated until it is saturated with the blood of its sons''.

Ramadan - the holy month of killing and maiming and Mothers's Day - a time to sacrifice your sons by having their blood saturate the land.

Lovely, lovely folks.

“Strong red blood” will achieve victory – PA Mother’s Day message​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Apr 4, 2022

What do ideal Palestinian mothers teach their children?

  • “That victory is not achieved through words and slogans but through strong red blood”

  • “That the land won’t be liberated until it is saturated with the blood of its sons”

Celebrating Palestinian Mother’s Day on March 21, the PA stressed its Martyrdom worship ideology that Palestinian Media Watch has documented. The PA reiterated that dying for “Palestine” – offering the “strong red blood… of its sons,” is good, desired, and even expected of Palestinians.

Greeting all Palestinian mothers, using one of its TV hosts as messenger, the PA highlighted specifically the mothers of “Martyrs.” “Martyr” (Shahid) is the exalted Islamic status the PA ascribes to any terrorist who died while attacking Israelis, and therefore the mothers of such terrorists are special to the PA. In fact, these mothers are “the most beautiful” and “the most exalted”!
Haaretz interviews Dr. Mahmoud Habbash, chief Sharia judge for the Palestinian Authority and top religious affairs advisor for Palestinian president Abbas.

He says, “Ramadan is a month of prayer and mercy. But Israel’s behavior as an occupying entity in Jerusalem and the West Bank is causing an escalation.....”

Such a peaceful man, wanting to make sure that things don't escalate during Ramadan and certain that only Israel is fanning the flames of violence.

Haaretz, for some reason, didn't ask Dr. Habbash about other statements he has made that haven't been exactly moderate or peaceful.

Just last week, he said, "the Holy Land of Palestine will remain the property of the Palestinians only who alone have the right to it and those who have legitimacy. " Which means that Jews have no right to be there.

MEMRI has lots more clips of Habbash which show that he is not exactly a moderate peace-seeker.

A year ago, he made up a quote by Theodor Herzl, claiming that he said about Palestinian Arabs: 'We must exterminate them. We must throw them in the deserts or in the jungles of Africa, and let wild beast devour them.'"

In 2019, he said that normalization with 'the enemies of the prophet Muhammad' is treason.

And before that he called for "jihad" to protect Al Aqsa Mosque.

Sure sounds like incitement to me.

Celebrating Palestinian Mother’s Day on March 21, the PA stressed its Martyrdom worship ideology that Palestinian Media Watch has documented. The PA reiterated that dying for “Palestine” – offering the “strong red blood... of its sons,” is good, desired, and even expected of Palestinians.

Greeting all Palestinian mothers, using one of its TV hosts as messenger, the PA highlighted specifically the mothers of “Martyrs.” “Martyr” (Shahid) is the exalted Islamic status the PA ascribes to any terrorist who died while attacking Israelis, and therefore the mothers of such terrorists are special to the PA. In fact, these mothers are “the most beautiful” and “the most exalted”!


  • Because “they taught their children that victory is not achieved through words and slogans but through strong red blood”

  • Because “they taught their children that the land will not be liberated until it is saturated with the blood of its sons”

Official PA TV host: “Good evening. The most sacred mothers are the Martyrs’ mothers. They are the most beautiful mothers because they taught their children that victory is not achieved through words and slogans but through strong red blood. They are the most exalted mothers because they taught their children that the land will not be liberated until it is saturated with the blood of its sons. If mothers are a school for preparing the generations, then the Martyrs’ mothers are a special school that brings up heroes who honor their nation and their homeland... Mother’s Day greetings to all the mothers and to the Martyrs’ mothers. Wishing you all the best.”
[Official PA TV, Special Interview, March 21, 2022

(full article online )

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Intentional Deception.
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is a half-truth.


The Mandate was never used as a transfer method for any territory. And You should watch out for what you imply.

In the case of Israel, The Council endorsed the "right of Self-Determination."


Most Respectfully,
The Mandate was never used as a transfer method for any territory. And You should watch out for what you imply.
San Remo was not a land treaty. The Mandate had no authority to transfer territory. Resolution 181 was rejected.

Israel started the Nakba in 1947 with no land. What happened since then?
San Remo was not a land treaty. The Mandate had no authority to transfer territory. Resolution 181 was rejected.

Israel started the Nakba in 1947 with no land. What happened since then?
Same lies. Same Christian hatred of Jews. Yawn.

UN wants to partition the land in 1947. Jew's fault.
Jews accept it, Arabs reject it. Jew's fault.

Arabs attack the Jews after the refusal for partition.
The Jews fault.

We do know all of your songs, forwards and backwards.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Intentional Deception
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

BLUF: I think you are correct. The policy they hold is " Islam is against all forms of religious, ethnic or sectarian extremism and bigotry." But here is the tension. They believe that the Arab Palestinian holds the "right" by all divine law. That anything that conflicts with this policy is illegal (no argument).

Well, they [Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) and Islamic Resistance Members (IRM)] say a number of political themes. They want to sound like real organized effort by some portion (not all) of the civil population with a cause. The HoAP and IRM want to portray themselves as a only resisting the foreign Army on foreign territory (the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) and Civil Administration).

The HoAP and IRM are trying to give the impression that the fight the IDF to regain the legally established government taken over by an occupying power. The HoAP want to put forth the concept that the IDF represent a disruptive civil order and stability that the Arab Palestinian built up and maintained. The organized effort to disseminate false or inaccurate information, especially that which is deliberately intended to deceive the International Community. The HoAP and IRM want to present their organization amorally just under the teachings of the Islamic faith, but that to argue against HoAP and IRM violence.

Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) and Islamic Resistance Members (IRM) want to pretend that what they do has the objective of national liberation and resistance movement. Its goal is to liberate Palestine.

And while the HoAP and IRM want to create the illusion that it is willing to negotiate for a fair and equitable peace that is so far from the truth that it is unworthy of any consideration. When HoAP and IRM say "Palestine," the HoAP and IRM want the entirety of the territory which extends from the River Jordan in the east to the Mediterranean in the west and from Ras Al-Naqurah in the north to Umm Al-Rashrash in the south. And they make it very clear that they are willing to continue the unconventional warfare effort until the Occupying Power (the Israelis) overthrown and the entirety of the territory is secured.

The key here is that to secure "Palestine" that not only dissolve the 'State of Israel,' but remove the Jewish National Home all together. The whole of Palestine is a natural right, to both the Arab individual and general population of Arabs. And this s a very good recruitment pitch. That, plus the stipend (if captured or killed) makes many more valuable if captured (particularly).


Most Respectfully,
Are settler colonialism and apartheid "religious?"
Are settler colonialism and apartheid "religious?"
Idiotic question pulled out of thin air.

Grow up!!!!!

Colonialism and apartheid exist in Gaza and Areas A and B under Gaza and the PA.

It is all about the extremist religious people on the Islamic side who cannot see Jews as humans, much less as humans who have the right to sovereignty over their ancient homeland.

Grow up !!!!
Same lies. Same Christian hatred of Jews. Yawn.

UN wants to partition the land in 1947. Jew's fault.
Jews accept it, Arabs reject it. Jew's fault.

We do know all of your songs, forwards and backwards.
UN wants to partition the land in 1947. Jew's fault.
Jews accept it, Arabs reject it. Jew's fault.
Interesting. Why did the Jews accept part of Palestine in 1947 when they received the whole pie three decades earlier?

And since resolution 181 didn't happen, what did the Jews get?
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