Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Sequence of events:

February: The PA, including Abbas, repeatedly calls for terror
March 1- 21: PA glorifies terrorists who died in terror attacks
March 22: Terrorist murders 4 in Be’er Sheva, PA openly praises him as “Martyr”
March 27: Terrorist murders 2 in Hadera, PA is silent
March 29: Terrorist murders 5 in Bnei Brak, Abbas forced to issue lame condemnation

After 2 months of intensified PA promoting terror and support for terror attacks, 3 terror attacks by Arabs in one week leave 11 people in Israel murdered. PA Chairman Abbas was the leader of the calls to Palestinians to murder Israelis. For example, at the PLO Central Council meeting in February: “President [Abbas called] in all his speeches to initiate popular resistance.” [Official PA TV, Feb. 8, 2022] PMW has documented that “popular resistance” is the PA call for civilians to carry out terror attacks.

Having promoted terror for 2 months, the PA glorified the first terror attack in which 4 Israelis were murdered. After criticism from Israel, the PA was silent about the second attack in which 2 were murdered. And then only when Israel's defense minister and the United States pressured Abbas he issued a lame condemnation.

Sincere Abbas condemnation
of the terror attack in Saudi Arabia
Insincere Abbas condemnation
of the terror attack in Israel
“[PA] President Mahmoud Abbas said in a telegram he sent to Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud: ‘We strongly condemn the despicable terror act and all kinds of acts of aggression and crime that harm the security and stability of Saudi Arabia and contradict the international and humanitarian laws and regulations and morality (refers to missile attack by Iranian-backed Houthi forces in Yemen targeting an oil facility in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, on March 25, 2022 -Ed.).’
The president emphasized his stand and solidarity with sister Saudi Arabia on all that is likely to prevent these terror attacks, and he wished that Almighty Allah will protect them and guide them for the good, security, and prosperity of Saudi Arabia and its brotherly people.
The president also sent a telegram to [Saudi] Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense, and Council of Economic and Development Affairs Chairman Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, and strongly condemned the cowardly rocket attack and all kinds of criminal acts that seek to undermine Saudi Arabia’s security and stability. The president said: ‘We express our full solidarity with Saudi Arabia and its leadership against all kinds of acts of aggression, crime, and terror, and those who are behind them,and we wish that Almighty Allah will protect Saudi Arabia and its people with full goodness, security, and wellbeing.’”
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 26, 2022]
“President Mahmoud Abbas expressed tonight his condemnation of the killing of Israeli civiliansearlier this evening, and stressed that the killing of Palestinian and Israeli civilians will only lead to further deterioration of the situation, especially as we are approaching the holy month of Ramadan and the Christian and Jewish holidays.
President Abbas warned against attempts by Israeli settlers and other sides to exploit this condemned incident to carry out attacks and reactions against our Palestinian people.
He pointed out that the cycle of violence confirms that permanent, comprehensive and just peace is the shortest way to provide security and stability for the Palestinian and Israeli peoples and the peoples of the entire region.”
[WAFA, official PA news agency, English edition, March 29, 2022;
WAFA, official PA news agency, March 29, 2022, Official PA daily Al-Hayyat Al-Jadida, March 30, 2022]

(full article online)

The Islamic terrorist politburo mouthpiece is announcing a “new level of confrontation”.

I suspect the Islamic terrorists are going to get a heap’in help’in of confrontation from a very confrontational Israeli military.

Saleh Al-Arouri, Deputy Chairman Of Hamas Political Bureau: The Recent Terror Attacks Constitute A New Level In Our Confrontation With Israel; Arab States Should Support, Arm Us Like The West Supports, Arms Ukraine; Instead, They Normalize With Israel​

  • Boy tells uncle – an imprisoned murderer: “You are one of the heroes of Palestine”

  • Boy thinks uncle - an imprisoned murderer - is “an extraordinary hero,” wants to “buy a rifle” to set him free and take back Jaffa and Jerusalem

  • Daughter of terrorist delighted she saw her father stab a prison guard: “I’m proud of you. When I saw the video of the stabbing I was happy”

(full article online)

( Palestinians preparing for Ramadan )
( And please, stop calling Judea and Samaria "West Bank". It is a continuation of the Roman attempt to wipe out the Jewish homeland )

A Palestinian stabbed a passenger on an Israeli bus in the West Bank and was shot dead by another passenger, the Israeli military said.

The national ambulance service said the man who was stabbed had suffered moderate wounds.

In a separate incident, Israeli forces killed at least two Palestinians in clashes that erupted during a raid in the West Bank that followed deadly Arab attacks in Israel.

The Israeli military said its forces and border police entered the refugee camp in the city of Jenin to “apprehend terrorist suspects.”

“During the operation, terrorists opened fire at our forces. Israeli troops returned fire that struck the gunmen. An Israeli soldier was slightly wounded,” the military said in a statement.

The Palestinian health ministry said two Palestinians, aged 17 and 23, were killed in the clashes.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said in a statement that “continued raids and daily killings of our people and the daily crimes by settlers will lead the region towards more tension and escalation.”

(full article online)

Diseased Islamo- family values.

Proud kids tell their murderer relatives they are heroes – PA kids’ values​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Mar 31, 2022
  • Boy tells uncle – an imprisoned murderer: “You are one of the heroes of Palestine”

  • Boy thinks uncle - an imprisoned murderer - is “an extraordinary hero,” wants to “buy a rifle” to set him free and take back Jaffa and Jerusalem

  • Daughter of terrorist delighted she saw her father stab a prison guard: “I’m proud of you. When I saw the video of the stabbing I was happy”

The pally Islamic terrorist gee-had is going to find an armed and determined Israeli anti gee-had force.

Israelis with gun licenses should carry arms, says Bennett​

What can Israel's citizens expect? "Be alert. Whoever has a weapons license, this is the time to carry it," said Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.​

(Time to send disrespectful Arabs back to Arabia? Return to Sender, address well known....... )

Palestinian Authority news agency Wafa writes:

Occupation MK Itamar Ben Gvir, at the head of 202 settlers, stormed the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, where they carried out provocative tours and performed racist Talmudic rituals under the protection of dozens of Israeli policemen .
Both the Israeli Left and the Palestinian Arabs predicted that violence would result from Ben Gvir's visit, but he quietly walked around for 15 minutes and left.

But here we see that the Palestinian Authority is calling Jewish prayer not only "Talmudic rituals," but "racist Talmudic rituals."

This is new. I cannot find the phrase "racist Talmudic rituals" before February 22 of this year.

This isn't just antisemitic - it is official antisemitism from the Palestinian Authority, and the formulation of "racist Talmudic rituals" was copied slavishly in many other Arab sites, including in Egypt.

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Inducement of Violence
⁜→ et al,

BLUF: If there is one thing that both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have in common it is → that neither will not capitulate (
so far).

The pally Islamic terrorist gee-had is going to find an armed and determined Israeli anti gee-had force.

Israelis with gun licenses should carry arms, says Bennett

What can Israel's citizens expect? "Be alert. Whoever has a weapons license, this is the time to carry it," said Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.


You will notice that the one current situation that theArab Palestinians of the West Bank, Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip all have in common is that the have never offered up a "viable solution." The Arab Palestinians throw up roadblocks to Negotiations between the two opponents.

A political solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict is unfathomable by any multidimensional view. The political solution is nearly impossible to define, it is difficult to interpret and understand, and it is ghostlike. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has eluded a solution because it mirrors the thought that a solution can exist (The solution to problem is to prove that all political differences will eventually converge). Politically, this means that there can be (at some point) a meeting of the minds (a convergence if the Israeli Position and Palestinian Position. And that is the paradox. It cannot be a case wherein Israel is encompassed into the Greater Palestinian State, or that the Palestinians pose a threat to the peaceful existence of the Israelis. In point of fact, there will be not solution unless one side equals the other side. And that is like saying a "square-circle." It is impossible.

Jerusalem Post said:
"The secret of our existence is the mutual responsibility among us and our determination to maintain the home that we have built – at any price," he explained, adding that "citizens of Israel, we will prevail this time as well."


Politically speaking, this means that there will be no case where the Arab Palestinians (from where-ever) present a threat to the citizenry of Israel, the territorial integrity, and sovereignty of Israel without a continuation of the conflict.

Jerusalem Post said:
"We have repeatedly warned the occupation of the consequences of escalating its violations and crimes, as our Palestinian people will not remain passive in front of it, and will confront its terrorism by all means, and they will protect their sanctuary, the farthest corner and the entire occupied lands, and he will defend it with comprehensive resistance, which will continue to deter the occupation, and to restrain its aggression, until its departure from our land," the terror group added.

Jerusalem Post said:


And this is the scope and nature of the condition that must be modified. This political condition will not converge on the peace and security if Israel or the Jewish National Home.


Most Respectfully,
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