Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Terrorist murderers glorified at Fatah rally in Bethlehem​

Text and pictures posted on the official Fatah Facebook page
Posted text: "The Fatah Movement Bethlehem Branch marks the anniversary of the outbreak of the Palestinian revolution, Fatah's Launch (Intilaqa), with a precession and torch lighting, and this is in the presence of Fatah Central Committee member fighter brother Abbas Zaki, and His Honor the Governor of Bethlehem brother Kamel Hamid, the brothers and members of the Fatah Revolutionary Committee, the brother directors of the [PA] Security Forces, the secretary and members of the branch committee, the regional and organizational secretaries, members of the movement from all of the regions, and dignitaries from the region.”

Pally terrorists - clowns in ski masks.
Pallys sure like to exploit their teenagers. Breeding for the purpose of self-destruction in acts of mass murder / suicide.

Curious that there seems to be an identifiable Islamic terrorist franchise in the article.

Hamas militants / Getty ImagesAdam Kredo• March 29, 2022 4:59 am

A new piece of House legislation would mandate that social media platforms remove terrorist organizations and their supporters or face a $50,000 fine for every infraction
Precisely what one expects, praise and lauding for an Arab-Moslem killer, groomed by sociopaths.

Fatah Official Jamal Al-Huwail Praises 'Lone Lion' Who Murdered Four Israelis In A Beersheba Knife Attack: It Proves Palestinians Believe In Palestine From The River To The Sea
  • If elections for PA Chairman were held today, the Palestinians would elect Hamas terrorist Ismail Haniyeh or convicted terrorist murderer Marwan Barghouti

  • In election for the Palestinian Parliament, Hamas would most likely defeat a splintered Fatah

  • When asked how to break the current impasse, 68% of Palestinians choose violence, ranging from an all-out terror war (44%) to sporadic terror attacks (24%). Only 25% choose the path of negotiations

  • The decline of popular Palestinian support for the PLO continues and would only be improved if the organization opened its ranks to internationally designated terror organizations Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad

  • Most Palestinians (55%) believe that the PA is a burden on the Palestinians; 49% support dissolving the PA

  • One third of Palestinians believe that the most vital Palestinian goal is to destroy Israel by flooding it with millions of so-called “Palestinian refugees”

(full article online)

It's really getting ugly. The Islamic terrorists have been calling for more gee-had attacks and the attacks are happening.

Palestinian terrorist kills five in Bnei Brak shooting spree
Terrorist opens fire at passersby in city near Tel Aviv, is shot dead by cop who dies of injuries; Bennett holds security consultation after third deadly terror attack in 8 days
As you might expect, the full time job of pals is discovering ways to kill jews.

Generations of breeding / enabling sociopaths has resulted in a diseased population with one singular focus.

What are the Palestinians thinking - A new survey exposes the harsh reality​

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Mar 29, 2022
  • If elections for PA Chairman were held today, the Palestinians would elect Hamas terrorist Ismail Haniyeh or convicted terrorist murderer Marwan Barghouti

  • In election for the Palestinian Parliament, Hamas would most likely defeat a splintered Fatah

  • When asked how to break the current impasse, 68% of Palestinians choose violence, ranging from an all-out terror war (44%) to sporadic terror attacks (24%). Only 25% choose the path of negotiations

  • The decline of popular Palestinian support for the PLO continues and would only be improved if the organization opened its ranks to internationally designated terror organizations Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad

  • Most Palestinians (55%) believe that the PA is a burden on the Palestinians; 49% support dissolving the PA

  • One third of Palestinians believe that the most vital Palestinian goal is to destroy Israel by flooding it with millions of so-called “Palestinian refugees”

Yeah - the Islamic unholy month of shooting, bombing and killing.

Lovely, lovely ''religion''.

The suspected terrorist shooting in Bnei Brak, an ultra-orthodox suburb of Tel Aviv, comes after two other attacks by Arab citizens that have sparked fear of ongoing violence ahead of the start of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan on Saturday.
More of the disease that afflicts pal Arabs. There was great celebration among the Cultists believing that one of their pal / ISIS heroes had killed Israelis when two Ukrainian tourists were victims.

When news of a terror attack began to circulate on social media a number of Palestinian Arabic language media and social media accounts began to celebrate the attack.

The reports claimed that “settlers” were killed in the attack. This might be confusing for some who read western media and think “settlers” refers to Israelis living in the West Bank. In Palestinian populist media and among social media users it almost always refers to everyone who lives in Israel. The term “settlers” in this context goes beyond reference to Jewish Israelis or Jews in general, it refers to foreigners who live in Israel as well as tourists. In the case of the terror attack on Tuesday, two Ukrainians, Victor Sorokopot, 38, and Dimitri Mitrik, 23, living in Israel were victims also labeled as “settlers.”
As you might expect, the Pals were celebrating the murder / suicide committed by another Arab-Moslem.

Ramping up to the kill-fest associated with the islamic "holy month" when Arabs-Moslems tend to perform a lot of killing.

February, 2022​

Suicide Blasts4
List of Attacks

Palestinians in Jenin Celebrate, Hand Out Sweets Following Terrorist Attack in Bnei Brak, Israel: "Millions of Martyrs Are Marching to Jerusalem!"​

( How Arabs celebrate before Ramadan. The sacrifices to Allah are always welcome )

Here is how Al Quds described the celebrations in the hometown of the terrorist who murdered 5 Israelis on Tuesday:

Jenin, its camp and the town of Yabad witnessed, this evening, Tuesday, massive rallies to express pride in the perpetrator of the Bnei Brak operation near Tel Aviv, the martyr Diaa Hamrasha.

Our correspondent in Jenin stated that thecelebrations included the distribution of sweets in celebration of the operation, and that as soon as the occupation announced that the martyr Hamrasha a was from the town of Ya'bad, hundreds of the town's residents went to his house.

They staged a sit-in in front of the martyr's family's house and congratulated them, while calls and statements of Hamrasha's death were broadcast via loudspeakers and praised his operation, and confirmed the continuation of the resistance approach.

In the city and camp of Jenin, hundreds celebrated the operation, with massive rallies during which sweets were distributed. According to Palestinian sources, the Hamrasha family did not receive any official notification about the death of their son, which was published by the Hebrew media.

It is reported that Diaa is a freed prisoner and was arrested on charges of belonging to the Fatah movement and currently owns a shop that sells cellular devices in his town of Ya'bad, where mourning was declared.

Note that in this mainstream Palestinian newspaper, the murderer is referred to as a "martyr."

I'm not going to say that 100% of Palestinians support these terror attacks. But zero percent of Palestinian media says anything negative about them, or about the celebrations. Never is there an op-ed denouncing the culture that celebrates death.

Even the reports that mention Mahmoud Abbas' half-hearted condemnation - probably strongly suggested by Western leaders - do not give any indication that they agree with the condemnation.

Western media shies away from describing this aspect of Palestinian society, as if it is vaguely Islamophobic to point out that an entire people largely supports or condones murdering Jewish people.

A major lesson from the Abraham Accords is that it doesn't have to be this way. This hate isn't an inherently Arab thing. It is a Palestinian thing. Only Palestinians reward terrorists with jobs and cash rewards. Only Palestinians regard the worst mass murderers as heroes. Only Palestinians hold wild celebrations when one of them successfully murders Jews.

It is an immoral society.

(full article online)

Al-Araby, which is based in London, and Egyptian Al Masry al-Youm, both briefly mention that "Following the attack, mosques in the West Bank and Gaza Strip raised the takbir, to celebrate the operation in Tel Aviv."
"Raising the takbir" means publicly praising Allah, usually in the form of "Allah hu-Akbar."

Imagine the outcry if a synagogue of any denomination would blast out of loudspeakers (or publish in its weekly newsletter) joy and praise at the murder of civilians. It would be a major news item. The foremost critics would be Jews themselves.

And rightly so.

Yet, today, it isn't only Palestinian youths celebrating the murders of five people. It is their mosques - mosques that are run by older, respected men.

Where is the outrage from Muslims worldwide? Where is the horror at sacred mosques being used as places to celebrate terror? Where are the hand-wringing articles, in any language, saying that the Muslims who use Islam to celebrate death aren't "real Muslims?" Where are the social media posts that show disgust from religious Muslims at their faith being hijacked by immoral worshipers of death?

This is not to say that there are no Muslims horrified at these attacks - there certainly are. But the fact that no one expects any denunciations of the use of Islam to celebrate the most heinous crimes shows that the bar of expected behavior from Muslims, even Western Muslims, is very, very low.

Think about it: Can you even imagine that the Council on American-Islamic Relations would ever criticize fellow Muslims for supporting terror and using Islam to justify it? It is pure fantasy. But everyone would expect major Jewish organizations to forthrightly condemn any Jews doing anything remotely resembling this.

Part of the reason for Islamic terror is because it is so thoroughly justified and celebrated among so many Muslims without any pushback from their leaders - or from Western media and politicians who are cowed into worrying that any criticism will be labeled Islamophobic or result in death threats.

Arab and Muslim media today are romanticizing the attacks, or at best ignoring them - but they are emphatically not condemning them. This creates an environment where such heinous attacks are all but inevitable.

(full article online)

As documented by Joe Truzman, here is a list of Palestinian groups that praised the terror attack in Bnei Brak yesterday:

Palestinian Islamic Jihad
Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades (Fatah)
Mujahideen Brigades
Popular Resistance Committees
Popular Resistance Movement

This is besides Hezbollah.

Mahmoud Abbas' half-hearted condemnation of the attack reportedly came after Israel sent a strong message to him to do so. As far as I can tell, this is obvious to the Palestinian media, none of which have condemned the attack, even the media that slavishly echoes the official Palestinian position.

(full article online)

The sociopaths are heaping praise on the sociopaths they create.

It's an obvious mental disorder shared by Cult that holds to the values of an angry, belligerent politico-religious ideology.

Abbas’ Fatah praises yesterday's terror attack: “We bow before you in honor and admiration”​

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