Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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The recent violent clash between Israel and Hamas followed a pattern that has become depressingly familiar since Hamas won control of the Gaza Strip in 2006: Hamas instigates violence towards Israel and its civilians; Israel responds with military strikes targeting Hamas’s weaponry infrastructure, but since Hamas has intentionally embedded itself in Gaza’s civilian population, Israel’s strikes inevitably claim innocent lives. The question whether Israel’s response was proportional or excessive saturates the news and media. Eventually the two sides reach a tentative ceasefire, the violence subsides, and attention turns elsewhere—until the vicious cycle repeats.
There’s corruption in Islamic terrorist mini-caliphates?

Most Palestinians believe that corruption in Palestinian Authority institutions has increased in 2021, according to a public opinion poll published on Tuesday.
Yesterday, Palestinian Media Watch exposed that the Palestinian Authority has been the driving force behind the recent wave of eight stabbing attacks since the start of March in Israel. The Palestinian terror climaxed in the horrific attack on Tuesday in which four Israelis were murdered.

As reported yesterday, the PA and Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah have been calling continuously for “popular resistance,” the PA term for knife and car-ramming terror.

To show their support for terror, not only didn’t the PA condemn any of the previous attacks – it publicized unqualified support for the terrorists, and condemned Israel for killing them to stop the attacks.

Moreover, official PA TV and the official daily newspaper honored the terrorist murderer yesterday as a “Shahid” – Islamic Martyr.

Yet, when Palestinian Minister of Civil Affairs Hussein al-Sheikh met with Israeli Minister of Public Security Bar-Lev an hour after Tuesday’s terror attack, he told him he “was shocked” by the attack:

Significantly, his condemnation was only said to the Israeli minister and was not publicized in any Palestinian Arabic media, nor was the murder of four civilians condemned by any official PA source.

PMW has translated al-Sheikh’s condemnation intended for Israeli ears into Arabic for Palestinians to hear and placed it in Hussein al-Sheikh’s Twitter feed.

PMW is calling on him to publicly condemn the terror in Arabic as well, to show that his condemnation is sincere.

But while efforts to promote Israeli-Palestinian dialogue will also be on the agenda, the Palestinian Authority (PA) government in Ramallah has warned the leaders of the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt and Morocco that Jerusalem is using the conference as a way to avoid dealing with the Palestinian issue.

For their part, the rulers of the Gaza Strip have been even blunter in their rejection of the summit. Hamas’ spokesman in Gaza said on March 27 that the US-designated terrorist group rejects “all forms of normalization with Israel” and called on Arab countries that signed agreements with the Jewish state to reconsider.

The rejection of a conference aimed at maintaining regional stability and furthering the cause of peace is but the latest example of a chronic Palestinian refusal to drop maximalist positions so as to negotiate with Israel — all the while embracing bad actors who opposed the democratic values that the Jewish state represents.

(full article online)

On the recent occasion of International Women’s Day, Abbas’ Fatah Movement stressed that its heroic women remain murderers, hijackers, and other terrorists.

In a video posted by Fatah and produced by Fatah-run Awdah TV, photos of women terrorists appeared accompanied by text on screen praising their “accomplishments,” including how many Israelis were killed in one of the terrorists’ attack. The female role models chosen by Fatah are:

Dalal Mughrabi – led the most lethal terror attack in Israel’s history, in which she and other Fatah terrorists murdered 37 civilians, 12 of them children, in 1978.

Theresa Halsa – was a member of the Black September terror organization and participated in the hijacking of Sabena flight 571 in 1972.

Fatima Barnawi – placed a bomb in a movie theater in Jerusalem in 1967.


Text on screen: “On March 8 the entire world, and particularly the Palestinian people... celebrate Women’s Day in appreciation for the effort and sacrifices Palestinian women have made.”

(full article online)

On the recent occasion of International Women’s Day, Abbas’ Fatah Movement stressed that its heroic women remain murderers, hijackers, and other terrorists.

In a video posted by Fatah and produced by Fatah-run Awdah TV, photos of women terrorists appeared accompanied by text on screen praising their “accomplishments,” including how many Israelis were killed in one of the terrorists’ attack. The female role models chosen by Fatah are:

Dalal Mughrabi – led the most lethal terror attack in Israel’s history, in which she and other Fatah terrorists murdered 37 civilians, 12 of them children, in 1978.

Theresa Halsa – was a member of the Black September terror organization and participated in the hijacking of Sabena flight 571 in 1972.

Fatima Barnawi – placed a bomb in a movie theater in Jerusalem in 1967.


(full article online)

The islamic terrorist version of Islamo-woman's Day is not recognized in any other part of the world. It's uniquely a celebration by Pally sociopaths.
With an apparent ISIS presence / influence coming to the region, things could go especially bad in the Pal occupied territories. With the Pal terrorists largely being financed and controlled by Iran, that is not going to sit well with ISIS.

While the terrorists in both attacks had claimed affiliation with ISIS, security experts have posited that other terror organizations could be the ultimate puppet-masters orchestrating the atrocities.

On Monday, TPS reported that Orit Perlov of the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) at Tel Aviv University rejected the notion that the March 2022 ISIS attacks in Israel were “copycat or individual events,” arguing instead that “social networks and discourse” in the Arab world indicates “that the events are directed and funded by Hamas.”

“The social media campaigns to promote terrorism began two and a half months ago and were aimed at Israeli Arabs known as ‘al-Palestine al-Dahal’ (the Palestinians inside) ahead of Land Day, marked this weekend, and the Muslim month of Ramadan,” reported TPS, paraphrasing Perlov’s comments.

Hamas, for its part, cheered the Hadera attack, calling it a “heroic act that constitutes a natural response to the crimes of the Zionist enemy.”

In March alone, Muslim terrorists have committed nine attacks, killing six Israelis and injuring 25 more.

(full article online)

Land Day is on Wednesday and there has been increasing calls to violence in Palestinian media for the occasion. Ramadan starts this weekend.

Only a few weeks ago, Palestinian leaders were threatening violence, claiming Jews were planning to take over Al Aqsa Mosque for Purim. Now they are saying the same for Ramadan. They've been saying it every year that Jews have been in Jerusalem for a century. It is always a lie and always pure incitement.

Note that Shtayyeh is not calling for calm from the people he supposedly leads. He is saying that Palestinians are naturally violent and cannot stop themselves from attacking Jews, so the Jews must take responsibility to not anger the half-witted Palestinians who simply cannot control their own violent tendencies.

Shtayyeh then again appealed for Palestinians to take their rightful place at the center of the universe, stressing that "Arab normalization meetings without ending the occupation are nothing but an illusion, a mirage, and a free reward for Israel." In other words, Palestinian demands should be the most important factor in every decision made by every Arab nation, forever.

(full article online)

While the Biden politburo may want to cover up pal acts of Islamic terrorism, there is simply no suppressing the the facts.

Something of a "NATO-lite" including Arab nations with an apparent unified need to coordinate against Pally / Iranian terrorists.

Jerusalem Post Middle East
A ‘mini-NATO’ for the Middle East won’t be stopped by terror - analysis

By LAHAV HARKOV Published: MARCH 28, 2022 21:47
Updated: MARCH 28, 2022 22:21

Many of the participants made clear in press statements on Monday that they viewed continuing the summit as an act of defiance in the face of terrorism and extremism.

Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, the foreign ministers of four Arab states – Bahrain, Egypt, Morocco and the United Arab Emirates – and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken gathered in Sde Boker on Sunday evening, launching the Negev Summit.

Palestinian FM Riyad Al-Maliki: The Ukraine Crisis Exposes The International Community's Double Standards; They Only Care About Destruction And Death In Certain Parts Of The World​

''Al'' seems a bit confused. Destruction and death (of Arabs), in certain territories occupied by Islamic terrorists is the desired / intended result.

Black by Susan Abulhawa​

Arab supremacists think enslaving Africans
gives them the right to appropriate their identity.
and accuse others of apartheid, while not allowing
a single African in any of the Pal-Arab governments...

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