Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Israel js apparently deciding it must act to the increase in Islamic terrorist attacks, more attacks than usual, over the last several weeks. Acts of Islamic terrorism seem to be more prevalent leading up to and during the Islamic ''holy month''.

For the second time in a week, Israeli Special Forces entered the Jenin refugee camp in broad daylight and arrested a senior Islamic Jihad terrorist.

Large IDF forces entered the Jenin refugee camp, under the Palestinian Authority’s rule, on Wednesday and arrested Aboud a-Saadi, a key Islamic Jihad operative. Reports from Arab sources indicate that the Israeli forces were met with gunfire and explosive charges.
Israel js apparently deciding it must act to the increase in Islamic terrorist attacks, more attacks than usual, over the last several weeks. Acts of Islamic terrorism seem to be more prevalent leading up to and during the Islamic ''holy month''.

For the second time in a week, Israeli Special Forces entered the Jenin refugee camp in broad daylight and arrested a senior Islamic Jihad terrorist.

Large IDF forces entered the Jenin refugee camp, under the Palestinian Authority’s rule, on Wednesday and arrested Aboud a-Saadi, a key Islamic Jihad operative. Reports from Arab sources indicate that the Israeli forces were met with gunfire and explosive charges.
Reports from Arab sources indicate that the Israeli forces were met with gunfire and explosive charges.
Cool, keep those crooks out.
Characteristics and implications aren't difficult to address.

Islamism carries with it characteristics that haven't changed in 1,400 years. Yes, its blunt, but Israel is dealing with an angry, violent ideology that has changed little since it's invention. This is an ideology that causes the pals to willingly use their sons and daughters as war material.

As to implications, the assumption is that Israelis need to be on a defensive footing to protect themselves and an offensive footing to intercept gee-had attacks before they can hapoen.

The recent terror wave of shootings and stabbings in the large Israeli cities of Be’er Sheva, Hadera, and Bnei Brak shows several significant characteristics that distinguish it from previous terror surges since the one in 2015‒16 (known as the “Knives Intifada”). These new characteristics surprised the Israeli government, security organizations, and the public, even though there were expectations of a spike in terror on the eve of Islam’s holy month of Ramadan. Indeed, the spate of attacks exposed misperceptions and made shockingly clear that the “rules of the game” the other side was believed to be upholding are no longer in effect.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

You have a right to $100. But you have to work for it.
I have $100. But your right does not require me to give you the money.

The Arab Palestinians have the "Right to Self-Determination." The central questions becomes:

◈ Is the "Right of Self-Determination" come with it an entitlement to statehood?​
◈ Under what reasoning do the Arab Palestinians hold that gives them an automatic Right to Self-Determination?​

Do you have a link for this that is not from Israel?

In early to mid 1949, the UN brokered four Armistice Agreements. The agreements were between Israel, and the adjacent Arab League States that , and Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. The Arab Palestinians (Arab Higher Committee) was not offered territorial leadership by the Arab League forces, and rejected the offer of leadership in the establishment of a self-governing institution by the UN Palestine Commission.


In a sense, the Arab Palestinians DID exercise their self-determination; however unproductive it has proven to be over the last three-quarters of a century.


I don't need any links.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

You have a right to $100. But you have to work for it.
I have $100. But your right does not require me to give you the money.

The Arab Palestinians have the "Right to Self-Determination." The central questions becomes:

◈ Is the "Right of Self-Determination" come with it an entitlement to statehood?​
◈ Under what reasoning do the Arab Palestinians hold that gives them an automatic Right to Self-Determination?​


In early to mid 1949, the UN brokered four Armistice Agreements. The agreements were between Israel, and the adjacent Arab League States that , and Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. The Arab Palestinians (Arab Higher Committee) was not offered territorial leadership by the Arab League forces, and rejected the offer of leadership in the establishment of a self-governing institution by the UN Palestine Commission.


In a sense, the Arab Palestinians DID exercise their self-determination; however unproductive it has proven to be over the last three-quarters of a century.


I don't need any links.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

You have a right to $100. But you have to work for it.
I have $100. But your right does not require me to give you the money.

The Arab Palestinians have the "Right to Self-Determination." The central questions becomes:

◈ Is the "Right of Self-Determination" come with it an entitlement to statehood?​
◈ Under what reasoning do the Arab Palestinians hold that gives them an automatic Right to Self-Determination?​


In early to mid 1949, the UN brokered four Armistice Agreements. The agreements were between Israel, and the adjacent Arab League States that , and Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. The Arab Palestinians (Arab Higher Committee) was not offered territorial leadership by the Arab League forces, and rejected the offer of leadership in the establishment of a self-governing institution by the UN Palestine Commission.


In a sense, the Arab Palestinians DID exercise their self-determination; however unproductive it has proven to be over the last three-quarters of a century.


I don't need any links.


Most Respectfully,
Agree, Rocco. My opinion is that the Pal agenda has always been about fulfilling the goal of the Hamas Charter.

Arafat in a speech on May 10, 1994 in a Johannesburg mosque declared that the Oslo Accords were a modern version of an agreement between the islamic "prophet" and Koraish.

"I have to speak frankly, I can’t do it alone without the support of the Islamic nation. I can’t do it alone. No, you have to come and to fight and to start the Jihad to liberate Jerusalem, your first shrine."

It seems pretty clear that Arafat was never interested in peace but planning to fulfill the writ of his religious ideology.

This has been the stated goal "way back when", on September 1, 1967 at the Khartoum Summit, attended by eight Arab heads of state who called for continued belligerency against Israel and issued the "three nos" statement as you identified.... way back when.

That goal has been, and still is, the driving force for Abbas and Hamas. The near daily incitement by Fatah urging the faithful to attack and kill Israeli speaks with the utmost clarity about the goals of the Pals.
While the United Nation’s anti-Israel bias is well documented, last year, the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) went even further. It chose to “establish an ongoing, independent, international commission of inquiry to investigate” only one country in the world: Israel. This unprecedented committee is now a permanent UN fixture with a budget of US $ 4,151,800 for the year of 2022 alone, that will report to the UN twice every year on Israel's alleged human rights violations.

To expose the anti-Israel bias of the commission, Palestinian Media Watch immediately went into action. Working in cooperation with Human Rights Voices, PMW submitted 11,687 unique submissions - content from PMW’s website - to the so-called “Commission of Inquiry."

Under its own regulations, the commission, which invited these submissions, must review all PMW’s evidence and failure to do so will be additional proof of the one-sided, biased nature of the commission.

In the submissions, PMW gave critical evidence demonstrating how the PA indoctrinates Palestinian children to hate, kill, and seek Martyrdom-death, promotes terror, honors mass murderers of children, operates an institutionalized and systematic policy of paying huge financial rewards to terror, promotes vile Antisemitism, and much more.

This commission, whose sole purpose is to demonize Israel, is being boycotted and ignored completely by the Israeli government and some NGOs. Nonetheless, PMW wants to be able to expose and undermine the commission by supplying it with all the critical evidence proving the PA is the terror supporter and human rights violator, and not Israel. However, not wanting to give it any legitimacy and to ensure that the commission will not use PMW’s submissions as a fig leaf for its anti-Israel designs, every one of PMW’s submissions included this disclaimer: “This submission in itself should not be understood as an endorsement of the inquiry or its mandate.”

In our submissions, PMW referred to each of the five subjects the commission is meant to consider, namely:

(full article online)

It's just a waking nightmare. UNRWA oversees 59 "temporary" refugee facilities housing the five million descendants of the Arabs who were shoved aside as the Arab armies crossed the frontier to what's now Israel during the Arab-Israeli war. United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East - Academic Kids

While once upon a time, it may have been a charitable organization, UNRWA is now little more than a front group that begs for welfare money on behalf of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority. UNRWA has become a cash cow used by the pally terrorist franchises to arm and train pally terrorust groups and to indoctrinate children.

The school curriculum of the Palestinian Authority is consistent with the anti-“infidel” precepts of Islam, aimed to eliminate the “infidel” entity in the abode of Islam and bring the “infidel” to submission.

The school curriculum of the Palestinian Authority is the most reliable expression of the deeply-rooted Palestinian vision to establish an Arab entity from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean, by eliminating the “infidel” Jewish sovereignty.

The school curriculum of the Palestinian Authority is a most authentic reflection of the state of mind of the Palestinian Authority, in general, and its view of the Jewish State, in particular.
Walls, barriers and checkpoints have been effective at suppressing the Islamic terrorist gee-had. When dealing with a virulently hostile, cult-like group which has a priority that includes mass murder / suicide, perhaps further isolating them is a proper response.

Terror attacks bring work on separation fence back to Israeli agenda

April 7, 2022
The wave of terrorist attacks in Israel over the past two weeks has brought the failures of the West Bank separation fence back into public debate. The Palestinian assailant who killed five people March 29 in Bnei Brak drove into Israel through an unmonitored agricultural gate in the fence, bringing with him an automatic weapon which he used in his attack
Some really excellent (and obvious points) in the linked article. It's true that in a great many postings by Hamas, Fatah and other islamic terrorist groups wherein they "celebrate" horrifying gee-had attacks aimed at Israelis, these groups are clear to assign the Islamic identity of the attackers. They convey to the world their motivations, what they believe and seek and clearly emphasize their politico-religious motivations.

Poverty breeds terrorism, we are told in authoritative tones, and hence there is no choice but to ease up on restrictions to avoid fostering further Palestinian anger and resentment.

As simple and concise as this neat little theory may sound, there is one pesky problem with it: it is categorically and demonstrably false.

To begin with, consider the fact that according to the World Bank, there are approximately 700 million people on the planet living in what is described as “extreme poverty,” which is defined as earning less than $1.90 a day. That is nearly 10% of the world’s population.

In America alone, according to the US Census Bureau, the official poverty rate in 2020 was 11.4%, meaning there were 37.2 million Americans officially deemed to be poor.
Another Islamic terrorist attack and a reason for Hamas to hand out candy.

Shots were fired in an area with restaurants and bars on Dizengoff Street in the central part of the city, the Associated Press reported. Authorities described the incident as a "terrorist attack," the report added.

Islamic Palestinian militant group Hamas has not claimed responsibility for the attack, but senior Hamas official Mushir al-Masri said that "resistance operations are a natural response to Israel's crimes against the Palestinian people," according to The Times of Israel, which added that Hamas officials celebrated the attack and that masked men in Ramallah were seen handing out candy after the incident, a common act of celebration.
Another Islamic terrorist attack and a reason for Hamas to hand out candy.

Shots were fired in an area with restaurants and bars on Dizengoff Street in the central part of the city, the Associated Press reported. Authorities described the incident as a "terrorist attack," the report added.

Islamic Palestinian militant group Hamas has not claimed responsibility for the attack, but senior Hamas official Mushir al-Masri said that "resistance operations are a natural response to Israel's crimes against the Palestinian people," according to The Times of Israel, which added that Hamas officials celebrated the attack and that masked men in Ramallah were seen handing out candy after the incident, a common act of celebration.
Masri said that "resistance operations are a natural response to Israel's crimes against the Palestinian people,"
:thup: :thup: :thup: :clap::clap::clap:
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