Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Oh come on.

Arab Palestinians in the region, has become a totally dependent parasite on donor contributions.
After Israel has stolen, bombed, or bulldozed most of their production capacity.

For half a century, from every imaginable international resource for reconstruction, dollars have rolled-in to the Arab Palestinians. And the intelligent, grateful, creative and and resourceful Arab Palestinian squanders it away.

Any punishment or retaliation they receive is only awards for their grater misdeeds.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Oh come on.

Arab Palestinians in the region, has become a totally dependent parasite on donor contributions.
After Israel has stolen, bombed, or bulldozed most of their production capacity.

For half a century, from every imaginable international resource for reconstruction, dollars have rolled-in to the Arab Palestinians. And the intelligent, grateful, creative and and resourceful Arab Palestinian squanders it away.

Any punishment or retaliation they receive is only awards for their grater misdeeds.

Most Respectfully,
What does have to do with my post?
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Oh come on.

Arab Palestinians in the region, has become a totally dependent parasite on donor contributions.
After Israel has stolen, bombed, or bulldozed most of their production capacity.

For half a century, from every imaginable international resource for reconstruction, dollars have rolled-in to the Arab Palestinians. And the intelligent, grateful, creative and and resourceful Arab Palestinian squanders it away.

Any punishment or retaliation they receive is only awards for their grater misdeeds.

Most Respectfully,
What does have to do with my post?
Where is the link for all of this destruction you are alleging?

And if it was during any one of the wars started by Hamas, if any Hamas member is firing rockets from those "production areas" you are crying about, then yes, they are military targets, Hamas knows that very well but keeps firing from inside the cities, from Mosques,
schools, etc.

There are consequences for engaging war from civilian areas instead of all the open area they could be doing it from.

Stolen? Your endless mantra. The Hashemites stole 78% of the mandate for Palestine in 1925. You will not hear Israel demand it back or attacking Jordan to try to get any back.

Egypt does the same thing to Hamas. It punishes Gaza if Hamas or any other group dare to attack Egyptian soldiers or civilians.

Mr. "Israel does not Exist".

Israel has stolen nothing.
Palestine is Israel and Israel is Palestine.
The Jews are the indigenous people of the land with over 3800 years of recorded history on it.
Arabs have 1700 of invaded history on the land where the indigenous Jews were still living, and acknowledge it in their early writings.

Hamas refuses to disarm because it wants to start another war, possibly at the same time as Hezbollah.

Both will be the losers, big time.

Then, you will plenty to cry about, again and again.

Palestine and Transjordan are one, for Palestine is the coastline and Transjordan is the hinterland of the same country -King Abdullah, Cairo, April 12, 1948.

Jordanians and Palestinians are considered by the PLO as one people -Farouk Kaddoumi, Head of the PLO Political Department, Newsweek, March 14, 1977.

Palestine is Jordan and Jordan is Palestine… -Prince Hassan, Jordanian National Assembly, February 2, 1970.

The truth is that Jordan is Palestine and Palestine is Jordan -King Hussein of Jordan, Amman, 1981.

Let us not forget the East Bank of the Jordan [River] where seventy percent of the inhabitants belong to the Palestinian nation. George Habash, leader of the PFLP of the PLO, February 1970
Of course, one does not have to be a “radical Right-wing extremist” to embrace the “Jordan-is-Palestine” concept.

To the contrary, as the introductory excerpts clearly show, it has been embraced for decades by leading political figures—both Jordanian and Palestinian. Indeed, both admit that a separate “Palestinian national identity” is no more than a contrived construct to undermine Jewish claims to sovereignty over the Land of Israel.

Thus, in 1987, while still claiming all of Judea-Samaria as part of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, King Hussein declared “The appearance of the Palestinian national personality comes as an answer to Israel’s claim that Palestine is Jewish.” Clearly, this necessarily implies that, had there been no Jewish national claims, no Palestinian national claims would have been raised. Accordingly, we are compelled to conclude that the “Palestinian national personality” is devoid of any independent existence, and merely a fictional derivative, fabricated to counteract Jewish territorial claims.

Significantly, precisely this position was expressed ten years earlier by PLO executive council member, Zuhir Muhsein, in an oft-cited, but never rebuffed, 1977 interview: “[It is] just for political reasons [that]we carefully underwrite our Palestinian identity. Because it is of national interest for the Arabs to advocate the existence of Palestinians to balance Zionism. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons. The establishment of a Palestinian state is a new tool to continue the fight against Israel and for Arab unity.

(full article online)

The “Jordan-is-Palestine” Conference-Why I agreed to participate
Not only have the rights of these Palestinian refugees been ignored or dismissed for 65 years, but the piratical Jews extend a paradoxical "right of return" to Jews from around the world who have never set foot in Palestine.

You have created quite a paradox for yourself here. If the objective condition for holding the "right of return" is whether or not one has set foot in the territory -- then neither the Jewish people nor the Palestinian "refugees" have a right of return absent of that condition. If one is being objective, either they are both restricted by that condition, or neither is. You can't impose a condition on the one group and not on the other without revealing your hypocrisy.

Manifestly incorrect: One group in question---the native Palestinians--boast a residency right that goes back to the late period of the 7th century...by contrast the other began emigrating into Historic Palestine in the late 19th century...the native refugees who were expelled in 48 hold legal 'right of return'...the Ashkenazi trash who usurped their residency right are entitled to nothing!!
Spoken like the typical obscurantist: please note that you offer not even a bare shred of an argument, merely the standard mindless, self-embarrassing denial...I deeply regret to inform you that your argument is with the first round of Israeli leaders who were quite frank about what they'd done...LOL

First two posts since you joined in. Congratulations.

Exactly where is the proof of what you said, except that you felt like saying it?

LOL say us, because without evidence what you have is the Jihadist side teaching you what to believe.

Let us have some evidence of anything you said.

And I would like to see you start your history from 1920, and not from 1948.

And if you cannot find some videos of Arab villagers telling the world that their Arab Leaders had told them via the radio to leave their villages and wait until they killed all the Jews and destroyed the new State of Israel, do not worry, I will post them for you.
There are also those who tell of the Hashemite Jordanians telling them to leave while they destroy Israel and all the Jews.

Look them up.

I would bid you to 'look them up'...not that difficult to the extent that every notable Zionist figure essentially confirms my comments...face the dismal fact that lies are all you can offer...and not even clever lies!

If you do have that every notable ZIonist confirms what you say, than please post them here. Bring videos as well.
Just make sure that it is the whole quotation and not an edited version of it, without time or context as to what was happening at the time.

So far, all you have done is give lip service as to how bad Israel, Zionist, etc are.

Zionism is the indigenous Jewish people of the land acquiring sovereignty over what is even now, only 20% of their traditional ancient land. 80% has been taken by Arabs who are not the indigenous people of the land.

In that context, give us the Zionist vision where they are not the native, indigenous people of the land and came and stole the land from their rightful owners.
Or....had every intention of sending all Arabs away, especially after the endless Arab attacks on Jews where Jews were not only attacked, but raped, murdered and those who survived ....expelled.

And that was going on from 1920 to 1948 all during the Mandate for Palestine.

Please, show us where Jews do not have the right to protect and defend themselves , on their ancient homeland, from attacks by those who wished to see them all dead.

Apparently your elective ignorance is only confirmed in the febrile interiors of your tiny brain...you literally know nothing of the critical history or the facts that immutably inform it...but then I remind myself that lies are the life's blood of Israeli defenders, without these crude, often hilarious lies you would be obliged to concede the obvious: European Jews had zero claim to one square foot of Palestine...you are essentially a pack of scoundrels and spineless cowards who prefer to murder defenseless Arab women and children than face-off with an equal or greater military force. Someone should explain to you that Jews aren't the one's defending themselves, rather they are the plunderers and killers, the pirates and thieves whose lies take on the cancer of savages the longer they go unchallenged.

International law prohibits an occupying power from using force to suppress a struggle for self-determination, whereas it does not prohibit a people struggling for self-determination from using force. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) stated in its 2004 advisory opinion that the Palestinian people’s “rights include the right to self-determination,” and that “Israel is bound to comply with its obligation to respect the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination.” Israel consequently has no legal right to use force to suppress the Palestinian self-determination struggle. Israel also cannot contend that, because this self-determination struggle unfolds within the framework of an occupation, it has the legal right, as the occupying power, to enforce the occupation so long as it endures. In 1971, the ICJ ruled that South Africa’s occupation of Namibia had become illegal because it refused to carry out good-faith negotiations to end the occupation. It is beyond dispute that Israel has failed to carry out good-faith negotiations to end the occupation of Palestinian territory. On the Namibia precedent, the Israeli occupation is also illegal. The only “right” Israel can claim is — in the words of the United States at the time of the Namibia debate — “to withdraw its administration … immediately and thus
Spoken like the typical obscurantist: please note that you offer not even a bare shred of an argument, merely the standard mindless, self-embarrassing denial...I deeply regret to inform you that your argument is with the first round of Israeli leaders who were quite frank about what they'd done...LOL

First two posts since you joined in. Congratulations.

Exactly where is the proof of what you said, except that you felt like saying it?

LOL say us, because without evidence what you have is the Jihadist side teaching you what to believe.

Let us have some evidence of anything you said.

And I would like to see you start your history from 1920, and not from 1948.

And if you cannot find some videos of Arab villagers telling the world that their Arab Leaders had told them via the radio to leave their villages and wait until they killed all the Jews and destroyed the new State of Israel, do not worry, I will post them for you.
There are also those who tell of the Hashemite Jordanians telling them to leave while they destroy Israel and all the Jews.

Look them up.

I would bid you to 'look them up'...not that difficult to the extent that every notable Zionist figure essentially confirms my comments...face the dismal fact that lies are all you can offer...and not even clever lies!

If you do have that every notable ZIonist confirms what you say, than please post them here. Bring videos as well.
Just make sure that it is the whole quotation and not an edited version of it, without time or context as to what was happening at the time.

So far, all you have done is give lip service as to how bad Israel, Zionist, etc are.

Zionism is the indigenous Jewish people of the land acquiring sovereignty over what is even now, only 20% of their traditional ancient land. 80% has been taken by Arabs who are not the indigenous people of the land.

In that context, give us the Zionist vision where they are not the native, indigenous people of the land and came and stole the land from their rightful owners.
Or....had every intention of sending all Arabs away, especially after the endless Arab attacks on Jews where Jews were not only attacked, but raped, murdered and those who survived ....expelled.

And that was going on from 1920 to 1948 all during the Mandate for Palestine.

Please, show us where Jews do not have the right to protect and defend themselves , on their ancient homeland, from attacks by those who wished to see them all dead.

Apparently your elective ignorance is only confirmed in the febrile interiors of your tiny brain...you literally know nothing of the critical history or the facts that immutably inform it...but then I remind myself that lies are the life's blood of Israeli defenders, without these crude, often hilarious lies you would be obliged to concede the obvious: European Jews had zero claim to one square foot of Palestine...you are essentially a pack of scoundrels and spineless cowards who prefer to murder defenseless Arab women and children than face-off with an equal or greater military force. Someone should explain to you that Jews aren't the one's defending themselves, rather they are the plunderers and killers, the pirates and thieves whose lies take on the cancer of savages the longer they go unchallenged.

International law prohibits an occupying power from using force to suppress a struggle for self-determination, whereas it does not prohibit a people struggling for self-determination from using force. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) stated in its 2004 advisory opinion that the Palestinian people’s “rights include the right to self-determination,” and that “Israel is bound to comply with its obligation to respect the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination.” Israel consequently has no legal right to use force to suppress the Palestinian self-determination struggle. Israel also cannot contend that, because this self-determination struggle unfolds within the framework of an occupation, it has the legal right, as the occupying power, to enforce the occupation so long as it endures. In 1971, the ICJ ruled that South Africa’s occupation of Namibia had become illegal because it refused to carry out good-faith negotiations to end the occupation. It is beyond dispute that Israel has failed to carry out good-faith negotiations to end the occupation of Palestinian territory. On the Namibia precedent, the Israeli occupation is also illegal. The only “right” Israel can claim is — in the words of the United States at the time of the Namibia debate — “to withdraw its administration … immediately and thus put an end to its occupation.”

Renowned legal scholar Eugene Rostow: There is no Israeli occupation

Google Groups

Eugene V. Rostow '37: Dean, Scholar, Statesman - Yale Law School
Spoken like the typical obscurantist: please note that you offer not even a bare shred of an argument, merely the standard mindless, self-embarrassing denial...I deeply regret to inform you that your argument is with the first round of Israeli leaders who were quite frank about what they'd done...LOL

First two posts since you joined in. Congratulations.

Exactly where is the proof of what you said, except that you felt like saying it?

LOL say us, because without evidence what you have is the Jihadist side teaching you what to believe.

Let us have some evidence of anything you said.

And I would like to see you start your history from 1920, and not from 1948.

And if you cannot find some videos of Arab villagers telling the world that their Arab Leaders had told them via the radio to leave their villages and wait until they killed all the Jews and destroyed the new State of Israel, do not worry, I will post them for you.
There are also those who tell of the Hashemite Jordanians telling them to leave while they destroy Israel and all the Jews.

Look them up.

I would bid you to 'look them up'...not that difficult to the extent that every notable Zionist figure essentially confirms my comments...face the dismal fact that lies are all you can offer...and not even clever lies!

If you do have that every notable ZIonist confirms what you say, than please post them here. Bring videos as well.
Just make sure that it is the whole quotation and not an edited version of it, without time or context as to what was happening at the time.

So far, all you have done is give lip service as to how bad Israel, Zionist, etc are.

Zionism is the indigenous Jewish people of the land acquiring sovereignty over what is even now, only 20% of their traditional ancient land. 80% has been taken by Arabs who are not the indigenous people of the land.

In that context, give us the Zionist vision where they are not the native, indigenous people of the land and came and stole the land from their rightful owners.
Or....had every intention of sending all Arabs away, especially after the endless Arab attacks on Jews where Jews were not only attacked, but raped, murdered and those who survived ....expelled.

And that was going on from 1920 to 1948 all during the Mandate for Palestine.

Please, show us where Jews do not have the right to protect and defend themselves , on their ancient homeland, from attacks by those who wished to see them all dead.

Apparently your elective ignorance is only confirmed in the febrile interiors of your tiny brain...you literally know nothing of the critical history or the facts that immutably inform it...but then I remind myself that lies are the life's blood of Israeli defenders, without these crude, often hilarious lies you would be obliged to concede the obvious: European Jews had zero claim to one square foot of Palestine...you are essentially a pack of scoundrels and spineless cowards who prefer to murder defenseless Arab women and children than face-off with an equal or greater military force. Someone should explain to you that Jews aren't the one's defending themselves, rather they are the plunderers and killers, the pirates and thieves whose lies take on the cancer of savages the longer they go unchallenged.

International law prohibits an occupying power from using force to suppress a struggle for self-determination, whereas it does not prohibit a people struggling for self-determination from using force. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) stated in its 2004 advisory opinion that the Palestinian people’s “rights include the right to self-determination,” and that “Israel is bound to comply with its obligation to respect the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination.” Israel consequently has no legal right to use force to suppress the Palestinian self-determination struggle. Israel also cannot contend that, because this self-determination struggle unfolds within the framework of an occupation, it has the legal right, as the occupying power, to enforce the occupation so long as it endures. In 1971, the ICJ ruled that South Africa’s occupation of Namibia had become illegal because it refused to carry out good-faith negotiations to end the occupation. It is beyond dispute that Israel has failed to carry out good-faith negotiations to end the occupation of Palestinian territory. On the Namibia precedent, the Israeli occupation is also illegal. The only “right” Israel can claim is — in the words of the United States at the time of the Namibia debate — “to withdraw its administration … immediately and thus
Spoken like the typical obscurantist: please note that you offer not even a bare shred of an argument, merely the standard mindless, self-embarrassing denial...I deeply regret to inform you that your argument is with the first round of Israeli leaders who were quite frank about what they'd done...LOL

First two posts since you joined in. Congratulations.

Exactly where is the proof of what you said, except that you felt like saying it?

LOL say us, because without evidence what you have is the Jihadist side teaching you what to believe.

Let us have some evidence of anything you said.

And I would like to see you start your history from 1920, and not from 1948.

And if you cannot find some videos of Arab villagers telling the world that their Arab Leaders had told them via the radio to leave their villages and wait until they killed all the Jews and destroyed the new State of Israel, do not worry, I will post them for you.
There are also those who tell of the Hashemite Jordanians telling them to leave while they destroy Israel and all the Jews.

Look them up.

I would bid you to 'look them up'...not that difficult to the extent that every notable Zionist figure essentially confirms my comments...face the dismal fact that lies are all you can offer...and not even clever lies!

If you do have that every notable ZIonist confirms what you say, than please post them here. Bring videos as well.
Just make sure that it is the whole quotation and not an edited version of it, without time or context as to what was happening at the time.

So far, all you have done is give lip service as to how bad Israel, Zionist, etc are.

Zionism is the indigenous Jewish people of the land acquiring sovereignty over what is even now, only 20% of their traditional ancient land. 80% has been taken by Arabs who are not the indigenous people of the land.

In that context, give us the Zionist vision where they are not the native, indigenous people of the land and came and stole the land from their rightful owners.
Or....had every intention of sending all Arabs away, especially after the endless Arab attacks on Jews where Jews were not only attacked, but raped, murdered and those who survived ....expelled.

And that was going on from 1920 to 1948 all during the Mandate for Palestine.

Please, show us where Jews do not have the right to protect and defend themselves , on their ancient homeland, from attacks by those who wished to see them all dead.

Apparently your elective ignorance is only confirmed in the febrile interiors of your tiny brain...you literally know nothing of the critical history or the facts that immutably inform it...but then I remind myself that lies are the life's blood of Israeli defenders, without these crude, often hilarious lies you would be obliged to concede the obvious: European Jews had zero claim to one square foot of Palestine...you are essentially a pack of scoundrels and spineless cowards who prefer to murder defenseless Arab women and children than face-off with an equal or greater military force. Someone should explain to you that Jews aren't the one's defending themselves, rather they are the plunderers and killers, the pirates and thieves whose lies take on the cancer of savages the longer they go unchallenged.

International law prohibits an occupying power from using force to suppress a struggle for self-determination, whereas it does not prohibit a people struggling for self-determination from using force. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) stated in its 2004 advisory opinion that the Palestinian people’s “rights include the right to self-determination,” and that “Israel is bound to comply with its obligation to respect the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination.” Israel consequently has no legal right to use force to suppress the Palestinian self-determination struggle. Israel also cannot contend that, because this self-determination struggle unfolds within the framework of an occupation, it has the legal right, as the occupying power, to enforce the occupation so long as it endures. In 1971, the ICJ ruled that South Africa’s occupation of Namibia had become illegal because it refused to carry out good-faith negotiations to end the occupation. It is beyond dispute that Israel has failed to carry out good-faith negotiations to end the occupation of Palestinian territory. On the Namibia precedent, the Israeli occupation is also illegal. The only “right” Israel can claim is — in the words of the United States at the time of the Namibia debate — “to withdraw its administration … immediately and thus put an end to its occupation.”

Renowned legal scholar Eugene Rostow: There is no Israeli occupation

Google Groups

Eugene V. Rostow '37: Dean, Scholar, Statesman - Yale Law School
Spoken like the typical obscurantist: please note that you offer not even a bare shred of an argument, merely the standard mindless, self-embarrassing denial...I deeply regret to inform you that your argument is with the first round of Israeli leaders who were quite frank about what they'd done...LOL

First two posts since you joined in. Congratulations.

Exactly where is the proof of what you said, except that you felt like saying it?

LOL say us, because without evidence what you have is the Jihadist side teaching you what to believe.

Let us have some evidence of anything you said.

And I would like to see you start your history from 1920, and not from 1948.

And if you cannot find some videos of Arab villagers telling the world that their Arab Leaders had told them via the radio to leave their villages and wait until they killed all the Jews and destroyed the new State of Israel, do not worry, I will post them for you.
There are also those who tell of the Hashemite Jordanians telling them to leave while they destroy Israel and all the Jews.

Look them up.

I would bid you to 'look them up'...not that difficult to the extent that every notable Zionist figure essentially confirms my comments...face the dismal fact that lies are all you can offer...and not even clever lies!

If you do have that every notable ZIonist confirms what you say, than please post them here. Bring videos as well.
Just make sure that it is the whole quotation and not an edited version of it, without time or context as to what was happening at the time.

So far, all you have done is give lip service as to how bad Israel, Zionist, etc are.

Zionism is the indigenous Jewish people of the land acquiring sovereignty over what is even now, only 20% of their traditional ancient land. 80% has been taken by Arabs who are not the indigenous people of the land.

In that context, give us the Zionist vision where they are not the native, indigenous people of the land and came and stole the land from their rightful owners.
Or....had every intention of sending all Arabs away, especially after the endless Arab attacks on Jews where Jews were not only attacked, but raped, murdered and those who survived ....expelled.

And that was going on from 1920 to 1948 all during the Mandate for Palestine.

Please, show us where Jews do not have the right to protect and defend themselves , on their ancient homeland, from attacks by those who wished to see them all dead.

Apparently your elective ignorance is only confirmed in the febrile interiors of your tiny brain...you literally know nothing of the critical history or the facts that immutably inform it...but then I remind myself that lies are the life's blood of Israeli defenders, without these crude, often hilarious lies you would be obliged to concede the obvious: European Jews had zero claim to one square foot of Palestine...you are essentially a pack of scoundrels and spineless cowards who prefer to murder defenseless Arab women and children than face-off with an equal or greater military force. Someone should explain to you that Jews aren't the one's defending themselves, rather they are the plunderers and killers, the pirates and thieves whose lies take on the cancer of savages the longer they go unchallenged.

International law prohibits an occupying power from using force to suppress a struggle for self-determination, whereas it does not prohibit a people struggling for self-determination from using force. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) stated in its 2004 advisory opinion that the Palestinian people’s “rights include the right to self-determination,” and that “Israel is bound to comply with its obligation to respect the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination.” Israel consequently has no legal right to use force to suppress the Palestinian self-determination struggle. Israel also cannot contend that, because this self-determination struggle unfolds within the framework of an occupation, it has the legal right, as the occupying power, to enforce the occupation so long as it endures. In 1971, the ICJ ruled that South Africa’s occupation of Namibia had become illegal because it refused to carry out good-faith negotiations to end the occupation. It is beyond dispute that Israel has failed to carry out good-faith negotiations to end the occupation of Palestinian territory. On the Namibia precedent, the Israeli occupation is also illegal. The only “right” Israel can claim is — in the words of the United States at the time of the Namibia debate — “to withdraw its administration … immediately and thus
Spoken like the typical obscurantist: please note that you offer not even a bare shred of an argument, merely the standard mindless, self-embarrassing denial...I deeply regret to inform you that your argument is with the first round of Israeli leaders who were quite frank about what they'd done...LOL

First two posts since you joined in. Congratulations.

Exactly where is the proof of what you said, except that you felt like saying it?

LOL say us, because without evidence what you have is the Jihadist side teaching you what to believe.

Let us have some evidence of anything you said.

And I would like to see you start your history from 1920, and not from 1948.

And if you cannot find some videos of Arab villagers telling the world that their Arab Leaders had told them via the radio to leave their villages and wait until they killed all the Jews and destroyed the new State of Israel, do not worry, I will post them for you.
There are also those who tell of the Hashemite Jordanians telling them to leave while they destroy Israel and all the Jews.

Look them up.

I would bid you to 'look them up'...not that difficult to the extent that every notable Zionist figure essentially confirms my comments...face the dismal fact that lies are all you can offer...and not even clever lies!

If you do have that every notable ZIonist confirms what you say, than please post them here. Bring videos as well.
Just make sure that it is the whole quotation and not an edited version of it, without time or context as to what was happening at the time.

So far, all you have done is give lip service as to how bad Israel, Zionist, etc are.

Zionism is the indigenous Jewish people of the land acquiring sovereignty over what is even now, only 20% of their traditional ancient land. 80% has been taken by Arabs who are not the indigenous people of the land.

In that context, give us the Zionist vision where they are not the native, indigenous people of the land and came and stole the land from their rightful owners.
Or....had every intention of sending all Arabs away, especially after the endless Arab attacks on Jews where Jews were not only attacked, but raped, murdered and those who survived ....expelled.

And that was going on from 1920 to 1948 all during the Mandate for Palestine.

Please, show us where Jews do not have the right to protect and defend themselves , on their ancient homeland, from attacks by those who wished to see them all dead.

Apparently your elective ignorance is only confirmed in the febrile interiors of your tiny brain...you literally know nothing of the critical history or the facts that immutably inform it...but then I remind myself that lies are the life's blood of Israeli defenders, without these crude, often hilarious lies you would be obliged to concede the obvious: European Jews had zero claim to one square foot of Palestine...you are essentially a pack of scoundrels and spineless cowards who prefer to murder defenseless Arab women and children than face-off with an equal or greater military force. Someone should explain to you that Jews aren't the one's defending themselves, rather they are the plunderers and killers, the pirates and thieves whose lies take on the cancer of savages the longer they go unchallenged.

International law prohibits an occupying power from using force to suppress a struggle for self-determination, whereas it does not prohibit a people struggling for self-determination from using force. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) stated in its 2004 advisory opinion that the Palestinian people’s “rights include the right to self-determination,” and that “Israel is bound to comply with its obligation to respect the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination.” Israel consequently has no legal right to use force to suppress the Palestinian self-determination struggle. Israel also cannot contend that, because this self-determination struggle unfolds within the framework of an occupation, it has the legal right, as the occupying power, to enforce the occupation so long as it endures. In 1971, the ICJ ruled that South Africa’s occupation of Namibia had become illegal because it refused to carry out good-faith negotiations to end the occupation. It is beyond dispute that Israel has failed to carry out good-faith negotiations to end the occupation of Palestinian territory. On the Namibia precedent, the Israeli occupation is also illegal. The only “right” Israel can claim is — in the words of the United States at the time of the Namibia debate — “to withdraw its administration … immediately and thus put an end to its occupation.”

Renowned legal scholar Eugene Rostow: There is no Israeli occupation

Google Groups

Eugene V. Rostow '37: Dean, Scholar, Statesman - Yale Law School
Spoken like the typical obscurantist: please note that you offer not even a bare shred of an argument, merely the standard mindless, self-embarrassing denial...I deeply regret to inform you that your argument is with the first round of Israeli leaders who were quite frank about what they'd done...LOL

First two posts since you joined in. Congratulations.

Exactly where is the proof of what you said, except that you felt like saying it?

LOL say us, because without evidence what you have is the Jihadist side teaching you what to believe.

Let us have some evidence of anything you said.

And I would like to see you start your history from 1920, and not from 1948.

And if you cannot find some videos of Arab villagers telling the world that their Arab Leaders had told them via the radio to leave their villages and wait until they killed all the Jews and destroyed the new State of Israel, do not worry, I will post them for you.
There are also those who tell of the Hashemite Jordanians telling them to leave while they destroy Israel and all the Jews.

Look them up.

I would bid you to 'look them up'...not that difficult to the extent that every notable Zionist figure essentially confirms my comments...face the dismal fact that lies are all you can offer...and not even clever lies!

If you do have that every notable ZIonist confirms what you say, than please post them here. Bring videos as well.
Just make sure that it is the whole quotation and not an edited version of it, without time or context as to what was happening at the time.

So far, all you have done is give lip service as to how bad Israel, Zionist, etc are.

Zionism is the indigenous Jewish people of the land acquiring sovereignty over what is even now, only 20% of their traditional ancient land. 80% has been taken by Arabs who are not the indigenous people of the land.

In that context, give us the Zionist vision where they are not the native, indigenous people of the land and came and stole the land from their rightful owners.
Or....had every intention of sending all Arabs away, especially after the endless Arab attacks on Jews where Jews were not only attacked, but raped, murdered and those who survived ....expelled.

And that was going on from 1920 to 1948 all during the Mandate for Palestine.

Please, show us where Jews do not have the right to protect and defend themselves , on their ancient homeland, from attacks by those who wished to see them all dead.

Apparently your elective ignorance is only confirmed in the febrile interiors of your tiny brain...you literally know nothing of the critical history or the facts that immutably inform it...but then I remind myself that lies are the life's blood of Israeli defenders, without these crude, often hilarious lies you would be obliged to concede the obvious: European Jews had zero claim to one square foot of Palestine...you are essentially a pack of scoundrels and spineless cowards who prefer to murder defenseless Arab women and children than face-off with an equal or greater military force. Someone should explain to you that Jews aren't the one's defending themselves, rather they are the plunderers and killers, the pirates and thieves whose lies take on the cancer of savages the longer they go unchallenged.

International law prohibits an occupying power from using force to suppress a struggle for self-determination, whereas it does not prohibit a people struggling for self-determination from using force. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) stated in its 2004 advisory opinion that the Palestinian people’s “rights include the right to self-determination,” and that “Israel is bound to comply with its obligation to respect the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination.” Israel consequently has no legal right to use force to suppress the Palestinian self-determination struggle. Israel also cannot contend that, because this self-determination struggle unfolds within the framework of an occupation, it has the legal right, as the occupying power, to enforce the occupation so long as it endures. In 1971, the ICJ ruled that South Africa’s occupation of Namibia had become illegal because it refused to carry out good-faith negotiations to end the occupation. It is beyond dispute that Israel has failed to carry out good-faith negotiations to end the occupation of Palestinian territory. On the Namibia precedent, the Israeli occupation is also illegal. The only “right” Israel can claim is — in the words of the United States at the time of the Namibia debate — “to withdraw its administration … immediately and thus
Spoken like the typical obscurantist: please note that you offer not even a bare shred of an argument, merely the standard mindless, self-embarrassing denial...I deeply regret to inform you that your argument is with the first round of Israeli leaders who were quite frank about what they'd done...LOL

First two posts since you joined in. Congratulations.

Exactly where is the proof of what you said, except that you felt like saying it?

LOL say us, because without evidence what you have is the Jihadist side teaching you what to believe.

Let us have some evidence of anything you said.

And I would like to see you start your history from 1920, and not from 1948.

And if you cannot find some videos of Arab villagers telling the world that their Arab Leaders had told them via the radio to leave their villages and wait until they killed all the Jews and destroyed the new State of Israel, do not worry, I will post them for you.
There are also those who tell of the Hashemite Jordanians telling them to leave while they destroy Israel and all the Jews.

Look them up.

I would bid you to 'look them up'...not that difficult to the extent that every notable Zionist figure essentially confirms my comments...face the dismal fact that lies are all you can offer...and not even clever lies!

If you do have that every notable ZIonist confirms what you say, than please post them here. Bring videos as well.
Just make sure that it is the whole quotation and not an edited version of it, without time or context as to what was happening at the time.

So far, all you have done is give lip service as to how bad Israel, Zionist, etc are.

Zionism is the indigenous Jewish people of the land acquiring sovereignty over what is even now, only 20% of their traditional ancient land. 80% has been taken by Arabs who are not the indigenous people of the land.

In that context, give us the Zionist vision where they are not the native, indigenous people of the land and came and stole the land from their rightful owners.
Or....had every intention of sending all Arabs away, especially after the endless Arab attacks on Jews where Jews were not only attacked, but raped, murdered and those who survived ....expelled.

And that was going on from 1920 to 1948 all during the Mandate for Palestine.

Please, show us where Jews do not have the right to protect and defend themselves , on their ancient homeland, from attacks by those who wished to see them all dead.

Apparently your elective ignorance is only confirmed in the febrile interiors of your tiny brain...you literally know nothing of the critical history or the facts that immutably inform it...but then I remind myself that lies are the life's blood of Israeli defenders, without these crude, often hilarious lies you would be obliged to concede the obvious: European Jews had zero claim to one square foot of Palestine...you are essentially a pack of scoundrels and spineless cowards who prefer to murder defenseless Arab women and children than face-off with an equal or greater military force. Someone should explain to you that Jews aren't the one's defending themselves, rather they are the plunderers and killers, the pirates and thieves whose lies take on the cancer of savages the longer they go unchallenged.

International law prohibits an occupying power from using force to suppress a struggle for self-determination, whereas it does not prohibit a people struggling for self-determination from using force. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) stated in its 2004 advisory opinion that the Palestinian people’s “rights include the right to self-determination,” and that “Israel is bound to comply with its obligation to respect the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination.” Israel consequently has no legal right to use force to suppress the Palestinian self-determination struggle. Israel also cannot contend that, because this self-determination struggle unfolds within the framework of an occupation, it has the legal right, as the occupying power, to enforce the occupation so long as it endures. In 1971, the ICJ ruled that South Africa’s occupation of Namibia had become illegal because it refused to carry out good-faith negotiations to end the occupation. It is beyond dispute that Israel has failed to carry out good-faith negotiations to end the occupation of Palestinian territory. On the Namibia precedent, the Israeli occupation is also illegal. The only “right” Israel can claim is — in the words of the United States at the time of the Namibia debate — “to withdraw its administration … immediately and thus put an end to its occupation.”

Renowned legal scholar Eugene Rostow: There is no Israeli occupation

Google Groups

Eugene V. Rostow '37: Dean, Scholar, Statesman - Yale Law School
Spoken like the typical obscurantist: please note that you offer not even a bare shred of an argument, merely the standard mindless, self-embarrassing denial...I deeply regret to inform you that your argument is with the first round of Israeli leaders who were quite frank about what they'd done...LOL

First two posts since you joined in. Congratulations.

Exactly where is the proof of what you said, except that you felt like saying it?

LOL say us, because without evidence what you have is the Jihadist side teaching you what to believe.

Let us have some evidence of anything you said.

And I would like to see you start your history from 1920, and not from 1948.

And if you cannot find some videos of Arab villagers telling the world that their Arab Leaders had told them via the radio to leave their villages and wait until they killed all the Jews and destroyed the new State of Israel, do not worry, I will post them for you.
There are also those who tell of the Hashemite Jordanians telling them to leave while they destroy Israel and all the Jews.

Look them up.

I would bid you to 'look them up'...not that difficult to the extent that every notable Zionist figure essentially confirms my comments...face the dismal fact that lies are all you can offer...and not even clever lies!

If you do have that every notable ZIonist confirms what you say, than please post them here. Bring videos as well.
Just make sure that it is the whole quotation and not an edited version of it, without time or context as to what was happening at the time.

So far, all you have done is give lip service as to how bad Israel, Zionist, etc are.

Zionism is the indigenous Jewish people of the land acquiring sovereignty over what is even now, only 20% of their traditional ancient land. 80% has been taken by Arabs who are not the indigenous people of the land.

In that context, give us the Zionist vision where they are not the native, indigenous people of the land and came and stole the land from their rightful owners.
Or....had every intention of sending all Arabs away, especially after the endless Arab attacks on Jews where Jews were not only attacked, but raped, murdered and those who survived ....expelled.

And that was going on from 1920 to 1948 all during the Mandate for Palestine.

Please, show us where Jews do not have the right to protect and defend themselves , on their ancient homeland, from attacks by those who wished to see them all dead.

Apparently your elective ignorance is only confirmed in the febrile interiors of your tiny brain...you literally know nothing of the critical history or the facts that immutably inform it...but then I remind myself that lies are the life's blood of Israeli defenders, without these crude, often hilarious lies you would be obliged to concede the obvious: European Jews had zero claim to one square foot of Palestine...you are essentially a pack of scoundrels and spineless cowards who prefer to murder defenseless Arab women and children than face-off with an equal or greater military force. Someone should explain to you that Jews aren't the one's defending themselves, rather they are the plunderers and killers, the pirates and thieves whose lies take on the cancer of savages the longer they go unchallenged.

International law prohibits an occupying power from using force to suppress a struggle for self-determination, whereas it does not prohibit a people struggling for self-determination from using force. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) stated in its 2004 advisory opinion that the Palestinian people’s “rights include the right to self-determination,” and that “Israel is bound to comply with its obligation to respect the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination.” Israel consequently has no legal right to use force to suppress the Palestinian self-determination struggle. Israel also cannot contend that, because this self-determination struggle unfolds within the framework of an occupation, it has the legal right, as the occupying power, to enforce the occupation so long as it endures. In 1971, the ICJ ruled that South Africa’s occupation of Namibia had become illegal because it refused to carry out good-faith negotiations to end the occupation. It is beyond dispute that Israel has failed to carry out good-faith negotiations to end the occupation of Palestinian territory. On the Namibia precedent, the Israeli occupation is also illegal. The only “right” Israel can claim is — in the words of the United States at the time of the Namibia debate — “to withdraw its administration … immediately and thus
Spoken like the typical obscurantist: please note that you offer not even a bare shred of an argument, merely the standard mindless, self-embarrassing denial...I deeply regret to inform you that your argument is with the first round of Israeli leaders who were quite frank about what they'd done...LOL

First two posts since you joined in. Congratulations.

Exactly where is the proof of what you said, except that you felt like saying it?

LOL say us, because without evidence what you have is the Jihadist side teaching you what to believe.

Let us have some evidence of anything you said.

And I would like to see you start your history from 1920, and not from 1948.

And if you cannot find some videos of Arab villagers telling the world that their Arab Leaders had told them via the radio to leave their villages and wait until they killed all the Jews and destroyed the new State of Israel, do not worry, I will post them for you.
There are also those who tell of the Hashemite Jordanians telling them to leave while they destroy Israel and all the Jews.

Look them up.

I would bid you to 'look them up'...not that difficult to the extent that every notable Zionist figure essentially confirms my comments...face the dismal fact that lies are all you can offer...and not even clever lies!

If you do have that every notable ZIonist confirms what you say, than please post them here. Bring videos as well.
Just make sure that it is the whole quotation and not an edited version of it, without time or context as to what was happening at the time.

So far, all you have done is give lip service as to how bad Israel, Zionist, etc are.

Zionism is the indigenous Jewish people of the land acquiring sovereignty over what is even now, only 20% of their traditional ancient land. 80% has been taken by Arabs who are not the indigenous people of the land.

In that context, give us the Zionist vision where they are not the native, indigenous people of the land and came and stole the land from their rightful owners.
Or....had every intention of sending all Arabs away, especially after the endless Arab attacks on Jews where Jews were not only attacked, but raped, murdered and those who survived ....expelled.

And that was going on from 1920 to 1948 all during the Mandate for Palestine.

Please, show us where Jews do not have the right to protect and defend themselves , on their ancient homeland, from attacks by those who wished to see them all dead.

Apparently your elective ignorance is only confirmed in the febrile interiors of your tiny brain...you literally know nothing of the critical history or the facts that immutably inform it...but then I remind myself that lies are the life's blood of Israeli defenders, without these crude, often hilarious lies you would be obliged to concede the obvious: European Jews had zero claim to one square foot of Palestine...you are essentially a pack of scoundrels and spineless cowards who prefer to murder defenseless Arab women and children than face-off with an equal or greater military force. Someone should explain to you that Jews aren't the one's defending themselves, rather they are the plunderers and killers, the pirates and thieves whose lies take on the cancer of savages the longer they go unchallenged.

International law prohibits an occupying power from using force to suppress a struggle for self-determination, whereas it does not prohibit a people struggling for self-determination from using force. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) stated in its 2004 advisory opinion that the Palestinian people’s “rights include the right to self-determination,” and that “Israel is bound to comply with its obligation to respect the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination.” Israel consequently has no legal right to use force to suppress the Palestinian self-determination struggle. Israel also cannot contend that, because this self-determination struggle unfolds within the framework of an occupation, it has the legal right, as the occupying power, to enforce the occupation so long as it endures. In 1971, the ICJ ruled that South Africa’s occupation of Namibia had become illegal because it refused to carry out good-faith negotiations to end the occupation. It is beyond dispute that Israel has failed to carry out good-faith negotiations to end the occupation of Palestinian territory. On the Namibia precedent, the Israeli occupation is also illegal. The only “right” Israel can claim is — in the words of the United States at the time of the Namibia debate — “to withdraw its administration … immediately and thus put an end to its occupation.”

Renowned legal scholar Eugene Rostow: There is no Israeli occupation

Google Groups

Eugene V. Rostow '37: Dean, Scholar, Statesman - Yale Law School

LOL!!!! the ICC and United Nations would beg to differ...let's briefly weigh the perspective of a Zionist 'legal scholar' against the international consensus...shall we?
Not only have the rights of these Palestinian refugees been ignored or dismissed for 65 years, but the piratical Jews extend a paradoxical "right of return" to Jews from around the world who have never set foot in Palestine.

You have created quite a paradox for yourself here. If the objective condition for holding the "right of return" is whether or not one has set foot in the territory -- then neither the Jewish people nor the Palestinian "refugees" have a right of return absent of that condition. If one is being objective, either they are both restricted by that condition, or neither is. You can't impose a condition on the one group and not on the other without revealing your hypocrisy.

Manifestly incorrect: One group in question---the native Palestinians--boast a residency right that goes back to the late period of the 7th century...by contrast the other began emigrating into Historic Palestine in the late 19th century...the native refugees who were expelled in 48 hold legal 'right of return'...the Ashkenazi trash who usurped their residency right are entitled to nothing!!

Oh yay! Yet another person who doesn't think the Jewish people have anything to do with ... well... the Jewish people. Ooooh....and it comes with a side of anti-semitic toxicity like "Ashkenazi trash" in every post. Why is it so hard to find intelligent, thoughtful participants on Team Palestine?

So, objectively, then, people who have never "set foot" in "Palestine" DO have rights according to your view. You might want to retract and rewrite your post. Really, what you meant to say was that people who have never set foot in "Palestine" have every right to return there, as long as they aren't JOOOOOOOOs.
Manifestly incorrect: One group in question---the native Palestinians--boast a residency right that goes back to the late period of the 7th century...

The other group in question -- the Jewish people -- boast a residency right that goes back nearly 4000 years.
Manifestly incorrect: One group in question---the native Palestinians--boast a residency right that goes back to the late period of the 7th century...

The other group in question -- the Jewish people -- boast a residency right that goes back nearly 4000 years.
You keep banging on about an issue that is not contested.

But, do they have the right to kill people, destroy and steal their stuff.

Of course not.
Manifestly incorrect: One group in question---the native Palestinians--boast a residency right that goes back to the late period of the 7th century...

The other group in question -- the Jewish people -- boast a residency right that goes back nearly 4000 years.
You keep banging on about an issue that is not contested.

But, do they have the right to kill people, destroy and steal their stuff.

Of course not.
Manifestly incorrect: One group in question---the native Palestinians--boast a residency right that goes back to the late period of the 7th century...

The other group in question -- the Jewish people -- boast a residency right that goes back nearly 4000 years.
You keep banging on about an issue that is not contested.

But, do they have the right to kill people, destroy and steal their stuff.

Of course not.

Arabs: Israel embraces a culture of peace Member of Saudi delegation: Israeli society wants peace
Manifestly incorrect: One group in question---the native Palestinians--boast a residency right that goes back to the late period of the 7th century...

The other group in question -- the Jewish people -- boast a residency right that goes back nearly 4000 years.
You keep banging on about an issue that is not contested.

But, do they have the right to kill people, destroy and steal their stuff.

Of course not.

With reference to “But, do they have the right to kill people, destroy and steal their stuff.”, what does the Hamas Charter suggest to you?
Manifestly incorrect: One group in question---the native Palestinians--boast a residency right that goes back to the late period of the 7th century...

The other group in question -- the Jewish people -- boast a residency right that goes back nearly 4000 years.
You keep banging on about an issue that is not contested.

But, do they have the right to kill people, destroy and steal their stuff.

Of course not.

With reference to “But, do they have the right to kill people, destroy and steal their stuff.”, what does the Hamas Charter suggest to you?

Bill Clinton: Hamas fires rockets from hospitals, schools, populated areas Bill Clinton: 'I killed myself to give Palestinians a state'
Manifestly incorrect: One group in question---the native Palestinians--boast a residency right that goes back to the late period of the 7th century...

The other group in question -- the Jewish people -- boast a residency right that goes back nearly 4000 years.
You keep banging on about an issue that is not contested.

But, do they have the right to kill people, destroy and steal their stuff.

Of course not.

With reference to “But, do they have the right to kill people, destroy and steal their stuff.”, what does the Hamas Charter suggest to you?

Bill Clinton: Hamas fires rockets from hospitals, schools, populated areas Bill Clinton: 'I killed myself to give Palestinians a state'
Who handed Clinton that list of Israeli talking points?
Manifestly incorrect: One group in question---the native Palestinians--boast a residency right that goes back to the late period of the 7th century...

The other group in question -- the Jewish people -- boast a residency right that goes back nearly 4000 years.
You keep banging on about an issue that is not contested.

But, do they have the right to kill people, destroy and steal their stuff.

Of course not.

With reference to “But, do they have the right to kill people, destroy and steal their stuff.”, what does the Hamas Charter suggest to you?
It suggest that Hamas came on the scene decades after Israel's initial assault on the Palestinians.
Manifestly incorrect: One group in question---the native Palestinians--boast a residency right that goes back to the late period of the 7th century...

The other group in question -- the Jewish people -- boast a residency right that goes back nearly 4000 years.
You keep banging on about an issue that is not contested.

But, do they have the right to kill people, destroy and steal their stuff.

Of course not.

You obviously didn't read the post I was responding to. You know. Where that is contested.

And this whole conflict can be resolved easily and quickly if the Arab half of the Palestinian people -- both Arabs and Jews -- would realize that it's NOT Arab stuff.
Manifestly incorrect: One group in question---the native Palestinians--boast a residency right that goes back to the late period of the 7th century...

The other group in question -- the Jewish people -- boast a residency right that goes back nearly 4000 years.
You keep banging on about an issue that is not contested.

But, do they have the right to kill people, destroy and steal their stuff.

Of course not.

With reference to “But, do they have the right to kill people, destroy and steal their stuff.”, what does the Hamas Charter suggest to you?
It suggest that Hamas came on the scene decades after Israel's initial assault on the Palestinians.

The palestinians? Palestine originated as a Roman name for ancient Israel. No such palestinians
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