Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Here yet again we are confronted with an ideological strain of cognitive-dissonance: because no ( DEPENDENT ) Israel was in existence one cannot logically use the terminology INDEPENDENT ISRAEL...you cannot appear to grasp the significance of Zionist statements prior to and following the criminal declaration of statehood...the public statements categorically refute the propaganda vessel which follows...
Are you telling us that the UN is a criminal organization?

Because it was that very same United Nations, which agreed for Israel to become Independent and declare that Independence in the absence of the Arabs also accepting the Partition of 1947

Either the UN organization IS responsible to accepting which places can become new countries and be welcomed to the UN, as Israel was, or it is not.

The Mandate for Palestine was the same as the other three Mandates. Created to help those separate areas become countries with their own infrastructure, government, etc.

Iraq and Syria and Lebanon achieved that in the 30s.
If Israel does not have the right to be an independent State on its own ancient homeland, unlike the Hashemites who took over 78% of
the Jewish homeland which was part of the Mandate for a Jewish Home/State, than NONE of those countries has a right to exist.

All of them must be dissolved.
And then what?

Is it time for the Kurds to finally have their independent country, where they have always been, or are the Arabs and Turks going to continue to fight them and call the Kurds "terrorists" because they are fighting legally and any other way to become independent from Iraq and Turkey, for now?

Or do the Kurds not have any rights and must be under Sunny or Shia Arab power, and terrorism, for as long as the Arab and Turkish leaders decide it should go on?

Wrong again dummy...the UN sponsored a ridiculously one-sided partition plan which proposed to cede 56% of Palestine to a Jewish minority that legally owned less than 5% of the lands...the recommendation was rightly voted down by the Arab States and India...when the organization later granted 'recognition' to the illegally established state of Israel the UN violated the letter and spirit of its own Charter, sworn to protect the property rights of native peoples. You next invoke this ridiculous sentence:

"If Israel does not have the right to be an independent State on its own ancient homeland"

Here again your ignorance leads...Ashkenazi Jews have no genetic relation to the ancient Hebrews, therefore they cannot 're-claim a homeland' which never belonged to them...your argument is with those Zionist leaders and politicians who plotted to steal the lands...
Guess What !!!!!

The VICTORS of WWI made the decisions.
Why? Because they were the victors.
The Arabs had no say, except to agree to live in peace with the Jews under Jewish Sovereignty.
Just as the Kurds, Yazidis, Assyrians, etc have had to live under Arab Muslim sovereignty.
Same UN.

The Jews earned recreating sovereignty over their ancient homeland the LEGAL way, you accept Jewish rights or not.

The Ashenazi Jews ARE descendants of the 12 tribes. You accept it or not.

No Jew in their right mind, and there are very few who are out of their minds, would agree that Israel has no right to exist.

You lose with the Ashkenazi Jews.
You lose with the Mizrahi Jews.
You lose with the Sepharadic Jews.

And that makes basically MOST of the 15 Million Jews on the planet.

Jews agreed to allow the Hashemites to truly steal 78 % of their ancient homeland, then.....there is nothing else that the Arabs have to belly ache about.
They now have 80% of the ancient Jewish Homeland.

They wish to undo it and return most if not all of the land to the rightful owners, the Jewish Nation, the Jewish Nation will be more than happy to accept all of that land back.

Am Israel Chai !

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yet another ( F-student ) of Mid-east history...you idiots just seem to yank replies right out of your ass don't you? Your assertions are so demonstrably, pathetically void of proof or substance that the only reaction I can manage is sheer laughter...to call you stupid would miss the mark by a mile...:asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole:

Thank you hyena, we do thank you.

You keep on howling to the moon and laughing to it as well.

Israel and the Jews understand your language very well, and always will.

Never Again !

Am Israel Chai !


To the contrary---THANK YOU HEYENA...it is a rare occurrence indeed when an opposing poster literally grants such generous assistance in proving that he is a ridiculously ignorant moron...I cannot even express the scale and depth of my gratitude you bottom-feeding POS
It's ironic that the Islamic terrorists in Fatah would include "No pride in Colonialism..." in their Facebook page when Islamic colonialism defines the history of Islamism.

Fatah Facebook post commemorating Balfour Declaration with image of bloody hand: “No Pride in Colonialism” - Denying Israel's right to exist | PMW

Fatah Facebook post commemorating Balfour Declaration with image of bloody hand: “No Pride in Colonialism”
Official Fatah Facebook page - Oct. 31, 2017







OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your absolute brilliance has left me once again without a sufficient reply...I beg you to consider mercy...how can we poor, empty-handed critics of Israel hope to leverage any points against such demonstrable brilliance as this? sniff...sniff...I hate you
Are you telling us that the UN is a criminal organization?

Because it was that very same United Nations, which agreed for Israel to become Independent and declare that Independence in the absence of the Arabs also accepting the Partition of 1947

Either the UN organization IS responsible to accepting which places can become new countries and be welcomed to the UN, as Israel was, or it is not.

The Mandate for Palestine was the same as the other three Mandates. Created to help those separate areas become countries with their own infrastructure, government, etc.

Iraq and Syria and Lebanon achieved that in the 30s.
If Israel does not have the right to be an independent State on its own ancient homeland, unlike the Hashemites who took over 78% of
the Jewish homeland which was part of the Mandate for a Jewish Home/State, than NONE of those countries has a right to exist.

All of them must be dissolved.
And then what?

Is it time for the Kurds to finally have their independent country, where they have always been, or are the Arabs and Turks going to continue to fight them and call the Kurds "terrorists" because they are fighting legally and any other way to become independent from Iraq and Turkey, for now?

Or do the Kurds not have any rights and must be under Sunny or Shia Arab power, and terrorism, for as long as the Arab and Turkish leaders decide it should go on?

Wrong again dummy...the UN sponsored a ridiculously one-sided partition plan which proposed to cede 56% of Palestine to a Jewish minority that legally owned less than 5% of the lands...the recommendation was rightly voted down by the Arab States and India...when the organization later granted 'recognition' to the illegally established state of Israel the UN violated the letter and spirit of its own Charter, sworn to protect the property rights of native peoples. You next invoke this ridiculous sentence:

"If Israel does not have the right to be an independent State on its own ancient homeland"

Here again your ignorance leads...Ashkenazi Jews have no genetic relation to the ancient Hebrews, therefore they cannot 're-claim a homeland' which never belonged to them...your argument is with those Zionist leaders and politicians who plotted to steal the lands...
Guess What !!!!!

The VICTORS of WWI made the decisions.
Why? Because they were the victors.
The Arabs had no say, except to agree to live in peace with the Jews under Jewish Sovereignty.
Just as the Kurds, Yazidis, Assyrians, etc have had to live under Arab Muslim sovereignty.
Same UN.

The Jews earned recreating sovereignty over their ancient homeland the LEGAL way, you accept Jewish rights or not.

The Ashenazi Jews ARE descendants of the 12 tribes. You accept it or not.

No Jew in their right mind, and there are very few who are out of their minds, would agree that Israel has no right to exist.

You lose with the Ashkenazi Jews.
You lose with the Mizrahi Jews.
You lose with the Sepharadic Jews.

And that makes basically MOST of the 15 Million Jews on the planet.

Jews agreed to allow the Hashemites to truly steal 78 % of their ancient homeland, then.....there is nothing else that the Arabs have to belly ache about.
They now have 80% of the ancient Jewish Homeland.

They wish to undo it and return most if not all of the land to the rightful owners, the Jewish Nation, the Jewish Nation will be more than happy to accept all of that land back.

Am Israel Chai !

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yet another ( F-student ) of Mid-east history...you idiots just seem to yank replies right out of your ass don't you? Your assertions are so demonstrably, pathetically void of proof or substance that the only reaction I can manage is sheer laughter...to call you stupid would miss the mark by a mile...:asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole:

Thank you hyena, we do thank you.

You keep on howling to the moon and laughing to it as well.

Israel and the Jews understand your language very well, and always will.

Never Again !

Am Israel Chai !


To the contrary---THANK YOU HEYENA...it is a rare occurrence indeed when an opposing poster literally grants such generous assistance in proving that he is a ridiculously ignorant moron...I cannot even express the scale and depth of my gratitude you bottom-feeding POS
And with language like that is when the Jews understood that they were going to have to defend themselves from the "friendly Arabs"
who were rioting, incited by their Jihad Master Al - Husseini.

Just keep reminding Jews as to why it is that they need a sovereign country ON their ancient homeland, and to protect and defend ALL the population from people who want to see them forever Stateless and without protection.

It's ironic that the Islamic terrorists in Fatah would include "No pride in Colonialism..." in their Facebook page when Islamic colonialism defines the history of Islamism.

Fatah Facebook post commemorating Balfour Declaration with image of bloody hand: “No Pride in Colonialism” - Denying Israel's right to exist | PMW

Fatah Facebook post commemorating Balfour Declaration with image of bloody hand: “No Pride in Colonialism”
Official Fatah Facebook page - Oct. 31, 2017







OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your absolute brilliance has left me once again without a sufficient reply...I beg you to consider mercy...how can we poor, empty-handed critics of Israel hope to leverage any points against such demonstrable brilliance as this? sniff...sniff...I hate you

listen...to even refer to you as a moron would fall so short of what you actually are...
Wrong again dummy...the UN sponsored a ridiculously one-sided partition plan which proposed to cede 56% of Palestine to a Jewish minority that legally owned less than 5% of the lands...the recommendation was rightly voted down by the Arab States and India...when the organization later granted 'recognition' to the illegally established state of Israel the UN violated the letter and spirit of its own Charter, sworn to protect the property rights of native peoples. You next invoke this ridiculous sentence:

"If Israel does not have the right to be an independent State on its own ancient homeland"

Here again your ignorance leads...Ashkenazi Jews have no genetic relation to the ancient Hebrews, therefore they cannot 're-claim a homeland' which never belonged to them...your argument is with those Zionist leaders and politicians who plotted to steal the lands...
Guess What !!!!!

The VICTORS of WWI made the decisions.
Why? Because they were the victors.
The Arabs had no say, except to agree to live in peace with the Jews under Jewish Sovereignty.
Just as the Kurds, Yazidis, Assyrians, etc have had to live under Arab Muslim sovereignty.
Same UN.

The Jews earned recreating sovereignty over their ancient homeland the LEGAL way, you accept Jewish rights or not.

The Ashenazi Jews ARE descendants of the 12 tribes. You accept it or not.

No Jew in their right mind, and there are very few who are out of their minds, would agree that Israel has no right to exist.

You lose with the Ashkenazi Jews.
You lose with the Mizrahi Jews.
You lose with the Sepharadic Jews.

And that makes basically MOST of the 15 Million Jews on the planet.

Jews agreed to allow the Hashemites to truly steal 78 % of their ancient homeland, then.....there is nothing else that the Arabs have to belly ache about.
They now have 80% of the ancient Jewish Homeland.

They wish to undo it and return most if not all of the land to the rightful owners, the Jewish Nation, the Jewish Nation will be more than happy to accept all of that land back.

Am Israel Chai !

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yet another ( F-student ) of Mid-east history...you idiots just seem to yank replies right out of your ass don't you? Your assertions are so demonstrably, pathetically void of proof or substance that the only reaction I can manage is sheer laughter...to call you stupid would miss the mark by a mile...:asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole:

Thank you hyena, we do thank you.

You keep on howling to the moon and laughing to it as well.

Israel and the Jews understand your language very well, and always will.

Never Again !

Am Israel Chai !


To the contrary---THANK YOU HEYENA...it is a rare occurrence indeed when an opposing poster literally grants such generous assistance in proving that he is a ridiculously ignorant moron...I cannot even express the scale and depth of my gratitude you bottom-feeding POS
And with language like that is when the Jews understood that they were going to have to defend themselves from the "friendly Arabs"
who were rioting, incited by their Jihad Master Al - Husseini.

Just keep reminding Jews as to why it is that they need a sovereign country ON their ancient homeland, and to protect and defend ALL the population from people who want to see them forever Stateless and without protection.


Funny but the 'Jews' that you speak of are conspiratorial pirates, thieves, liars, terrorists, political opportunists, child-killers and scum-bags of the most revolting dimensions...
Guess What !!!!!

The VICTORS of WWI made the decisions.
Why? Because they were the victors.
The Arabs had no say, except to agree to live in peace with the Jews under Jewish Sovereignty.
Just as the Kurds, Yazidis, Assyrians, etc have had to live under Arab Muslim sovereignty.
Same UN.

The Jews earned recreating sovereignty over their ancient homeland the LEGAL way, you accept Jewish rights or not.

The Ashenazi Jews ARE descendants of the 12 tribes. You accept it or not.

No Jew in their right mind, and there are very few who are out of their minds, would agree that Israel has no right to exist.

You lose with the Ashkenazi Jews.
You lose with the Mizrahi Jews.
You lose with the Sepharadic Jews.

And that makes basically MOST of the 15 Million Jews on the planet.

Jews agreed to allow the Hashemites to truly steal 78 % of their ancient homeland, then.....there is nothing else that the Arabs have to belly ache about.
They now have 80% of the ancient Jewish Homeland.

They wish to undo it and return most if not all of the land to the rightful owners, the Jewish Nation, the Jewish Nation will be more than happy to accept all of that land back.

Am Israel Chai !

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yet another ( F-student ) of Mid-east history...you idiots just seem to yank replies right out of your ass don't you? Your assertions are so demonstrably, pathetically void of proof or substance that the only reaction I can manage is sheer laughter...to call you stupid would miss the mark by a mile...:asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole:

Thank you hyena, we do thank you.

You keep on howling to the moon and laughing to it as well.

Israel and the Jews understand your language very well, and always will.

Never Again !

Am Israel Chai !


To the contrary---THANK YOU HEYENA...it is a rare occurrence indeed when an opposing poster literally grants such generous assistance in proving that he is a ridiculously ignorant moron...I cannot even express the scale and depth of my gratitude you bottom-feeding POS
And with language like that is when the Jews understood that they were going to have to defend themselves from the "friendly Arabs"
who were rioting, incited by their Jihad Master Al - Husseini.

Just keep reminding Jews as to why it is that they need a sovereign country ON their ancient homeland, and to protect and defend ALL the population from people who want to see them forever Stateless and without protection.


Funny but the 'Jews' that you speak of are conspiratorial pirates, thieves, liars, terrorists, political opportunists, child-killers and scum-bags of the most revolting dimensions...
Spoken like a true Christian/Muslim/Atheist or whatever else Jew hater that you have become.
And only 1950 years of practice at doing it. :)

Keep it up :)
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Ventura77, et al,

Not all Jewish People are Zionists.


The UNSCOP Recommendation in A/RES/181 (II) is just that, a recommendation. I F the parties addressed follow these recommendations T H E N special considerations would be given.


When the independence of either the Arab or the Jewish State as envisaged in this plan has become effective and the declaration and undertaking, as envisaged in this plan, have been signed by either of them, sympathetic consideration should be given to its application for admission to membership in the United Nations in accordance with Article 4 of the Charter of the United Nations.​

Most Respectfully,

Here yet again we are confronted with an ideological strain of cognitive-dissonance: because no ( DEPENDENT ) Israel was in existence one cannot logically use the terminology INDEPENDENT ISRAEL...you cannot appear to grasp the significance of Zionist statements prior to and following the criminal declaration of statehood...the public statements categorically refute the propaganda vessel which follows...
Are you telling us that the UN is a criminal organization?

Because it was that very same United Nations, which agreed for Israel to become Independent and declare that Independence in the absence of the Arabs also accepting the Partition of 1947

Either the UN organization IS responsible to accepting which places can become new countries and be welcomed to the UN, as Israel was, or it is not.

The Mandate for Palestine was the same as the other three Mandates. Created to help those separate areas become countries with their own infrastructure, government, etc.

Iraq and Syria and Lebanon achieved that in the 30s.
If Israel does not have the right to be an independent State on its own ancient homeland, unlike the Hashemites who took over 78% of
the Jewish homeland which was part of the Mandate for a Jewish Home/State, than NONE of those countries has a right to exist.

All of them must be dissolved.
And then what?

Is it time for the Kurds to finally have their independent country, where they have always been, or are the Arabs and Turks going to continue to fight them and call the Kurds "terrorists" because they are fighting legally and any other way to become independent from Iraq and Turkey, for now?

Or do the Kurds not have any rights and must be under Sunny or Shia Arab power, and terrorism, for as long as the Arab and Turkish leaders decide it should go on?

Wrong again dummy...the UN sponsored a ridiculously one-sided partition plan which proposed to cede 56% of Palestine to a Jewish minority that legally owned less than 5% of the lands...the recommendation was rightly voted down by the Arab States and India...when the organization later granted 'recognition' to the illegally established state of Israel the UN violated the letter and spirit of its own Charter, sworn to protect the property rights of native peoples. You next invoke this ridiculous sentence:

"If Israel does not have the right to be an independent State on its own ancient homeland"

Here again your ignorance leads...Ashkenazi Jews have no genetic relation to the ancient Hebrews, therefore they cannot 're-claim a homeland' which never belonged to them...your argument is with those Zionist leaders and politicians who plotted to steal the lands...
Guess What !!!!!

The VICTORS of WWI made the decisions.
Why? Because they were the victors.
The Arabs had no say, except to agree to live in peace with the Jews under Jewish Sovereignty.
Just as the Kurds, Yazidis, Assyrians, etc have had to live under Arab Muslim sovereignty.
Same UN.

The Jews earned recreating sovereignty over their ancient homeland the LEGAL way, you accept Jewish rights or not.

The Ashenazi Jews ARE descendants of the 12 tribes. You accept it or not.

No Jew in their right mind, and there are very few who are out of their minds, would agree that Israel has no right to exist.

You lose with the Ashkenazi Jews.
You lose with the Mizrahi Jews.
You lose with the Sepharadic Jews.

And that makes basically MOST of the 15 Million Jews on the planet.

Jews agreed to allow the Hashemites to truly steal 78 % of their ancient homeland, then.....there is nothing else that the Arabs have to belly ache about.
They now have 80% of the ancient Jewish Homeland.

They wish to undo it and return most if not all of the land to the rightful owners, the Jewish Nation, the Jewish Nation will be more than happy to accept all of that land back.

Am Israel Chai !

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yet another ( F-student ) of Mid-east history...you idiots just seem to yank replies right out of your ass don't you? Your assertions are so demonstrably, pathetically void of proof or substance that the only reaction I can manage is sheer laughter...to call you stupid would miss the mark by a mile...:asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole:

Nicely done. It's always funny to watch you launch into these screeching tirades when your feeble attempts at a rebuttal leave you stuttering and mumbling. Your most flaming tirades accompany your embarrassment at being schooled in the history you know so little of.

No brand of hatred has a more bloodstained lineage than your brand of Islamic inspired, genocidal Joooooo-hatred. It's difficult to call it mere "anti-Semitism;" as that label doesn't adequately capture the depths of self-hatred and projected Joooo-hatred that grips people like you.

I have to note the source of your self-hate derives from how dramatically the Jewish people have managed to overcome and thrive during times of oppression, especially religious oppression. How else do you think Israel, in only a few short decades became a world economy and prospering society despite the cesspool of islamist backwaters surrounding them? Do you consider yourselves clever for providing the Israelis (and the rest of the modern, relevant western world), with the very fuel by which our successes has been propelled?
Are you telling us that the UN is a criminal organization?

Because it was that very same United Nations, which agreed for Israel to become Independent and declare that Independence in the absence of the Arabs also accepting the Partition of 1947

Either the UN organization IS responsible to accepting which places can become new countries and be welcomed to the UN, as Israel was, or it is not.

The Mandate for Palestine was the same as the other three Mandates. Created to help those separate areas become countries with their own infrastructure, government, etc.

Iraq and Syria and Lebanon achieved that in the 30s.
If Israel does not have the right to be an independent State on its own ancient homeland, unlike the Hashemites who took over 78% of
the Jewish homeland which was part of the Mandate for a Jewish Home/State, than NONE of those countries has a right to exist.

All of them must be dissolved.
And then what?

Is it time for the Kurds to finally have their independent country, where they have always been, or are the Arabs and Turks going to continue to fight them and call the Kurds "terrorists" because they are fighting legally and any other way to become independent from Iraq and Turkey, for now?

Or do the Kurds not have any rights and must be under Sunny or Shia Arab power, and terrorism, for as long as the Arab and Turkish leaders decide it should go on?

Wrong again dummy...the UN sponsored a ridiculously one-sided partition plan which proposed to cede 56% of Palestine to a Jewish minority that legally owned less than 5% of the lands...the recommendation was rightly voted down by the Arab States and India...when the organization later granted 'recognition' to the illegally established state of Israel the UN violated the letter and spirit of its own Charter, sworn to protect the property rights of native peoples. You next invoke this ridiculous sentence:

"If Israel does not have the right to be an independent State on its own ancient homeland"

Here again your ignorance leads...Ashkenazi Jews have no genetic relation to the ancient Hebrews, therefore they cannot 're-claim a homeland' which never belonged to them...your argument is with those Zionist leaders and politicians who plotted to steal the lands...
Guess What !!!!!

The VICTORS of WWI made the decisions.
Why? Because they were the victors.
The Arabs had no say, except to agree to live in peace with the Jews under Jewish Sovereignty.
Just as the Kurds, Yazidis, Assyrians, etc have had to live under Arab Muslim sovereignty.
Same UN.

The Jews earned recreating sovereignty over their ancient homeland the LEGAL way, you accept Jewish rights or not.

The Ashenazi Jews ARE descendants of the 12 tribes. You accept it or not.

No Jew in their right mind, and there are very few who are out of their minds, would agree that Israel has no right to exist.

You lose with the Ashkenazi Jews.
You lose with the Mizrahi Jews.
You lose with the Sepharadic Jews.

And that makes basically MOST of the 15 Million Jews on the planet.

Jews agreed to allow the Hashemites to truly steal 78 % of their ancient homeland, then.....there is nothing else that the Arabs have to belly ache about.
They now have 80% of the ancient Jewish Homeland.

They wish to undo it and return most if not all of the land to the rightful owners, the Jewish Nation, the Jewish Nation will be more than happy to accept all of that land back.

Am Israel Chai !

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yet another ( F-student ) of Mid-east history...you idiots just seem to yank replies right out of your ass don't you? Your assertions are so demonstrably, pathetically void of proof or substance that the only reaction I can manage is sheer laughter...to call you stupid would miss the mark by a mile...:asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole:

Thank you hyena, we do thank you.

You keep on howling to the moon and laughing to it as well.

Israel and the Jews understand your language very well, and always will.

Never Again !

Am Israel Chai !


To the contrary---THANK YOU HEYENA...it is a rare occurrence indeed when an opposing poster literally grants such generous assistance in proving that he is a ridiculously ignorant moron...I cannot even express the scale and depth of my gratitude you bottom-feeding POS

Your online gee-had is a hoot.

You know what, my dear umma'ist? I don't care how much you loathe yourself for your inadequacies and self-inflicted pratfalls. Just get over your failures and your self-loathing in the name of your angry war deity. Maybe teach your kids to love and build instead of hate and destroy. Your women's rights policies could use a little work too.

Go work on that.
ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yet another ( F-student ) of Mid-east history...you idiots just seem to yank replies right out of your ass don't you? Your assertions are so demonstrably, pathetically void of proof or substance that the only reaction I can manage is sheer laughter...to call you stupid would miss the mark by a mile...:asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole:

Thank you hyena, we do thank you.

You keep on howling to the moon and laughing to it as well.

Israel and the Jews understand your language very well, and always will.

Never Again !

Am Israel Chai !


To the contrary---THANK YOU HEYENA...it is a rare occurrence indeed when an opposing poster literally grants such generous assistance in proving that he is a ridiculously ignorant moron...I cannot even express the scale and depth of my gratitude you bottom-feeding POS
And with language like that is when the Jews understood that they were going to have to defend themselves from the "friendly Arabs"
who were rioting, incited by their Jihad Master Al - Husseini.

Just keep reminding Jews as to why it is that they need a sovereign country ON their ancient homeland, and to protect and defend ALL the population from people who want to see them forever Stateless and without protection.


Funny but the 'Jews' that you speak of are conspiratorial pirates, thieves, liars, terrorists, political opportunists, child-killers and scum-bags of the most revolting dimensions...
Spoken like a true Christian/Muslim/Atheist or whatever else Jew hater that you have become.
And only 1950 years of practice at doing it. :)

Keep it up :)

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA Dumb as crab grass...you posted yet another inadvertent confirmation of your blind idiocy...
Here yet again we are confronted with an ideological strain of cognitive-dissonance: because no ( DEPENDENT ) Israel was in existence one cannot logically use the terminology INDEPENDENT ISRAEL...you cannot appear to grasp the significance of Zionist statements prior to and following the criminal declaration of statehood...the public statements categorically refute the propaganda vessel which follows...
Are you telling us that the UN is a criminal organization?

Because it was that very same United Nations, which agreed for Israel to become Independent and declare that Independence in the absence of the Arabs also accepting the Partition of 1947

Either the UN organization IS responsible to accepting which places can become new countries and be welcomed to the UN, as Israel was, or it is not.

The Mandate for Palestine was the same as the other three Mandates. Created to help those separate areas become countries with their own infrastructure, government, etc.

Iraq and Syria and Lebanon achieved that in the 30s.
If Israel does not have the right to be an independent State on its own ancient homeland, unlike the Hashemites who took over 78% of
the Jewish homeland which was part of the Mandate for a Jewish Home/State, than NONE of those countries has a right to exist.

All of them must be dissolved.
And then what?

Is it time for the Kurds to finally have their independent country, where they have always been, or are the Arabs and Turks going to continue to fight them and call the Kurds "terrorists" because they are fighting legally and any other way to become independent from Iraq and Turkey, for now?

Or do the Kurds not have any rights and must be under Sunny or Shia Arab power, and terrorism, for as long as the Arab and Turkish leaders decide it should go on?

Wrong again dummy...the UN sponsored a ridiculously one-sided partition plan which proposed to cede 56% of Palestine to a Jewish minority that legally owned less than 5% of the lands...the recommendation was rightly voted down by the Arab States and India...when the organization later granted 'recognition' to the illegally established state of Israel the UN violated the letter and spirit of its own Charter, sworn to protect the property rights of native peoples. You next invoke this ridiculous sentence:

"If Israel does not have the right to be an independent State on its own ancient homeland"

Here again your ignorance leads...Ashkenazi Jews have no genetic relation to the ancient Hebrews, therefore they cannot 're-claim a homeland' which never belonged to them...your argument is with those Zionist leaders and politicians who plotted to steal the lands...
Guess What !!!!!

The VICTORS of WWI made the decisions.
Why? Because they were the victors.
The Arabs had no say, except to agree to live in peace with the Jews under Jewish Sovereignty.
Just as the Kurds, Yazidis, Assyrians, etc have had to live under Arab Muslim sovereignty.
Same UN.

The Jews earned recreating sovereignty over their ancient homeland the LEGAL way, you accept Jewish rights or not.

The Ashenazi Jews ARE descendants of the 12 tribes. You accept it or not.

No Jew in their right mind, and there are very few who are out of their minds, would agree that Israel has no right to exist.

You lose with the Ashkenazi Jews.
You lose with the Mizrahi Jews.
You lose with the Sepharadic Jews.

And that makes basically MOST of the 15 Million Jews on the planet.

Jews agreed to allow the Hashemites to truly steal 78 % of their ancient homeland, then.....there is nothing else that the Arabs have to belly ache about.
They now have 80% of the ancient Jewish Homeland.

They wish to undo it and return most if not all of the land to the rightful owners, the Jewish Nation, the Jewish Nation will be more than happy to accept all of that land back.

Am Israel Chai !

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yet another ( F-student ) of Mid-east history...you idiots just seem to yank replies right out of your ass don't you? Your assertions are so demonstrably, pathetically void of proof or substance that the only reaction I can manage is sheer laughter...to call you stupid would miss the mark by a mile...:asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole:

Nicely done. It's always funny to watch you launch into these screeching tirades when your feeble attempts at a rebuttal leave you stuttering and mumbling. Your most flaming tirades accompany your embarrassment at being schooled in the history you know so little of.

No brand of hatred has a more bloodstained lineage than your brand of Islamic inspired, genocidal Joooooo-hatred. It's difficult to call it mere "anti-Semitism;" as that label doesn't adequately capture the depths of self-hatred and projected Joooo-hatred that grips people like you.

I have to note the source of your self-hate derives from how dramatically the Jewish people have managed to overcome and thrive during times of oppression, especially religious oppression. How else do you think Israel, in only a few short decades became a world economy and prospering society despite the cesspool of islamist backwaters surrounding them? Do you consider yourselves clever for providing the Israelis (and the rest of the modern, relevant western world), with the very fuel by which our successes has been propelled?

Guess What !!!!!

The VICTORS of WWI made the decisions.
Why? Because they were the victors.
The Arabs had no say, except to agree to live in peace with the Jews under Jewish Sovereignty.
Just as the Kurds, Yazidis, Assyrians, etc have had to live under Arab Muslim sovereignty.
Same UN.

The Jews earned recreating sovereignty over their ancient homeland the LEGAL way, you accept Jewish rights or not.

The Ashenazi Jews ARE descendants of the 12 tribes. You accept it or not.

No Jew in their right mind, and there are very few who are out of their minds, would agree that Israel has no right to exist.

You lose with the Ashkenazi Jews.
You lose with the Mizrahi Jews.
You lose with the Sepharadic Jews.

And that makes basically MOST of the 15 Million Jews on the planet.

Jews agreed to allow the Hashemites to truly steal 78 % of their ancient homeland, then.....there is nothing else that the Arabs have to belly ache about.
They now have 80% of the ancient Jewish Homeland.

They wish to undo it and return most if not all of the land to the rightful owners, the Jewish Nation, the Jewish Nation will be more than happy to accept all of that land back.

Am Israel Chai !

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yet another ( F-student ) of Mid-east history...you idiots just seem to yank replies right out of your ass don't you? Your assertions are so demonstrably, pathetically void of proof or substance that the only reaction I can manage is sheer laughter...to call you stupid would miss the mark by a mile...:asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole:

Thank you hyena, we do thank you.

You keep on howling to the moon and laughing to it as well.

Israel and the Jews understand your language very well, and always will.

Never Again !

Am Israel Chai !


To the contrary---THANK YOU HEYENA...it is a rare occurrence indeed when an opposing poster literally grants such generous assistance in proving that he is a ridiculously ignorant moron...I cannot even express the scale and depth of my gratitude you bottom-feeding POS
And with language like that is when the Jews understood that they were going to have to defend themselves from the "friendly Arabs"
who were rioting, incited by their Jihad Master Al - Husseini.

Just keep reminding Jews as to why it is that they need a sovereign country ON their ancient homeland, and to protect and defend ALL the population from people who want to see them forever Stateless and without protection.


Funny but the 'Jews' that you speak of are conspiratorial pirates, thieves, liars, terrorists, political opportunists, child-killers and scum-bags of the most revolting dimensions...

More of the unhinged rhetoric from the angry muhammedan.

Here's a list of the things your sophomoric I'm a jihadi..wheeee! tantrum people care about:

Wrong again dummy...the UN sponsored a ridiculously one-sided partition plan which proposed to cede 56% of Palestine to a Jewish minority that legally owned less than 5% of the lands...the recommendation was rightly voted down by the Arab States and India...when the organization later granted 'recognition' to the illegally established state of Israel the UN violated the letter and spirit of its own Charter, sworn to protect the property rights of native peoples. You next invoke this ridiculous sentence:

"If Israel does not have the right to be an independent State on its own ancient homeland"

Here again your ignorance leads...Ashkenazi Jews have no genetic relation to the ancient Hebrews, therefore they cannot 're-claim a homeland' which never belonged to them...your argument is with those Zionist leaders and politicians who plotted to steal the lands...
Guess What !!!!!

The VICTORS of WWI made the decisions.
Why? Because they were the victors.
The Arabs had no say, except to agree to live in peace with the Jews under Jewish Sovereignty.
Just as the Kurds, Yazidis, Assyrians, etc have had to live under Arab Muslim sovereignty.
Same UN.

The Jews earned recreating sovereignty over their ancient homeland the LEGAL way, you accept Jewish rights or not.

The Ashenazi Jews ARE descendants of the 12 tribes. You accept it or not.

No Jew in their right mind, and there are very few who are out of their minds, would agree that Israel has no right to exist.

You lose with the Ashkenazi Jews.
You lose with the Mizrahi Jews.
You lose with the Sepharadic Jews.

And that makes basically MOST of the 15 Million Jews on the planet.

Jews agreed to allow the Hashemites to truly steal 78 % of their ancient homeland, then.....there is nothing else that the Arabs have to belly ache about.
They now have 80% of the ancient Jewish Homeland.

They wish to undo it and return most if not all of the land to the rightful owners, the Jewish Nation, the Jewish Nation will be more than happy to accept all of that land back.

Am Israel Chai !

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yet another ( F-student ) of Mid-east history...you idiots just seem to yank replies right out of your ass don't you? Your assertions are so demonstrably, pathetically void of proof or substance that the only reaction I can manage is sheer laughter...to call you stupid would miss the mark by a mile...:asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole:

Thank you hyena, we do thank you.

You keep on howling to the moon and laughing to it as well.

Israel and the Jews understand your language very well, and always will.

Never Again !

Am Israel Chai !


To the contrary---THANK YOU HEYENA...it is a rare occurrence indeed when an opposing poster literally grants such generous assistance in proving that he is a ridiculously ignorant moron...I cannot even express the scale and depth of my gratitude you bottom-feeding POS

Your online gee-had is a hoot.

You know what, my dear umma'ist? I don't care how much you loathe yourself for your inadequacies and self-inflicted pratfalls. Just get over your failures and your self-loathing in the name of your angry war deity. Maybe teach your kids to love and build instead of hate and destroy. Your women's rights policies could use a little work too.

Go work on that.

Hollie...listen hon you're clearly out of your preferred element here...the standardized 'Jihad' ...'Islamist' spiel only makes you appear convulsively dumber than you actually are...I'm betting you're a bit smarter than this but alas you aren't helping me prove this bet...try to back away from your pathetic Hasbara manual long enough to test your wings hon...c'mon now...no one could be as inherently stupid as this...he...he, he
ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yet another ( F-student ) of Mid-east history...you idiots just seem to yank replies right out of your ass don't you? Your assertions are so demonstrably, pathetically void of proof or substance that the only reaction I can manage is sheer laughter...to call you stupid would miss the mark by a mile...:asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole:

Thank you hyena, we do thank you.

You keep on howling to the moon and laughing to it as well.

Israel and the Jews understand your language very well, and always will.

Never Again !

Am Israel Chai !


To the contrary---THANK YOU HEYENA...it is a rare occurrence indeed when an opposing poster literally grants such generous assistance in proving that he is a ridiculously ignorant moron...I cannot even express the scale and depth of my gratitude you bottom-feeding POS
And with language like that is when the Jews understood that they were going to have to defend themselves from the "friendly Arabs"
who were rioting, incited by their Jihad Master Al - Husseini.

Just keep reminding Jews as to why it is that they need a sovereign country ON their ancient homeland, and to protect and defend ALL the population from people who want to see them forever Stateless and without protection.


Funny but the 'Jews' that you speak of are conspiratorial pirates, thieves, liars, terrorists, political opportunists, child-killers and scum-bags of the most revolting dimensions...

More of the unhinged rhetoric from the angry muhammedan.

Here's a list of the things your sophomoric I'm a jihadi..wheeee! tantrum people care about:

How sad...poor mindless Hollie pulls her replies straight from the trusty Hasbara manual...Hol: I'm not Mulsim...in fact I loathe religion...try to work from another equally dumb angle butt-nik....HHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA
Guess What !!!!!

The VICTORS of WWI made the decisions.
Why? Because they were the victors.
The Arabs had no say, except to agree to live in peace with the Jews under Jewish Sovereignty.
Just as the Kurds, Yazidis, Assyrians, etc have had to live under Arab Muslim sovereignty.
Same UN.

The Jews earned recreating sovereignty over their ancient homeland the LEGAL way, you accept Jewish rights or not.

The Ashenazi Jews ARE descendants of the 12 tribes. You accept it or not.

No Jew in their right mind, and there are very few who are out of their minds, would agree that Israel has no right to exist.

You lose with the Ashkenazi Jews.
You lose with the Mizrahi Jews.
You lose with the Sepharadic Jews.

And that makes basically MOST of the 15 Million Jews on the planet.

Jews agreed to allow the Hashemites to truly steal 78 % of their ancient homeland, then.....there is nothing else that the Arabs have to belly ache about.
They now have 80% of the ancient Jewish Homeland.

They wish to undo it and return most if not all of the land to the rightful owners, the Jewish Nation, the Jewish Nation will be more than happy to accept all of that land back.

Am Israel Chai !

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yet another ( F-student ) of Mid-east history...you idiots just seem to yank replies right out of your ass don't you? Your assertions are so demonstrably, pathetically void of proof or substance that the only reaction I can manage is sheer laughter...to call you stupid would miss the mark by a mile...:asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole:

Thank you hyena, we do thank you.

You keep on howling to the moon and laughing to it as well.

Israel and the Jews understand your language very well, and always will.

Never Again !

Am Israel Chai !


To the contrary---THANK YOU HEYENA...it is a rare occurrence indeed when an opposing poster literally grants such generous assistance in proving that he is a ridiculously ignorant moron...I cannot even express the scale and depth of my gratitude you bottom-feeding POS

Your online gee-had is a hoot.

You know what, my dear umma'ist? I don't care how much you loathe yourself for your inadequacies and self-inflicted pratfalls. Just get over your failures and your self-loathing in the name of your angry war deity. Maybe teach your kids to love and build instead of hate and destroy. Your women's rights policies could use a little work too.

Go work on that.

Hollie...listen hon you're clearly out of your preferred element here...the standardized 'Jihad' ...'Islamist' spiel only makes you appear convulsively dumber than you actually are...I'm betting you're a bit smarter than this but alas you aren't helping me prove this bet...try to back away from your pathetic Hasbara manual long enough to test your wings hon...c'mon now...no one could be as inherently stupid as this...he...he, he

Yet another of your silly, "Louie" tirades. They're getting an increasingly strident tone. Come to terms with the fact that your gee-had brings you only ridicule.

Go play in the street.
ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yet another ( F-student ) of Mid-east history...you idiots just seem to yank replies right out of your ass don't you? Your assertions are so demonstrably, pathetically void of proof or substance that the only reaction I can manage is sheer laughter...to call you stupid would miss the mark by a mile...:asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole::asshole:

Thank you hyena, we do thank you.

You keep on howling to the moon and laughing to it as well.

Israel and the Jews understand your language very well, and always will.

Never Again !

Am Israel Chai !


To the contrary---THANK YOU HEYENA...it is a rare occurrence indeed when an opposing poster literally grants such generous assistance in proving that he is a ridiculously ignorant moron...I cannot even express the scale and depth of my gratitude you bottom-feeding POS

Your online gee-had is a hoot.

You know what, my dear umma'ist? I don't care how much you loathe yourself for your inadequacies and self-inflicted pratfalls. Just get over your failures and your self-loathing in the name of your angry war deity. Maybe teach your kids to love and build instead of hate and destroy. Your women's rights policies could use a little work too.

Go work on that.

Hollie...listen hon you're clearly out of your preferred element here...the standardized 'Jihad' ...'Islamist' spiel only makes you appear convulsively dumber than you actually are...I'm betting you're a bit smarter than this but alas you aren't helping me prove this bet...try to back away from your pathetic Hasbara manual long enough to test your wings hon...c'mon now...no one could be as inherently stupid as this...he...he, he

Yet another of your silly, "Louie" tirades. They're getting an increasingly strident tone. Come to terms with the fact that your gee-had brings you only ridicule.

Go play in the street.

One-trick pony...IQ estimate: low 70s
Conference: the role of women in the palestinian popular struggle.

Leila Khaled, Sahar Francis and Ahed Tamimi.

Okay you do understand that DNA can be extracted from skeletal remains correct?

Had you read Elhaik's paper, you would know he did not use DNA extracted from skeletal remains.

I have read Elhaik's paper, several times in fact...clearly you have not...or you cannot comprehend the irrefutable significance of his DNA evidence...As for the skeletal remains you incorrectly claimed that Khazar DNA didn't exist...hence I once again exposed your ignorance...
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ P F Tinmore,, et al,

Boundaries do not "expire;" except by the will of the sovereign.

Territorial integrity is relinquished, abandoned, withdrawn or assumed; but does not expire.

Are you saying that international borders expire with time? That the right to territorial integrity expires with time?

Explain what you mean.

There are all kinds of things that may alter an international boundary.

International boundaries (as with Armistice Lines) are a form, one of many forms, in what are considered "demarcations." And the status and location of demarcation lines are negotiable.

You will have no doubt noticed that between the time the Ottoman Empire unconditionally surrendered in 1918, until as 1922, when the Allied Powers published the Mandate for Palestine that the administration of Palestine, was within such boundaries as may be determined by the Principal Allied Powers. This is an example of designation by authority.

You will no doubt notice that there is an US-Canadian International Boundary Commission to handle border disputes. this can alter such demarcations by dispute resolution. And it can be altered by natural occurrences; as in the case of the shift in course by the Rio Grande.

Most Respectfully,
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