Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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The Abbas Islamic terrorist syndicate is offering a career path for pious Moslems. You career (and life), may be short lived because working as a foot soldier for the syndicate presumes you are a disposable commodity to be used as cannon fodder.

PA to Palestinians: Become a terrorist and guarantee yourself a job in the PA!

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Dec 13, 2020

  • PA’s scheme to bypass donors’ demand to stop terrorist salaries: Released terrorists to become public employees
Since 2018, the Palestinian Authority has been facing considerable financial pressure focused on bringing an end to its terror reward program. Despite that pressure and despite their intuitive desire to make positive overtures to try to placate the new Biden Administration, the director of the PA-funded Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs, Qadri Abu Bakr, has repeatedly made it clear that any changes made in the PA’s terror salaries to the terrorist prisoners and released prisoners will be purely cosmetic.

When asked about “a conversation that was republished and reached American media outlets,” clearly alluding to a recent article in the New York Times, “according to which there may be amendments that will affect the prisoners’ and released prisoners’ salaries,” Abu Bakr responded succinctly, but adamantly:
“These things are inaccurate and incorrect.”
[Facebook page of the PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs, Dec. 5, 2020]
Addressing the suggestion that the PA payments to the terrorist prisoners will no longer be based on the time they spend in prison, but rather be based on needs and social welfare criteria, Abu Bakr clarified:
“The prisoners are a sacred issue that can’t be touched. Let no one think that it will be transferred to the other institutions – the humanitarian ones or the [PA Ministry of] Social Affairs. This is emphasized by [PA] President [Abbas] at every meeting.”
[Facebook page of the PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs, Nov. 27, 2020]
the director of the PA-funded Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs, Qadri Abu Bakr, has repeatedly made it clear that any changes made in the PA’s terror salaries to the terrorist prisoners and released prisoners will be purely cosmetic.
Do you have a link and a quote? I know that is not what he said.
Do you have a link and a quote? I have no reason to believe you know what he said.
Well I surely cannot believe an Israeli propaganda organization.
The Abbas Islamic terrorist syndicate is offering a career path for pious Moslems. You career (and life), may be short lived because working as a foot soldier for the syndicate presumes you are a disposable commodity to be used as cannon fodder.

PA to Palestinians: Become a terrorist and guarantee yourself a job in the PA!

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Dec 13, 2020

  • PA’s scheme to bypass donors’ demand to stop terrorist salaries: Released terrorists to become public employees
Since 2018, the Palestinian Authority has been facing considerable financial pressure focused on bringing an end to its terror reward program. Despite that pressure and despite their intuitive desire to make positive overtures to try to placate the new Biden Administration, the director of the PA-funded Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs, Qadri Abu Bakr, has repeatedly made it clear that any changes made in the PA’s terror salaries to the terrorist prisoners and released prisoners will be purely cosmetic.

When asked about “a conversation that was republished and reached American media outlets,” clearly alluding to a recent article in the New York Times, “according to which there may be amendments that will affect the prisoners’ and released prisoners’ salaries,” Abu Bakr responded succinctly, but adamantly:
“These things are inaccurate and incorrect.”
[Facebook page of the PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs, Dec. 5, 2020]
Addressing the suggestion that the PA payments to the terrorist prisoners will no longer be based on the time they spend in prison, but rather be based on needs and social welfare criteria, Abu Bakr clarified:
“The prisoners are a sacred issue that can’t be touched. Let no one think that it will be transferred to the other institutions – the humanitarian ones or the [PA Ministry of] Social Affairs. This is emphasized by [PA] President [Abbas] at every meeting.”
[Facebook page of the PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs, Nov. 27, 2020]
the director of the PA-funded Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs, Qadri Abu Bakr, has repeatedly made it clear that any changes made in the PA’s terror salaries to the terrorist prisoners and released prisoners will be purely cosmetic.
Do you have a link and a quote? I know that is not what he said.
Do you have a link and a quote? I have no reason to believe you know what he said.
Well I surely cannot believe an Israeli propaganda organization.
Well, I Shirley knew you couldn't support you comment.

No link, huh?

Am I shocked?
The Abbas Islamic terrorist syndicate is offering a career path for pious Moslems. You career (and life), may be short lived because working as a foot soldier for the syndicate presumes you are a disposable commodity to be used as cannon fodder.

PA to Palestinians: Become a terrorist and guarantee yourself a job in the PA!

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Dec 13, 2020

  • PA’s scheme to bypass donors’ demand to stop terrorist salaries: Released terrorists to become public employees
Since 2018, the Palestinian Authority has been facing considerable financial pressure focused on bringing an end to its terror reward program. Despite that pressure and despite their intuitive desire to make positive overtures to try to placate the new Biden Administration, the director of the PA-funded Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs, Qadri Abu Bakr, has repeatedly made it clear that any changes made in the PA’s terror salaries to the terrorist prisoners and released prisoners will be purely cosmetic.

When asked about “a conversation that was republished and reached American media outlets,” clearly alluding to a recent article in the New York Times, “according to which there may be amendments that will affect the prisoners’ and released prisoners’ salaries,” Abu Bakr responded succinctly, but adamantly:
“These things are inaccurate and incorrect.”
[Facebook page of the PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs, Dec. 5, 2020]
Addressing the suggestion that the PA payments to the terrorist prisoners will no longer be based on the time they spend in prison, but rather be based on needs and social welfare criteria, Abu Bakr clarified:
“The prisoners are a sacred issue that can’t be touched. Let no one think that it will be transferred to the other institutions – the humanitarian ones or the [PA Ministry of] Social Affairs. This is emphasized by [PA] President [Abbas] at every meeting.”
[Facebook page of the PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs, Nov. 27, 2020]
the director of the PA-funded Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs, Qadri Abu Bakr, has repeatedly made it clear that any changes made in the PA’s terror salaries to the terrorist prisoners and released prisoners will be purely cosmetic.
Do you have a link and a quote? I know that is not what he said.
Do you have a link and a quote? I have no reason to believe you know what he said.
Well I surely cannot believe an Israeli propaganda organization.

That sure is a convenient excuse
whenever you can't refute anything with facts.

Mother of suicide bomber prepares to assume office

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Oh, my. A long term recipient of a paycheck from something called the “PLO” has resigned.

Wiki has attempted to describe / define the PLO and it’s an exercise in taking some Excedrin for headache pain relief. The PLO is nothing more than a heading for an alphabet soup of labels for committee’s, councils, body’s, organizations, etc., that pay huge salaries to lots of people who have no perceivable job function. After more than two decades of collecting welfare from one or more of the PLO controlled agencies, maybe it was time for Ashwari to step aside and free up some money for a tune up on Mahmoud’s presidential jet.

The Palestinian National Council has 740 members and the Executive Committee or ExCo has 18 members. The Palestinian Central Council or CC or PCC, established by the PNC in 1973, is the second leading body of the PLO.[33] The CC consists of 124 members[34]from the PLO Executive Committee, PNC, PLC and other Palestinian organizations.[35] The EC includes 15 representatives of the PLC.[30]The CC functions as an intermediary body between the PNC and the EC. The CC makes policy decisions when PNC is not in session, acting as a link between the PNC and the PLO-EC. The CC is elected by the PNC and chaired by the PNC speaker.[36]

The PNC serves as the parliament for all Palestinians inside and outside of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem. The PLO is governed internally by its "Fundamental Law", which describes the powers and the relations between the organs of the PLO.[33]

High-profile Palestinian official Hanan Ashrawi resigned from the Palestine Liberation Organization on Wednesday, calling for the "renewal and reinvigoration" of Palestinian political leadership.
Rashida Tlaib has been given an opportunity by Allah. The far left, CAIR and Islamism. That's the description of ''retrograde''.

Tlaib: 'I Hope You Realize Just the Opportunity Here That Allah Has Given Us to Show the Power of Muslims in Georgia’
The alternate reality of the damaged Pally terrorist.

Abbas’ advisor: A “war crime” for Jews to place a Hanukkah candelabra at Jewish/Muslim religious site.

Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Dec 14, 2020
  • Abbas’ advisor about the Cave of the Patriarchs: “The Ibrahimi Mosque is a pure Islamic heritage”
  • Abbas’ advisor: “Placing of a Jewish religious so-called ‘Hanukkah menorah’ on the roof of the Ibrahimi Mosque… [is] an additional ‘war crime’”
  • Abbas’ advisor: Israel commits “crimes… that desecrate our Islamic holy sites in Hebron”
  • PA’s Supreme Fatwa Council: “The placing of a Hanukkah menorah [at] the Ibrahimi Mosque (i.e., the Cave of the Patriarchs)… is a blatant violation, a true provocation of the Muslims’ sensibilities, and an… attempt to erase the Islamic history in service of the goal to Judaize the Ibrahimi Mosque and create a fake Jewish character for it”
In today's episode of ''Islamic Terrorists are Funny'', there's a lot of the usual bluster coming from the Hamas welfare syndicate addressing their intention to ''destroy the Zionist Enterprise™️''.

Falafel and coffee will be served after the more excitable of the Ummah’ists have been treated for their cuts, scrapes and minor burns following the setting of bonfires and general mayhem that is a part of these quaint rituals.

Hamas also vowed to confront normalization agreements between the Arab countries and Israel, dubbing them a “national sin that only serve the Zionist enterprise in the region.”

DECEMBER 14, 2020 20:11

Hamas members burn a coffin draped in an Israeli flag, rally marking 13th anniversary of Second Intifada, 2013 (photo credit: ABED RAHIM KHATIB/FLASH90)
Today, we can be cautiously optimistic that the endless on again-off again reconciliation talks will last about 10 minutes longer than the last ones.

Palestinian group Hamas has signalled readiness to resume talks for healing the inter-Palestinian rift with the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority (PA) government in the occupied West Bank.

I think the obvious solution for the intra-islamo hostilities is for caliber of weapons and volume of fire to decide who controls the UNRWA welfare fraud money.

Throw rocks. You're a hero for being a useful idiot.

I suspect the Fatah admonition toward rock throwing is directed at those islamo-youngsters who have been raised from birth to believe that they are useful only as cheap propaganda when the Israelis return fire after being attacked.

The Pally yutes - a disposable commodity.

Fatah: Throw rocks - “strike for the homeland”

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Dec 15, 2020

  • Fatah: “Peace starts from Palestine and war breaks out from Palestine”
  • “Allah’s mercy upon them” - Fatah’s best wishes for terrorist murderers
Facebook continues to serve Abbas’ Fatah Movement as a platform for encouraging Palestinians to use violence and terror and to fight Israel.
In anticipation of Fatah’s upcoming anniversary in January 1 - counted from Fatah’s first terror attack against Israel in 1965 – the movement posted the image above calling to “strike”:
Pally's have chosen to live and die by the musings of a 7th century Arab warlord who promised them the Allah god has provided a right to conquer and enslave. The principle of waqf adds the Allah God's promise of land conquered and lost by the Islamic invaders shall be retaken in gee-had. This is spelled out in the Hamas Charter.

Pally's - always making the wrong decisions and blaming others for their incompetence and failures.

Not long after Donald Trump assumed the presidency of the United States, he made overtures to the Palestinians in the hopes of brokering a peace deal. He invited the acting-President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, to the White House on May 3, 2017. They discussed tackling terrorism and building economic prosperity for Palestinian Arabs and the promise of working together to build a better future for the region.
Shortly thereafter, on May 23rd, President Trump visited Abbas in Bethlehem and reiterated the need to confront terrorism, “Peace can never take root in an environment where violence is tolerated, funded and even rewarded…. The terrorists and extremists, and those who give them aid and comfort, must be driven out from our society forever. This wicked ideology must be obliterated — and I mean completely obliterated — and innocent life must be protected.”
Oh, dear. Those Islamic terrorist reconciliation talks to unite Hamas and Fatah took a step back.

Several gunmen took part in the attack, one of the largest against a PA installation in the West Bank.

Unidentified gunmen carried out a shooting attack on Palestinian Authority headquarters in Jenin on Monday night. No one was hurt, but some offices and vehicles were damaged.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Oh, this just breaks my frigg'in heart.


Some People → are actually sick'n'tired of hearing about the rights of the Hostile and Violent Arab Palestinians (H/VAP) being violated or ignored. It is the social and political complexion of the H/VAP that has created the geopolitical environment they see today.

The H/VAP of the West Bank, Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip are NOT refugees. At least not in the sense of the Convention. And the fact that over a century ago, some political objectives of the Middle Eastern Arab Palestinians did not meet their "demands" is sort of a special cause for them to promote and incite terrorism and violence is now very much past the point of ridiculous. Even today, given the many opportunities the H/VAPs had to establish a functioning government, the H/VAPs still cannot speak with one voice and act like other civilized nations working for peace.

And let's be clear → it is now, and has been for more than seven decades, the H/VAPs that promoted the various levels of conflict. Since the end of the Mandate, the initiation of the various conflict events has been a product of the H/VAP and not the Israelis.

If people have an attitude towards the H/VAPs, and that spills over on to other Arab Palestinians, then it is important to remember all the vicious acts committed against the innocent since before the Palestinian terrorist group Black September Attack during the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich; as well as the many suicide bombings, airline highjackings and the attack on the MS Achille Lauro.

Maybe, if the Arab Palestinians straighten their act up, they will earn some respect. But "respect" is earned and not a "right."


Most Respectfully,
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