Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Dr. Ghazi Hussein wrote an article titled "Genocide and Racism in Zionist Thought and Practice"yesterday.

It includes such gems as this:
The historical roots of terrorism, genocide, extortion, greed, lies and Zionist crimes go back to the teachings established by the writers of the Talmudic Torah and to the founders of the Zionists who added European racism to Judaism, in particular German racism, so they replaced the Aryan in the theory of the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche with the Jew, "The Chosen People of God," for whom the world was created and for whom the world was created.

The Zionist entity proceeds from the teachings of Judaism, Zionism and Jewish settler colonialism to justify the practice of genocide, terrorism, racism and Jewish purity as a political doctrine and an official policy in dealing with the Arabs of Muslims and Christians and with Muslims and the rest of the non-Jews (goyim) in the world Thus, they raised the genocide to the level of religious sanctity.

Who is Ghazi Hussein?

He is an antisemite, even quoting the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and denying the Holocaust.

Yet that doesn't cause him to lose his position as the 82 year old legal advisor and head of administration in the political department of the Palestine Liberation Organization in Damascus.

If Palestinians are as against antisemitism as they claim, why is there not a single negative word about their own officials who regularly peddle Jew-hate?

(full article online)

Nothing says "Religion of Peace" like the Pal-Arab Death Cult

Betraying the vision and betraying the children:‎ DCI-Palestine promotes kids participation in terror and endorses PA brainwashing

Maurice Hirsch, Adv.‎ | Dec 16, 2020
  • While claiming to be a human rights organization that advocates for the rights of ‎Palestinian children, DCI-P:‎
  • Promotes the participation of Palestinian children in violence
  • Condones the PA brainwashing of the Palestinian children
  • Has invented a false narrative to condemn Israel while all the time ‎ignoring the widespread Palestinian abuse of their own children
Defense for Children International (DCI) is an internationally recognized, non-‎governmental organization (NGO) that engages in child advocacy. According to its ‎website, the vision of the organization is “that children, as human beings, are able to ‎pursue a life in which they can enjoy their human rights with dignity, in a just and ‎responsible society.”‎
The “Palestine” section of DCI (DCI-P) is not only betraying the vision of its ‎international umbrella organization, but more outrageously, it is betraying the children ‎on whose behalf they are meant to be advocating.

Promoting participation in violence
While it is clearly not in the best interest of any child to participate in the commission of ‎criminal offences, it is certainly not in the best interest of any child to participate in acts ‎of terror.

But for DCI-P, this universal reality seems to be irrelevant. Instead of advocating that ‎the Palestinian children be removed entirely from the equation of participating in acts ‎of terror, DCI-P’s Accountability Program Director, Ayed Abu Qteish, condoned and ‎romanticized Palestinian children’s involvement in terror. According to Abu Qteish, it is ‎the “children’s right” to participate in a “non-violent march” even if the child throws rocks at ‎Israeli security officials or Israeli civilians. ‎

‎“All the cases of Palestinian children being killed – It is the children’s right to ‎participate in non-violent marches, and it is their right to articulate and express ‎their opinion… When the Palestinian children participate in a march or ‎demonstration or throw a rock, the most important aspect is the symbolic aspect ‎of this issue. The symbolism in that we are rejecting and resisting this ‎occupation.”‎
[Official PA TV, Palestine This Morning, Nov. 21, 2020]‎
Gee whiz. The Pally’s are a bit miffed that the Israeli government is going to provide COVID vaccines to its citizens as opposed to the entitled Islamic terrorists wanting to destroy the Zionist Enterprise™️

That’s so... you know... racist, maybe even islamophobic.

I suppose there are difficult choices to make in life. The Hamas and Fatah terrorist leadership can’t be expected to spend their UNRWA welfare money on medical care for their minions when that money can be directed to their personal fortunes.

Israel will begin rolling out a major coronavirus vaccination campaign next week after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reached out personally to the head of United States pharmaceutical giant Pfizer.

But millions of Palestinians living under Israeli control will have to wait much longer.
Comedy gold.

The bluster from the Islamic terrorist settlers is the usual “our land” when history clearly shows that Ottoman Turk controlled land eventually fell under control of the British Mandate.

PA: All Israel is “our land Palestine”; All Israelis are settlers; Israel's demise is certain

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Dec 17, 2020

  • PA: All Israel is “our land Palestine” – including Safed, Haifa, Acre, and Jaffa
  • Israelis living in Haifa, Jaffa, and Be’er Sheva are “settlers”
  • Palestinians have “natural right” to “fight in Haifa, Jaffa, and Be’er Sheva”
  • “The occupation (i.e., Israel) is nearing its end”
In two recent broadcasts, the PA reiterated its internal narrative that it tries to hide from the international community: All of Israel is Palestinian land - including Safed, Haifa, Acre, and Jaffa:
An unexpected move on behalf of a Canadian court. Welcome news that Islamic terrorist enablers are held accountable.

Canadian Federal Court Rejects Refugee Status Application of Palestinian Who Facilitated Terror Payments


Schedule of payments made by Palestinian Authority to terrorists jailed in Israeli prisons. Photo: Palestinian Media Watch.

In a landmark decision, Canada’s Federal Court has denied a Palestinian grandmother’s application for refugee status because of her work for a foundation that financed so-called “martyr payments” to the families of Palestinian terrorists convicted of murdering Israelis.
Oh, I don't know. After decades of failure, why would change be an appropriate response?

Egyptian Journalist: Time Has Come for Palestinian Brothers, Their Political Elite to Rethink Things
For a frame of reference, the Great Satan™️ showered the Pally Islamic terrorists with a minimum of $357 million in fun-money during 2016. That money was used as rewards for Islamic terrorists with lots of money left over for the personal bank accounts of the Islamic terrorist leadership.

That has since stopped.

The Palestinian Authority’s legislation and allocations of monthly salaries and benefits rewarding imprisoned and released terrorists, and the families of “Martyrs,” amount to $300 million annually. This financial reward clearly demonstrates the PA’s institutional commitment to sponsoring terror against Israel.
One of the real problems with PC culture and one of its side effects; identity politics, is that people such as Rashida Tlaib with no real qualifications for the office she holds and a political-religious agenda that is consumed by Jew hatred finds a congressional seat she has no business occupying.

Rep. Guy Reschenthaler called for Rep. Rashida Tlaib to be removed from her congressional committees, saying she engaged in a “disturbing pattern of anti-Semitism” in recent weeks.
Load of hooey.
Hurt feelings?
What anti-Semitism was this guy blabbering about?
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The Ummah’s kids. Aren’t they so cute? The next generation of Death Cultists learning the way of the gee-had.

Palestinian kids taught to identify as “refugees” about to “return” to Israeli cities

Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus | Dec 1, 2020

12-year-old Palestinian boy:
“The Jews stole our land”
“Every day, every minute I imagine that I’m in Lod (i.e., Israeli city)”
“I will return and liberate Palestine”
“Of course we will return and live in those houses”

Palestinian children who were born decades after Israel’s establishment in 1948 and decades after the Oslo Accords peace agreement are being educated by the PA to envision themselves as residents of the cities “stolen by the Jews,” and as “refugees” temporarily living in the Palestinian territories. They are brought up to believe that in the future they will “liberate Palestine” and live in a world with no Israel.
are being educated by the PA to envision themselves as residents of the cities “stolen by the Jews,” and as “refugees” temporarily living in the Palestinian territories.
Where is this incorrect?
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