Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Mahmoud Abbas' annual Christmas message wasn't quite as obsessively about Israel as usual, but what he did say was offensive.

We face every day the policies of the Israeli occupation and its aggressive practices against our Islamic and Christian sanctities, the most recent of which was the attack on the Church of the Gethsemane in Jerusalem, in addition to the attacks on the Al-Aqsa Mosque, persecution, repression, and the herds of settlers.
He is blaming the arson attack on the church on Israel altogether.

He is saying Jews must be banned from visiting their holiest site.

He is claiming that Israel specifically attacks Christian and Muslim sites, trying to incite a religious war.

Despite all of this, we are steadfast, and are confident of victory and freedom, as we deserve justice for our cause, a decent life for our people and the end of the occupation, and our people gained their freedom and independence in their own state and whose capital is East Jerusalem, a state that is not separated by the racist walls of that holy city
.He is calling the separation barrier a "racist wall" - perhaps because it saves lives.

(full article online)

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

BLUF: Mahmoud Abbas
[ President of the Palestinian National Authority (PA), the (so-called) State of Palestine, and Chairman of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) ] has a history → a past pattern of behavior that [as a head of state (per se)] which demonstrates a consistent pattern of political speech designed to provoke threats to the peace and encourage breaches of the peace.

Mahmoud Abbas' annual Christmas message wasn't quite as obsessively about Israel as usual, but what he did say was offensive.

He is blaming the arson attack on the church on Israel altogether.

He is saying Jews must be banned from visiting their holiest site.

He is claiming that Israel specifically attacks Christian and Muslim sites, trying to incite a religious war.

He is calling the separation barrier a "racist wall" - perhaps because it saves lives.

Arab Palestinians like Mahmoud Abbas have lost their sense of "Right and Wrong." They have misplaced their "morals and ethics." And the Arab Palestinians believe that the "political ends" that they pursue are inherent justification to employ any and all means that they use.

But, what is truly a footprint in Abbas's pattern of behavior is that he simply cannot express a festive and celebratory message consistent with the spirit of Christmas. Everything with him is a struggle that the Arab Palestinians
(even after three-quarters of a century) without the advocacy that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility, or violence.

The Arab Palestinians simply do not understand the concepts of this season
(Christmas & New Years) → when family, friends, and loved ones → even those we struggled with throughout the year → come together if just for the time it takes to deliver a positive Christmas message.


Most Respectfully,
In today’s episode of “Mr. Mufti says”, we see another example of the abiding respect for women that is a part of Arab-Moslem’ism.

Top PA religious official prohibits women from traveling without a male relative

Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Dec 27, 2020

Although the PA likes to present itself as a secular authority, its religious leaders use the official PA TV station to demand a male-dominated society, in which women must be obedient to their husbands as part of their obligation under Islam.

The PA’s Grand Mufti - who was appointed by PA Chairman Abbas himself - was asked on his weekly TV program if a man’s wife is allowed to travel to Dubai with her daughters without a male relative accompanying them. The PA’s top religious official answered that she is not. She would have to be accompanied by “a man from her family”:
Official PA TV host: “The first question is that his wife wants to travel to Dubai with her daughters without the presence of an accompanying man from her family – is this allowed?”
PA Mufti Muhammad Hussein: “There has to be an accompanying man from her family on the trip.”
[Official PA TV, Fatwa, Dec. 16, 2020]
learning something new every day. It seems there is something of a game of oneupsmanship played out among the various Islamic terrorism franchises in the Pally turf wars. Who has the bigger gee-had is played out among the Koran-addled sociopaths.

New Study Evaluates Major Drivers of Palestinian Terrorism

Palestinian terrorist attacks are not driven solely by the desire to kill as many Israelis as possible. Sometimes, the intent is to provoke a harsh Israeli response. Other times, the aim is to shore up public support or outbid rival Palestinian factions.
In today’s episode of “Mr. Mufti says”, we see another example of the abiding respect for women that is a part of Arab-Moslem’ism.

Top PA religious official prohibits women from traveling without a male relative

Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Dec 27, 2020

Although the PA likes to present itself as a secular authority, its religious leaders use the official PA TV station to demand a male-dominated society, in which women must be obedient to their husbands as part of their obligation under Islam.

The PA’s Grand Mufti - who was appointed by PA Chairman Abbas himself - was asked on his weekly TV program if a man’s wife is allowed to travel to Dubai with her daughters without a male relative accompanying them. The PA’s top religious official answered that she is not. She would have to be accompanied by “a man from her family”:
Official PA TV host: “The first question is that his wife wants to travel to Dubai with her daughters without the presence of an accompanying man from her family – is this allowed?”
PA Mufti Muhammad Hussein: “There has to be an accompanying man from her family on the trip.”
[Official PA TV, Fatwa, Dec. 16, 2020]
What about Hannan Ashrawi, Janna Jihad, Leila el haddad, etc,. etc,. etc.?

The biggest restriction on travel is Israel.
In today’s episode of “Mr. Mufti says”, we see another example of the abiding respect for women that is a part of Arab-Moslem’ism.

Top PA religious official prohibits women from traveling without a male relative

Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Dec 27, 2020

Although the PA likes to present itself as a secular authority, its religious leaders use the official PA TV station to demand a male-dominated society, in which women must be obedient to their husbands as part of their obligation under Islam.

The PA’s Grand Mufti - who was appointed by PA Chairman Abbas himself - was asked on his weekly TV program if a man’s wife is allowed to travel to Dubai with her daughters without a male relative accompanying them. The PA’s top religious official answered that she is not. She would have to be accompanied by “a man from her family”:
Official PA TV host: “The first question is that his wife wants to travel to Dubai with her daughters without the presence of an accompanying man from her family – is this allowed?”
PA Mufti Muhammad Hussein: “There has to be an accompanying man from her family on the trip.”
[Official PA TV, Fatwa, Dec. 16, 2020]
What about Hannan Ashrawi, Janna Jihad, Leila el haddad, etc,. etc,. etc.?

The biggest restriction on travel is Israel.

What about Hannan Ashrawi, Janna Gee-had, etc., etc., etc?

Restrictions are required to prevent Islamic terrorist attacks.
In today’s episode of “Mr. Mufti says”, we see another example of the abiding respect for women that is a part of Arab-Moslem’ism.

Top PA religious official prohibits women from traveling without a male relative

Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Dec 27, 2020

Although the PA likes to present itself as a secular authority, its religious leaders use the official PA TV station to demand a male-dominated society, in which women must be obedient to their husbands as part of their obligation under Islam.

The PA’s Grand Mufti - who was appointed by PA Chairman Abbas himself - was asked on his weekly TV program if a man’s wife is allowed to travel to Dubai with her daughters without a male relative accompanying them. The PA’s top religious official answered that she is not. She would have to be accompanied by “a man from her family”:
Official PA TV host: “The first question is that his wife wants to travel to Dubai with her daughters without the presence of an accompanying man from her family – is this allowed?”
PA Mufti Muhammad Hussein: “There has to be an accompanying man from her family on the trip.”
[Official PA TV, Fatwa, Dec. 16, 2020]
What about Hannan Ashrawi, Janna Jihad, Leila el haddad, etc,. etc,. etc.?

The biggest restriction on travel is Israel.

What about Hannan Ashrawi, Janna Gee-had, etc., etc., etc?

Restrictions are required to prevent Islamic terrorist attacks.
Israeli BS. Ashrawi is a Christian.
In today’s episode of “Mr. Mufti says”, we see another example of the abiding respect for women that is a part of Arab-Moslem’ism.

Top PA religious official prohibits women from traveling without a male relative

Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Dec 27, 2020

Although the PA likes to present itself as a secular authority, its religious leaders use the official PA TV station to demand a male-dominated society, in which women must be obedient to their husbands as part of their obligation under Islam.

The PA’s Grand Mufti - who was appointed by PA Chairman Abbas himself - was asked on his weekly TV program if a man’s wife is allowed to travel to Dubai with her daughters without a male relative accompanying them. The PA’s top religious official answered that she is not. She would have to be accompanied by “a man from her family”:
Official PA TV host: “The first question is that his wife wants to travel to Dubai with her daughters without the presence of an accompanying man from her family – is this allowed?”
PA Mufti Muhammad Hussein: “There has to be an accompanying man from her family on the trip.”
[Official PA TV, Fatwa, Dec. 16, 2020]
What about Hannan Ashrawi, Janna Jihad, Leila el haddad, etc,. etc,. etc.?

The biggest restriction on travel is Israel.

What about Hannan Ashrawi, Janna Gee-had, etc., etc., etc?

Restrictions are required to prevent Islamic terrorist attacks.
Israeli BS. Ashrawi is a Christian.
Has nothing to do with Israel restricting Pals from acts of Islamic terrorism.
Under the glaring light of criticism that exposes the Pally’s as sponsors / enablers of Islamic terrorism, people are taking notice.

PMW’s initiative edges closer to ending the PA’s terror reward payments

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Dec 28, 2020
  • Israeli anti-terror law that defines PA salary payments to terrorists as a criminal offence due to come into force on December 31, 2020.
  • In an attempt to temporarily circumvent the law, the PA is planning to pay terrorists 3 months’ salary in advance - before the new law takes effect
On Dec. 31, the provisions of Israel’s Anti-Terror Law that outlaw financial remuneration as a reward for the commission of terror crimes, comes into force in Judea and Samaria) i.e., the West Bank), including in the areas under the control of the Palestinian Authority. The new law provides an additional source to define the PA salary payments to the terrorist prisoners and released terrorists as illegal payments.

The 2016 Israeli Anti-Terror Law was first adopted in Judea and Samaria in February 2020 and was set to come into force on May 9. According to the provision, any person who carries out a transaction with property that “supports, promotes, funds or rewards” the commission of defined terror crimes, will be subject to a prison sentence of up to seven to 10 years (depending on the nature or severity of the offence for which the property was given).
It seems the Arabs-Moslems calling themselves "Pals'' are having a difficult time resolving their abandonment as the center of the Arab-Moslem universe, Morocco seeking to normalize ties with Israel is an apparent disruption to the Pal-centric universe.

"Doesn’t serve Palestinians’: Israel-Morocco to normalise ties
I certainly hope the EU will acknowledge their responsibility to shower the Pals with more welfare money so the Pals can, you know, waste more EU welfare money.

Allah ain't liken' no music... and no parties. Music is a gateway activity to parties.

Palestinians vandalize EU-funded site to protest music party.

Abandoned for many years, the site previously served as a center for the rehabilitation of drug addicts from east Jerusalem and the West Bank
With nothing better to do with their welfare money, Hamas thought it would be a good idea to litter the sea by firing rickets and watching them splash in the water.

I suspect it was meant to impress the Mullocrats in Iran.

When welfare money grows on the welfare fraud tree and you have nothing better to do, it adds some excitement to your day, I suppose.

Gaza City, Palestinian Territories — The Gaza Strip’s rulers Hamas fired rockets into the sea on Monday after repeated exchanges of fire with Israel in recent days, Palestinian security sources and eyewitnesses said.

At least eight rockets were seen in the sky, heading toward the Mediterranean Sea, said AFP journalists in the coastal strip, which has been under Israeli blockade for more than a decade.

The interior ministry of the Palestinian enclave under Hamas control since 2007 referred to “an act of resistance”.

The rockets were a “message” to Israel to let it know that armed groups in Gaza will not “remain silent” in the face of an Israeli blockade and “aggression”, a source close to Hamas told AFP.ISRAEL

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a “pledge to Allah” that Fatah “will never leave”:

Why leave when the welfare money keeps flowing? I suppose Allah likes his welfare as much as the Islamic terrorists.

But wait, I thought we were lectured that “it’s not about religion”? That’s strange when the Islamic terrorists tell us differently in both words and actions.

Terror, Terror, Terror – remains Fatah’s motto for 2021

Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Dec 29, 2020

  • Fatah publishes video from terror rally
Abbas’ Fatah movement released a video this week of one of last year’s terror parades. While Fatah usually marches every year around January 1st to celebrate the movement’s first terror attack in 1965, possible COVID-19 restrictions that will prevent such marches might have made Fatah decide to publish this video of one of last year’s parades. The 30-minute video shows a terror parade in the streets of Salfit. Fatah members/supporters parade with automatic rifles and guns. As background to the video, Fatah added a song with a “pledge to the revolution” – a “pledge to Allah” that Fatah “will never leave”:
Very much the reality in universities theses days. There are “assistant professors” who are qualified only to teach future Burger King employees (holding thousands of dollars in debt), for attending such things as “Africana Studies” programs.

I suppose an “Africana Studies” program would naturally include indoctrination in the ways of gee-had proctored by knuckleheads who might do better making a career move to Mcdonalds.

(December 1, 2020 / JNS) For Palestinians, the “major shift has to be to a politics of resistance; it has to be about alienating Israel,” stated Rutgers University assistant professor of Africana Studies Noura Erakat during a Nov. 17 Middle East Institute (MEI) panel webinar. The participants’ radicalism illustrated how the Palestinian national movement’s intellectual barrenness may stymy any foolish return to traditional Israeli-Palestinian peace processes by a future Biden administration.
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Say it ain’t so, Sami.

30 years ago, 70 years ago and the slogans, tirades and threats are as empty and tired then as now.


“The Zionist Entity™️


Just the highlights (or maybe lowlights), but can’t Ummah Intl. Inc., find some new slogans?

Nearly 30 years ago, Sami al-Arian stood before an audience in Chicago and made his radical ideology as clear as possible.

“The Quran is our constitution,” he bellowed. “Jihad is our path … Victory to Islam… Death to Israel… Revolution… revolution till the victory.”
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