Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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When the entire world FINALLY realizes that Palestinians celebrate and hand out sweets when Israelis are killed, support for the Palestinians, which is dwindling every day, will simply disappear.
More EU welfare money is being thrown at the Islamic terrorists.

Emir Abbas needs new shoes.

The EU is again helping the PA pay salaries to terrorists

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Dec 23, 2020
The PA Minister of Social Development, Ahmed Majdalani, announced that tomorrow, Dec. 24th, the PA will pay allowances to 115,000 poor families and that the European Union has contributed 54% of the cost of the benefits. In parallel, the head of the PA funded Commission of Prisonersā€™ Affairs, Qadri Abu Bakr, attempted to deflect the international criticism of the PAā€™s terror reward payments to Palestinian terrorists, claiming that the PA only pays the terrorists to ā€œensure a minimal standard of living.ā€

While it may seem logical to conclude that since the PA, for PR purposes, is now defining the terrorist prisonersā€™ families as people in need of social welfare, and since the EU is contributing 54% of the current social welfare benefits, the EU is directly contributing to the PA payment of terror rewards to terrorist prisoners. While this conclusion is false, the EU is, nonetheless, again providing the PA with the support it needs, in order to continue paying financial rewards to terrorist prisoners.

Announcing the intention to pay the allowances to the needy and the EU contribution, Majdalani explained:
ā€œOn Thursday [Dec. 24, 2020] the [PA] Ministry [of Social Development] will pay the allowances of the poor families who are benefiting from the cash transfer programā€¦ The amount of the allowances that will be transferred in this payment stands at 136,151,268 [Israeli] shekels, and 115,000 families will benefit from itā€¦
The [PA] governmentā€™s participation in this payment stands at 44% of the total amount, andā€¦ the European Union (EU) is participating at a rate of 56% of the total amount.ā€
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 21, 2020]
Itā€™s Wednesday so the Pallyā€™s have another active Twitter gee-had raging with about 100 tweets twits.

In terms of the overwhelming concentration on everything Israel that represents an OCD-obsession by the Islamic terrorists, denying Israelā€™s existence makes no sense.

A new campaign on social media platform Twitter appears to include more than one hundred pro-Palestinian accounts which are attacking posts about Israel by claiming that all of Israel is ā€œPalestine.ā€ This campaign was revealed by a post that I put up of a peacock in the Negev over the weekend. The hundred comments on the post are all similar and appear to be a network of Twitter accounts that are coordinated.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
āœā†’ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: This is the variation on the mantra: "River to the Sea."

In terms of the overwhelming concentration on everything Israel that represents an OCD-obsession by the Islamic terrorists, denying Israelā€™s existence makes no sense.

Numbers and targeted social media concentration on narrow topics is a very good strategy. We certainly cannot blame them for using a proven and successful propaganda technique.

That does not mean that it should be embraced their theme.

A new campaign on social media platform Twitter appears to include more than one hundred pro-Palestinian accounts that are attacking posts about Israel by claiming that all of Israel is ā€œPalestine.ā€ This campaign was revealed by a post that I put up of a peacock in the Negev over the weekend. The hundred comments on the post are all similar and appear to be a network of Twitter accounts that are coordinated.

The Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS), the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), the Palestinian National Liberation Movement (FATAH) āˆ« Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), and The al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade (just to name a few) all recite the very same mantra
(River to the Sea).

What I find rather interesting is the fact that the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) openly provoke or encourage and threaten to undermine the by supporting act of aggression. They do so in the open press as if the prohibitions on the advocacy that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility, or violence can be exercised without fear of criticism. "Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement believes that mass murder of children is "legitimate human struggle... that all human laws guarantee" - on condition that the murderers are Palestinians and the victims are Israelis."

This ideology has been refined and improved since the Arab Higher Committee first openly addressed it in early 1948. And with little change, has remained the backbone of their theme for three-quarters of a century.


Most Respectfully,


Your silly cut and paste YouTube videos are a hoot. I think terms become separated from their definitions at times. To associate the term ā€œdemocracyā€ with Islamic terrorist franchises which refuse basic norms of functioning societies, disallow elements such as rule of law and representative elections gives your YouTube videos a certain amount of sneering disbelief.
Oh, my. Slogans such as ā€œPeace Partnersā€ while driving along reading ā€œRoadmaps to Nowhereā€ has had remarkable success during the last 3 decades, /snert. Islamic terrorists presume an entitlement for killing, maiming, stabbing, etc., Israeli citizens, so letā€™s see how well that works during the next 3 decades.

The Palestinian Authority's foreign minister on Saturday urged Israel to return to talks based on a two-state solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, ahead of the transition to a new U.S. administration.
The Hamas Death Cult has issued an edict to their Cult followers.

Hamas Official Ahmad Kulab: It Is Forbidden for Muslims to Congratulate Christians on Christmas
I'll bet you didn't know this but Jesus was a prophet of Islamism, at least according to the alternate reality that is the Pal Authority.

Who was the Palestinian Jesus?
Dec 24, 2020

Who was the Palestinian Jesus? | PMW Analysis (palwatch.org)

According to the Palestinian Authority, Jesus was:
  • ā€œThe first Palestinianā€
  • ā€œThe first Palestinian Martyrā€
  • ā€œThe first Palestinian fida'i (self-sacrificing fighter)ā€
  • ā€œA Palestinian messengerā€
  • ā€œA Palestinian par excellenceā€
  • ā€œThe great grandfather of the Palestinian peopleā€
  • A prophet of Islam (not Christianity)
And accordingly:
  • Christmas is a Palestinian national holiday
The Palestinian Authority is desperate to create a Palestinian identity built on an ancient Palestinian history, even though none existed. PMW has shown that PA regularly falsely claims that it is a 5000-year-old nation, and regularly claims other peopleā€™s history to be its own. One of the striking examples of this is the PAā€™s falsely linking themselves to one of the most significant figures of all time, claiming that Jesus, a Jew from the nation of Judea, was actually a Palestinian.

This PA fairy-tale history is a repeating message, trumpeted even by the leaders of the Palestinian Authority. Saeb Erekat said Jesus was ā€œthe first Palestinian.ā€ Mahmoud Abbas spoke about ā€œJesusā€¦ a Palestinian messenger,ā€ and said that Christmas is a Palestinian holiday.ā€ Yasser Arafat said "Jesus was the first Palestinian Martyr.ā€ The official PA daily just this week wrote that ā€œJesusā€¦ was the first Palestinian fida'i (self-sacrificing fighter),ā€ and a PA diplomat even claimed that Palestinians are the descendants of Jesus: ā€œJesus ā€¦ was the great grandfather of the Palestinian people.ā€ And this morning on PA TV, the PA Government Spokesman Ibrahim Melhem, sent blessings to Christians on the ā€œholiday the birth of the Palestinian prophet Jesus the son of Mary.ā€

The top PA religious leaders likewise have adopted this myth, adding, based on Islamic claims, that Jesus preached not Christianity but Islam.
The Hamas Death Cult has issued an edict to their Cult followers.

Hamas Official Ahmad Kulab: It Is Forbidden for Muslims to Congratulate Christians on Christmas

a lot of liberal are very attracted to the islamic hate and violence, because they hate many of the same people
Gee, whiz. Somehow I think the Islamic scholar Yousuf, (nyuck, nyuck, soytin-lee), is not a lot of fun going out to yuck it up over a couple of beers.

In a Friday, November 27, 2020 sermon in Jerusalem that aired on the Hizb ut-Tahrir-affiliated Al-Waqiyah TV (Lebanon), Palestinian Islamic scholar Yousuf Makharzah said that the ā€œlibertine, whoringā€ Western culture has ā€œthrustā€ mankind into a world of bestiality

Another Islamic terrorist who will gee-had no more?

A suspect in the murder of Esther Horgen, who was killed in the northern West Bank in an alleged terrorist attack, was arrested in a joint operation by the Police, the IDF, and the Border Police on Thursday.

Horgen, a woman in her 50s, was found dead in the Rehan Forest, close to her home in the settlement of Tal Menashe, after she had been out jogging.
Another Islamic terrorist who will gee-had no more?

A suspect in the murder of Esther Horgen, who was killed in the northern West Bank in an alleged terrorist attack, was arrested in a joint operation by the Police, the IDF, and the Border Police on Thursday.

Horgen, a woman in her 50s, was found dead in the Rehan Forest, close to her home in the settlement of Tal Menashe, after she had been out jogging.
I love starting my day reading that another jihadist scum is in jail . Hopefully he gets locked up in a tiny shithole cell for the rest of his life.
Itā€™s not just Pally leaders who are failures. That label has to be shared by people who vote for and support them.

Palestinian Leaders Are 'Failures', Saudi Ex-Spy Chief Says After Abraham Accord Criticism
I suppose itā€™s time for the Pallyā€™s to demand more UNRWA welfare money while giving a pay raise to Islamic terrorists.

RAMALLAH, Saturday, December 26, 2020 (WAFA) - The situation with the pandemic in Palestine is catastrophic and is getting worse and more dangerous despite the stability of the epidemic curve in some governorates during the past days, while it remains the same in others, today warned Palestinian Ministry of Health spokesman Kamal al-Shakhra, who is also in charge of the corona file.
In the Islamic terrorist enclaves of Gaza and the West Bank, heroes are defined as Islamic terrorists who kill women and children. Itā€™s a mental illness that pervades both insular enclaves as it is a cradle to grave indoctrination.

DECEMBER 23, 2020 08:23
Terrorist Muhammad Daoud is being praised by the PA for murdering an innocent Israeli woman 34 years ago.

In 1987, Ofra Moses, a pregnant Israeli mother of four, and her five-year-old son Tal were murdered by a Palestinian terrorist. The perpetrator has since been praised as ā€œheroicā€ by the Palestinian Authority.
Aside from being a form of identity politics, Palestinianism is also a form of presumed entitlement.

Palestinianism is a form of identity politics intended to make Arab Palestinians think of themselves as victims of Israel, Jews and their supporters, and to promote terrorism.

Palestinianism is not a national movement. It is an anti-Jewish movement conceived and dedicated to opposing the right of the Jewish people to reestablish their historic homeland in Eretz Yisrael.
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