Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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When was there ever any ā€œPalā€™istanian landā€. What, exactly, is Palā€™istanian land?
That is the land inside Palestine's international borders.
What international borders?

You realize of course your nonsense claims about an imagined ā€œcountry of Palā€™istanā€ have been debunked dozens of times.

The ones I posted many times.

You need to keep up.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
āœā†’ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: When you say ā†’ "Palestinian Land" ā†’ you are not saying anything special.

I own my house and the property it sits on. My property is also located inside the sovereign territory of the United State. BUT, the US Government does not own my personal property.
Good point. Private ownership of land does not remove that land from the country. It is said that Jews bought land in Palestine. That did not remove that land from Palestine. It was still Palestinian land.

I was born in Pittsburgh PA. I am Appalachian by birth (Allegheny County, PA). My family owns property in Pittsburgh [301,048 (2018)]

Pittsburgh PA.png

But to say all that, doesn't change a thing. Most people in
Pittsburgh (the Capital of Appalachia) don't even realize they are Appalachian. And when you ask someone in Pittsburgh where the Capital is, they will chuckle and say ā†’ Harrisburg (the Capital of Pennsylvania). WHY? (RHETORICAL) Because Appalachia is NOT a "state" by itself; it is a territory. This just like the "New England" Territory (Boston is the Capital of both Massachusetts and New England); but, it is not a "state" either. There are advantages to being Appalachian (but let's not get into that). (TRIVIA: Guthrie is the Capital of the Oklahoma Territory.)

Palestine is NOT a "state
!" ā†’ At least NOT in the same sense as you use in your comment (supra)...


Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
āœā†’ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: When you say ā†’ "Palestinian Land" ā†’ you are not saying anything special.

I own my house and the property it sits on. My property is also located inside the sovereign territory of the United State. BUT, the US Government does not own my personal property.
Good point. Private ownership of land does not remove that land from the country. It is said that Jews bought land in Palestine. That did not remove that land from Palestine. It was still Palestinian land.

I was born in Pittsburgh PA. I am Appalachian by birth (Allegheny County, PA). My family owns property in Pittsburgh [301,048 (2018)]

But to say all that, doesn't change a thing. Most people in Pittsburgh (the Capital of Appalachia) don't even realize they are Appalachian. And when you ask someone in Pittsburgh where the Capital is, they will chuckle and say ā†’ Harrisburg (the Capital of Pennsylvania). WHY? (RHETORICAL) Because Appalachia is NOT a "state" by itself; it is a territory. This just like the "New England" Territory (Boston is the Capital of both Massachusetts and New England); but, it is not a "state" either. There are advantages to being Appalachian (but let's not get into that). (TRIVIA: Guthrie is the Capital of the Oklahoma Territory.)

Palestine is NOT a "state
!" ā†’ At least NOT in the same sense as you use in your comment (supra)...


Most Respectfully,
e!" ā†’ At least NOT in the same sense as you use in your comment (supra)...
Where did you get that opinion?

When was there ever any ā€œPalā€™istanian landā€. What, exactly, is Palā€™istanian land?
That is the land inside Palestine's international borders.
What international borders?

You realize of course your nonsense claims about an imagined ā€œcountry of Palā€™istanā€ have been debunked dozens of times.

The ones I posted many times.

You need to keep up.
You have never posted any links that support your claim to some imagined 'country of Pal'ustan'.
The Pally terrorists are infuriated because President Trump stopped the Islamic terrorist fun-money allowance.

Trump ā€œcloned from the genes of Hitler, Mussolini, and Balfourā€ā€“ op-ed in official PA daily

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Jan 4, 2021
  • Trump ā€œsuffers from multiple personality disorder, megalomania, and a racial superiority [complex]ā€
  • The White House = ā€œDubious place in which a global mafia gang dwellsā€ = ā€œThe Black Houseā€
The decision of US President Trump to pardon the four American security contractors who in 2007 killed 14 Iraqis in Baghdad (details below), served a regular columnist for the official PA daily as spring board to smear President Trump. Muwaffaq Matar, who is also a member of the Revolutionary Council of Abbasā€™ Fatah Movement, wrote that Trump is ā€œcloned from the genes of Hitler, Mussolini, and Balfourā€ and runs a ā€œmafia gangā€ in what he termed ā€œthe Black House.ā€ This alleged genetic heritage expresses itself in ā€œmultiple personality disorder, megalomania, and a racial superiority [complex]ā€:
ā€œThe White House during the term of [US] President [Donald] Trump has become a dubious place in which a global mafia gang dwells, which views itself as being in a position of ruling the worldā€¦
The only explanation for the announcement issued by Trumpā€™s Black House following his decision to pardon the perpetrators of the massacre [in Iraq in 2007]ā€¦ is that this man not only suffers from multiple personality disorder, megalomania, and a racial superiority [complex], but rather he also constitutes a mix of racism and a bloody colonialist mentality, which is embodied inside a human entity cloned from the genes of [Adolf] Hitler, [Benito] Mussolini, and [former British Foreign Secretary Arthur] Balfour!ā€
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 24, 2020]
Germany and Italy didn't exist as states or countries either.

Until when?

The idea of countries and nations is relatively recent.

Germany wasn't a country until 1871.


When did Palestine become a country?

Palestine was never a country.. It was a province of Syria from 500 BC.

Palestine was never a country..

Good to know. So why are we worried about a nationality invented by that gay Egyptian terrorist?

They were called Palestinians when I was a child... long before arafat.. circa 1950.. In fact, there were 50,000 in Saudi Arabia and many of them went to our church...

They were called Palestinians when I was a child..

You just admitted, it was never a country.

In fact, there were 50,000 in Saudi Arabia and many of them went to our church...

Which church in Saudi Arabia?

Catholic Mass, Non-denominational Protestant or Episcopalian services.

Which church? Name it.
The Myth Of Palestinian Arab Refugees Exposed

What a fruitcake. Why refugees leave is irrelevant.

Villagers attacked Israel while in their own villages.

Why 'refugees' (I believe you mean pre-refugees or 'refugees to be named a later date' or 'refugees to be named after the Arab armies told the, 'shoo, so we can begin our Jew killing') is certainly relevant.

When you whine about 'their villages', it's important to be accurate and identify that land occupied by Arabs-Moslems was formerly Turkish controlled territory. The Turks released all rights and title to the British Mandatory.

We further know that majority landowners under the Ottoman Turks were absentee landowners from Egypt, Syria and Lebanon.

How do we know this? Well, the Turkish government released Ottoman land records.

Even before 1917, Jewish and Zionist institutions had purchased large tracts of land in Palestine from absentee landlords, who lived mainly in Syria and Lebanon. These landlords had previously leased their property to local farmers, but were happy to sell it for the right price, without giving a thought to their tenant farmers. Nevertheless, Palestinians view these sales as more legitimate than those that took place during the British occupation that began in 1917.

Under Ottoman rule, a substantial portion of the land in Palestine was registered as state land. Some of this land was later sold or transferred to pre-state Jewish institutions. Other portions belonged to the Muslim waqf (religious trust), and these, according to Islamic law, cannot be sold. However, there was no orderly registration process; ownership was determined primarily using records such as tax payments.

The Ottoman Empire had a land rights system. Those rights could be bought, sold, or inherited.

Nobody in Israel owns any land. It is all leased. Does that mean they have no rights?

Nobody in Israel owns any land. It is all leased.

Interesting. Does anyone in Palestine own any land?

Yes. Palestinians own land.

In the imaginary ā€˜country of Pallyā€™landā€?

Have you ever been to Palestine or the Levant?

Iā€™m not clear on what you mean by ā€œPalestineā€. I have not been to either Gaza or the West Bank.

I mean Palestine as in the maps in every Bible before 1948. Back when they had their own stamps and currency.

July 1920

I mean Palestine as in the maps in every Bible before 1948.

My Bible doesn't have a map in it.

Back when they had their own stamps and currency.

What was their currency? Exchange rate? Who was in charge of their central bank?
That is the land inside Palestine's international borders.

Any agreements signed with their neighbors solidifying those borders?

Any agreements signed with Israel solidifying those borders?

Or is this your Alzheimer's acting up again?
Palestine's international borders are undisputed. There is no need for a treaty.
ā€œ... because I say so!ā€

It would follow that nonexistent ā€˜countryā€™ with nonexistent borders would have nonexistent treaties.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
āœā†’ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: You have seen the proof many, many, times.

You say something.
I ask you to prove it. You start dancing.

Memorandum "A"

2. After the 15th May, 1948, Palestine will continue to be a legal entity but it will still not be a sovereign state because it will not be immediately self-governing. The authority responsible for its administration will, however, have changed.

The important question you have to answer is: When did the Legal Entity become self-governing?

And I think you need to go back to school:
A negative proof (known classically as appeal to ignorance) is a logical fallacy which takes the structure of: X is true because there is no proof that X is false. In our case your implication is that "Palestine is a Country" because there is no proof it was not a country. You need to stop asking for "negative proof."
Terminology - Argumentation fallacies: Impossible to prove the non-existing [closed]


Most Respectfully,


  • 1609789914458.png
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In our case your implication is that "Palestine is a Country" because there is no proof it was not a country. You need to stop asking for "negative proof."
If you can't prove what you say, it is bullshit. If you can't prove it, don't say it.
In our case your implication is that "Palestine is a Country" because there is no proof it was not a country. You need to stop asking for "negative proof."
If you can't prove what you say, it is bullshit. If you can't prove it, don't say it.

If you can't prove what you say, it is bullshit.

I agree.

Palestine's international borders are undisputed.

Prove it.
That is the land inside Palestine's international borders.

Any agreements signed with their neighbors solidifying those borders?

Any agreements signed with Israel solidifying those borders?

Or is this your Alzheimer's acting up again?
Palestine's international borders are undisputed. There is no need for a treaty.
Have you emailed Mahmoud Abbas about the international borders you claim exist? He seems to be under the impression that Pallyā€™land is not a country. Itā€™s one of those annoying inconveniences that countries usually have borders. Maybe an email from you would clear up all the confusion.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
āœā†’ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: You are so full of bull! Like you say all the time, "Prove it." (Positive Proof or reasonable argument.)

Palestine's international borders are undisputed. There is no need for a treaty.

ā—ˆ At what time are you talking about?​
ā—ˆ Which Palestine sovereignty are you speaking of?​
ā—ˆ What Treaties?​


Most Respectfully,
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