Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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There’s an anniversary of sorts being celebrated by Fatah. Yes, it’s just what you would expect.

PA lauds Fatah’s terror history, glorifies mass murderers
Itamar Marcus | Jan 7, 2021

As part of the celebrations of Abbas’ Fatah Movement’s 56th anniversary, official PA TV broadcast a short video lauding and emphasizing Fatah’s terror history. While Abbas is heard speaking about Fatah’s “achievements,” the filler shows pictures of terrorists and mass murderers who participated or planned the most lethal terror attacks against Israel: Arch-terrorist Abu Jihad who planned the murder of at least 125; Dalal Mughrabi who led the murder of 37 civilians, among them 12 children; and Salah Khalaf who headed the Black September terror organization that carried out the massacre of the 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics in 1972”:
Also, you ignored my earlier questions about what specifically are Palestine’s borders (east, west, north, south)
Palestine has international borders with Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt as noted in the links I have posted many times and you never looked at.
How can those borders of ‘Palestine’ exist when currently Israel has internationally recognized borders with Jordan to the East and Egypt to the south ?
Also, you ignored my earlier questions about what specifically are Palestine’s borders (east, west, north, south)
Palestine has international borders with Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt as noted in the links I have posted many times and you never looked at.
How can those borders of ‘Palestine’ exist when currently Israel has internationally recognized borders with Jordan to the East and Egypt to the south ?
Good question. I am sure you won't look into it.
Also, you ignored my earlier questions about what specifically are Palestine’s borders (east, west, north, south)
Palestine has international borders with Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt as noted in the links I have posted many times and you never looked at.
How can those borders of ‘Palestine’ exist when currently Israel has internationally recognized borders with Jordan to the East and Egypt to the south ?
Good question. I am sure you won't look into it.

It's because Palestine isn't a country. Never was a country.
Doesn't have borders. Never had borders.
Also, you ignored my earlier questions about what specifically are Palestine’s borders (east, west, north, south)
Palestine has international borders with Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt as noted in the links I have posted many times and you never looked at.
How can those borders of ‘Palestine’ exist when currently Israel has internationally recognized borders with Jordan to the East and Egypt to the south ?
Good question. I am sure you won't look into it.

It's because Palestine isn't a country. Never was a country.
Doesn't have borders. Never had borders.
Unsubstantiated Israeli talking point.
Also, you ignored my earlier questions about what specifically are Palestine’s borders (east, west, north, south)
Palestine has international borders with Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt as noted in the links I have posted many times and you never looked at.
How can those borders of ‘Palestine’ exist when currently Israel has internationally recognized borders with Jordan to the East and Egypt to the south ?
Good question. I am sure you won't look into it.

It's because Palestine isn't a country. Never was a country.
Doesn't have borders. Never had borders.
Unsubstantiated Israeli talking point.

Substantiate your claim.
Also, you ignored my earlier questions about what specifically are Palestine’s borders (east, west, north, south)
Palestine has international borders with Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt as noted in the links I have posted many times and you never looked at.
How can those borders of ‘Palestine’ exist when currently Israel has internationally recognized borders with Jordan to the East and Egypt to the south ?
Good question. I am sure you won't look into it.
The question has been addressed and answered for you dozens of times. There are no borders to any imaginary 'country of Pallyland',

It seems you're having problems dealing with a reality based worldview.
Also, you ignored my earlier questions about what specifically are Palestine’s borders (east, west, north, south)
Palestine has international borders with Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt as noted in the links I have posted many times and you never looked at.
How can those borders of ‘Palestine’ exist when currently Israel has internationally recognized borders with Jordan to the East and Egypt to the south ?
Good question. I am sure you won't look into it.

It's because Palestine isn't a country. Never was a country.
Doesn't have borders. Never had borders.
Unsubstantiated Israeli talking point.

Substantiate your claim.
You first.
Also, you ignored my earlier questions about what specifically are Palestine’s borders (east, west, north, south)
Palestine has international borders with Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt as noted in the links I have posted many times and you never looked at.
How can those borders of ‘Palestine’ exist when currently Israel has internationally recognized borders with Jordan to the East and Egypt to the south ?
Good question. I am sure you won't look into it.

It's because Palestine isn't a country. Never was a country.
Doesn't have borders. Never had borders.
Unsubstantiated Israeli talking point.

Substantiate your claim.
You first.

It's because Palestine isn't a country. Never was a country.
Doesn't have borders. Never had borders.

If you have proof it is or was,
that it does or did.......

Post it up, buttercup.
Also, you ignored my earlier questions about what specifically are Palestine’s borders (east, west, north, south)
Palestine has international borders with Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt as noted in the links I have posted many times and you never looked at.
How can those borders of ‘Palestine’ exist when currently Israel has internationally recognized borders with Jordan to the East and Egypt to the south ?
Good question. I am sure you won't look into it.
It was a rhetorical question . Palestine does not have borders, yet Israel has internationally recognized borders. I almost feel bad for you for not being able to accept the truth. Almost...
Also, you ignored my earlier questions about what specifically are Palestine’s borders (east, west, north, south)
Palestine has international borders with Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt as noted in the links I have posted many times and you never looked at.
How can those borders of ‘Palestine’ exist when currently Israel has internationally recognized borders with Jordan to the East and Egypt to the south ?
Good question. I am sure you won't look into it.

It's because Palestine isn't a country. Never was a country.
Doesn't have borders. Never had borders.
Unsubstantiated Israeli talking point.

Substantiate your claim.
You first.

It's because Palestine isn't a country. Never was a country.
Doesn't have borders. Never had borders.

If you have proof it is or was,
that it does or did.......

Post it up, buttercup.
You first.
Also, you ignored my earlier questions about what specifically are Palestine’s borders (east, west, north, south)
Palestine has international borders with Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt as noted in the links I have posted many times and you never looked at.
How can those borders of ‘Palestine’ exist when currently Israel has internationally recognized borders with Jordan to the East and Egypt to the south ?
Good question. I am sure you won't look into it.
It was a rhetorical question . Palestine does not have borders, yet Israel has internationally recognized borders. I almost feel bad for you for not being able to accept the truth. Almost...
usually palistine supporters are dangerous fanatics who hate jews
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, toastman, et al,

BLUF: The confusion rests with what is meant by "Palestine" as one question? Another confusion rests in who are the parties to the Agreements our friend "P F Tinmore is talking about?.

Also, you ignored my earlier questions about what specifically are Palestine’s borders (east, west, north, south)
Palestine has international borders with Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt as noted in the links I have posted many times and you never looked at.
How can those borders of ‘Palestine’ exist when currently Israel has internationally recognized borders with Jordan to the East and Egypt to the south ?
Good question. I am sure you won't look into it.

As you will note, from the first "stared reference" below, the period of 1919 thru 1921 was a very furious period of activity by the Allied Powers. Prior to the Armistice of Mudros (1918)
(or for that matter, named within the Armistice), the designation of Palestine was not used at all. While there might have been an undocumented region known as "Palestine," there was no political subdivision as such (and just as obvious no official boundaries).

Ottoman Administrative Divisions.png

After the Treaty of Mudros effectively marked the end of hostilities across the entirety of the Middle East. The Allied Powers, which began to militarily occupy the landscape in 1917, had created The Occupied Enemy Territory Administration (OETA) which assumed the responsibility for the entirety of the region with the Mudros Armistice (1918). And in 1919 the Paris Peace Talks began and the Supreme Council of the Allied Powers began to shape the post-War efforts moving forward. The territory which our friend P F Tinmore calls "Palestine" was the name brought into common use by the Allied Powers (particularly the UK and France). And thus, the boundaries between the Mandates created by the 1920 San Remo decisions were between the UK and France in the north. The eastern boundaries were distinguished by two mandates covering Palestine and Mesopotamia, and to the south between Palestine and Egypt.

NOTE: When Lord Balfour wrote, in November 1917, "His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people," the region or territory of Palestine had not been defined. It was still in the conceptual stages. The Paulet–Newcombe Agreement (formalizing the boundaries between the Mandates) was not made until 1923, and recorded in Treaty #564 noted in the first stared reference note below.

The "Palestine boundaries" that our friend P F Tinmore is mentioning were those mentioned in the first stared reference below. In 1920, the Mandate crafted by the Supreme Council of the Allied Powers titled the authority their Mandate for Palestine, as agreed to by the Principal Allied Powers and noted in the opening sentence of the Preamble of the Mandate. Up and until the conclusion of the San Remo Conference, militarily, the region was known as "The Occupied Enemy Territory" and administered under that name (the British Military Campaign was named "Palestine"). When the Civilian Administration supplanted July 1920, following the decisions of the Supreme Council that April, the UK Privy Council the following August issued the "Palestine Order in Council" in which the opening paragraph stated: "The limits of this Order are the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies, hereinafter described as Palestine."

As noted in the Memorandum "A" A/AC.21/UK/42 LEGAL MEANING OF THE “TERMINATION OF THE MANDATE” 25 February 1948, "Palestine" was a "legal entity" and NOT self-governing.


Golan Heights Law
Jordan-Israeli Peace Treaty(1994) •
✪ The nationality does not set the boundaries. It is the boundaries that set the nationalities. And the Allied Powers set the boundaries. " Syria was set by the "frontier described in Article 8 of the Franco-Turkish Agreement of the 20th October 1921." From that point, the Mandate boundaries that partitioned Syria were determined between France and Great Britain (Treaty # 564). Treaty #564 is the Franco-British Convention of 23 December 1920. It is this Convention that documents the settlement of problems raised by the attribution connected with the French Mandates for Syria and Lebanon, as they relate to the Mandates for Palestine and Mesopotamia."
✪ Like solutions in Mathematics, some political determination reaches a point where they cannot be simplified any further. As I noted in an earlier discussion, the entirety of these Treaties and Agreements have all been overtaken by events through the decisions outlined in documents I mentioned in Posting #631 of this thread.


Most Respectfully,
the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies
the establishment in Palestine
There can't be a Mandate For Palestine if there is no Palestine. Balfour recognizes the existence of Palestine. The Treaty of Lausanne called it a state. The League of Nations called it a state. Various court rulings called it a state. The US had a trade agreement with Palestine in 1932.

The liars in Israel says that Palestine is not a state with no evidence to back up that claim.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, toastman, et al,

BLUF: If there is someone here now that is intentionally disseminating misinformation, it certainly is NOT Israel.

the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies
the establishment in Palestine
There can't be a Mandate For Palestine if there is no Palestine. Balfour recognizes the existence of Palestine. The Treaty of Lausanne called it a state. The League of Nations called it a state. Various court rulings called it a state. The US had a trade agreement with Palestine in 1932.

The liars in Israel says that Palestine is not a state with no evidence to back up that claim.

The Arab Palestinians are absolutely separate to establish some validity that, prior to the end of the Mandate, there was a "State of Palestine."

Governments don't write memo's that say something did not exist; except in very rare occasions.

In Posting #18,224 - the was a discussion on the use of "Regional names."

In Posting #18234 - there was a discussion on the use of "negative proofs" and the fallacy behind them.

I am beginning to believe that you don't have any proof that "Palestine" was ever a "self-governing" state. Other then the rediculous attempt to use Article 30 - Natalization,

A negative proof (known classically as appeal to ignorance) is a logical fallacy which takes the structure of: X is true because there is no proof that X is false. In our case your implication is that "Palestine is a Country" because there is no proof it was not a country. You need to stop asking for "negative proof."​


Most Respectfully,
Also, you ignored my earlier questions about what specifically are Palestine’s borders (east, west, north, south)
Palestine has international borders with Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt as noted in the links I have posted many times and you never looked at.
How can those borders of ‘Palestine’ exist when currently Israel has internationally recognized borders with Jordan to the East and Egypt to the south ?
Good question. I am sure you won't look into it.

It's because Palestine isn't a country. Never was a country.
Doesn't have borders. Never had borders.
Unsubstantiated Israeli talking point.

Substantiate your claim.
You first.

It's because Palestine isn't a country. Never was a country.
Doesn't have borders. Never had borders.

If you have proof it is or was,
that it does or did.......

Post it up, buttercup.
You first.


I don't see any borders with Palestine or of Palestine.
the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies
the establishment in Palestine
There can't be a Mandate For Palestine if there is no Palestine. Balfour recognizes the existence of Palestine. The Treaty of Lausanne called it a state. The League of Nations called it a state. Various court rulings called it a state. The US had a trade agreement with Palestine in 1932.

The liars in Israel says that Palestine is not a state with no evidence to back up that claim.

There can't be a Mandate For Palestine if there is no Palestine.

And since there is no longer a Mandate for Palestine, we agree there is no longer a Palestine.
I am beginning to believe that you don't have any proof that "Palestine" was ever a "self-governing" state.
Nice attempt at deflection. Occupied states are not self governing because the are under foreign military control.

States do not cease to exist when they are under occupation.
the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies
the establishment in Palestine
There can't be a Mandate For Palestine if there is no Palestine. Balfour recognizes the existence of Palestine. The Treaty of Lausanne called it a state. The League of Nations called it a state. Various court rulings called it a state. The US had a trade agreement with Palestine in 1932.

The liars in Israel says that Palestine is not a state with no evidence to back up that claim.

There can't be a Mandate For Palestine if there is no Palestine.

And since there is no longer a Mandate for Palestine, we agree there is no longer a Palestine.
A state does not need a Mandate to exist.
the territories to which the Mandate for Palestine applies
the establishment in Palestine
There can't be a Mandate For Palestine if there is no Palestine. Balfour recognizes the existence of Palestine. The Treaty of Lausanne called it a state. The League of Nations called it a state. Various court rulings called it a state. The US had a trade agreement with Palestine in 1932.

The liars in Israel says that Palestine is not a state with no evidence to back up that claim.

There can't be a Mandate For Palestine if there is no Palestine.

And since there is no longer a Mandate for Palestine, we agree there is no longer a Palestine.
There can't be a Mandate For Palestine if there is no Palestine.

A state does not need a Mandate to exist.

An imaginary state doesn't need borders.
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