Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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The Islamic terrorists in the PA are in a bit of a oneupsmanship game with the Islamic terrorists in Hamas as they screech about their hoped-for destruction of Israel.

Watching the collection of Islamic terrorist misfits surviving on international welfare while making such cheap threats is truly pathetic.

PA presents the PLO Charter as currently calling for Israel's destruction

Itamar Marcus and Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Mar 16, 2021
PA TV filler cites the PLO Charter presenting the destruction of Israel as “self – defense” and hides that it was supposed to have been amended
  • The 1964 PLO Charter calls for the destruction of Israel.
  • A PA TV educational filler presents sections of the Charter calling for Israel's destruction, saying Israel exists on Palestinian “stolen homeland,” and that fighting to destroy Israel is “necessitated by self-defense.”
  • It makes no mention of the Oslo Accords or the ensuing major changes that should have been made to the Charter, that contradict all the clauses the filler presents.
  • The current actions and ideology of the PA regularly reflect those provisions of the PLO Charter that PA TV chose to highlight.
Gee whiz.

$181 million dollars worth of welfare money sure buys a lot of Islamic terrorist hate and retrogression.

Prisoners’ affairs chief tells ToI as much as $181 million paid in 2020; PA payments to security prisoners, terrorists’ families, has brought international criticism

Relatives of Palestinians held in Israeli jails hold their portraits during a protest to mark Prisoners Day in the West Bank city of Ramallah, April 7, 2019. (AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed)
The 1964 PLO Charter calls for the destruction of Israel.
Just words.

Meanwhile, Israel is using its mooched money to wipe Palestine off the map.

Israel is the mooch capital of the world.

Nonsense. Actions speak with the utmost clarity. "Just words" is the usual attempt to sidestep and dodge the actions of the Pally Death Cult which demonstrate their clearly defined intentions toward the Israeli people. "Just words" is pleading ignorance to the reality of threats and actions perpetrated in furtherance of the Islamic gee-had.

It's hilarious that a Pally Pom Pom flailer would hurl the "mooch" slogan. The dollar value of the Pally welfare fraud is staggering, especially considering how much of that welfare money has been squandered.
D for Death - D for Dalal

There was quite the Islamic terrorist love-fest taking place in that part of the world occupied by Islamic terrorist enablers.

Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus | Mar 18, 2021

The PA piles honors on terrorist Dalal Mughrabi
who led the most lethal terror attack in Israel's history
- the Coastal Road massacre -
in which 37 were murdered, among them 12 children

  • PA and Fatah: Mass murderer of children is a“the symbol of the Palestinian revolution” and “a guiding light”
  • “Dalal Mughrabi… shocked Israel to its foundations”
  • PA exaggerates “success,” claiming the “operation led to the death of hundreds killed and wounded on the Israeli side.”
  • PA names square in Jenin after terrorist Mughrabi
  • PA official about Dalal Mughrabi Square: “to immortalize the memory of the heroic Martyr who carried out a daring self-sacrificing operation and watered the pure land of Palestine with her blood”
  • Honored also by PA TV, official Fatah Facebook, Fatah Nablus Facebook and the official PA daily
As you might have guessed, Arab-Moslem crimes against Arabs-Moslems is the fault of the Israelis.

The black hole of want and need that is the Pally condition means that they are forever child-like and unable to behave like grownups.

Some activists say the lack of action by Israeli police is intentional, and officers who deal with Palestinian-on-Palestinian crime see it as an internal familial or tribal issue.

However, according to the Umm al-Fahm protest movement, the role of the Israeli police has been deeply entrenched in fostering and encouraging organised and systemic crime in the Palestinian Arab community within Israel, for the purpose of “dividing our unity, tearing our social fabric, and confusing our political compass”.
Telling us what we already know.

It is refreshing to read some ''bottom line'' assessments on dealing with the Arabs-Moslems posing as ''Pal'istanians''. For all the time, effort and billions of dollars showered on the Pals, they simply refuse to accommodate some pretty simple demands to stop the thievery of international welfare money.

While Former President Trump’s administration did not realize peace between Israel and the PA, it did make significant advancements in the greater region with the signing of the Abraham Accords, a normalization agreement between Israel and several Arab countries: the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan. The main reason this peace was accomplished is because these countries have leaders who were finally convinced that peace with Israel was better for their own countries and the region, something the Palestinian Authority has been unwilling or unable to consider.

Israel has consistently proven that it desires peace as it has offered numerous concessions which were routinely rejected.

Unfortunately, leaders of the PA and Hamas don’t share the same yearning for peace and they have never aspired to improve the lives of their people.

These leaders have siphoned billions in humanitarian aid monies from the US, Europe and their Arab neighbors, and funneled these funds into manufacturing weapons to attack Israeli citizens, stipends to terrorists and their families as rewards for violence, and to line their own pockets.
Islamic terrorism can be hard work.

PMW initiative creates havoc for the PA Pay-for-Slay policy
Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Mar 17, 2021

PMW initiative creates havoc for the PA Pay-for-Slay policy | PMW Analysis (palwatch.org)
  • PA leadership in touch with the American administration, the EU, and Israeli authorities to solve problem with terror rewards and “find a solution that will allow the renewal of paying the salaries”
  • Part one of problem solved: PA’s creative scheme to circumvent Israeli anti-terror law and fool donors by making terrorist salaries look like ordinary salaries is well underway - released terrorists are already being incorporated into the PA security mechanisms
  • Part two of problem still unsolved: PA frantically trying to find way to pay imprisoned terrorists without being caught up in Israel's anti-terror legislation
  • PA TV repeats Abbas’ vow to pay terrorists no matter what – even “if we are left with only one penny”
According to the Director of the Palestinian Authority-funded PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs, Qadri Abu Bakr, the PA leadership is working closely with the US administration, the EU, and Israeli authorities to ensure that the PA will be able to pay the monthly salaries it pays to terrorist prisoners and released terrorists, via the banks in April. Abu Bakr added that dozens of employees in the commission are working - “even on vacation days” - to guarantee a solution is found to give the terrorists their rewards.
In an attempt to keep rewarding the misfit psychopaths created and supported by the PA, that particular islamic terrorist franchise is attempting to create a bureaucracy under which the bought and paid for killers can continue to be paid with international welfare money.

Palestinian Authority attempting to conceal terrorist stipends - report

Former terrorists will be recruited into the authority's security services as part of this program, which could jeopardize Israeli security and cooperation.
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