Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Israeli law says that it must reduce the amount paid by the same amount that the PA pays terrorists. Up until now, Israel's deduction was based on the salaries that the PA paid to terrorists in prison; Israel has now included the stipends the PA pays families of "martyrs" and those wounded during attacks.

According to Times of Israel, the PLO recently admitted that it pays about 50 million shekels a month in terrorist salaries, so this is more in line with the true total that the Palestinian leadership pays terrorists.

(full article online)

Today, the Joint Committee for Refugees closed all UNRWA service centers in the Gaza Strip for two consecutive days in protest, ensuring that no one gets food at all.

If they keep it up, UNRWA can save lots of money on food rations. Soon all recipients of food aid in Gaza can starve thanks to the people who pretend to defend them.

This is the sort of story that gets roundly ignored in the Western media, because Palestinians having reckless disregard for their own people isn't worth reporting on.

(full article online)

So, does this mean the Ummah’s girls don’t need permission from their masters to do a gee-had?

PA: Equal rights for women, means equal “right” to murder

Itamar Marcus | Mar 22, 2021
  • Top PA official Rajoub defends glorification of mass murderers as “stars”
Top PA official Jibril Rajoub has asserted that Fatah is a champion of equal rights for women. The proof is that the PA/Fatah also sends women, just as it sends men, to carry out murderous terror attacks:
“If we didn’t have a culture like this [of equal rights for women], would we have wanted Dalal Mughrabi to lead an operation like this (i.e., the most lethal attack in Israel's history in which 37 Israelis were murdered) and Fatima Barnawi (i.e., who placed a bomb in a movie theatre)?”
Around 2,000 pilgrims from the Palestinian territories, Israel and Jordan, some waving Palestinian flags, attend the mass as well as Abbas, who had a private audience with the pope on Saturday.

How can the so-called "Evangelical Christians" support the Anti-Christian Zionists in their fight against Palestinians, be these Palestinians Christians or Muslims?
There is no fight against the Palestinians, only against extremists.
What makes you think that Zionists are 'anti - Christian??? Because a small handful of religious Jews are racist, so all of them are?? Many Zionists are Christian BTW.. You are a massive bigot who is extremely uninformed and full of propaganda.

If the Zionist were not trying to commit genocide against the Palestinians, then why invade and occupy Jerusalem, which is out side the legal 1948 UN borders of Israel?
Why block all shipping and travel in and out of Palestine?
There are all criminal actions intent on starving Palestinians from their ancestral homes.
Islam teaches THE REJECTION OF THE TRINITARIAN CHRISTIAN VIEW THAT JESUS WAS GOD INCARNATE OR THE SON OF GOD. That means that Islam does not believe Jesus was the son of God.

Wrong, Muslims do not accept that Jesus was himself the God (Allah), but they accept that he was the son of God (Allah).

And Muslims are persecuting Christians in the Middle East as we speak.

Only those Muslims, that are supported or instigated by Zionists.

BTW, what about Jesus in the Talmud?
Why do you not comment on this issue?
Do Jews believe that Jesus was the son of God, like Muslims do?

Muslims do not believe Jesus was the son of God or God incarnate. Cannot you understand your own links? ISIS is not supported by Zionists. There are some derogatory messages about Jesus in the Talmud. So what? Jews are not killing Christians in the Middle East as we speak.

No sane or rational person believes that Jesus was the "son of God".
Gods do not have sex, so can't have progeny, if they exist at all.
Around 2,000 pilgrims from the Palestinian territories, Israel and Jordan, some waving Palestinian flags, attend the mass as well as Abbas, who had a private audience with the pope on Saturday.

How can the so-called "Evangelical Christians" support the Anti-Christian Zionists in their fight against Palestinians, be these Palestinians Christians or Muslims?
There is no fight against the Palestinians, only against extremists.
What makes you think that Zionists are 'anti - Christian??? Because a small handful of religious Jews are racist, so all of them are?? Many Zionists are Christian BTW.. You are a massive bigot who is extremely uninformed and full of propaganda.

If the Zionist were not trying to commit genocide against the Palestinians, then why invade and occupy Jerusalem, which is out side the legal 1948 UN borders of Israel?
Why block all shipping and travel in and out of Palestine?
There are all criminal actions intent on starving Palestinians from their ancestral homes.

why invade and occupy Jerusalem, which is out side the legal 1948 UN borders of Israel?

What country was Jerusalem in?

Why block all shipping and travel in and out of Palestine?

Because Palestine imports terror materials.
Around 2,000 pilgrims from the Palestinian territories, Israel and Jordan, some waving Palestinian flags, attend the mass as well as Abbas, who had a private audience with the pope on Saturday.

How can the so-called "Evangelical Christians" support the Anti-Christian Zionists in their fight against Palestinians, be these Palestinians Christians or Muslims?
There is no fight against the Palestinians, only against extremists.
What makes you think that Zionists are 'anti - Christian??? Because a small handful of religious Jews are racist, so all of them are?? Many Zionists are Christian BTW.. You are a massive bigot who is extremely uninformed and full of propaganda.

If the Zionist were not trying to commit genocide against the Palestinians, then why invade and occupy Jerusalem, which is out side the legal 1948 UN borders of Israel?
Why block all shipping and travel in and out of Palestine?
There are all criminal actions intent on starving Palestinians from their ancestral homes.

Oh, narly. You chucked in the genocide™ slogan.

First of all, the Hebrew tribes did NOT get to Jerusalem in 3000 BC.
Jerusalem was founded by Arab Canaanites, not Hebrew.
Hebrew did not invade until about 1000 BC, and only ruled for a few hundred years before being continually defeated by Babylonians, Assyrians, and Romans.

And Jerusalem is mentioned in the Quran, but by other names.

Moslems pray towards Mecca, but that does not at all mean their backs are towards Jerusalem.

Jerusalem was the capital of every Arab or Muslim entity in the area, and was only captured by Hebrew for a couple hundred years. In fact, Hebrew are just a small sect of Arabs.
Around 2,000 pilgrims from the Palestinian territories, Israel and Jordan, some waving Palestinian flags, attend the mass as well as Abbas, who had a private audience with the pope on Saturday.

How can the so-called "Evangelical Christians" support the Anti-Christian Zionists in their fight against Palestinians, be these Palestinians Christians or Muslims?
There is no fight against the Palestinians, only against extremists.
What makes you think that Zionists are 'anti - Christian??? Because a small handful of religious Jews are racist, so all of them are?? Many Zionists are Christian BTW.. You are a massive bigot who is extremely uninformed and full of propaganda.

If the Zionist were not trying to commit genocide against the Palestinians, then why invade and occupy Jerusalem, which is out side the legal 1948 UN borders of Israel?
Why block all shipping and travel in and out of Palestine?
There are all criminal actions intent on starving Palestinians from their ancestral homes.

why invade and occupy Jerusalem, which is out side the legal 1948 UN borders of Israel?

What country was Jerusalem in?

Why block all shipping and travel in and out of Palestine?

Because Palestine imports terror materials.

Jerusalem was always in Palestine, which was a territory of the Ottoman Empire until the Treaty of Sevres created it in 1920.

It does not matter if Palestine imports anything, including terror materials.
Israel has no jurisdiction over Palestine, which was legally created by treaty in 1920.
Around 2,000 pilgrims from the Palestinian territories, Israel and Jordan, some waving Palestinian flags, attend the mass as well as Abbas, who had a private audience with the pope on Saturday.

How can the so-called "Evangelical Christians" support the Anti-Christian Zionists in their fight against Palestinians, be these Palestinians Christians or Muslims?
There is no fight against the Palestinians, only against extremists.
What makes you think that Zionists are 'anti - Christian??? Because a small handful of religious Jews are racist, so all of them are?? Many Zionists are Christian BTW.. You are a massive bigot who is extremely uninformed and full of propaganda.

If the Zionist were not trying to commit genocide against the Palestinians, then why invade and occupy Jerusalem, which is out side the legal 1948 UN borders of Israel?
Why block all shipping and travel in and out of Palestine?
There are all criminal actions intent on starving Palestinians from their ancestral homes.

why invade and occupy Jerusalem, which is out side the legal 1948 UN borders of Israel?

What country was Jerusalem in?

Why block all shipping and travel in and out of Palestine?

Because Palestine imports terror materials.

Jerusalem was always in Palestine, which was a territory of the Ottoman Empire until the Treaty of Sevres created it in 1920.

It does not matter if Palestine imports anything, including terror materials.
Israel has no jurisdiction over Palestine, which was legally created by treaty in 1920.
Are you trying to convince me that there was a country called Palestine in 1920? Do you have a link ?
Around 2,000 pilgrims from the Palestinian territories, Israel and Jordan, some waving Palestinian flags, attend the mass as well as Abbas, who had a private audience with the pope on Saturday.

How can the so-called "Evangelical Christians" support the Anti-Christian Zionists in their fight against Palestinians, be these Palestinians Christians or Muslims?
There is no fight against the Palestinians, only against extremists.
What makes you think that Zionists are 'anti - Christian??? Because a small handful of religious Jews are racist, so all of them are?? Many Zionists are Christian BTW.. You are a massive bigot who is extremely uninformed and full of propaganda.

If the Zionist were not trying to commit genocide against the Palestinians, then why invade and occupy Jerusalem, which is out side the legal 1948 UN borders of Israel?
Why block all shipping and travel in and out of Palestine?
There are all criminal actions intent on starving Palestinians from their ancestral homes.
Don’t want Israel to block shipping, don’t try to attain weapons and explosive materials. That’s what you get for behaving badly.
Ask yourself this: do you really think that Israel would have blocked shipping for the Palestinians had they never attacked Israel?
Palestinians kill/attempt to kill Israelis , then whine at the consequences .
When you look up the word “cry baby” in the the dictionary....... you know the rest ...
Around 2,000 pilgrims from the Palestinian territories, Israel and Jordan, some waving Palestinian flags, attend the mass as well as Abbas, who had a private audience with the pope on Saturday.

How can the so-called "Evangelical Christians" support the Anti-Christian Zionists in their fight against Palestinians, be these Palestinians Christians or Muslims?
There is no fight against the Palestinians, only against extremists.
What makes you think that Zionists are 'anti - Christian??? Because a small handful of religious Jews are racist, so all of them are?? Many Zionists are Christian BTW.. You are a massive bigot who is extremely uninformed and full of propaganda.

If the Zionist were not trying to commit genocide against the Palestinians, then why invade and occupy Jerusalem, which is out side the legal 1948 UN borders of Israel?
Why block all shipping and travel in and out of Palestine?
There are all criminal actions intent on starving Palestinians from their ancestral homes.

why invade and occupy Jerusalem, which is out side the legal 1948 UN borders of Israel?

What country was Jerusalem in?

Why block all shipping and travel in and out of Palestine?

Because Palestine imports terror materials.

Jerusalem was always in Palestine, which was a territory of the Ottoman Empire until the Treaty of Sevres created it in 1920.

It does not matter if Palestine imports anything, including terror materials.
Israel has no jurisdiction over Palestine, which was legally created by treaty in 1920.
This is not about jurisdiction, this is about Israel doing what it needs to protect itself...
Around 2,000 pilgrims from the Palestinian territories, Israel and Jordan, some waving Palestinian flags, attend the mass as well as Abbas, who had a private audience with the pope on Saturday.

How can the so-called "Evangelical Christians" support the Anti-Christian Zionists in their fight against Palestinians, be these Palestinians Christians or Muslims?
There is no fight against the Palestinians, only against extremists.
What makes you think that Zionists are 'anti - Christian??? Because a small handful of religious Jews are racist, so all of them are?? Many Zionists are Christian BTW.. You are a massive bigot who is extremely uninformed and full of propaganda.

If the Zionist were not trying to commit genocide against the Palestinians, then why invade and occupy Jerusalem, which is out side the legal 1948 UN borders of Israel?
Why block all shipping and travel in and out of Palestine?
There are all criminal actions intent on starving Palestinians from their ancestral homes.

why invade and occupy Jerusalem, which is out side the legal 1948 UN borders of Israel?

What country was Jerusalem in?

Why block all shipping and travel in and out of Palestine?

Because Palestine imports terror materials.

Jerusalem was always in Palestine, which was a territory of the Ottoman Empire until the Treaty of Sevres created it in 1920.

It does not matter if Palestine imports anything, including terror materials.
Israel has no jurisdiction over Palestine, which was legally created by treaty in 1920.
Are you trying to convince me that there was a country called Palestine in 1920? Do you have a link ?

Obviously there was a country of Palestine in 1920.
All they were missing was a legitimate government, which is what the British Mandate for Palestine was supposed to help organize.


The Mandate for Palestine was a League of Nations mandate for British administration of the territories of Palestine and Transjordan, both of which had been conceded by the Ottoman Empire following the end of World War I in 1918. The mandate was assigned to Britain by the San Remo conference in April 1920, after France's concession in the 1918 Clemenceau–Lloyd George Agreement of the previously-agreed "international administration" of Palestine under the Sykes–Picot Agreement. Transjordan was added to the mandate after the Arab Kingdom in Damascus was toppled by the French in the Franco-Syrian War. Civil administration began in Palestine and Transjordan in July 1920 and April 1921, respectively, and the mandate was in force from 29 September 1923 to 15 May 1948.

The mandate document was based on Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations of 28 June 1919 and the Supreme Council of the Principal Allied Powers' San Remo Resolution of 25 April 1920. The objective of the mandates over former territories of Ottoman Empire was to provide "administrative advice and assistance by a Mandatory until such time as they are able to stand alone". The border between Palestine and Transjordan was agreed in the final mandate document, and the approximate northern border with the French Mandate for Syria and the Lebanon was agreed in the Paulet–Newcombe Agreement of 23 December 1920.

The British before the war had already promised Palestine independence if they helped defeat the Ottoman Empire in WWI, and they did their part.

Back in 1915, the British needed the help of the Arabs in defeating the Ottoman Empire in World War I. In a set of letters called the 'McMahon–Hussein Correspondence,' they promised the Arabs that if they rebelled against The Ottoman Empire (which had sided with Germany in the war), that they would get their own independent state (as depicted in the first map above).
Around 2,000 pilgrims from the Palestinian territories, Israel and Jordan, some waving Palestinian flags, attend the mass as well as Abbas, who had a private audience with the pope on Saturday.

How can the so-called "Evangelical Christians" support the Anti-Christian Zionists in their fight against Palestinians, be these Palestinians Christians or Muslims?
There is no fight against the Palestinians, only against extremists.
What makes you think that Zionists are 'anti - Christian??? Because a small handful of religious Jews are racist, so all of them are?? Many Zionists are Christian BTW.. You are a massive bigot who is extremely uninformed and full of propaganda.

If the Zionist were not trying to commit genocide against the Palestinians, then why invade and occupy Jerusalem, which is out side the legal 1948 UN borders of Israel?
Why block all shipping and travel in and out of Palestine?
There are all criminal actions intent on starving Palestinians from their ancestral homes.
Don’t want Israel to block shipping, don’t try to attain weapons and explosive materials. That’s what you get for behaving badly.
Ask yourself this: do you really think that Israel would have blocked shipping for the Palestinians had they never attacked Israel?
Palestinians kill/attempt to kill Israelis , then whine at the consequences .
When you look up the word “cry baby” in the the dictionary....... you know the rest ...

It is perfectly legal for ANY country to attain weapons and explosive material.
What is illegal is for Israel to prevent the Palestinians from getting whatever they wish to get.
It is not behaving badly to attain weapons when you are being illegally occupied.

Palestinians never did attack Israel.
Israel has always been the aggressor and has always illegally occupied Palestine.
Palestine never had an army or weapons, and never attacked anyone.
Israel is illegally occupying not just Jerusalem, but all of Palestine.
The demolitions of Arab homes and illegal Jewish settlements are well known.

Even the 1948 war was started by Israelis, massacring Arab villages like Dier Yassin.
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