Who are the people supporting Donald Trump?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
More shocking than the whacko statements coming out of Trump's mouth is he number of people that support him.
If they are buying his BS, I would to talk to them about buying swamp land in Florida.

These idiots must be a car salesman's dream.
Americans who think our country used to be great until Democrats screwed us over with their progressive ideals.
More shocking than the whacko statements coming out of Trump's mouth is he number of people that support him.
If they are buying his BS, I would to talk to them about buying swamp land in Florida.

These idiots must be a car salesman's dream.
It illustrates the total frustration that people have with the performance from the White House for the past 8 years, and the ad nauseum repetitive nature of career politicians.
patriots who put america before their party.
It is the low information voters who support Trump
Americans who think our country used to be great until Democrats screwed us over with their progressive ideals.

Like the highway system?
Like our science institutions that are the best in the world!
Like our schools and colleges????? Colleges still produce some of the best science on this planet.
Like our clean air and water???

Is this what you're saying is bad?? Go back to your cave,,,idiot.
More shocking than the whacko statements coming out of Trump's mouth is he number of people that support him.
If they are buying his BS, I would to talk to them about buying swamp land in Florida.

It illustrates the total frustration that people have with the performance from the White House for the past 8 years, and the ad nauseum repetitive nature of career politicians.
I think the frustration is equal with the Democrats and Republicans
But Republicans who want to take the Whitehouse in 2016 are shooting themselves in the foot by supporting Trump.
Americans who think our country used to be great until Democrats screwed us over with their progressive ideals.

Yeah, let's get rid of that 40 hour work week and go back to the good ol' days when people worked 12 hours a day for 6 1/2 days a week and lived in company towns and shopped at company stores where they paid above market value for substandard goods and kids slaved along right beside their mothers in factories where the exits where chained closed thereby leading to hundreds of deaths when fires broke out and there were no sprinkler systems or emergency exits.
It's always amusing to see the left use the phrase low information voters when talking about trump supporters which I am not by the way while at the same time they blindly support Hillary no questions asked even as the FBI has her private e-mail server and is investgating her.
Adolf Trump has the racist nuts mesmerized.

Mr. Trump, is it true what Ivana said EXCUSE ME! during your EXCUSE ME! divorce EXCUSE ME! that she testified EXCUSE ME! to under oath EXCUSE ME! about you raping EXCUSE ME! her and pulling EXCUSE ME! her hair out EXCUSE ME!
More shocking than the whacko statements coming out of Trump's mouth is he number of people that support him.
If they are buying his BS, I would to talk to them about buying swamp land in Florida.

These idiots must be a car salesman's dream.

Yo, it`s Donald Trump, not Barack Hussein Obama II?


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