Who do you think hates America?

So, congress hates America? The Supreme court ruled that the constitution allows collection of taxes. Do they hate America too?
Parts of congress hates this country, meaning a group of people are hated. Some think Congress lets the Democrats get away with too much mischief and also have complained about Republicans letting the Democrats get away with way to much.

Bear in mind that first the Supreme Court ruled against income taxes. Congress solved it by packing it into law. But then the understanding was income taxes would max out at about 2.5 percent I believe. The Supreme court ruled to favor slavery. They ruled against income taxes. They ruled against prohibition. The court has ruled right some time and not other times. Roe v Wade was a poor ruling as an example but recently the court fixed that problem.
Nowhere can you see the downfall of society more than via plane travel.

Then: in the 1960s, people dressed up for a flight - dresses for the ladies, a jacket for the men. Real meals were served with actual silverware. People were polite, spoke quietly with their travel mates, and of course followed the instructions of the stewardess. It was a civilized, exciting adventure to look forward to.

Now: People show up in wife-beater tee shirts, flip-flops, halter tops with their fat bellies showing, or pants dragging so low the butt crack shows. They’re loud and obnoxious, and that’s on a good flight. On a bad one, a brawl breaks out, punches thrown, and passengers defy the flight attendants. Profanity is rampant. It is now an ordeal to endure.
My favorite Flight attendant.

if they are so different why do both of yous call each other the same names,both say you hate the country,both sides say you are destroying the country....both are saying their guy is not as senile as your guy.....yea they are different.....party die hards are the same kind of people.....

bloody hopeless here. Both sides are not even in the same stratosphere and you of all people should know it!

Just SHUP, you embarrass yourself and anger decent folks. We don’t have Destructive policies for America. We don’t have 2000 mules dumping in backpack loads of ballots on a night route! We don’t have Black forking MICH postal workers dumping in Ballots in DET to a drop box! All on blanking video. Again just SHUP !! You run from post to post trying to make someone repeat a full thrree years worth of criminal acts by Leftist wackjobs! They welded open border gates along the new parts of the wall. No vetting!! Criminals pour in, kill our grandchildren you dumb OX! You are clearly with this enemy till you disprove it. I doubt you can or would. GaterMac&HarryCheeseBlackdic.
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if they are so different why do both of yous call each other the same names,both say you hate the country,both sides say you are destroying the country....both are saying their guy is not as senile as your guy.....yea they are different.....party die hards are the same kind of people.....
Yep…you definitely have your head in your ass.
One party accuses the other of doing what they themselves are guilty of….you honestly didn’t know that?

Who do you think hates America?​

Any faction of filth that EVER says the words “colonizers”, “white supremacy”, “white privilege”, “systemic racism”…..the faction that detests our founding principles and values, the filth that says our Constitution is “outdated”, the degenerates who attack the 1st and 2nd Amendments, the fucked in the head wackos who think we need 50 million wetbacks.…so, you know, Democrats absolutely hate America.

Of course, TNHarley Harry Dresden Harpy Eagle dblack will tell you “BOTH SIDES” do all of the above.…Sane people know they’re lying.
Those type don't hate America. They want to see America really become what it says on paper. The people who hate America are the people who believe that this land was created only for whites when non whites were already here first.
The libertarians, nilhists, constitutionalists, etc., want to recreate a world that never existed.

They will fail as they always do.
If their agenda and goal is to alter, change the fundamental purpose expressed in the origins, and the intended direction from such, then it's likely they don't like or want an America as it was meant to be, has been, and was intended to develop into.

Since they seek to undermine the for-profit capitalist economy; hinder free speech; violate the laws, especially regards illegal immigration; and as expressed recently "fundamentally change" America, then the answer to both would be "YES"!
This past week, DoorDash sent to deliver food to me, two women who could not speak English at all. I believe immigrants are tested on speaking English. So these are presumed to me to be both aliens here working.

Apparently they got here thanks to Democrats. This to me shows they hate America. We once had deliveries by those fluent in English until Biden now and Obama earlier sprang into action to give us non English speaker workers.
The libertarians, nilhists, constitutionalists, etc., want to recreate a world that never existed.

They will fail as they always do.
I consider our founders to be libertarians. And Democrats have waged war on them since they died and have really gave us an authoritarian government. This must change.
This past week, DoorDash sent to deliver food to me, two women who could not speak English at all. I believe immigrants are tested on speaking English. So these are presumed to me to be both aliens here working.

Apparently they got here thanks to Democrats. This to me shows they hate America. We once had deliveries by those fluent in English until Biden now and Obama earlier sprang into action to give us non English speaker workers.
I got you beat! I went out to a Mexican restaurant outside of DC, and the waitress comes up to me jabbering in Spanish as if we live in Hondurus. When I tell her I no hablo espanol, expecting her to switch to English, she has to go find the English-speaking waitress!

Shouldn’t people who serve the public in America be able to speak English?!
I got you beat! I went out to a Mexican restaurant outside of DC, and the waitress comes up to me jabbering in Spanish as if we live in Hondurus. When I tell her I no hablo espanol, expecting her to switch to English, she has to go find the English-speaking waitress!

Shouldn’t people who serve the public in America be able to speak English?!
I like the story but I believe I doubled your problem. YES, when nations export people here, they owe us those fluent in English. I have been to that part of the US and am trying to figure out where in that part of the US you could find Mexican Restaurants. Wonder if those were owned by citizens?
You are wrong, little buddy. We are not going back to the broken 1950s.
I hope you are correct. Then we were overrun by Democrat.
I got you beat! I went out to a Mexican restaurant outside of DC, and the waitress comes up to me jabbering in Spanish as if we live in Hondurus. When I tell her I no hablo espanol, expecting her to switch to English, she has to go find the English-speaking waitress!

Shouldn’t people who serve the public in America be able to speak English?!
Food is on the way now. Is this an American Citizen?

Your Dasher Zayuri

Saw her. Very rare to see Black. Female. Has foreign accent
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Those type don't hate America. They want to see America really become what it says on paper. The people who hate America are the people who believe that this land was created only for whites when non whites were already here first.
The only people who ever talk about skin color are Democrats, haven’t you noticed that? Nobody else gives two-shits…. How do you suppose Asians and East Indians kick ass in America?
Politics can get heated, and I can understand that opposing parties could think the other party's goals might not be the best for the country, but that's not how the rhetoric is playing out. "You hate America" and " You want to destroy the country" have become common accusations. Of course, there are terrorists that fit both descriptions, but do you really think any of our politicians, or the other party actually embrace that kind of goal? Please identify anyone, other than terrorists, who you believe actually hates our country, and tell why you think that person or those people actually hate America and want to destroy the country. This kind of rhetoric can only separate us further and hurt our country.
Amazon product ASIN 150118315X
I don’t think they hate America, they just hate what the other side wants America to be
Those type don't hate America. They want to see America really become what it says on paper. The people who hate America are the people who believe that this land was created only for whites when non whites were already here first.
This is not about whites. It is about fascism/communism and the people hoodwinked into it. This is the mantra for many 2nd and 3rd world nations. A comfort zone. The mother of all reach arounds is coming for Progs. And that is from your own making.
Easy. The people who want to fundamentally change it. The people who tear down statues. The people who burn our cities. The people who shout down other Americans freedom of speech.
Have you figured it out yet?
The people who shout down other Americans freedom of speech? You mean like these people?

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