Who do you think hates America?

This past week, DoorDash sent to deliver food to me, two women who could not speak English at all. I believe immigrants are tested on speaking English. So these are presumed to me to be both aliens here working.

Apparently they got here thanks to Democrats. This to me shows they hate America. We once had deliveries by those fluent in English until Biden now and Obama earlier sprang into action to give us non English speaker workers.
Legal immigrants would benefit to have to be fluent in English; but I doubt any are "tested" on such to enter this country. Their risk.

These two you encountered likely are "illegal immigrants". If they hate America they likely wouldn't go through the ardors to get here. However, they likely had little clue what to expect other than it might be better than where they came from.

That "streets are paved with gold" myth that's been pedaled for generations to foreigners.
I'm saying the way those terms are bandied about, neither one means the same to one side of the political divide as it does to the other.
Your OP is on the edge of speaking with a forked tongue.
I'm just asking the question. Do you think your political opponent hates America and want's to destroy it? Hate and destroy are two commonly used words. There isn't much nuance to their definitions.
You think the majority of the Democratic party hates America and wants to destroy it? What advantage do you think destroying America would give them? What do you think would make them want to destroy the only country that most of them have ever known?

Stupid black-backed hog, the Elite will take off with Fort Knox ahead of the street wars you sick busturd. They don’t care to keep it going for your klan. They want to take the cream off the top let it implode and watch from afar.
It is part of Newt Gringrich’s radical agenda to redefine political discourse and position the opposition, not as an opponent, but as evil, someone who hates America and wants to destroy it. Previously it was against ideas that were evil, and the opposition was soft or ineffective. Now it is the opposition itself labeled as evil. A very dangerous flip.
It is part of Newt Gringrich’s radical agenda to redefine political discourse and position the opposition, not as an opponent, but as evil, someone who hates America and wants to destroy it. Previously it was against ideas that were evil, and the opposition was soft or ineffective. Now it is the opposition itself labeled as evil. A very dangerous flip.
Well, I decided they were when they trashed a statue of a black Union soldier.

They're stupid and dangerous. Trying to erase American history like ISIS n shit. Fuck That!
My answer is simple: whoever admits it.

I find those that argue through putting words into other peoples' mouths lack intelligence. It's like those that start their case with, "I know what you're thinking....". My retort of, "it's a number between 1 and 100," usually shuts them up.
That might be, but their flag would be a red rectangle, not a red circle.
As a World War Two historian I have some clue on the issue.

But even if you were correct, who appointed you to answer for the person questioned?

And who says your speculation about his motives have any bearing on reality?
Peice of Pig droppings. Thats after 15 million unvetted visitors dumped on our tab you dishonest POS.
I'm sure every person who shouts down a speaker imagines a long list of events they think justifies their behavior.
Look you ignorant black-backed cow, I’ll make it simple for your 67IQ arse.

Your boys don’t like America or the Constitution. They will gladly send the entire Nation into utter chaos and mayhem so that they can rebuild it in full blown Socialst D style. They already have a Police State and the vote corrupted so extremely unlikely to ever lose any office they need. you dumb troublemaking arsejack. You own it all Einstein, and you should know all of this already. Open borders = collapse. Rebuild…..differently.
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How about because the Founding Fathers were slaveowners, so they were no good and everything America has historically been is bad? Hmm?
Can't spend much time trying to figure out anybody who might actually believe all that. They be crazy.
I haven't considered that, but it makes sense. Do they hate America and want to destroy it?

"Destroy it" or turn it into something they consider "better"?

You could destroy the US by changing the electoral system to something that could make the US stronger, a better place for people to live in, and strengthen the freedoms of the country.

But some will still call it "destroying America" because it would CHANGE.

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