Who do you think hates America?

And from the stupid/ignorant side of the house...

Another MAGAT fairy tale.
You saw what Obama thinks of Joe when they were at the White House a couple of years ago. Joe walking around like a pin all hitting the bumpers and no one paying any attention to him. Every once in a while, you see the reality. The reality. The reality. Of course, Obama apologized. There are people in D.C. doing the real ruling to keep moving us left. Kill what is in the womb and protect an animal or promote a molecule on Mars as life. It's not hating America. It is hating the Socialist/Communist dictatorship we are moving towards.
There's a new invention. It's called a search engine.
here is my search results :, the musings of a few weimar graduate students a century sago has no relevance to contemporary american politics.
I agree, and that might be a good resolution, but it's not on subject. Do you believe your political opponent hates America and wants to destroy it?
Think its on subject,
When we make winning for one political party over working for the better interests of ALL Americans
We all lose.
Think its on subject,
When we make winning for one political party over working for the better interests of ALL Americans
We all lose.
I really think we need to recognize the difference between the interests of ALL Americans and the interests of the majority of Americans. And stop taking the latter as a stand-in for the former.
I've seen that kind of minute unnecessary detail. When you asked my brother what time it was, he would start with explaining time zones, and end up trying to tell you how to build a clock.
Point of the joke is in the last sentence which I did in orange.

It can apply to many issues, and "climate change" and/or "global warming" is another example. People toss those terms about without specifying whether they refer to natural or human caused; and claiming one is a "denier" on the subject, those making that claim often rebut with their evidence of rising temperatures when often the deny is of the human cause claimed.

The other point of the joke is that you are the woman in the balloon.

The thesis of this thread is that the ambiguity and lack of precision word usage in your OP - Opening Post answers the question you pose.
Assuming this isn't a troll thread which your replying posts tend to confirm. Both side are using those terms with different meanings and context and there is the major root of the issue/problem and why there is difficulty in finding middle ground. Your post I am replying to also confirms this main factor.
It doesn't matter what I "think" who hates America, the proof is right in front of us.

The left, for many decades has shown us they want to destroy capitalism, destroy Christianity, destroy law and order, destroy the family unit. I could go on and on!

The left has always shown, they hate every founding principle of America.

This is not debatable.
You cant destroy Christianity, either you are one or your not.
You cant destroy capitalism, easy to see that those with capital keep getting more of our dollars.
you can mess up the law, but can you show only one side doing the damage?
ORDER HAS BEEN MESSED TO THE MAX, could you get honest & show how its only one group?
How can outsiders destroy your family unit?
I really think we need to recognize the difference between the interests of ALL Americans and the interests of the majority of Americans. And stop taking the latter as a stand-in for the former.
The majority?
OUR 20 year failed war
promoted by the loudest
calling the rest of us UN American
DID the left buckle after the so called truth was reveled
Did that Truth turn out to be a lie?
WE need better more honest leaders,
less self promoting greedy & dumb people.
Voting for a label, instead of a person who has personal value.
The majority?
OUR 20 year failed war
promoted by the loudest
calling the rest of us UN American
DID the left buckle after the so called truth was reveled
Did that Truth turn out to be a lie?
WE need better more honest leaders,
less self promoting greedy & dumb people.
Voting for a label, instead of a person who has personal value.
I'm not really sure what you're getting at here.

I was pointing out the need for consensus. I think a large part of our problem is that we waste time forcing the will of the majority on everyone else. It's usually not necessary and a bad idea.

I agree about not voting for a label.
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I may have misread your post.
Not all "illegal immigrants" are Hispanic speaking just because they came across our Southern border. That one is used by many because it is easiest to get to, Mexico isn't trying hard to block transit and access, and easiest to cross. Canada is a bit more difficult to get into.

You likely encountered someone not from a Latin country (or Brazil :eusa_think: Portuguese). I've seen recent figures showing a high number of Chinese, and not from Taiwan. ;)
I am no longer fluent in speaking Spanish though I never was close to perfect but I grew up with close Mexican friends plus an Aunt was married to a Mexican and my Niece married a Mexican who first was illegal.

I am saying accents from Spanish speakers for me are easy to recognize. I can't pass judgement on those two workers at all. Since them another showed up with an accent pleading she can't speak English.

Somebody who is an authority might not being doing business as ordered.
Politics can get heated, and I can understand that opposing parties could think the other party's goals might not be the best for the country, but that's not how the rhetoric is playing out. "You hate America" and " You want to destroy the country" have become common accusations. Of course, there are terrorists that fit both descriptions, but do you really think any of our politicians, or the other party actually embrace that kind of goal? Please identify anyone, other than terrorists, who you believe actually hates our country, and tell why you think that person or those people actually hate America and want to destroy the country. This kind of rhetoric can only separate us further and hurt our country.
Amazon product ASIN 150118315X
Yeah, I can do that! Republicans. They hate America. Donald Trump, he hates America.

Trump and the Republicans are more loyal to Putin, than they are to this country.
The majority?
OUR 20 year failed war
promoted by the loudest
calling the rest of us UN American
DID the left buckle after the so called truth was reveled
Did that Truth turn out to be a lie?
WE need better more honest leaders,
less self promoting greedy & dumb people.
Voting for a label, instead of a person who has personal value.
Here is our problem in a walnut shell. We use the Media as our source. And other sources are not really reliable all the time. TV for instance and the Internet. Candidates say many things. Always to make themselves look superior. But if they lie as Biden does, the media has to share the blame.
Point of the joke is in the last sentence which I did in orange.

It can apply to many issues, and "climate change" and/or "global warming" is another example. People toss those terms about without specifying whether they refer to natural or human caused; and claiming one is a "denier" on the subject, those making that claim often rebut with their evidence of rising temperatures when often the deny is of the human cause claimed.

The other point of the joke is that you are the woman in the balloon.

The thesis of this thread is that the ambiguity and lack of precision word usage in your OP - Opening Post answers the question you pose.
Assuming this isn't a troll thread which your replying posts tend to confirm. Both side are using those terms with different meanings and context and there is the major root of the issue/problem and why there is difficulty in finding middle ground. Your post I am replying to also confirms this main factor.
He’s so right.
Did you think all of trump's tax cuts and other changes were a sign that he hates America, and an effort to destroy it?

I am skeptical of materialists like Trump, but it turns out his tax cuts increased total tax revenue by spurring investment and growth.
No others defined it, either.
I'm not the one accusing others of hating America. You'll have to ask them what they mean by the claim. Not my job to define that for them.
Think its on subject,
When we make winning for one political party over working for the better interests of ALL Americans
We all lose.
True again, and certainly worth discussing, but what does it have to do with the accusation of political enemies hating America?
Politics can get heated, and I can understand that opposing parties could think the other party's goals might not be the best for the country, but that's not how the rhetoric is playing out. "You hate America" and " You want to destroy the country" have become common accusations. Of course, there are terrorists that fit both descriptions, but do you really think any of our politicians, or the other party actually embrace that kind of goal? Please identify anyone, other than terrorists, who you believe actually hates our country, and tell why you think that person or those people actually hate America and want to destroy the country. This kind of rhetoric can only separate us further and hurt our country.
Amazon product ASIN 150118315X
The constant complainers, like the wingtips on either end of the political spectrum hate America, but I'm pretty sure they hate each other more. Populism must be driven back out of our politics in order to stem the division. Until then, it's grievance politics down the board. :rolleyes:

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