Who got the US out of the pandemic? (Poll)

Which admin got the US past the Covid-19 pandemic?

  • The Trump administration by expediting vaccine development

    Votes: 28 77.8%
  • The Biden administration by not being the Trump administration

    Votes: 8 22.2%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
If you look at the latest pandemic numbers it's clear.
The new vaccines, developed, tested, manufactured, distributed, and jabbed in arms in record time look to be working.
At the start of the pandemic Dr Fauci said that developing a new vaccine in (18) months would be a medical miracle.
Then add on 6-months to build manufacturing facilities and make the vaccines, or about (24) months as the earliest time possible to distribute a vaccine. even if one could be found.
The Trump admin got it done in 9-months, saving hundreds of thousands of live, you're welcome.



This rate will jump up when the JNJ "1-shot" vaccine gets approved
We're not out of the pandemic. With that said, President Trump handled the pandemic about as well as any President could. The distribution of the vaccine in my state went very well through January, but suddenly its getting screwed up and people are complaining. Sounds like Joe Biden hasn't a clue what he's doing.
Pfizer had the vaccine in February of 2020 because they received information from China to know it's protein strains an upside from previous research with SARs. Pfizer was not part of Operation Warp Speed. They didn't use USA funds to develop the vaccine.
We're not out of the pandemic. With that said, President Trump handled the pandemic about as well as any President could. The distribution of the vaccine in my state went very well through January, but suddenly its getting screwed up and people are complaining. Sounds like Joe Biden hasn't a clue what he's doing.
There was a delay in production to change the instructions on the vial because they were wasting a dose by using the wrong kind of hypodermic needle so they had to resupply and reprint the label.
If you look at the latest pandemic numbers it's clear.
The new vaccines, developed, tested, manufactured, distributed, and jabbed in arms in record time look to be working.
At the start of the pandemic Dr Fauci said that developing a new vaccine in (18) months would be a medical miracle.
Then add on 6-months to build manufacturing facilities and make the vaccines, or about (24) months as the earliest time possible to distribute a vaccine. even if one could be found.
The Trump admin got it done in 9-months, saving hundreds of thousands of live, you're welcome.

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View attachment 457846
This rate will jump up when the JNJ "1-shot" vaccine gets approved
Can you imagine how much more quickly this would have been gotten under control had Democrats not politicized it for partisan and monetary gain? Democrats made this pandemic harder on the American public in every way possible. They drove the death count because it benefited them to do so. They made the sick sicker by withholding medical treatments that could help. All because they wanted power and wanted to make sure their donors in big Pharma made a killing. They are truly horrid.
If you look at the latest pandemic numbers it's clear.
The new vaccines, developed, tested, manufactured, distributed, and jabbed in arms in record time look to be working.
Any other president would have had a vaccine much faster!!!!
Even a third rate country like Russia produced a vaccine faster than Tramp!!!!
Fauci said 2 years, Trump did it in 9 months
If you look at the latest pandemic numbers it's clear.
The new vaccines, developed, tested, manufactured, distributed, and jabbed in arms in record time look to be working.
At the start of the pandemic Dr Fauci said that developing a new vaccine in (18) months would be a medical miracle.
Then add on 6-months to build manufacturing facilities and make the vaccines, or about (24) months as the earliest time possible to distribute a vaccine. even if one could be found.
The Trump admin got it done in 9-months, saving hundreds of thousands of live, you're welcome.

View attachment 457845

View attachment 457846
This rate will jump up when the JNJ "1-shot" vaccine gets approved
Can you imagine how much more quickly this would have been gotten under control had Democrats not politicized it for partisan and monetary gain? Democrats made this pandemic harder on the American public in every way possible. They drove the death count because it benefited them to do so. They made the sick sicker by withholding medical treatments that could help. All because they wanted power and wanted to make sure their donors in big Pharma made a killing. They are truly horrid.
The biggest death tolls were all in States with democrat governors
If you look at the latest pandemic numbers it's clear.
The new vaccines, developed, tested, manufactured, distributed, and jabbed in arms in record time look to be working.
Any other president would have had a vaccine much faster!!!!
Even a third rate country like Russia produced a vaccine faster than Tramp!!!!

Are you freakin kidding with this post? Hell, when announced that Trump would be partnering the government with Pharma to create a vaccinne in record time, you people mocked the hell out of him...Scoffed, and laughed all the way til election time, then Democrats got with Pharma to delay the roll out, by months to win an election...All you people do is politicize everything, with no regard to life or safety....And you look at it now, and all Biden is doing is following Trump's plans, and calling them his own....What a fraud...
They made the sick sicker by withholding medical treatments that could help.
This is completely false.
No, it isn't. There were medications identified early on that were helping and because Trump mentioned them they suddenly became verboten. You had the governor of Michigan threaten doctors if they used hydroxychloroquine. There were NO medicines approved to treat a brand new virus and yet they were demanding that doctors not use things that hadn't been approved. Nice little catch 22 there. The result was that most people who were diagnosed with the virus were told to go home and quarantine without medications until they became ill enough to hospitalize. By then, it was too late for many. Gretchen Whitmer, Michigan governor, hydroxychloroquine crackdown sparks backlash - Washington Times
President Donald J Trump, by simply telling DC "No ten per cent for pop" deals on the vaccine.
The proof of that is last weeks demand by Senate Democrats that the SEC investigate Pfizer. The Senate Democrats telling Pfizer they want a piece of the vaccine action now that Donald J Trump is gone. "Grease my palms with a little vigorish" Whats the difference between a DC politician and a Mafia Don? Of course, the Mafia Don has a sense of honor.
What person of sound mind spends 20 million dollars campaigning for a job that only pays $174,000/year. "DC is hopelessly corrupt"
A brief journey through recent history be in order here.
Sometime during the Obama years the FDA decided they needed more research work on the drug colchicine proving it was safe and effective. Now, colchicine has been in use for the treatment of gout safely and effectively since the Middle Ages but for some strange reason the FDA now demanded proof or they were going to pull it from the marketplace.
A Japanese company stepped forward and said they'd do the research work if....
In 1974 we were selling 100 colchicine tablets for 99 cents. Today 30 colchicine tablets will likely run you a hundred dollars at your local neighborhood pharmacy. Now, the incidence of gout in the US population hasnt changed one one thousandth of a per cent today, from what it was in 2014, but the price of its treatment has increased over 300 per cent. Where's all that money going?
Mitch McConnell, the day the Republicans took back control of the Senate announced he wanted the Republicans to be "Remembered as the party that could get along" Mitch forgot to add the caveat "'Ten per cent for pop' style"

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