Who has the foulest mouths? Republicans or Democrats...

18 and Life

Nov 1, 2016
I was always told and have noticed that someone who used profanity in the majority of their communication was only proving a lower intellect and a level of intelligence that was vastly inferior to that of people who communicated without using the words that ended up being inflammatory and degrading and name calling and vulgar....
So? Republicans or Democrats and feel free to name them here if you'd like... Can't be any worse than the things that some people say and some people call each other here.
Can't wait to hear who tells me to go 'F' myself and calls me a 'F***Tard".
go - :trolls:
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May I suggest the OP might avail himself of the opportunity to engage in auto-coitus, employing an object of inappropriate size in the vicinity of the colon. :eusa_angel:
I've been doing this a lot the last few days, mostly because I'm celebrating Trump's victory over a woman I so thoroughly hate and despise, and he is replacing a President I thoroughly hate and despise. I will try to ease back a little, but sometimes it's really fun to punctuate a sentence with a few choice cuss words.

Foul is relative.

Are we talking about how someone deploys the use of crude words or how a person employs words that are not crude, thereby making a foul statement?

The former doesn't take much intellect while the latter method is generally quite the opposite.


^^^ anyone that posts some old school 'Black Sabbath' can cuss all they want lol!

I know how to swear like a sailor, though I utilize that method very rarely, or make people blush and most probably run for the ignore switch utilizing the latter method when it suits me... I prefer the latter method.

I also enjoy Black Sabbath immensely.


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Recent studies have shown that frequent profanity can be a sign of increased verbal fluency. And anyone who says differently can suck a fat cock.

Increased verbal fluency does not mean a persons intellect has increased in any significant way... In some instances it might indicate quit the opposite.




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