Who here still supports impeachment?

So being a centrist, what is your definition of moderation?

What would you like to see happen?
I've never claimed to be a centrist, and I've gone so far as to include that point in the second line of my sig.

Moderation seems to be a good idea in most parts of life, yet not in politics any more. It's the ability for a person to accurately understand and appreciate other points of view and the willingness of that person to collaborate with others to find and create common ground for long-term solutions. Wingers can only create short-term solutions because they only include strategies from their end of the spectrum, and the pendulum keeps swinging.

What I would very much like to see is wingers on both ends of the spectrum culturally marginalized so that those who have the willingness and capacity for collaboration and innovation can get on with the task of improving my country.

But in the midst of extremism, moderation seems the most extremist of all.
That may actually be true, now that wingers have the floor.

The Swamp has groupies on both sides of the isle that think that the solution to all their problem's is to get their "R" or "D" in the Oval office.

Why even talk to such people?
Well, we have to communicate to understand, but there are many who won't be any part of creating answers.

Most voters are plum stupid. This is from either not caring or not being intellectually able to follow what is happening. Either way, this is one of the flaws of democracy.

Democracy in ancient Greece worked somewhat because men debated and studied the issues of the day while their slaves took care of them. In fact, there were far more slaves than voters. You might even say that their democracy worked through slavery.

But today, we give the slaves the ability to vote as such organizations as academia and the media influence people on how to vote.

In fact, most did not support the American Revolution back in the day. It was conducted by a minority who were informed.

So how can the Article V movement work? Simple, most people have been conditioned by Progressive to look to a king of some kind, such as a President, for all their answers. In fact, I bet most don't even know who their local representative is. This is why most only show up during Presidential elections and only vote for the President whil often leaving the rest of the ballot blank.

All we need to do is motivate a minority of voters to target their state representatives to vote for the Article V movement. Over 10 states already have.
Being an embarrassing buffoon is not an impeachable offense. Trump is a symptom of a bigger problem.

Dems scream IMPEACHMENT if they think it will please their base and their donors for their next election.

That's all politicians care about now, because the system is built that way. And we don't seem to mind.

Obstruction of justice is an impeachable offense. The Mueller report detailed multiple instances of obstruction...and that was violations ago. (The below list of transgressions was two or three weeks worth of transgressions ago)

Because this week alone, the president has asked government workers to break the law to fulfill his requests, and noted that he will pardon them if they get in trouble; suggested hosting the next G-7 summit at his property (so that he can profit); and diverted funds from FEMA relief to his border fever dream. He’s also denying lifesaving medical care to immigrant children he will deport and changing citizenship rules for the children of military families born abroad. On the 25th Amendment front (meaning the “is he mentally unfit for office” front), the president has lied about his wife’s relationship with North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, garbled an answer about climate change in ways that would terrify anyone in search of a topic sentence, attacked Fox News for disloyalty, blamed Puerto Rico in advance of a hurricane for being in the path of a hurricane, and generally conducted himself in ways that bespeak grievously low functioning. This all comes on the heels of a week in which he approvingly quoted someone describing him as the second coming (a performance that would have sent most of us to the nearest psych ward), called his own economic adviser the enemy of the state, “ordered” American companies to stop investing in China, and got in a fight with Denmark over a real estate deal gone south in Greenland.
And what were other presidents impeached for?


Article I: Obstruction of justice:
in Nixon’s case, included efforts to delay, cover up, or conceal evidence relating to the Watergate break-ins by making false and misleading statements, withholding information, encouraging witnesses to give false or misleading statements, attempting to interfere with the FBI and other investigators, leaking information about the investigation to help the accused, and insinuating that people who refused to testify against him or who gave false testimony would gain favors.

Article II: Abuses of presidential power: misusing the FBI, Secret Service, and other government employees by allowing their information to be used for purposes other than national security or the enforcement of laws; using campaign contributions and the CIA in an attempt to sway the process; misusing executive power by interfering with agencies within the executive branch.

Article III: Defiance of subpoenas: involved Nixon’s willful disregard of subpoenas of, and failure to produce, papers and information for the House Judiciary Committee.

So, check, check, check.


Article III: Obstruction of justice: determined that Clinton had prevented, obstructed, and impeded the administration of justice, and that he had engaged personally, and through his subordinates and agents, in schemes designed to delay, impede, cover up, and conceal the existence of evidence and testimony related to a federal proceeding.

Again, check.

Andrew Jackson

Article X:
“did attempt to bring into disgrace, ridicule, hatred, contempt and reproach, the Congress of the United States, and the several branches thereof, to impair and destroy the regard and respect of all the good people of the United States for the Congress and the legislative power thereof, which all officers of the government ought inviolably to preserve and maintain, and to excite the odium and resentment of all good people of the United States against Congress and the laws by it duly and constitutionally enacted; and in pursuance of his said design and intent, openly and publicly and before divers assemblages of citizens of the United States, convened in divers parts thereof, to meet and receive said Andrew Johnson as the Chief Magistrate of the United States, did, on the eighteenth day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, and on divers other days and times, as well before as afterwards, make and declare, with a loud voice, certain intemperate, inflammatory and scandalous harangues, and therein utter loud threats and bitter menaces, as well against Congress as the laws of the United States duly enacted thereby.” This is then followed by lengthy accounts of what could be polemical Trump rally speeches (and also those not used at his rallies).
From Lawrence Tribe:

The case for impeaching and removing Trump to protect our republic from the irreversible injury likely to be inflicted by his ongoing “high Crimes and Misdemeanors” is now so compelling that only the delusional—or those utterly ignorant of our Constitution’s sole mechanism for defending the country from a lawless tyrant—could fail to agree. The only real question is whether attempting to remove Trump by impeachment is so certain to fail, and to backfire by increasing the odds of his remaining in office for a second term, that the effort would be self-defeating. But that excuse for not doing what’s obviously right as a constitutional matter is no longer tenable even if it might once have been: An impeached Trump who escapes conviction in the Senate after the evidence is laid out in public House hearings will be weaker in 2020 than a Trump who can brag that not even a Democratically controlled House could bring itself to impeach him. And GOP Senators who give him a pass will be easier to defeat than ones who’re spared any need to be counted.

List warning for whipping a Dead Horse. I also have a few snitches on there, they know who the are. I have a sock on warning today. You will go in a three way.
Being an embarrassing buffoon is not an impeachable offense. Trump is a symptom of a bigger problem.
Dems scream IMPEACHMENT if they think it will please their base and their donors for their next election.
That's all politicians care about now, because the system is built that way. And we don't seem to mind.
It's really hard to know who believes what in all the lying on the Left.
For example, which do they believe more, Trump is Hitler or that Trump should take all our guns?
Is carbon emissions really destroying the planet or should we all ban anti-carbon emitting nuclear power like the Dims want to do?
Sometimes I think Leftists even get confused.
It does get silly.

And of course, the Right does the same thing, equating the Left with Nazis, claiming that Obama is Kenyan, that Dems are for open borders, etc., etc.......

It goes on and on.

And that's why partisans have zero credibility, none. Nothing they say can be taken as fact out of hand. That's their own fault.
the Right does not do the same --bullshit
the Dems ARE for open borders

the left ARE exactly like nazis
hitler's SA:
The SA (also known as stormtroopers or brownshirts) were instructed to disrupt the meetings of political opponent

the Dems/left do the SAME:
A rally for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in Vermont on Thursday was disrupted repeatedly by protesters
More than two dozen protesters chanting "black lives matter" disrupted Donald Trump's rally
Donald Trump rally disrupted by more than 2 dozen Black Lives Matter protesters - CNNPolitics
etc etc etc

Thousands of anti-Trump demonstrators responding to civic leaders' and social media calls to shut the rally down had gathered outside the arena,
this IS un-American and exactly what the nazis did
2016 Donald Trump Chicago rally protest - Wikipedia

BLM wants to KILL white people
BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’
Being an embarrassing buffoon is not an impeachable offense. Trump is a symptom of a bigger problem.
Dems scream IMPEACHMENT if they think it will please their base and their donors for their next election.
That's all politicians care about now, because the system is built that way. And we don't seem to mind.
It's really hard to know who believes what in all the lying on the Left.
For example, which do they believe more, Trump is Hitler or that Trump should take all our guns?
Is carbon emissions really destroying the planet or should we all ban anti-carbon emitting nuclear power like the Dims want to do?
Sometimes I think Leftists even get confused.
It does get silly.

And of course, the Right does the same thing, equating the Left with Nazis, claiming that Obama is Kenyan, that Dems are for open borders, etc., etc.......

It goes on and on.

And that's why partisans have zero credibility, none. Nothing they say can be taken as fact out of hand. That's their own fault.
If a democrat tells you democrats aren't for open borders they are either totally ignorant or lying to your face.

Democrats say they respect no borders

Democrats say they want to take the walls we have now down.

Democrats say Americans should pay for the healthcare and welfare of foreign nationals that come and go unchecked and unregulated.

Democrats illegal immigration platform...

Sneak into America
Obtain services like healthcare and welfare paid for by Americans
Vote for anti American globalist democrats who aid and abet illegal immigrants
Victimize Americans
Get deported from America

believing democrats don't want open borders is like believing democrats don't want to ban guns. Most democrats are just useful idiots that go along with whatever the DNC/media tells them to go along with.
You forgot we Democrats also want to kill your babies, take away your guns, force you to make a roast at a same sex wedding and we sneak into hour House to rearrange the furniture forcing you to stub your toe in the dark. By the way, Democrats also canceled Cheers back in the 90s.
Being an embarrassing buffoon is not an impeachable offense. Trump is a symptom of a bigger problem.

Dems scream IMPEACHMENT if they think it will please their base and their donors for their next election.

That's all politicians care about now, because the system is built that way. And we don't seem to mind.

Obstruction of justice is an impeachable offense. The Mueller report detailed multiple instances of obstruction...and that was violations ago. (The below list of transgressions was two or three weeks worth of transgressions ago)

Because this week alone, the president has asked government workers to break the law to fulfill his requests, and noted that he will pardon them if they get in trouble; suggested hosting the next G-7 summit at his property (so that he can profit); and diverted funds from FEMA relief to his border fever dream. He’s also denying lifesaving medical care to immigrant children he will deport and changing citizenship rules for the children of military families born abroad. On the 25th Amendment front (meaning the “is he mentally unfit for office” front), the president has lied about his wife’s relationship with North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, garbled an answer about climate change in ways that would terrify anyone in search of a topic sentence, attacked Fox News for disloyalty, blamed Puerto Rico in advance of a hurricane for being in the path of a hurricane, and generally conducted himself in ways that bespeak grievously low functioning. This all comes on the heels of a week in which he approvingly quoted someone describing him as the second coming (a performance that would have sent most of us to the nearest psych ward), called his own economic adviser the enemy of the state, “ordered” American companies to stop investing in China, and got in a fight with Denmark over a real estate deal gone south in Greenland.
And what were other presidents impeached for?


Article I: Obstruction of justice:
in Nixon’s case, included efforts to delay, cover up, or conceal evidence relating to the Watergate break-ins by making false and misleading statements, withholding information, encouraging witnesses to give false or misleading statements, attempting to interfere with the FBI and other investigators, leaking information about the investigation to help the accused, and insinuating that people who refused to testify against him or who gave false testimony would gain favors.

Article II: Abuses of presidential power: misusing the FBI, Secret Service, and other government employees by allowing their information to be used for purposes other than national security or the enforcement of laws; using campaign contributions and the CIA in an attempt to sway the process; misusing executive power by interfering with agencies within the executive branch.

Article III: Defiance of subpoenas: involved Nixon’s willful disregard of subpoenas of, and failure to produce, papers and information for the House Judiciary Committee.

So, check, check, check.


Article III: Obstruction of justice: determined that Clinton had prevented, obstructed, and impeded the administration of justice, and that he had engaged personally, and through his subordinates and agents, in schemes designed to delay, impede, cover up, and conceal the existence of evidence and testimony related to a federal proceeding.

Again, check.

Andrew Jackson

Article X:
“did attempt to bring into disgrace, ridicule, hatred, contempt and reproach, the Congress of the United States, and the several branches thereof, to impair and destroy the regard and respect of all the good people of the United States for the Congress and the legislative power thereof, which all officers of the government ought inviolably to preserve and maintain, and to excite the odium and resentment of all good people of the United States against Congress and the laws by it duly and constitutionally enacted; and in pursuance of his said design and intent, openly and publicly and before divers assemblages of citizens of the United States, convened in divers parts thereof, to meet and receive said Andrew Johnson as the Chief Magistrate of the United States, did, on the eighteenth day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, and on divers other days and times, as well before as afterwards, make and declare, with a loud voice, certain intemperate, inflammatory and scandalous harangues, and therein utter loud threats and bitter menaces, as well against Congress as the laws of the United States duly enacted thereby.” This is then followed by lengthy accounts of what could be polemical Trump rally speeches (and also those not used at his rallies).
From Lawrence Tribe:

The case for impeaching and removing Trump to protect our republic from the irreversible injury likely to be inflicted by his ongoing “high Crimes and Misdemeanors” is now so compelling that only the delusional—or those utterly ignorant of our Constitution’s sole mechanism for defending the country from a lawless tyrant—could fail to agree. The only real question is whether attempting to remove Trump by impeachment is so certain to fail, and to backfire by increasing the odds of his remaining in office for a second term, that the effort would be self-defeating. But that excuse for not doing what’s obviously right as a constitutional matter is no longer tenable even if it might once have been: An impeached Trump who escapes conviction in the Senate after the evidence is laid out in public House hearings will be weaker in 2020 than a Trump who can brag that not even a Democratically controlled House could bring itself to impeach him. And GOP Senators who give him a pass will be easier to defeat than ones who’re spared any need to be counted.

List warning for whipping a Dead Horse. I also have a few snitches on there, they know who the are. I have a sock on warning today. You will go in a three way.

Ooohh noooooooo!!!! I'm on "warning" from an anonymous douche bag on the internet. How will I go on?
Being an embarrassing buffoon is not an impeachable offense. Trump is a symptom of a bigger problem.
Dems scream IMPEACHMENT if they think it will please their base and their donors for their next election.
That's all politicians care about now, because the system is built that way. And we don't seem to mind.
It's really hard to know who believes what in all the lying on the Left.
For example, which do they believe more, Trump is Hitler or that Trump should take all our guns?
Is carbon emissions really destroying the planet or should we all ban anti-carbon emitting nuclear power like the Dims want to do?
Sometimes I think Leftists even get confused.
It does get silly.

And of course, the Right does the same thing, equating the Left with Nazis, claiming that Obama is Kenyan, that Dems are for open borders, etc., etc.......

It goes on and on.

And that's why partisans have zero credibility, none. Nothing they say can be taken as fact out of hand. That's their own fault.
If a democrat tells you democrats aren't for open borders they are either totally ignorant or lying to your face.

Democrats say they respect no borders

Democrats say they want to take the walls we have now down.

Democrats say Americans should pay for the healthcare and welfare of foreign nationals that come and go unchecked and unregulated.

Democrats illegal immigration platform...

Sneak into America
Obtain services like healthcare and welfare paid for by Americans
Vote for anti American globalist democrats who aid and abet illegal immigrants
Victimize Americans
Get deported from America

believing democrats don't want open borders is like believing democrats don't want to ban guns. Most democrats are just useful idiots that go along with whatever the DNC/media tells them to go along with.
You forgot we Democrats also want to kill your babies, take away your guns, force you to make a roast at a same sex wedding and we sneak into hour House to rearrange the furniture forcing you to stub your toe in the dark. By the way, Democrats also canceled Cheers back in the 90s.
There are Democrats on this forum that would throw me in jail if I didn't make a penis shaped pancake when ordered to.
I still support impeachment. What's taking so long?
The problem is Democrats don't even believe their own propaganda. They talk about impeachment to feed the brainwashed drones some hope, but if they really believed it, they would be well into impeachment already.

Everyday the Democrats search for a new reason to impeach trump.
Being an embarrassing buffoon is not an impeachable offense. Trump is a symptom of a bigger problem.
Dems scream IMPEACHMENT if they think it will please their base and their donors for their next election.
That's all politicians care about now, because the system is built that way. And we don't seem to mind.
It's really hard to know who believes what in all the lying on the Left.
For example, which do they believe more, Trump is Hitler or that Trump should take all our guns?
Is carbon emissions really destroying the planet or should we all ban anti-carbon emitting nuclear power like the Dims want to do?
Sometimes I think Leftists even get confused.
It does get silly.

And of course, the Right does the same thing, equating the Left with Nazis, claiming that Obama is Kenyan, that Dems are for open borders, etc., etc.......

It goes on and on.

And that's why partisans have zero credibility, none. Nothing they say can be taken as fact out of hand. That's their own fault.
Our left never say they support open borders ... they just do whatever they can to block our ability to close them.
I still support impeachment. What's taking so long?
The problem is Democrats don't even believe their own propaganda. They talk about impeachment to feed the brainwashed drones some hope, but if they really believed it, they would be well into impeachment already.

Everyday the Democrats search for a new reason to impeach trump.
Meanwhile, they're wasting taxpayer dollars.
I still support impeachment. What's taking so long?
The problem is Democrats don't even believe their own propaganda. They talk about impeachment to feed the brainwashed drones some hope, but if they really believed it, they would be well into impeachment already.

Everyday the Democrats search for a new reason to impeach trump.
Meanwhile, they're wasting taxpayer dollars.
The Democrat congress made it there mission to impeach trump and they couldn't do it.
Impeachment would seal a landslide victory for Trump in 2020. But, personally, I would rather see a debate on the policies.
Not for impeachment, DO think when there are questions about possible wrong doings that the president who ever it is should respond by answering the questions, not by tweeting that everyone who disagrees is fake or a liar.
Not for impeachment, DO think when there are questions about possible wrong doings that the president who ever it is should respond by answering the questions, not by tweeting that everyone who disagrees is fake or a liar.
There's nothing to answer. Trump has been investigated for 3 years and there's nothing there. It's nothing but harassment. The Democrats are fakes and liars.
Not for impeachment, DO think when there are questions about possible wrong doings that the president who ever it is should respond by answering the questions, not by tweeting that everyone who disagrees is fake or a liar.

There are times when that is necessary. But, in my opinion, this leak was set up to make Trump put the spot light on Biden and knock him out. Who knows which Dem candidate did it. But, I think Biden will be completely toast very soon.
The dems scream "IMPEACHMENT!!" as loud as they can, but know that they can't because they don't have the votes and impeachment would help Trump win in 2020. So its just more MSM propaganda, aka "fake news".

The difference is the trumptards wanted Obama dead.

We want Trump removed, alive.

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