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Who here "thinks" that China will blink first in the trade wars?

Yeah- that is virtually what every power in 1914 thought- that they absolutely could win that war.
Dumbest "argument" regarding 2018 trade war is referring to 100 years ago, and other countries. Apples and oranges. Conditions were totally different. Totally different scenarios.

Today in America we have China with 4-5 times the exports to us that we have to them. We are also their # 1 export destination, and we're halfway around the world, and we allow then unrestricted access to our massive market while they tariff our exports to them. Is this focusing in ? They NEED US, big time.

This is a no brainer. Tariffs are of course the answer, It's just too bad we can't make up for the idiocy of the last 4 presidents. That's water already over the dam.

You mean all those real Presidents who know trump is a carnival barker?
Jesus you are stupid.

What do you think they are going to magically change the land to, tomatoes or green beans?

Grain farmer grow grain. They do not magically decided in April to become watermelon farmers.

If they plan on planting Soybeans it means they have already bought the seeds, if they do not use them they lose money and have to buy other seeds.

If they are planning on planting soybeans it means they have not prepared the land with nitrates and other Ferts necessary for corn or other grains.

If the weather does not change soon they will not even have the option to plant corn, so they will use the seeds they have.

Really retard? Farmers switch from corn to soybeans on a regular basis. They also do wheat frequently. Sunflowers are an option too.

They do not just up and switch, they plan and they prepare. The fields that corn is going into get treated well before growing season to put extra nutrients in the ground that are required for corn but not soybeans.

In the midwest, the major grain areas, there is a limited amount of time to get corn in the ground and then it is too late and they have to go with beans.

Also, there was more surplus corn left at the end of the year than anticipated, that is one of the reasons that so many acres of soybeans were planned. The more people that switch from beans to corn means even more surplus and the price goes down even more.

Wheat in most states is a secondary crop. In my neck of the woods it is what they double crop with soy beans.

Sunflowers have a very limited market.

You really have no clue what you are talking about.

Aha! This is why Republican Senators in Ag states are urging trump to back off! The man is beyond explanation....Idiot!
They do not just up and switch, they plan and they prepare. The fields that corn is going into get treated well before growing season to put extra nutrients in the ground that are required for corn but not soybeans.

In the midwest, the major grain areas, there is a limited amount of time to get corn in the ground and then it is too late and they have to go with beans.

Also, there was more surplus corn left at the end of the year than anticipated, that is one of the reasons that so many acres of soybeans were planned. The more people that switch from beans to corn means even more surplus and the price goes down even more.

Wheat in most states is a secondary crop. In my neck of the woods it is what they double crop with soy beans.

Sunflowers have a very limited market.

You really have no clue what you are talking about.

...and yet, everything I said you admitted were possibilities. :lol:

Alfalfa or straw can be planted too. Granted these are not high value crops, but safe ones when conditions are bad. Then there's beets. No point to planting a crop that is going to hammer you at harvest time, like you tell us will happen. :lol:

That Narcissistic Clown doesn't know what he's doing and has placed the US and all of its citizens out on the proverbial limb. As far as your blaming "Globalists" for the woes of this Nation today, put that overly broad tar brush back in the bucket and educate yourself you insipidly deficient ground dwelling fool! tHrump is one of those you claim to disdain, but your licking up every drop of his piss you can. You are profoundly conflicted or perhaps just really, really terribly UNINFORMED!

The Idiot-in-Chief is not going to get squat from China in trade concession with his approach with his Carnival Barker shtick playing the tough guy because he's played that act too many times and shown himself to be nothing but a Gawd Damn marshmallow! His focus should be on China's military buildup, but OH HELL NO! He's concerned about keeping his dwindling base focused.
When someone knows as little as you do about a subject, YOU should keep quiet about it. Wanna learn ? Read my posts in this thread. Free education.
When were you given a condo atop Mount Olympus, you Ike Wannabe? You frauds with your phony avatars to pump you up...Christ, what fools you truly are.

Another self ordained Know-It-All! The Orange One is a Gawd Damn Marshmallow, and the Chinese will eat that assholes lunch if he stays the course, while we will have to pay the bill!

That Narcissistic Clown doesn't know what he's doing and has placed the US and all of its citizens out on the proverbial limb. As far as your blaming "Globalists" for the woes of this Nation today, put that overly broad tar brush back in the bucket and educate yourself you insipidly deficient ground dwelling fool! tHrump is one of those you claim to disdain, but your licking up every drop of his piss you can. You are profoundly conflicted or perhaps just really, really terribly UNINFORMED!

The Idiot-in-Chief is not going to get squat from China in trade concession with his approach with his Carnival Barker shtick playing the tough guy because he's played that act too many times and shown himself to be nothing but a Gawd Damn marshmallow! His focus should be on China's military buildup, but OH HELL NO! He's concerned about keeping his dwindling base focused.
When someone knows as little as you do about a subject, YOU should keep quiet about it. Wanna learn ? Read my posts in this thread. Free education.
When were you given a condo atop Mount Olympus, you Ike Wannabe? You frauds with your phony avatars to pump you up...Christ, what fools you truly are.

Another self ordained Know-It-All! The Orange One is a Gawd Damn Marshmallow, and the Chinese will eat that assholes lunch if he stays the course, while we will have to pay the bill!

Be prepared to pay more for everything. Thank you Mr. trump....the dumbest SOB to ever sit in the White House.
They do not just up and switch, they plan and they prepare. The fields that corn is going into get treated well before growing season to put extra nutrients in the ground that are required for corn but not soybeans.

In the midwest, the major grain areas, there is a limited amount of time to get corn in the ground and then it is too late and they have to go with beans.

Also, there was more surplus corn left at the end of the year than anticipated, that is one of the reasons that so many acres of soybeans were planned. The more people that switch from beans to corn means even more surplus and the price goes down even more.

Wheat in most states is a secondary crop. In my neck of the woods it is what they double crop with soy beans.

Sunflowers have a very limited market.

You really have no clue what you are talking about.

...and yet, everything I said you admitted were possibilities. :lol:

Alfalfa or straw can be planted too. Granted these are not high value crops, but safe ones when conditions are bad. Then there's beets. No point to planting a crop that is going to hammer you at harvest time, like you tell us will happen. :lol:

So, you think that the grain farmers would be fine basically planting nothing and just sitting it out...fuck you are stupid. Most farms are one bad year from bankruptcy, and you think they can just plant beets and hay and all will be cool with them.

Also, you do not plant straw, straw is the by-product left after the harvest.

I am sure there is something out thee that you have some actual knowledge of, so stick to talking about it and stay away from things you are totally clueless on.

Planting straw! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
And by the way- there are legitimate issues with China- some of whom Trump addresses- and there are fake issues with China- all of which Trump proclaims.

If Trump is just using all of this bluster to negotiate on the real issues- then more power to him.

But I would be surprised if he is capable of that kind of patience- and frankly expect him to stumble us into a Trade war- and everyone will lose in a trade war- especially any of those who are not wealthy.
And by the way- there are legitimate issues with China- some of whom Trump addresses- and there are fake issues with China- all of which Trump proclaims.

If Trump is just using all of this bluster to negotiate on the real issues- then more power to him.

But I would be surprised if he is capable of that kind of patience- and frankly expect him to stumble us into a Trade war- and everyone will lose in a trade war- especially any of those who are not wealthy.

I listened to one on his talking heads this morning...Kudow. In the same breath he said the tariffs threat was a negotiating ploy and then denied it was.

trump will play this game for a few months...screw over consumers....then back off....realizing he has screwed up. But he will claim concessions from China and claim some great...twisted victory.

That is the way he works. He lies over and over thinking someone will finally believe him. And his cult members do.
Like he cleaned up the swamp with a record number of cabinet and staff being forced out after screwing the American tax payers....trump has turned the swamp into an open sewer.

Pruitt is a tax wasting royalty wannabe....and trump defends him.

This WH has No Ethics!
How did Trump screw the American taxpayer? He gave them a tax cut (they got millions$$ in bonuses and raises)
You mean all those real Presidents who know trump is a carnival barker?
No I mean all those fake and fool presidents, who gave China unrestricted access to our huge and valuable MARKET, while getting nothing in return, and messing up our economy for the next 30 years (until now)

That Narcissistic Clown doesn't know what he's doing and has placed the US and all of its citizens out on the proverbial limb. As far as your blaming "Globalists" for the woes of this Nation today, put that overly broad tar brush back in the bucket and educate yourself you insipidly deficient ground dwelling fool! tHrump is one of those you claim to disdain, but your licking up every drop of his piss you can. You are profoundly conflicted or perhaps just really, really terribly UNINFORMED!

The Idiot-in-Chief is not going to get squat from China in trade concession with his approach with his Carnival Barker shtick playing the tough guy because he's played that act too many times and shown himself to be nothing but a Gawd Damn marshmallow! His focus should be on China's military buildup, but OH HELL NO! He's concerned about keeping his dwindling base focused.
When someone knows as little as you do about a subject, YOU should keep quiet about it. Wanna learn ? Read my posts in this thread. Free education.
When were you given a condo atop Mount Olympus, you Ike Wannabe? You frauds with your phony avatars to pump you up...Christ, what fools you truly are.

Another self ordained Know-It-All! The Orange One is a Gawd Damn Marshmallow, and the Chinese will eat that assholes lunch if he stays the course, while we will have to pay the bill!

Be prepared to pay more for everything. Thank you Mr. trump....the dumbest SOB to ever sit in the White House.
These Clown sycophants are totally ignorant of the existential threat China poses to the US both in trade and national security. For the first time EVER in the over four(4) millennia history of China, they no longer view their boundaries the extent of the World without need to look beyond it for ~4100 years.

Not so with the newly established foot hold of this new regime that threw off the British, Japanese and Russians. The heavy handed blustering and bullying of the Asswipe-in-Chief thinking he can out smart a people who think and plan in the LONG VIEW of decades and centuries instead of months or a few years has no chance of coming out ahead of China and their plans of inexorably expanding well BEYOND their borders.

The Idiot-in-Chief will keep on posturing and keeping the US on its slide down as another failed experiment in mankind's history. Nero and the Orange One have much in common in that respect.
For those who claim that Trump is "the greatest negotiator that ever walked the planet" (beside Trump himself, that is) the surprise will be very disappointing.

Trump has picked the wrong fight, using the worst tools at his disposal probably because of his hatred of Obama. If you really wanted to have China buckle to our demands of better trade balances, less currency manipulation and have China curtail the stealing of our intellectual properties, THEN the best method would have been to REJOIN the TPP accords.

China will purchase her needs for soy beans and corn from such other countries as Brazil, Argentina, Canada, Mexico ,Peru, etc.......and we can expect that China may abandon its purchases of Boeing air crafts, opting for Air Bus from European (mostly France) manufacturers.

Yes, China may currently need our exports, but we are NOT the only suppliers of the commodities that Chain needs.....and once other suppliers step up to service China's needs, what would ever make that country seek supplies from her arch economic "enemy," the U.S.?

He is the Greatest Showman to ever have held the Office. You'd be better served to keep your eyes on the Middle East.
When were you given a condo atop Mount Olympus, you Ike Wannabe? You frauds with your phony avatars to pump you up...Christ, what fools you truly are.

Another self ordained Know-It-All! The Orange One is a Gawd Damn Marshmallow, and the Chinese will eat that assholes lunch if he stays the course, while we will have to pay the bill!
Did you copy that from my posts quoting Pat Buchanan ?,,who said >> "Trade war ? Bring it on. We'll eat their lunch." Of course we will, because we have the high cards >>the big marvelous MARKET, making China dependent on us, while we have no need for them.
Be prepared to pay more for everything. Thank you Mr. trump....the dumbest SOB to ever sit in the White House.
US companies will return to the US (many already have) and no, prices won't be higher.

With returning companies, prices in the US may not be higher at all, even initially Here' s a list of what will lessen them (in addition to robotics) to lower than would have been in previous years >>

1. Major reduction in the Corporate tax

2 Major reductions in business regulations

3. Shipping costs are much lower US internally, than from China (all the way on the other side of the world)

4 Energy costs have dropped

5. Chinese wages have increased substantially

6. Very difficult for companies to raise prices (anytime) Prices are set by sales. When prices are hiked above current rates, sales (and income) go down
Like he cleaned up the swamp with a record number of cabinet and staff being forced out after screwing the American tax payers....trump has turned the swamp into an open sewer.

Pruitt is a tax wasting royalty wannabe....and trump defends him.

This WH has No Ethics!
How did Trump screw the American taxpayer? He gave them a tax cut (they got millions$$ in bonuses and raises)

Many in his cabinet are....a $30,000 dinner set....really.

80% of his tax cuts went to the 1%....while he lied and said he would not benefit from the tax cuts....LIAR!
And by the way- there are legitimate issues with China- some of whom Trump addresses- and there are fake issues with China- all of which Trump proclaims.

If Trump is just using all of this bluster to negotiate on the real issues- then more power to him.

But I would be surprised if he is capable of that kind of patience- and frankly expect him to stumble us into a Trade war- and everyone will lose in a trade war- especially any of those who are not wealthy.
We will win trade war, and easily.

China Can't Win Trade War With USA
Many in his cabinet are....a $30,000 dinner set....really.

80% of his tax cuts went to the 1%....while he lied and said he would not benefit from the tax cuts....LIAR!
And maybe you think all those workers who got bonuses of $1000-3000 got "crumbs", as Nancy Pelost put it ?

As for the tax cuts, the biggest part of it was the Corporate tax cut, which benefits workers and stockholders both.

I would agree that the top 1% should have gotten tax increases. Professional sports spoiled brats don't need tax cuts, but sometimes in life, you have to do what you don't want, to pacify others in your group, to get them to go along with you on other things. We've all probably gone to concerts or movies we didn't like, because our wives did like them. That's life.
Trump already rubbed Chinese noses in soybeans. Our soybean farmers will make more than ever.

You are so stupid it is almost scary you are allowed to vote.

If there was another market out there on a steady basis that would pay more, do you not think that our farmers would not have already been taking advantage of it?

This year for only the third time ever, more soybeans are planned to be planted than corn, meaning there will be more soybean than every to try and sell. Are you aware what happens when there is a surplus of supply and a shortage of buyers?

And the extended winter is going to make it even worse as people will end up planting beans where they were going to plant corn if they cannot get the corn in the ground soon.
Sorry for your ignorance but Europe is already buying our soybeans.

Your hope for the failure of our farmers is dashed from the beginning.

Yes they are, so who is going to pick up the market that is China since Europe already is? Do you think that if Europe was better market we would not have already replaced China with them? Do you think at all? Do you even have a brain or was it replaced by Trump's ass?

Soy beans are sold on a world market, with the price pretty much determined by supply and demand. If other soy bean producers decide to sell to China and not their other customers, then those customers have to find another supplier. The same amount of soy beans will be sold, as there is a market for soy beans. Only the actors change.

WOW, you need to go talk to the grain farmers and the Ag companies, I guess they are all too stupid to figure that out...or it could be you are a moron and they know more than you....hmmmm which could it be?????

A whole lot of people know more than I do. You are obviously not one of them. Farmers have been planting according to what they believe to be coming market conditions for many years, and this year will be no different. Changes in the soy bean market, pig market, or any other agricultural market will be affected only on the margins, if China does put tariffs on those products.

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