Who is responsible for the devastation of Black America?

Who is responsible for the destruction of Black America?

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No I'm finding it funny that Republicans havent weighed in on any issue that involved blacks in 60 years lol

Could it be because Negroes don't want their welfare teat disturbed by the 'other party'?
Stupid and LAZY *******. I can't imagine why they don't vote for your side.

it's easy to understand, they hate whitey
Well that would make it hard to vote for the POW then, the Party of Whitey.

It used to be all the GOP needed was the burning cross, now they have that as well.
How many more black men are you going to cajole into committing suicide by cop?
This is just another stupid topic trying to conflate the right wing conservative Democrats of more than half a century ago with the liberal Democrats of today.

The requisite historical ignorance to buy into this bullshit is profound, really.
Where is the GOP support today? In the South. Where did they vote to keep the ******* down, including against the Civil Rights acts, in the South. Carry on boys.
Democrats. Explain Jimmy Carters support in the South. You are afraid to answer that.

The South is a culture. Carter is part of it and speaks the language. Voting for a "favorite son" is common. That's why his home state of Georgia voted for him in 1980 when the rest of the South went with Reagan.
. Carter lost the South in 1980 because he proved himself incompetent and the only way to remove hi was voting republican.
Who is responsible for the devastation of Black America?

Slavery first and foremost, obviously.


How is THAT possible given that prior to 'The Great Society', that average Black family was comprised of two parents... with incomes in the lower to middle economic strata, with children who were likely to finish high school with a better than average GPA?
Not the years of slavery
Not the years of legalized racism
Not the years of Jim Crow laws that made it illegal for blacks to start businesses let alone drink water etc.
It sure wasnt making it illegal and punishable by death to learn how to read.
It wasnt the GI Bill who let whites buy property to build family wealth and prevented blacks from doing the same.
It wasnt the burning down of successful black Cities during hundreds of race riots that destroyed and envied success
It wasnt the war on drugs
Its not the unfair justice system that punishes blacks harsher than whites
And if they are punished harsher that doesnt change the fact that the locked up person should be there for his family
Its not underfunded schools
Its not underfunded housing
Its not the development of "the projects" which is almost like Jail Light
Its not testing Syphilis on blacks who only wanted to serve this country
Its not hanging blacks from trees and taking pictures of their murders
Its not any of those things.

Its black people....Thats whats wrong with black people....Or thats what whites want blacks to believe to cover their own Holocaust in America

Really the "American Holocaust"? If it were not so sad it would be funny, so many excuses for the failure of blacks and of course it is not any fault of their own.
Let me ask this question? How do you explain all the blacks that are not in the ghettos? Until the blacks in the ghetto start to take responsibility for their own status in life instead of blaming it on the whites and playing the perpetual victim they will always be stuck in the ghetto.
This is just another stupid topic trying to conflate the right wing conservative Democrats of more than half a century ago with the liberal Democrats of today.

The requisite historical ignorance to buy into this bullshit is profound, really.
Where is the GOP support today? In the South. Where did they vote to keep the ******* down, including against the Civil Rights acts, in the South. Carry on boys.
Democrats. Explain Jimmy Carters support in the South. You are afraid to answer that.

The South is a culture. Carter is part of it and speaks the language. Voting for a "favorite son" is common. That's why his home state of Georgia voted for him in 1980 when the rest of the South went with Reagan.
. Carter lost the South in 1980 because he proved himself incompetent and the only way to remove hi was voting republican.

Then what's all this bullshit about "explain Jimmy Carter's support in the South"?

Having it both ways: Priceless.
Who is responsible for the devastation of Black America?

Slavery first and foremost, obviously.

Then the right wing conservatives who enacted Jim Crow laws and perpetrated discrimination for over a century.

I would continue with right wing conservatives, particularly those in the Deep South, who opposed the granting of civil rights to blacks.

But even Martin Luther King knew the greatest resistance to civil rights would come from right wing conservatives in the North.

However, once the barriers to civil rights began to collapse, the liberals exacerbated the black dilemma with their " soft bigotry of low expectations" as one brilliant man put it.

Liberal policies coddle irresponsibility.

I also blame the black community itself which has a culture which frowns upon those who succeed, excuses any malfeasance committed by a black leader, and which chooses leadership who are just as exploitative of black people as any white vote-seeking liberal.
Controlling people is not what conservatives do. That is liberal ideology of big intrusive government. Hence democrats started the KKK and implemented Jim Crowe laws. I repeat this to you libs about 10 times a day. Get it thru your thick skulls!

And by the way, learn the difference between Crow and Crowe. J.D. Crowe is a banjo player. And a damn good one.
...Civil rights was enacted 50 years ago......that means after centuries of oppression they've been treated like real citizens for almost half a century...
Half a century is enough of a leg-up for anybody.

If you're talking about, say, passing a law that says you can't be denied the franchise or use of a public water fountain, sure.

If you're talking about shifting an entire culture that's been brewed for four hundred years...... not so much.
You don't shift a culture by forcing its majority to forego its own opportunities generation after generation for the sake of compensating for past wrongs.

Not unless you want underlying pressures to build to such a point that an explosion by that majority eventually occurs.

We're not talking about shifting an entire culture, anyway.

The culture is just fine the way it is.

We're merely talking about leveling the playing field for a while until a larger percentage of the minority have had a chance to get past old barriers.

Well, we've had fifty years of that, now.

Play-time's over.
...So in other words: Your entire social philosophy is completely baseless.
You are welcome to filter it any way you like.

Doesn't mean that it's not broadly operative within the nation at-large, however.

If you see a statistical basis for disputing my assertions that...

1. White Folk now oftentimes perceive that 50 years of 'leg-up' special advantage is enough


2. Donor (Taxpayer) Exhaustion is setting in, in connection with Quota-based programming...

...then, by all means, have at it.

Oh, and, by the way...

A couple of assertions about racial disparity and remediation - that do not jibe with your own - are hardly a 'social philosophy'.

Spare me the histrionics, eh?

And yet so called conservatives never offer any tangible solutions, they like to characterize the problem.....but they have no idea what to do about it beyond the most generic, vague terms possible.
It it not necessary to have a solution, before deciding to complain, is it?

If something has been dragging-on for a half-century and if the rest of the country is getting tired of it, that's enough, isn't it?

As to a 'solution'... well... the solution would be to end such quota-based programming, I expect.

What comes after is then entirely up to the former beneficiaries of such largess.

We've heard plenty of complaining for a long time now. When do we start hearing about some actual solutions from the political right? They can only point fingers because what ever solutions they theorize only amount to social engineering from a Darwinian perspective.
The 50 years of Leg-Up WERE the supposed social engineering solution.

Either the Leg-Up worked, or it didn't.

But it was never meant to last forever.

And, now, after 50 years, it's time to put the quota system to bed.

Ready or not.
...So in other words: Your entire social philosophy is completely baseless.
You are welcome to filter it any way you like.

Doesn't mean that it's not broadly operative within the nation at-large, however.

If you see a statistical basis for disputing my assertions that...

1. White Folk now oftentimes perceive that 50 years of 'leg-up' special advantage is enough


2. Donor (Taxpayer) Exhaustion is setting in, in connection with Quota-based programming...

...then, by all means, have at it.

Oh, and, by the way...

A couple of assertions about racial disparity and remediation - that do not jibe with your own - are hardly a 'social philosophy'.

Spare me the histrionics, eh?

And yet so called conservatives never offer any tangible solutions, they like to characterize the problem.....but they have no idea what to do about it beyond the most generic, vague terms possible.
It it not necessary to have a solution, before deciding to complain, is it?

If something has been dragging-on for a half-century and if the rest of the country is getting tired of it, that's enough, isn't it?

As to a 'solution'... well... the solution would be to end such quota-based programming, I expect.

What comes after is then entirely up to the former beneficiaries of such largess.

We've heard plenty of complaining for a long time now. When do we start hearing about some actual solutions from the political right? They can only point fingers because what ever solutions they theorize only amount to social engineering from a Darwinian perspective.
The 50 years of Leg-Up WERE the supposed social engineering solution.

Either the Leg-Up worked, or it didn't.

But it was never meant to last forever.

And, now, after 50 years, it's time to put the quota system to bed.

Ready or not.

Again, vague generalities we've all heard a million times with no actual solutions in mind.
Leftists like to claim the problems in the black community are the result of white racism. This is obviously incorrect, since blacks were doing much better before the Great Society and at a time when overt racism was present in society.

The Great Walter Williams exposes the fraud:
A good start to meeting that challenge is to recognize that much of the pathology seen in many black communities is entirely new in black history. Let's look at some of that history. In the late 1800s, depending on the city, 70 to 80 percent of black households were two-parent. In 1925 New York City, 85 percent of black households were two-parent. As late as 1950, only 18 percent of black households were single-parent. From 1890 to 1940, a slightly higher percentage of black adults had married than white adults. In 1940, black illegitimacy was about 14 percent.

Today it's an entirely different story. Black illegitimacy is 75 percent. Close to 50 percent of marriage-age blacks never marry. Close to 70 percent of black households are female-headed. If one thinks family structure doesn't matter, consider that the poverty rate among black female-headed families is about 47 percent but among married families it has been in the single digits for more than two decades. It's not just poverty. Children raised by single parents are likelier to be physically abused; use drugs; engage in violent, delinquent and criminal behavior; have emotional and behavioral problems; and drop out of school.

What about employment? Every census from 1890 to 1950 showed that black labor force participation rates were higher than those of whites. Today it's a mere fraction. Prior to the mid-'50s, the unemployment rate for black 16- and 17-year-olds was under 10 percent and less than that of whites. Who would argue that this more favorable employment picture was because there was less racial discrimination in the job market in earlier times? Labor laws such as the Davis-Bacon Act of 1931 -- a federal minimum wage law for construction workers -- and the 1938 federal minimum wage law for all workers reduced work opportunities for blacks.

Then there's the high crime rate. Each year, roughly 7,000 blacks are murdered. Ninety-four percent of the time, the murderer is another black person. Though blacks are 13 percent of the nation's population, they are more than 50 percent of homicide victims. Nationally, the black homicide victimization rate is six times that of whites, and in some cities, it's 22 times that of whites. Along with being most of the nation's homicide victims, blacks are most of the victims of violent personal crimes, such as assault and robbery.

Older black people, who were raised in an era when there was far greater discrimination and who faced far fewer opportunities, need to speak out against behavior and excuses that their parents would have never accepted. Otherwise, the race hustlers, poverty pimps and white liberals will continue with the narrative that black problems are a result of racism and racist cops and condemn future generations of blacks to a lifetime of mediocrity.
This is just another stupid topic trying to conflate the right wing conservative Democrats of more than half a century ago with the liberal Democrats of today.

The requisite historical ignorance to buy into this bullshit is profound, really.
Where is the GOP support today? In the South. Where did they vote to keep the ******* down, including against the Civil Rights acts, in the South. Carry on boys.
Democrats. Explain Jimmy Carters support in the South. You are afraid to answer that.

The South is a culture. Carter is part of it and speaks the language. Voting for a "favorite son" is common. That's why his home state of Georgia voted for him in 1980 when the rest of the South went with Reagan.
. Carter lost the South in 1980 because he proved himself incompetent and the only way to remove hi was voting republican.

Then what's all this bullshit about "explain Jimmy Carter's support in the South"?

Having it both ways: Priceless.
It's not having it both ways. Libs claim the South turned republican because of the civil rights vote. They went for Carter, a Democrat plantation owner, in 1976, so that blows your claim. As for the 1980 election, Carter proved to be incompetent and lost the south to Reagan.
It is amazing the posters you find to post. Here's the proof that democrats are the party of white superiority and these libs still deny it.
You seem to be hung up on the party that was racist, instead of the party that is racist. Why is that, and who does this sound like now? It ain't the Dems.
You lose all credibility when you claim republicans are racists, especially when you're the only person who regularly calls them ******* here. Even that poster you people think is a Nazi doesn't use that word.
It is amazing the posters you find to post. Here's the proof that democrats are the party of white superiority and these libs still deny it.
You seem to be hung up on the party that was racist, instead of the party that is racist. Why is that, and who does this sound like now? It ain't the Dems.
You lose all credibility when you claim republicans are racists, especially when you're the only person who regularly calls them ******* here. Even that poster you people think is a Nazi doesn't use that word.
I use the term because you, as a member of the party of white, won't. They don't vote for your side. It's not my opinion, it's math. Your party is racist, and they know it. The racists vote for you and the honest ones will call them stupid lazy violent ******* which is exactly what you believe.

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