Who is responsible for your place in life?

Who is most responsible for your place in life?

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I'm going on the notion that the fringe right wing nuts on this site have repeatedly preached that everything you do in life is your own choice and you have full control. That millionaires worked hard for their success and should not be "punished".

These same people preach how independent they are and how they've earned everything that they have. However MANY of these same people are not millionaires themselves in fact most are barely making ends meet, don't have health insurance, are unemployed and are barely getting by.

Apparently all it takes is hard work and determination to be a millionaire if you ask the far-right. So if I were to listen to what they are preaching I would have to consider any of them who is not a millionaire to be a failure. Because they should just "work harder", "stop being lazy" and stop "blaming others".

if you want, but that's stupid. You ever stop and think that not everyone sits around and dreams about being millionaires ? While sure, they live paycheck to paycheck, they may be happy that they were not stupid enough to buy that house when they were handing them out left and right or that they did not use there credit to live beyond there means Are they failures ? See, the ones that are really hurting are the ones who did all that. They did not make enough money to fund there life style. So they subsidized it with a line of credit. When it came time to pay up, they could not, so they got hurt. in my mind that makes them the failures, not the folks who saved there money and not draw five lines of credit.

Tell that to the people who idolize the rich and define "moochers" by how much money someone makes.

I dont give a shit about some asshole in whatever town USA or his bank book. I am concerned with my life, the lives of my family, and my bank book. If everyone followed that method of thought all would be well.
Okay. And if your company downsized and you were in an accident whereby the hospital bills ate all your money, and you couldn't work anymore (see, this is the only way I can think of to get you to see that there are NO guarantees) - would you still be going "I got mine, and everybody else just needs to STFU"?
Are children in poverty responsible for their place in life?

Are children in poverty responsible for their place in life?

From what I've read on these boards, the issue of children going hungry is sidestepped by calling their parents lowlifes, etc.

Are children in poverty responsible for their place in life?

No, there parents are.


Can I call it, or what.

I clicked every box, because all of those choices are responsible for one's circumstances in life.
if you want, but that's stupid. You ever stop and think that not everyone sits around and dreams about being millionaires ? While sure, they live paycheck to paycheck, they may be happy that they were not stupid enough to buy that house when they were handing them out left and right or that they did not use there credit to live beyond there means Are they failures ? See, the ones that are really hurting are the ones who did all that. They did not make enough money to fund there life style. So they subsidized it with a line of credit. When it came time to pay up, they could not, so they got hurt. in my mind that makes them the failures, not the folks who saved there money and not draw five lines of credit.

Tell that to the people who idolize the rich and define "moochers" by how much money someone makes.

I dont give a shit about some asshole in whatever town USA or his bank book. I am concerned with my life, the lives of my family, and my bank book. If everyone followed that method of thought all would be well.

LOL. So we shouldn't expect to hear you complain about those moochers who don't pay their fair share and are living off of "your hard earned dollar"?
Are children in poverty responsible for their place in life?

From what I've read on these boards, the issue of children going hungry is sidestepped by calling their parents lowlifes, etc.

If parents let there kids go hungry they are indeed lowlife's. There is no excuse for going hungry in this country.

Good point. Infants, toddlers and children should know where to get food, shelter and the basics they need to survive.
Tell that to the people who idolize the rich and define "moochers" by how much money someone makes.

I dont give a shit about some asshole in whatever town USA or his bank book. I am concerned with my life, the lives of my family, and my bank book. If everyone followed that method of thought all would be well.

LOL. So we shouldn't expect to hear you complain about those moochers who don't pay their fair share and are living off of "your hard earned dollar"?

Nope, I could give a shit less. But they do not get to bitch about it. And the scammers need to be cut off.
From what I've read on these boards, the issue of children going hungry is sidestepped by calling their parents lowlifes, etc.

If parents let there kids go hungry they are indeed lowlife's. There is no excuse for going hungry in this country.

Good point. Infants, toddlers and children should know where to get food, shelter and the basics they need to survive.

Post is to stupid to address any further, other then pointing out how stupid it was.
If parents let there kids go hungry they are indeed lowlife's. There is no excuse for going hungry in this country.

Good point. Infants, toddlers and children should know where to get food, shelter and the basics they need to survive.

Post is to stupid to address any further, other then pointing out how stupid it was.

Or was it so insightful it nearly blew your mind?

In case you missed it, the point is that not all people start on anything close to a level playing field. And thus, people are NOT entirely responsible for their role in life. Yes, people are responsible for reacting to their situation but we have millions of people who start out with situations that are very difficult to overcome. Situations that they were dealt and are not to be blamed for.
I dont give a shit about some asshole in whatever town USA or his bank book. I am concerned with my life, the lives of my family, and my bank book. If everyone followed that method of thought all would be well.

LOL. So we shouldn't expect to hear you complain about those moochers who don't pay their fair share and are living off of "your hard earned dollar"?

Nope, I could give a shit less. But they do not get to bitch about it. And the scammers need to be cut off.

Scammers should be cut off, but good luck figuring out a system that can weed out the scammers without affecting those that truly need help.
Trust in God,not in Politicians. God bless you all and enjoy your football Sunday.
Good point. Infants, toddlers and children should know where to get food, shelter and the basics they need to survive.

Post is to stupid to address any further, other then pointing out how stupid it was.

Or was it so insightful it nearly blew your mind?

In case you missed it, the point is that not all people start on anything close to a level playing field. And thus, people are NOT entirely responsible for their role in life. Yes, people are responsible for reacting to their situation but we have millions of people who start out with situations that are very difficult to overcome. Situations that they were dealt and are not to be blamed for.

Who said the playing field is or ever was level ? No, not everyone starts out the same, no one ever will thats just the nature of things. I worked for a small trucking company that catered to on shore oil rigs, and water well drilling operations. While on vacation it folded up and went out of business. Was it bad ? yeah, but due to the fact that I lived with in my means its not so bad. I also filed for unemployment. Never had to go in, did it all over the phone, the lady recommended I apply for food stamps (called SNAP) out here. Did that over the phone as well. Don't have any shame in applying at all. Wont get them because I'm headed to my new job tommrow. Any way, going hungry in this country if the fault of who ever is starving. You can do food stamps on line or over the phone, most churches hand out food, a good deal on non religious organizations hand out food and there is always family and friends. If kids are starving or dont have proper food clothing or their needs met in this country then CPS needs to investigate the family (it takes a village and all that). sitting there and whining about how unfair it is does no one any good, and does not put food on the table or a roof over your head.
I have known several immigrants that came to this country with absolutely nothing. One man got off the plane with $20.00 in his pocket. He got a job washing dishes in a restaurant and slept in the alley behind the restaurant. He came from the Phillipines. He now owns a string of restaurants.

Another man came from Greece at 14 years old. No money, no family. Started sweeping floors in a garment district sweat shop where the owner brought him leftovers to eat and let him sleep on the floor. Odd thing about this guy, he became an low paid apprentice to a tailor and saved enough to open up his own tailor shop. He and his wife raised a family in the back of that tailor shop when they already owned a few rental houses. Now they own both commercial and residential real estate.

The main difference that I see with people like this and the poor of this country is a willingness to work harder than anyone else for less than is paid to anyone else and a willingness to sacrifice whatever it takes.

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