Who wants to defend the Federal Income Tax?

It only seems that way to you. My point is that most Americans benefited when the U.S. income tax was very steeply progressive.

The following charts demonstrate that most Americans did not benefit from Present Reagan's tax cuts for the rich.

View attachment 840618

Your mind seems to be the prison of a few right wing cliches, and a fortress against facts that would contribute to a more nuanced understanding of the U.S. economy.
Walls of text and C&P graphics don’t change the facts:
If you support government that taxes at a higher rate from those with ability, and redistributes to those with perceived needs, you are either a Marxist or a useful idiot.
Walls of text and C&P graphics don’t change the facts:
If you support government that taxes at a higher rate from those with ability, and redistributes to those with perceived needs, you are either a Marxist or a useful idiot.
You do not even understand the difference between an empirical fact and a normative opinion. An empirical fact can be verified. A normative opinion is nothing more than a way of feeling about something.

Your opinions are not based on learning and understanding, but irritable attitudes.
I find it difficult to reason with someone who refuses to reason, and is only capable of repeating time worn cliches.
Words have meanings. Your difficulty in understanding them isn’t my problem.
You do not even understand the difference between an empirical fact and a normative opinion. An empirical fact can be verified. A normative opinion is nothing more than a way of feeling about something.

Your opinions are not based on learning and understanding, but irritable attitudes.
More irrelevant blather and opinion from you. Telling that I provide one of the central tenets of Marxism as my example and you tap-dance around it with passive aggressive insults and examples of why Marxist policies have been a good/popular thing in the past. Think better, those shit tactics won’t work against me, kid.
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Thanks for that insight, Captain Obvious.
Do you know what "progressive tax" means?
Do you know what effect taxation has on an activity, say "generating wealth", for example?

RW knows...well, nothing.

During the Administrations of President Eisenhower and President Kennedy the top tax rate fluctuated from 91% to 92%.

A rate that nobody ACTUALLY PAID.
A rate that nobody ACTUALLY PAID.
Nevertheless, the rich paid a higher percentage of their income than they do now. Also, a high top tax rate gives the government considerable control over the economic behavior of the upper class.
According to Rachel Sheffield and Robert Rector of the Heritage Institute:

"In his January 1964 State of the Union address, President Lyndon Johnson proclaimed, 'This administration today, here and now, declares unconditional war on poverty in America.' In the 50 years since that time, U.S. taxpayers have spent over $22 trillion on anti-poverty programs. Adjusted for inflation, this spending (which does not include Social Security or Medicare) is three times the cost of all U.S. military wars since the American Revolution."

The War on Poverty After 50 Years


This is an astonishing assertion, but I have never seen it disproved.

When President Johnson declared the War on Poverty, he placed Sargent Shriver in command of the project. Sargent Shriver announced "a ten year plan to end poverty in America."

Obviously this was not achieved. What did happen was that millions of the working poor were turned into an unemployable underclass, the members of which often supplement their welfare checks with the gains from criminal activity.

The only politically sustainable way to end poverty, or even alleviate it, was to turn the poor until a stable working class whose members obeyed the law and paid taxes.
I would say that Jim Rohn was correct on this.

Nevertheless, the rich paid a higher percentage of their income than they do now. Also, a high top tax rate gives the government considerable control over the economic behavior of the upper class.
The Rich hire millions of workers and will put the USA on the planet Mars. The poor sweep the floors. And why? Nobody taught them goals. Nobody taught them planning. Nobody taught them that as Musk once was low class, as was Gates and so was Jeff Bezos, they can also be. Rather they listened to Democrats who blasted the rich and acted as if poverty was desirable. Democrats amount to human mosquitos.
The estate tax was introduced in a deliberate effort to prevent the United States from developing a hereditary upper class. I think it is a beneficial reform.
Welcome to the Sperm-Bingo Parlor

It doesn't eliminate the problem. Large inheritances must be abolished and confiscated; Birth-Class Supremacy is the very reason our forefathers left Europe. Merely taxing this cancer on progress did not surgically remove it. We've become a country where success is primarily based on birth, not worth.
I want all posters to be introduced to the great Jim Rohn who passed away at age 79.
I first listened to this man in 1974. I worked for Valley Realty at the time. This man so impressed Tony Robbins that Robbins must be worth hundreds of millions now. Rohn is estimated to have 500 million dollars. So was hearing him worth the time we all spent that day? You betcha he was.

Democrats preach doom all the time. The world will soon end and it's all your fault for being a human. Shame on you for driving a car. Hey you want a lot of money? They damn the rich. Hey you want not to live a poor life when you are black? They remind you how your ancestors spent time as slaves so now you must pay for it. How, by suffering prejudice. Not by me, but they dish it out.
If every black could have spent a day with Jim Rohn, they would be much better off, perhaps very rich.

At what age did Jim Rohn become a millionaire?

age 31

Jim Rohn was a millionaire by age 31, but it took some effort. After feeling stuck in a job where his salary hadn't changed for six years, Rohn met his mentor, Earl Shoaff, and everything began to change. By strategically focusing his effort and practicing self-discipline, Jim Rohn was able to build his wealth.
Welcome to the Sperm-Bingo Parlor

It doesn't eliminate the problem. Large inheritances must be abolished and confiscated; Birth-Class Supremacy is the very reason our forefathers left Europe. Merely taxing this cancer on progress did not surgically remove it. We've become a country where success is primarily based on birth, not worth.
Are you off your medication again?
Yeah... because no communist or socialist government ever resulted in an elite class with most people in poverty before.

View attachment 839971
Representation Is a Re-Presentation of All Previous Tyrannies

All Communist governments are republics. That is not a perversion of the term; it is what such a foster government inevitably leads to. The Rightists' illusion that their Constitution would empower "wise stewards" is no different from the Bolsheviks' self-empowering fantasy of a "vanguard" clique.

In his elitist Republic, the degenerate patrician Plato proposed that it be under the absolute rule of "guardians." Notice that the race-traitors used that term to change the name of the Cleveland Indians.
Representation Is a Re-Presentation of All Previous Tyrannies

All Communist governments are republics. That is not a perversion of the term; it is what such a foster government inevitably leads to. The Rightists' illusion that their Constitution would empower "wise stewards" is no different from the Bolsheviks' self-empowering fantasy of a "vanguard" clique.

In his elitist Republic, the degenerate patrician Plato proposed that it be under the absolute rule of "guardians." Notice that the race-traitors used that term to change the name of the Cleveland Indians.
Are you on LSD?
Weewee on the People

That is exactly what the ruling class's Constitution established. All republics are elitist schemes to empower "a tiny handful of people." Those who glorify the Constitution can't complain about its inevitable results. The same elitists practice totalitarian mind-control, or this contradiction would never be preached so loudly and forcefully by its victims.
Have you studied this book? I participated in it's creation by working with the author in debates.
Amazon product ASIN 1553695739
If you believe in Government, you open yourself up to be deluded.
Americans were intended to be independent, strong people who depended upon themselves NOT professional politicians.
The Ruling Class Had Different Intentions for Us

Richkids are totally dependent on Daddy's Money. No one calls them "moochers," although they are as unAmerican as all the other free-loaders. There is no moral difference between those parasites and the government's parasites.

If you don't say, "If we have to do it on our own, so must the plutocracy's spoiled brats," then you're not much of an American. Preppy-lovers hate their own Daddies for not getting rich and spoiling them.

Notice that in 1960, the Democrats nominated a Daddy-made man as President and a self-made man as Vice-President. The Republicans nominated a self-made man as President and an Old Money (300 years) man as Vice-President (Henry Cabot Lodge, later to WASP-bite the Vietnam War). That was the Big Switch; it was the reason richgirl Hillary Rodham soon followed her sorority in taking over the formerly Democratic Party.
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