Who wants to defend the Federal Income Tax?

FICA is part of employee compensation. If an employee is fired or quit, you didn't continue making his FICA contributions. Overhead is the hard, unchanging expense of operating the business, power, water, rent or mortgage and payroll. Sure you have to pay FICA on ALL of your employees, but it's an individual expense, not a basic company expense. If you fire and replace an employee, your FICA contributions don't change. Contributions to Unemployment Insurance aren't part of the bargaining process, but you still have to pay them.
Why didn't I show that on his Payroll given I showed his actual income on it? Why did my bookkeeper charge it to my account? Last why didn't the Feds disclose that to me in my paperwork? Wages for employees is definitely a company expense.
My beef with the income tax is primarily with its intrusive nature. It's a (bad) excuse for the government to pry into our personal affairs.
Also it is a major gripe that I have as well. It is none of the FEDS business what I earn.
FICA is part of employee compensation. If an employee is fired or quit, you didn't continue making his FICA contributions. Overhead is the hard, unchanging expense of operating the business, power, water, rent or mortgage and payroll. Sure you have to pay FICA on ALL of your employees, but it's an individual expense, not a basic company expense. If you fire and replace an employee, your FICA contributions don't change. Contributions to Unemployment Insurance aren't part of the bargaining process, but you still have to pay them.
Here is now the Feds explained it to me. Half of the FICA is paid to the Feds and taking it from their paychecks and sending it in. Half is paid by the company who does not hand it to the worker but sends it to the IRS.
Yet 9 states do not impose state income taxes and why do you suppose they are not deeply in debt?

Since the thread is about the Federal Income tax, I don't think it matters.

But most states that do not levy a state income tax, raise taxes in other areas.
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No brain. If the multi-syllable words confuse you, have a fifth-grader explain things to you.

Everything? Like national defense? Law rnforcement? All of government? Do you want to create a failed lawless state rules by roving bands of warloards? Have you given much thought to your moronic proposal? I don't think so.

Are you...on some sort...of drugs?

The military needs at least a 40% haircut, probably more. Most law enforcement is not and should not be Federal. Any and all corporate welfare and foreign aid needs to go.
Since the thread is about the Federal Income tax, I don't think it matters.

But most states that do not levy a state income tax, raise taxes in other areas.
That is correct. And that is what I recommend we all do at the Fed level. Today far too many people hate the Feds snooping to our business. And so long as the State or Feds collect taxes, using the system sales taxes use, we can then look forward to balanced budgets by the Feds and the national debt being paid off. Can't happen using the Fed income tax.
I made a number of points in post 245 that you failed to address. I am not getting a vibe that you are agreeing with me.
Try this tactic with me. Make maybe 2-3 points trying to make it simple. Some long winded posts, yes I read. But to be honest, To tie me up all day long is not going to happen.
All marxists, and their useful idiots, want progressive taxation as a central component of their class warfare and wealth redistribution scams. Which one are you?
You use the word "Marxist" the way liberals use the word racist: not as a descriptive term, but as a form of name calling, which is the lowest form of discord.

Do you know what a Marxist is? Have you read Marx? I read some of him in college. I have read The Communist Manifesto several times. When I took a fascinating seminar on Das Kapital given by the American Communist Party I already owned most of the books on the reading list, including all there volumes of Das Kapital, printed in Moscow by Progress Publishers.

When I showed my father the reading list for the seminar, Dad, who was an economist, said, "The man leading the seminar knows a lot about economics."

Indeed. Although the card carrying member of the American Communist Party earned his living as a physicist, he knew a lot about many things. While performing his day job, and leading the seminar, he was translating a book from Russian to Swedish on behalf of the Soviet government.

I believe one should read a political thinker for insight, rather than doctrine.

As I am sure you know, Edmund Burke is considered to the the founder of British conservatism. From him I have learned to be pessimistic about human nature and human potential. I have learned that there is often wisdom in tradition.

I think Marx had two valid insights, and that he was mistaken about everything else. His insights are: the natural tendency of capitalism is to accumulate wealth and income at the top; partly as a result capitalism goes through increasingly destructive economic downturns.

That is what did happen from the publication of The Communist Manifesto in 1848 to the Stock Market Crash of 1929. President Franklin Roosevelt countered these tendencies with steeply progressive taxation, a minimum wage, strong labor unions, and other reforms. As a result the United Stated developed the largest and richest middle class in the world.

President Ronald Reagan countered these reforms by cutting taxes for the rich. Consequently wealth again accumulates at the top. The national debt has grown. Recessions have become longer and deeper. They are often followed by "jobless recoveries" when the gross domestic product (GDP) grows, but unemployment remains high.

Marx also recommended several beneficial economic reforms, such as:

"2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax,"


"10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’sfactory labour in its present form."

Marx's most egregious error was his assertion, "The working men have no country."

For most people most of the time loyalties of race, nation, and ethnicity are stronger than loyalties of class.

Marx explains the Great Depression. He does not explain the First World War, the rise of Italian Fascism, and German Nazism, and the fact that in the United States the white working class is a Republican constituency.
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