Who will be better at getting America out of debt, Trump or Hillary?

No Nation will EVER get out of debt. The World Economy is a "DEBT" economy.
People, investment & jobs were in limbo from uncertainty over the direction of the country due to the Florida recount in November 2000. Then when 40% of the country believed Bush stole the election he caused 40% of the country to stop everything & started Rioting. That even ground Bush's inauguration to a halt! Then Bush shoved throu his deficit exploding tax cut for the Rich & massive inflation for the poor! Bush caused 2 recessions & depression!!!

Rioting? I don't recall any riots.

Anybody that wanted to believe the nonsense that Bush stole the election simply had to go to Factcheck.org to understand that it was all a liberal lie and myth. Furthermore, I don't know why the false belief that Bush stole the election had anything to do with the economy. The economy improved when Bush took office, even after 911. What I would like to know is how did Bush cause inflation only for the poor?

You LIE!!!

There was no recession when Clinton left office. Riots happened when Bush stole Florida causing recession the next quarter after Bush took office.

Bush created the Subprime Disaster. The spike in Sub-Prime lending only happened after Bush Signed American Dream Down-payment Act In 2003.


Minorities' Home Ownership Booms Under Clinton but Still Lags Whites'

How HUD Mortgage Policy Fed The Crisis
People, investment & jobs were in limbo from uncertainty over the direction of the country due to the Florida recount in November 2000. Then when 40% of the country believed Bush stole the election he caused 40% of the country to stop everything & started Rioting. That even ground Bush's inauguration to a halt! Then Bush shoved throu his deficit exploding tax cut for the Rich & massive inflation for the poor! Bush caused 2 recessions & depression!!!

Rioting? I don't recall any riots.

Anybody that wanted to believe the nonsense that Bush stole the election simply had to go to Factcheck.org to understand that it was all a liberal lie and myth. Furthermore, I don't know why the false belief that Bush stole the election had anything to do with the economy. The economy improved when Bush took office, even after 911. What I would like to know is how did Bush cause inflation only for the poor?

View attachment 93648
real talk
Wow...first time I disagree with you.

First of all, you can't take a loss on goods that don't exist.
You can't buy 'made in the u.s.a.' products,
when there aren't any being manufactured to sell.

The "competition" is exactly what we are discussing.
Wage earnings, taxes, regulations and greed.

IMHO, foreign competition has nothing to do with,
the collapse of our manufacturing industry.
There is no competition... only greed.

You have to ask yourself why you can't buy American made products? Is it because retailers do know that we Americans want to buy our own products and won't sell us any, or is it because American made products will just sit on shelves because they are next to much cheaper foreign made products?

Yes, we do make a lot of products here, it's just that many of our products are also made overseas. If we didn't make any products here, I wouldn't have a job today. But I deliver American made products to American companies all day long.
We make a lot of cars for instance. They use a lot of steel. Increasing the cost of our cars sells less cars.

Not really. Making crap cars sells less cars. It's why I drive a Toyota today. I've never been happier and my former mechanic never sadder.

There is a very good chance that Toyota was made here. We make a lot of cars here. If it becomes more expensive to import raw materials that may not be the case in the future.
No, not at all...not even sure how you may have thought so.
And, this wasn't about bringing jobs back here either.

Companies shouldn't have been allowed to close facilities here
and build new facilities overseas, in the first place.
Especially, because the only reason was, has been and is,
to lower costs and increase profits...show me the money, cha ching.

Okay, so how would you stop plants closing down here to build elsewhere in a free country?
I couldn't but, we could.

Let's use general mills,
and the first facility they planned to close

If millions of people, collectively, took a stand, THEN,
and refused to buy any of their products, post haste
and indefinitely, if they followed through,

The money lost post haste would have been significant,
enough so, that they wouldn't close the facility and go anywhere.
One collective stance, not only, would have saved the first facility
but, it would have prevented all the ones that followed.

Furthermore, it would have put other companies on notice,
don't even think about it!

Companies, corporations and conglomerates,
won't change hearing the displeasure of the people,
but, by feeling the displeasure of the people!

Hit them in their pocketbooks and they'll start listening!
This can only happen collectively, over time....

Nothing would have changed, had Rosa Parks,
been the only one to stop riding the bus.

Nothing would have changed, had the masses,
got tired of the inconvenience of walking by weeks end.

Nothing changes if nothing changes

Companies shouldn't be free to hurt our economy,
put people out of jobs, hurting families,
and refuse to reinvest in the communities it profits from...
solely to make more money.

Yes, that is sad. Good thing DumBama allowed Medicare to negotiate Medicare drug prices, huh?
I never found a regulation I didn't love.

When OSHA shows up they have nothing to do. My safety standards are far above OSHA standards, and the zero lost time in five years proves it works.
What's your point?

OSHA wasn't created to keep responsible business owners in check.

And, if you're a business owner, how is it that,
raising the min wage = higher prices, is foreign to you?

OSHA was created because there are bad guys.

By what amount would prices rise?

I'll ask you. What is the NET cost of a $10.00/hr employee vs a $15.00/hr employee?

do you honestly believe these morons have a grasp on fixed expenses and soft costs and can answer you ?

g'luk wit dat ...

If you wave at a one-armed guy in a tree long enough, you'll get him out of the tree.
You have to ask yourself why you can't buy American made products? Is it because retailers do know that we Americans want to buy our own products and won't sell us any, or is it because American made products will just sit on shelves because they are next to much cheaper foreign made products?
I never considered that...
retailers just not carrying american made products,
because customers will buy what's cheaper.

Merchandise, sitting on a shelf, is not profitable.
Retailers look to profit, not take a loss or break even.

Like I said... enjoy your posts!
You have to ask yourself why you can't buy American made products? Is it because retailers do know that we Americans want to buy our own products and won't sell us any, or is it because American made products will just sit on shelves because they are next to much cheaper foreign made products?
I never considered that...
retailers just not carrying american made products,
because customers will buy what's cheaper.

Merchandise, sitting on a shelf, is not profitable.
Retailers look to profit, not take a loss or break even.

Like I said... enjoy your posts!
real talk agreed
I'll ask you. What is the NET cost of a $10.00/hr employee vs a $15.00/hr employee?
The NET cost of a $10.00/hr employee is $12.80/hr,
$10.00/hr + $2.80/hr in burden

The NET cost of a $15.00/hr employee is $19.20/hr
$15.00/hr + $4.20/hr in burden

This does not include the cost increase
for workers compensation insurance, which is based on payroll
I'll ask you. What is the NET cost of a $10.00/hr employee vs a $15.00/hr employee?
The NET cost of a $10.00/hr employee is $12.80/hr,
$10.00/hr + $2.80/hr in burden

The NET cost of a $15.00/hr employee is $19.20/hr
$15.00/hr + $4.20/hr in burden

This does not include the cost increase
for workers compensation insurance, which is based on payroll
fair enough
I never found a regulation I didn't love.

When OSHA shows up they have nothing to do. My safety standards are far above OSHA standards, and the zero lost time in five years proves it works.
What's your point?

OSHA wasn't created to keep responsible business owners in check.

And, if you're a business owner, how is it that,
raising the min wage = higher prices, is foreign to you?

OSHA was created because there are bad guys.

By what amount would prices rise?

I'll ask you. What is the NET cost of a $10.00/hr employee vs a $15.00/hr employee?

do you honestly believe these morons have a grasp on fixed expenses and soft costs and can answer you ?

g'luk wit dat ...

If assholes could fly, this place would be a fucking airport!
No, not at all...not even sure how you may have thought so.
And, this wasn't about bringing jobs back here either.

Companies shouldn't have been allowed to close facilities here
and build new facilities overseas, in the first place.
Especially, because the only reason was, has been and is,
to lower costs and increase profits...show me the money, cha ching.

Okay, so how would you stop plants closing down here to build elsewhere in a free country?
I couldn't but, we could.

Let's use general mills,
and the first facility they planned to close

If millions of people, collectively, took a stand, THEN,
and refused to buy any of their products, post haste
and indefinitely, if they followed through,

The money lost post haste would have been significant,
enough so, that they wouldn't close the facility and go anywhere.
One collective stance, not only, would have saved the first facility
but, it would have prevented all the ones that followed.

Furthermore, it would have put other companies on notice,
don't even think about it!

Companies, corporations and conglomerates,
won't change hearing the displeasure of the people,
but, by feeling the displeasure of the people!

Hit them in their pocketbooks and they'll start listening!
This can only happen collectively, over time....

Nothing would have changed, had Rosa Parks,
been the only one to stop riding the bus.

Nothing would have changed, had the masses,
got tired of the inconvenience of walking by weeks end.

Nothing changes if nothing changes

Companies shouldn't be free to hurt our economy,
put people out of jobs, hurting families,
and refuse to reinvest in the communities it profits from...
solely to make more money.
Companies should be free to do what ever the fuck the want within the boundaries of Liberty we established.

It is the .gov that is hurting our economy, putting people out of jobs, hurting families and stopping reinvestment in communities where companies are, solely to advance a liberal agenda.

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