Who will be better at getting America out of debt, Trump or Hillary?

I never found a regulation I didn't love.

When OSHA shows up they have nothing to do. My safety standards are far above OSHA standards, and the zero lost time in five years proves it works.
What's your point?

OSHA wasn't created to keep responsible business owners in check.

And, if you're a business owner, how is it that,
raising the min wage = higher prices, is foreign to you?

OSHA was created because there are bad guys.

By what amount would prices rise?

I'll ask you. What is the NET cost of a $10.00/hr employee vs a $15.00/hr employee?
That's why I stated, OSHA wasn't created for responsible employers.

Well, 3 hotdogs w fries went from $4.99 to $6.99

Pizza slices next store were $1.25, now a slice is $1.75

McDonalds took the double cheeseburger off the dollar menu,
replaced it w the mcdouble, same as a double cb, minus 1 slice cheese.
It's a double cb w 1 slice cheese instead of 2

Everything I buy has increased by a min of .20 cents.

The city forsaw this and warned businesses not to jack up prices,
otherwise they would face fines and whatnot...
What they did was start small, nickle on this, dime on that,
then, after the first phase of pay increases, it was on.

The company I was an asst. mgr for, during the first phase($8.25 to $10)
couldn't raise any prices so they cut hrs/shifts from part timers,
and had management filling the shift instead.

They cut stockers from 4 days a wk, to 2.
These kids were getting anywhere from 4-11hrs...16 if they were lucky.
During Xmas, we only hired 3 people, down from 7,
2 were let go after the holiday season.

I was full time, my hrs went from 37, to 32
When the part time asst. quit, she wasn't replaced.
Asst mgn staff went from 3, to 2.
They were taking 1 asst from the stores w 3,
and moved them to new stores.

Customers waited in line longer and in longer lines..
it wasn't unusual for customers to set down their items
and leave the store, on busy weekends.

Merchandise wasn't getting out, so, that's a loss for sales.
We were taking a hugh loss on food products being damaged out
because it had already expired, before even making it to the floor.

They would no longer allow full timers(which were only mgnmnt)
to use any of their 80 hrs of sick time unless they...
called off due to an illness and brought in a doctors note!
WTF...I'm not going to go to the doctor cuz I have a headache.

This company rakes in BILLIONS every year, just like Walmart.

They rather their stores look like shit, write off lost sales,
piss off regular customers and lose good help, for what!?

Sorry... I'm done babbling
Owners Aren't Earners

Those conceited parasites believe that their profit margins over labor costs are written in stone. They will eventually realize that they will go out of business with that attitude. They are only bluffing now, hoping that the rise in minimum wage will be reversed because of the unnecessary problems they intentionally cause in order to scare their employees and customers.
owners are owner
ROFLMAO... Do tell...what products are made in America anymore,
products used or needed, on a regular basis?

Shit, I have to look at food items, candy especially, now.
Even food items from China are saturating the marketplace!

Enjoy your posts!

Thank you very much, but your point is spot on: where do we actually find American made products to buy?

Nowhere. Why? Because foreign competition makes vendors carrying American made products a loss.

You want to buy a big screen so you use your Sam's Club card to get the best deal. There's the phrase: best deal.

American made products don't offer the best deal. However, if there were a tariff on foreign made products, you might be able to get the best deal by buying an American made product.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm supporting Trump's idea of tariffs, but it can't be ruled out that it would have some benefits to help offset the loss.
thats pretty good
ROFLMAO... Do tell...what products are made in America anymore,
products used or needed, on a regular basis?

Shit, I have to look at food items, candy especially, now.
Even food items from China are saturating the marketplace!

Enjoy your posts!

Thank you very much, but your point is spot on: where do we actually find American made products to buy?

Nowhere. Why? Because foreign competition makes vendors carrying American made products a loss.

You want to buy a big screen so you use your Sam's Club card to get the best deal. There's the phrase: best deal.

American made products don't offer the best deal. However, if there were a tariff on foreign made products, you might be able to get the best deal by buying an American made product.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm supporting Trump's idea of tariffs, but it can't be ruled out that it would have some benefits to help offset the loss.
thats pretty good

Except most American products still use Chinese materials and parts. So the price of American products will increase with Chinese products. Still making them the more expensive option. And with all these cost increases it is really consumers hurt who now can afford less. Consumers buying less slows the economy. And unless you put the same tariffs on every country, the Chinese products will just be replaced by Korean products. If you do put tariffs on every country our exports are dead. So tariffs are not the answer.
Nonsense...almost 99% of Americans make less then 25K/year.
The only people who will be hurt by a Trade War are those who live off their Portfolios.
The rest are too poor to buy most goods anyway.

It will hurt the poor and middle class the most. That 25/k a year will get them less. People buying less slows the economy..
I see you visit Walmarts all the time.
Poor people are already buying down to the bone; they won't be hurt too bad when the jobs come back.
I can't believe a Liberal is defending a perennial poverty lifestyle for almost all Americans.

I'm an independent. When sales decline and exports are killed off there will be fewer jobs and recession.
Because our economy is so good and we have to maintain it.
Seriously, what site provides you with sound bites?

It is history. Tariffs do not work and have never worked.
When the last time the US imposed a Tariff?
US debt is $19 trillion, the largest in the world for a single country - we owe a ton of money to other nations

Who is better suited to getting our nation out of debt, or at least lower the amount substantially?

Hillary Clinton would be, in fact she has talked often about the debt. Paul Ryan stated that had she won in 2008 instead of Obama, they would have already had this fiscal crisis fixed.
Paul Ryan Heaps Praise On Hillary: If She Were President, ‘We’d Have Fixed This Fiscal Mess By Now’

So she will work with Paul Ryan.

Trump is all about cash flow, and his business's are leveraged over the mountain.. He has claimed 4 bankruptcies, and has a horrible record. He doesn't give a rats ass about debt, he lives off of it. He suggested defaulting on our National debt, which would send the world markets crashing, which would wipe out our retirement funds, and we would all end up in bread lines.

Michael Bloomberg who is considerably wealthier than Donald Trump and can actually provide an income tax return to prove it, had this to say about Trump.

Here's a good article describing Trump's business practices.
Donald Trump’s business failings, explained

Bloomberg is a Globalists who fires Americans whenever he can.
It will hurt the poor and middle class the most. That 25/k a year will get them less. People buying less slows the economy..
I see you visit Walmarts all the time.
Poor people are already buying down to the bone; they won't be hurt too bad when the jobs come back.
I can't believe a Liberal is defending a perennial poverty lifestyle for almost all Americans.

I'm an independent. When sales decline and exports are killed off there will be fewer jobs and recession.
Because our economy is so good and we have to maintain it.
Seriously, what site provides you with sound bites?

It is history. Tariffs do not work and have never worked.
When the last time the US imposed a Tariff?


Note that last line. The estimation of jobs lost to steel tariffs was higher than the total number working in the steel industry. And that, of course, is why we don’t like tariffs on imports. They make us all poorer and get some number of us kicked out of our jobs too. Yes, this is true even if the importer is “playing unfair” or dumping.
I see you visit Walmarts all the time.
Poor people are already buying down to the bone; they won't be hurt too bad when the jobs come back.
I can't believe a Liberal is defending a perennial poverty lifestyle for almost all Americans.

I'm an independent. When sales decline and exports are killed off there will be fewer jobs and recession.
Because our economy is so good and we have to maintain it.
Seriously, what site provides you with sound bites?

It is history. Tariffs do not work and have never worked.
When the last time the US imposed a Tariff?

Globalist Publication Forbes?!!!!
I've been reading Forbes's lies and bad predictions since 2001.
Try better.
I'm an independent. When sales decline and exports are killed off there will be fewer jobs and recession.
Because our economy is so good and we have to maintain it.
Seriously, what site provides you with sound bites?

It is history. Tariffs do not work and have never worked.
When the last time the US imposed a Tariff?

Globalist Publication Forbes?!!!!
I've been reading Forbes's lies and bad predictions since 2001.
Try better.
What's so funny Brainy; if you read Forbes for 10 years you'd know how full of lies it is.
I'm an independent. When sales decline and exports are killed off there will be fewer jobs and recession.
Because our economy is so good and we have to maintain it.
Seriously, what site provides you with sound bites?

It is history. Tariffs do not work and have never worked.
When the last time the US imposed a Tariff?

Globalist Publication Forbes?!!!!
I've been reading Forbes's lies and bad predictions since 2001.
Try better.

Lies? Increasing the cost of steel hurts manufacturing. Makes our manufacturing less competitive. Why is the obvious lost on you?
Because our economy is so good and we have to maintain it.
Seriously, what site provides you with sound bites?

It is history. Tariffs do not work and have never worked.
When the last time the US imposed a Tariff?

Globalist Publication Forbes?!!!!
I've been reading Forbes's lies and bad predictions since 2001.
Try better.

Lies? Increasing the cost of steel hurts manufacturing. Makes our manufacturing less competitive. Why is the obvious lost on you?
Business Visas will increase the number of White Collar careers in America...I've been reading that crap for years.
Off-Shoring will get Blacks off of Welfare and Food Stamps...more lies they've been writing for years.
• More American workers lost their jobs in 2002 to higher steel prices than
the total number employed by the U.S. steel industry itself (187,500
Americans were employed by U.S. steel producers in December 2002).
Because our economy is so good and we have to maintain it.
Seriously, what site provides you with sound bites?

It is history. Tariffs do not work and have never worked.
When the last time the US imposed a Tariff?

Globalist Publication Forbes?!!!!
I've been reading Forbes's lies and bad predictions since 2001.
Try better.

Lies? Increasing the cost of steel hurts manufacturing. Makes our manufacturing less competitive. Why is the obvious lost on you?
We use OUR steel for us or we'll all be pumping coffee in 5 years.
Why is the obvious lost on you?
• More American workers lost their jobs in 2002 to higher steel prices than
the total number employed by the U.S. steel industry itself (187,500
Americans were employed by U.S. steel producers in December 2002).
Over 3,000,000 BVs since post 9/11 and we're still bleeding White Collar careers...hmmm.
Globalist Publication Forbes?!!!!
I've been reading Forbes's lies and bad predictions since 2001.
Try better.

Lies? Increasing the cost of steel hurts manufacturing. Makes our manufacturing less competitive. Why is the obvious lost on you?
Business Visas will increase the number of White Collar careers in America...I've been reading that crap for years.
Off-Shoring will get Blacks off of Welfare and Food Stamps...more lies they've been writing for years.

We are discussing tariffs. They have a long history of failure for obvious reasons.
Globalist Publication Forbes?!!!!
I've been reading Forbes's lies and bad predictions since 2001.
Try better.

Lies? Increasing the cost of steel hurts manufacturing. Makes our manufacturing less competitive. Why is the obvious lost on you?
Business Visas will increase the number of White Collar careers in America...I've been reading that crap for years.
Off-Shoring will get Blacks off of Welfare and Food Stamps...more lies they've been writing for years.

We are discussing tariffs. They have a long history of failure for obvious reasons.
We don't need Tariffs, we require legislation to bring faux MNCs back to the US.
Tariffs are a MEASURE used in this process, NOT the end game.
Poor people won't lose out as all they can do now is buy necessities.
Globalist Publication Forbes?!!!!
I've been reading Forbes's lies and bad predictions since 2001.
Try better.

Lies? Increasing the cost of steel hurts manufacturing. Makes our manufacturing less competitive. Why is the obvious lost on you?
We use OUR steel for us or we'll all be pumping coffee in 5 years.
Why is the obvious lost on you?

So hinder our manufacturing with more expensive raw materials. Way to kill manufacturing.
Globalist Publication Forbes?!!!!
I've been reading Forbes's lies and bad predictions since 2001.
Try better.

Lies? Increasing the cost of steel hurts manufacturing. Makes our manufacturing less competitive. Why is the obvious lost on you?
Business Visas will increase the number of White Collar careers in America...I've been reading that crap for years.
Off-Shoring will get Blacks off of Welfare and Food Stamps...more lies they've been writing for years.

We are discussing tariffs. They have a long history of failure for obvious reasons.
Tariffs fail because the wealthy can wait it out till the next bought and paid for Congress.
Globalist Publication Forbes?!!!!
I've been reading Forbes's lies and bad predictions since 2001.
Try better.

Lies? Increasing the cost of steel hurts manufacturing. Makes our manufacturing less competitive. Why is the obvious lost on you?
We use OUR steel for us or we'll all be pumping coffee in 5 years.
Why is the obvious lost on you?

So hinder our manufacturing with more expensive raw materials. Way to kill manufacturing.
Manufacturing in the US?
Globalist Publication Forbes?!!!!
I've been reading Forbes's lies and bad predictions since 2001.
Try better.

Lies? Increasing the cost of steel hurts manufacturing. Makes our manufacturing less competitive. Why is the obvious lost on you?
Business Visas will increase the number of White Collar careers in America...I've been reading that crap for years.
Off-Shoring will get Blacks off of Welfare and Food Stamps...more lies they've been writing for years.

We are discussing tariffs. They have a long history of failure for obvious reasons.
Tariffs fail because the wealthy can wait it out till the next bought and paid for Congress.

They led to the Great Depression.
Clicking smileys is the resort of the loser in a discussion.
That's why I NEVER click smileys.

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