Who will be better at getting America out of debt, Trump or Hillary?

Globalist Publication Forbes?!!!!
I've been reading Forbes's lies and bad predictions since 2001.
Try better.

Lies? Increasing the cost of steel hurts manufacturing. Makes our manufacturing less competitive. Why is the obvious lost on you?
We use OUR steel for us or we'll all be pumping coffee in 5 years.
Why is the obvious lost on you?

So hinder our manufacturing with more expensive raw materials. Way to kill manufacturing.
Manufacturing in the US?

We make a lot of cars for instance. They use a lot of steel. Increasing the cost of our cars sells less cars.
Globalist Publication Forbes?!!!!
I've been reading Forbes's lies and bad predictions since 2001.
Try better.

Lies? Increasing the cost of steel hurts manufacturing. Makes our manufacturing less competitive. Why is the obvious lost on you?
Business Visas will increase the number of White Collar careers in America...I've been reading that crap for years.
Off-Shoring will get Blacks off of Welfare and Food Stamps...more lies they've been writing for years.

We are discussing tariffs. They have a long history of failure for obvious reasons.
Tariffs fail because the wealthy can wait it out till the next bought and paid for Congress.

They led to the Great Depression.
You can't prove that and Milton Friedman has a video on YouTube where he claims the GD was caused by excessive off-shore investment. Of course he words such in nonsense psycho babble to baffle Neo-Conservatives.
He doesn't MENTION Tariffs AT ALL.
Globalist Publication Forbes?!!!!
I've been reading Forbes's lies and bad predictions since 2001.
Try better.

Lies? Increasing the cost of steel hurts manufacturing. Makes our manufacturing less competitive. Why is the obvious lost on you?
We use OUR steel for us or we'll all be pumping coffee in 5 years.
Why is the obvious lost on you?

So hinder our manufacturing with more expensive raw materials. Way to kill manufacturing.
Manufacturing in the US?

We make a lot of cars for instance. They use a lot of steel. Increasing the cost of our cars sells less cars.
What do cars made in the US by Japanese Corporations have to do with placing a Tariff on a product made in China?
Lies? Increasing the cost of steel hurts manufacturing. Makes our manufacturing less competitive. Why is the obvious lost on you?
Business Visas will increase the number of White Collar careers in America...I've been reading that crap for years.
Off-Shoring will get Blacks off of Welfare and Food Stamps...more lies they've been writing for years.

We are discussing tariffs. They have a long history of failure for obvious reasons.
Tariffs fail because the wealthy can wait it out till the next bought and paid for Congress.

They led to the Great Depression.
You can't prove that and Milton Friedman has a video on YouTube where he claims the GD was caused by excessive off-shore investment. Of course he words such in nonsense psycho babble to baffle Neo-Conservatives.
He doesn't MENTION Tariffs AT ALL.

Many economists believe it did.

You have no evidence of tariffs ever being successful.
Lies? Increasing the cost of steel hurts manufacturing. Makes our manufacturing less competitive. Why is the obvious lost on you?
We use OUR steel for us or we'll all be pumping coffee in 5 years.
Why is the obvious lost on you?

So hinder our manufacturing with more expensive raw materials. Way to kill manufacturing.
Manufacturing in the US?

We make a lot of cars for instance. They use a lot of steel. Increasing the cost of our cars sells less cars.
What do cars made in the US by Japanese Corporations have to do with placing a Tariff on a product made in China?

Steel tariffs. You really are not very bright.
Business Visas will increase the number of White Collar careers in America...I've been reading that crap for years.
Off-Shoring will get Blacks off of Welfare and Food Stamps...more lies they've been writing for years.

We are discussing tariffs. They have a long history of failure for obvious reasons.
Tariffs fail because the wealthy can wait it out till the next bought and paid for Congress.

They led to the Great Depression.
You can't prove that and Milton Friedman has a video on YouTube where he claims the GD was caused by excessive off-shore investment. Of course he words such in nonsense psycho babble to baffle Neo-Conservatives.
He doesn't MENTION Tariffs AT ALL.

Many economists believe it did.

You have no evidence of tariffs ever being successful.
And you have no evidence that, in 2016, with our current technology, a Tariff would fail.
We use OUR steel for us or we'll all be pumping coffee in 5 years.
Why is the obvious lost on you?

So hinder our manufacturing with more expensive raw materials. Way to kill manufacturing.
Manufacturing in the US?

We make a lot of cars for instance. They use a lot of steel. Increasing the cost of our cars sells less cars.
What do cars made in the US by Japanese Corporations have to do with placing a Tariff on a product made in China?

Steel tariffs. You really are not very bright.
I'm brighter than you.
A major product manufactured in the US employs Americans.
Clicking smileys is the resort of the loser in a discussion.
That's why I NEVER click smileys.

Sorry but I'm laughing at your responses.
You're laughing at you inability to think outside of Forbes.

Every economist who can be taken seriously is against tariffs.
Every economist YOU take seriously.
Based upon their failed predictions since 1980 I would say most of them are paid shills.
So hinder our manufacturing with more expensive raw materials. Way to kill manufacturing.
Manufacturing in the US?

We make a lot of cars for instance. They use a lot of steel. Increasing the cost of our cars sells less cars.
What do cars made in the US by Japanese Corporations have to do with placing a Tariff on a product made in China?

Steel tariffs. You really are not very bright.
I'm brighter than you.
A major product manufactured in the US employs Americans.

You are too funny. So prop up steel and lose more jobs in manufacturing. Great idea.
Clicking smileys is the resort of the loser in a discussion.
That's why I NEVER click smileys.

Sorry but I'm laughing at your responses.
You're laughing at you inability to think outside of Forbes.

Every economist who can be taken seriously is against tariffs.
Every economist YOU take seriously.
Based upon their failed predictions since 1980 I would say most of them are paid shills.

Yes all economists and history are wrong. You are too funny.
Nowhere. Why? Because foreign competition makes vendors carrying American made products a loss.
Wow...first time I disagree with you.

First of all, you can't take a loss on goods that don't exist.
You can't buy 'made in the u.s.a.' products,
when there aren't any being manufactured to sell.

The "competition" is exactly what we are discussing.
Wage earnings, taxes, regulations and greed.

IMHO, foreign competition has nothing to do with,
the collapse of our manufacturing industry.
There is no competition... only greed.

Now, I'm stopping there, cuz, what I just finished reading,
after going to the General Mills website to obtain a 2016 fiscal report,
to support what I was saying and going to say, has done more then that.

It pisses me off, not because it proves me right,
but, it has made me see, how clueless I am to the actual scope of it!

I am boycotting General Mills products...indefinitely
And, I'm pretty sure, if I investigate every brand that comes to mind,
and boycotted them too, I wouldn't have any groceries in the house!

We are so screwed, every which way til forever.
Clicking smileys is the resort of the loser in a discussion.
That's why I NEVER click smileys.

Sorry but I'm laughing at your responses.
You're laughing at you inability to think outside of Forbes.

Every economist who can be taken seriously is against tariffs.
Every economist YOU take seriously.
Based upon their failed predictions since 1980 I would say most of them are paid shills.

Yes all economists and history are wrong. You are too funny.
way too hilarious
We make a lot of cars for instance. They use a lot of steel. Increasing the cost of our cars sells less cars.

Not really. Making crap cars sells less cars. It's why I drive a Toyota today. I've never been happier and my former mechanic never sadder.
Lies? Increasing the cost of steel hurts manufacturing. Makes our manufacturing less competitive. Why is the obvious lost on you?

Then I suppose you are against all the ridiculous environmental regulations as well. They greatly increase costs to our businesses.
May? Most of them are not made here. Those that are have lots of imported parts. As the cost of imported parts and materials increases, US manufacturing will decrease even more. This is what always happens with tariffs. Get out of fantasy land.

I see. So what you're saying is that our costs will increase because we use "some" foreign parts; increase more than products made with all foreign parts and foreign labor? And you're telling me to get out of fantasy land??????
No, not at all...not even sure how you may have thought so.
And, this wasn't about bringing jobs back here either.

Companies shouldn't have been allowed to close facilities here
and build new facilities overseas, in the first place.
Especially, because the only reason was, has been and is,
to lower costs and increase profits...show me the money, cha ching.

Okay, so how would you stop plants closing down here to build elsewhere in a free country?
In my lifetime Every Republican President Caused Job Killing Recession or Depression Equal to the Number of Terms They Serve.

Democrats only had one in five. It ain't no coincidence folks! Repubtards = Economic Disaster & Job Loss!!!

In the entire history of our country, there's never been a Republican president who hasn't caused a job killing recession or two while he served.!!!

And just how did Republicans do that??? Be specific please.

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