Who will be better at getting America out of debt, Trump or Hillary?

Regardless of political posturing, entitlements coupled with the prospect of increased interest rates will prohibit America from reducing the national debt. Restructuring the role of the federal government coupled with an overhaul of the current corporate tax rate remains the only option. The federal government should be focused on defense, national security, trade, judiciary, and foreign policy. In order to stimulate private sector job growth corporate taxes need to be reduced to a minimum of the current industrialized world level, say 20%. Government regulations need to be stream lined and reduced. Corporations must be granted the opportunity to re-patriotize post tax earning from abroad, paying the difference between what was taxed abroad and revised 20%. Adoption of enterprise zones needs to be realized. Corporate incentives need to be adopted to provide the necessary frame work to train and equip those willing to work the opportunity to do so. Free to work legislation needs to be adopted throughout the country.
Government needs to be stream lined, states need to assume responsibility. A perfect example is education, the department of education needs to be abolished, current funding for the bureaucratic monolith needs to be funneled to the states based on school age demographics, operated and controlled by the citizens of those communities within the states. The department of education should be reduced to a statistical advisory and monitoring office. The current social security cap should be removed. A national balanced budget amendment as well passage of the line item veto adopted. Simply put the growth in the size of government needs to be curtailed. We as citizens are required to live on a balanced budget, why not the government. Aa I see it politicians are incapable of running a business and the government is governed by the same principles as a business, break even or perish.
I think Trump has a better idea of how to spend money. Clinton never ran a hotdog stand in her life outside of her marriage.

Both are talking about spending, but a Republican Congress would stop both of them. However I think a Republican President will have an easier time working with Congress than Hillary.

We can't even discuss getting out of debt until we at least have a balanced budget. That will never happen with Hillary, it may happen with Trump.

Trump derived his original fortune because his Dad gave it to him.

The rest he derived from overextending and bankruptcy.

Hillary wants to raise the minimum wage to make a healthy middle class which will make a healthy economy.

Until you boneheads stop voting for Republicans, it WILL GET WORSE.

raising the minimum wage will only kill business bonhead
You are to stupid!

Wal-Mart profit, revenue beat expectations; US sales up 100% more than expected. Wal-Mart US CEO Greg Foran said "Our wage hikes give workers more money to spend in our stores"

In April 2015, all Wal-Mart hourly workers started getting pay bumps to current floor of at least $10 per hour — $2.75 above the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.

This has translated into workers having more money to spend in the retailer's stores, Foran said Thursday.

"We are seeing an improvement in associates' purchasing in our stores," Foran said on Wal-Mart's media call, following the release of better-than-expected first-quarter results and rosier forward guidance.

"Associates [are] feeling more engaged with wages and training [is] helping," Foran added.
I think Trump has a better idea of how to spend money. Clinton never ran a hotdog stand in her life outside of her marriage.

Both are talking about spending, but a Republican Congress would stop both of them. However I think a Republican President will have an easier time working with Congress than Hillary.

We can't even discuss getting out of debt until we at least have a balanced budget. That will never happen with Hillary, it may happen with Trump.

Trump derived his original fortune because his Dad gave it to him.

The rest he derived from overextending and bankruptcy.

Hillary wants to raise the minimum wage to make a healthy middle class which will make a healthy economy.

Until you boneheads stop voting for Republicans, it WILL GET WORSE.

raising the minimum wage will only kill business bonhead
You are to stupid!

Wal-Mart profit, revenue beat expectations; US sales up 100% more than expected. Wal-Mart US CEO Greg Foran said "Our wage hikes give workers more money to spend in our stores"

In April 2015, all Wal-Mart hourly workers started getting pay bumps to current floor of at least $10 per hour — $2.75 above the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.

This has translated into workers having more money to spend in the retailer's stores, Foran said Thursday.

"We are seeing an improvement in associates' purchasing in our stores," Foran said on Wal-Mart's media call, following the release of better-than-expected first-quarter results and rosier forward guidance.

"Associates [are] feeling more engaged with wages and training [is] helping," Foran added.
Clinton Created More Jobs than Reagan + Bush1 + Bush2 COMBINED, Plus most of Ford's Jobs.

In the entire history of our country, there's never been a Republican president who hasn't caused a job killing recession or two while he served. In the last 55 years there have been 7 recessions. The 6 worst recessions were caused by Republicans. One minor one caused by Carter. Democrats have beaten Republicans hands down on job creation every time!

But, but, but,,, we must subsidize the rich, because repubtards believe they are job creators & they need super rich people to look up to, lead them & lie to them. LOL
Clinton Slashed the Deficit as soon as he took office under Democrat House & Senate 2 years before Republicans came in to Congress taking credit. Clinton created a Surplus to fund far off Baby Boomers SS Retirement!

Republican V.P. Dick Cheney told the Treasury secretary Paul O’Neill “deficits don’t matter”,,, “We won the midterms (congressional elections). This is our due.” Cheney then told him he was fired. The Deficit Exploded as soon as Bush took over under Republican House & Senate!!! Republicans got rid of PAYGO rules & they STOLE our SS trust fund.

In the entire history of our country, there's never been a Republican president who hasn't caused a job killing recession or two while he served. In the last 55 years there have been 7 recessions. The 6 worst recessions were caused by Republicans. One minor one caused by Carter. Democrats have beaten Republicans hands down on job creation every time!

But, but, but,,, we must subsidize the rich, because repubtards believe they are job creators & they need super rich people to look up to, lead them & lie to them. LOL
"repubtards" LOL
Republican president Bush & Republican Congress banned Medicare from negotiating drug prices. They drove up healthcare cost & bankrupted the USA

See the vote on:
H.R. 1 (108th): Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 Republicans voted 207 for & Democrats voted 195 against

Look at what Repubtards did to Healthcare Cost

Republicans Reagan, Bush 1 & 2 Explode Healthcare Cost. Clinton & Obama lowered it!

In 1980 my doctor only charged $2 a visit & that included the medicine. After Reagan Bush disasters it was $200 for the same.
In the entire history of our country, there's never been a Republican president who hasn't caused a job killing recession or two while he served. In the last 55 years there have been 7 recessions. The 6 worst recessions were caused by Republicans. One minor one caused by Carter. Democrats have beaten Republicans hands down on job creation every time!

But, but, but,,, we must subsidize the rich, because repubtards believe they are job creators & they need super rich people to look up to, lead them & lie to them. LOL
Presidents do not create jobs. Clinton was the beneficiary of the dotcom bubble and the beginnings of a housing bubble. Besides the US was in recession when Clinton left office.

You could just as easily say that the jobs created under Clinton were because of a Rep controlled congress. After all the vast majority of job creation under Clinton happened after 93 when the Reps took control of Congress. Don't get me wrong I don't give Congress the credit either, it's just this scorecard of job creation under presidents is dumb. There is a myriad of causes for economic expansion and decline. The letter behind a presidents name is irrelevant.
In the entire history of our country, there's never been a Republican president who hasn't caused a job killing recession or two while he served. In the last 55 years there have been 7 recessions. The 6 worst recessions were caused by Republicans. One minor one caused by Carter. Democrats have beaten Republicans hands down on job creation every time!

But, but, but,,, we must subsidize the rich, because repubtards believe they are job creators & they need super rich people to look up to, lead them & lie to them. LOL
Presidents do not create jobs. Clinton was the beneficiary of the dotcom bubble and the beginnings of a housing bubble. Besides the US was in recession when Clinton left office.

You could just as easily say that the jobs created under Clinton were because of a Rep controlled congress. After all the vast majority of job creation under Clinton happened after 93 when the Reps took control of Congress. Don't get me wrong I don't give Congress the credit either, it's just this scorecard of job creation under presidents is dumb. There is a myriad of causes for economic expansion and decline. The letter behind a presidents name is irrelevant.
You LIE!!!

There was no recession when Clinton left office. Riots happened when Bush stole Florida causing recession the next quarter after Bush took office.

Bush created the Subprime Disaster. The spike in Sub-Prime lending only happened after Bush Signed American Dream Down-payment Act In 2003.


Bush caused a massive Recession & then a Depression!!!
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Obama is kicking China's a$$. Today again Chinese exports fell more than forecast.

Under Clinton China's GDP fell & US GDP rose.
Under Bush China's GDP soared while US GDP fell.
Under Obama China's GDP fell & US GDP rose.
Obama is kicking China's a$$. Today again Chinese exports fell more than forecast.

Under Clinton China's GDP fell & US GDP rose.
Under Bush China's GDP soared while US GDP fell.
Under Obama China's GDP fell & US GDP rose.
Very interesting graph indeed
In the entire history of our country, there's never been a Republican president who hasn't caused a job killing recession or two while he served. In the last 55 years there have been 7 recessions. The 6 worst recessions were caused by Republicans. One minor one caused by Carter. Democrats have beaten Republicans hands down on job creation every time!

But, but, but,,, we must subsidize the rich, because repubtards believe they are job creators & they need super rich people to look up to, lead them & lie to them. LOL
Presidents do not create jobs. Clinton was the beneficiary of the dotcom bubble and the beginnings of a housing bubble. Besides the US was in recession when Clinton left office.

You could just as easily say that the jobs created under Clinton were because of a Rep controlled congress. After all the vast majority of job creation under Clinton happened after 93 when the Reps took control of Congress. Don't get me wrong I don't give Congress the credit either, it's just this scorecard of job creation under presidents is dumb. There is a myriad of causes for economic expansion and decline. The letter behind a presidents name is irrelevant.
You LIE!!!

There was no recession when Clinton left office. Riots happened when Bush stole Florida causing recession the next quarter after Bush took office. Bush created the Subprime Disaster.

In 2003 President Bush Signed American Dream Downpayment Act

Bush caused a massive Recession & then a Depression!!!

Bush took office on Jan 20, 2001, the country was in recession by March 1, 2001. I would love to hear your explanation of how a president can cause a recession in 5 weeks.
In the entire history of our country, there's never been a Republican president who hasn't caused a job killing recession or two while he served. In the last 55 years there have been 7 recessions. The 6 worst recessions were caused by Republicans. One minor one caused by Carter. Democrats have beaten Republicans hands down on job creation every time!

But, but, but,,, we must subsidize the rich, because repubtards believe they are job creators & they need super rich people to look up to, lead them & lie to them. LOL
Presidents do not create jobs. Clinton was the beneficiary of the dotcom bubble and the beginnings of a housing bubble. Besides the US was in recession when Clinton left office.

You could just as easily say that the jobs created under Clinton were because of a Rep controlled congress. After all the vast majority of job creation under Clinton happened after 93 when the Reps took control of Congress. Don't get me wrong I don't give Congress the credit either, it's just this scorecard of job creation under presidents is dumb. There is a myriad of causes for economic expansion and decline. The letter behind a presidents name is irrelevant.
You LIE!!!

There was no recession when Clinton left office. Riots happened when Bush stole Florida causing recession the next quarter after Bush took office. Bush created the Subprime Disaster.

In 2003 President Bush Signed American Dream Downpayment Act

Bush caused a massive Recession & then a Depression!!!

Bush took office on Jan 20, 2001, the country was in recession by March 1, 2001. I would love to hear your explanation of how a president can cause a recession in 5 weeks.

Yes I would also love an explanation of this
Obama is kicking China's a$$. Today again Chinese exports fell more than forecast.

Under Clinton China's GDP fell & US GDP rose.
Under Bush China's GDP soared while US GDP fell.
Under Obama China's GDP fell & US GDP rose.
So now US presidents control the exports of China? China's problems are of their own making. The rise of cheaper manufacturing sites like Vietnam are part of it as well.
In the entire history of our country, there's never been a Republican president who hasn't caused a job killing recession or two while he served. In the last 55 years there have been 7 recessions. The 6 worst recessions were caused by Republicans. One minor one caused by Carter. Democrats have beaten Republicans hands down on job creation every time!

But, but, but,,, we must subsidize the rich, because repubtards believe they are job creators & they need super rich people to look up to, lead them & lie to them. LOL
Presidents do not create jobs. Clinton was the beneficiary of the dotcom bubble and the beginnings of a housing bubble. Besides the US was in recession when Clinton left office.

You could just as easily say that the jobs created under Clinton were because of a Rep controlled congress. After all the vast majority of job creation under Clinton happened after 93 when the Reps took control of Congress. Don't get me wrong I don't give Congress the credit either, it's just this scorecard of job creation under presidents is dumb. There is a myriad of causes for economic expansion and decline. The letter behind a presidents name is irrelevant.
You LIE!!!

There was no recession when Clinton left office. Riots happened when Bush stole Florida causing recession the next quarter after Bush took office.

Bush created the Subprime Disaster. The spike in Sub-Prime lending only happened after Bush Signed American Dream Down-payment Act In 2003.


Bush caused a massive Recession & then a Depression!!!

nice video
In the entire history of our country, there's never been a Republican president who hasn't caused a job killing recession or two while he served. In the last 55 years there have been 7 recessions. The 6 worst recessions were caused by Republicans. One minor one caused by Carter. Democrats have beaten Republicans hands down on job creation every time!

But, but, but,,, we must subsidize the rich, because repubtards believe they are job creators & they need super rich people to look up to, lead them & lie to them. LOL
Presidents do not create jobs. Clinton was the beneficiary of the dotcom bubble and the beginnings of a housing bubble. Besides the US was in recession when Clinton left office.

You could just as easily say that the jobs created under Clinton were because of a Rep controlled congress. After all the vast majority of job creation under Clinton happened after 93 when the Reps took control of Congress. Don't get me wrong I don't give Congress the credit either, it's just this scorecard of job creation under presidents is dumb. There is a myriad of causes for economic expansion and decline. The letter behind a presidents name is irrelevant.
You LIE!!!

There was no recession when Clinton left office. Riots happened when Bush stole Florida causing recession the next quarter after Bush took office. Bush created the Subprime Disaster.

In 2003 President Bush Signed American Dream Downpayment Act

Bush caused a massive Recession & then a Depression!!!

Bush took office on Jan 20, 2001, the country was in recession by March 1, 2001. I would love to hear your explanation of how a president can cause a recession in 5 weeks.

Yes I would also love an explanation of this

People, investment & jobs were in limbo from uncertainty over the direction of the country due to the Florida recount in November 2000. Then when 40% of the country believed Bush stole the election he caused 40% of the country to stop everything & started Rioting. That even ground Bush's inauguration to a halt! Then Bush shoved throu his deficit exploding tax cut for the Rich & massive inflation for the poor! Bush caused 2 recessions & depression!!!
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In the entire history of our country, there's never been a Republican president who hasn't caused a job killing recession or two while he served. In the last 55 years there have been 7 recessions. The 6 worst recessions were caused by Republicans. One minor one caused by Carter. Democrats have beaten Republicans hands down on job creation every time!

But, but, but,,, we must subsidize the rich, because repubtards believe they are job creators & they need super rich people to look up to, lead them & lie to them. LOL
Presidents do not create jobs. Clinton was the beneficiary of the dotcom bubble and the beginnings of a housing bubble. Besides the US was in recession when Clinton left office.

You could just as easily say that the jobs created under Clinton were because of a Rep controlled congress. After all the vast majority of job creation under Clinton happened after 93 when the Reps took control of Congress. Don't get me wrong I don't give Congress the credit either, it's just this scorecard of job creation under presidents is dumb. There is a myriad of causes for economic expansion and decline. The letter behind a presidents name is irrelevant.
You LIE!!!

There was no recession when Clinton left office. Riots happened when Bush stole Florida causing recession the next quarter after Bush took office. Bush created the Subprime Disaster.

In 2003 President Bush Signed American Dream Downpayment Act

Bush caused a massive Recession & then a Depression!!!

Bush took office on Jan 20, 2001, the country was in recession by March 1, 2001. I would love to hear your explanation of how a president can cause a recession in 5 weeks.

Yes I would also love an explanation of this

People, investment & jobs were in limbo from uncertainty over the direction of the country due to the Florida recount in November 2000. Then when 40% of the country believed Bush stole the election he caused 40% of the country to stop everything & started Rioting. That even ground Bush's inauguration to a halt! Then Bush shoved throu his deficit exploding tax cut! Bush caused 2 recessions & depression!!!

OK, put down the bong.
In my lifetime Every Republican President Caused Job Killing Recession or Depression Equal to the Number of Terms They Serve.

Democrats only had one in five. It ain't no coincidence folks! Repubtards = Economic Disaster & Job Loss!!!

In the entire history of our country, there's never been a Republican president who hasn't caused a job killing recession or two while he served.!!!
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