Who will be better at getting America out of debt, Trump or Hillary?

An issue ONLY discussed by Sanders and Trump.

Trump would also tariff everything which would be a huge tax on everyone and slow the economy. Possibly start another great depression.
Nonsense...almost 99% of Americans make less then 25K/year.
The only people who will be hurt by a Trade War are those who live off their Portfolios.
The rest are too poor to buy most goods anyway.

It will hurt the poor and middle class the most. That 25/k a year will get them less. People buying less slows the economy..
I see you visit Walmarts all the time.
Poor people are already buying down to the bone; they won't be hurt too bad when the jobs come back.
I can't believe a Liberal is defending a perennial poverty lifestyle for almost all Americans.
No jobs are "coming back".

They need to be "created".

Do you see the difference?
i see the difference, agreeed
Neither candidate has plans for the debt . That's a loser position .

If you say "I'm going to cut the military and social security " the voters will run you out of town.

Really? DumBama cut our military quite a bit, and he still has favorable ratings, not to mention his sidekick running for the next President is running slightly higher in the polls than her opponent.

Social Security is the second highest tax out of your paycheck. The first is FICA, and that's just a fancy word for Social Security. Of course people who put into that system their entire lives want what's been promised to them.
Neither candidate has plans for the debt . That's a loser position .

If you say "I'm going to cut the military and social security " the voters will run you out of town.

Really? DumBama cut our military quite a bit, and he still has favorable ratings, not to mention his sidekick running for the next President is running slightly higher in the polls than her opponent.

Social Security is the second highest tax out of your paycheck. The first is FICA, and that's just a fancy word for Social Security. Of course people who put into that system their entire lives want what's been promised to them.
dumbama lol
Neither candidate has plans for the debt . That's a loser position .

If you say "I'm going to cut the military and social security " the voters will run you out of town.

Really? DumBama cut our military quite a bit, and he still has favorable ratings, not to mention his sidekick running for the next President is running slightly higher in the polls than her opponent.

Social Security is the second highest tax out of your paycheck. The first is FICA, and that's just a fancy word for Social Security. Of course people who put into that system their entire lives want what's been promised to them.

Thanks for proving my point . Obama cut the military by like 2% , and the conservatives now run on "Obama gutted the military!!!!"
I never found a regulation I didn't love.

When OSHA shows up they have nothing to do. My safety standards are far above OSHA standards, and the zero lost time in five years proves it works.
What's your point?

OSHA wasn't created to keep responsible business owners in check.

And, if you're a business owner, how is it that,
raising the min wage = higher prices, is foreign to you?

OSHA was created because there are bad guys.

By what amount would prices rise?

I'll ask you. What is the NET cost of a $10.00/hr employee vs a $15.00/hr employee?
That's why I stated, OSHA wasn't created for responsible employers.

Well, 3 hotdogs w fries went from $4.99 to $6.99

Pizza slices next store were $1.25, now a slice is $1.75

McDonalds took the double cheeseburger off the dollar menu,
replaced it w the mcdouble, same as a double cb, minus 1 slice cheese.
It's a double cb w 1 slice cheese instead of 2

Everything I buy has increased by a min of .20 cents.

The city forsaw this and warned businesses not to jack up prices,
otherwise they would face fines and whatnot...
What they did was start small, nickle on this, dime on that,
then, after the first phase of pay increases, it was on.

The company I was an asst. mgr for, during the first phase($8.25 to $10)
couldn't raise any prices so they cut hrs/shifts from part timers,
and had management filling the shift instead.

They cut stockers from 4 days a wk, to 2.
These kids were getting anywhere from 4-11hrs...16 if they were lucky.
During Xmas, we only hired 3 people, down from 7,
2 were let go after the holiday season.

I was full time, my hrs went from 37, to 32
When the part time asst. quit, she wasn't replaced.
Asst mgn staff went from 3, to 2.
They were taking 1 asst from the stores w 3,
and moved them to new stores.

Customers waited in line longer and in longer lines..
it wasn't unusual for customers to set down their items
and leave the store, on busy weekends.

Merchandise wasn't getting out, so, that's a loss for sales.
We were taking a hugh loss on food products being damaged out
because it had already expired, before even making it to the floor.

They would no longer allow full timers(which were only mgnmnt)
to use any of their 80 hrs of sick time unless they...
called off due to an illness and brought in a doctors note!
WTF...I'm not going to go to the doctor cuz I have a headache.

This company rakes in BILLIONS every year, just like Walmart.

They rather their stores look like shit, write off lost sales,
piss off regular customers and lose good help, for what!?

Sorry... I'm done babbling
Thanks for proving my point . Obama cut the military by like 2% , and the conservatives now run on "Obama gutted the military!!!!"

Remind me never to buy a calculator where you bought yours. From Politifact.org:

Has the military budget dropped under Obama, and if so, who is to blame?

Overall spending on national security includes the Pentagon budget as well as spending by other agencies, such as the Energy Department’s work on nuclear weapons. Spending increased in 2010 and 2011, but it has fallen every year for four years since then by a cumulative 15 percent.

Other ways of looking at the question show declines as well. National security spending made up 20.1 percent of the federal budget in 2010, but in 2015 it was 15.9 percent. Over the same period, spending fell from 4.6 percent of gross domestic product to 3.3 percent.

PolitiFact Sheet: Military spending under Obama and Congress
Thanks for proving my point . Obama cut the military by like 2% , and the conservatives now run on "Obama gutted the military!!!!"

Remind me never to buy a calculator where you bought yours. From Politifact.org:

Has the military budget dropped under Obama, and if so, who is to blame?

Overall spending on national security includes the Pentagon budget as well as spending by other agencies, such as the Energy Department’s work on nuclear weapons. Spending increased in 2010 and 2011, but it has fallen every year for four years since then by a cumulative 15 percent.

Other ways of looking at the question show declines as well. National security spending made up 20.1 percent of the federal budget in 2010, but in 2015 it was 15.9 percent. Over the same period, spending fell from 4.6 percent of gross domestic product to 3.3 percent.

PolitiFact Sheet: Military spending under Obama and Congress

You left this part out of your quote :

There are two main reasons for the spending drop. The first is the Obama administration’s decision to start removing U.S. troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. The second has to do with a process known as sequestration.

Sequestration refers to the framework for automatic, across-the-board cuts to both military and non-military spending that were originally designed to force bipartisan negotiators in Congress to strike a deal in 2011. When negotiations fell apart, the cuts went into effect.

The bipartisan nature of the sequestration provision means that both parties merit a share of the blame, experts say.
When has that ever worked? They don't pay our tariffs, we do. A threat to tax us will have no effect on other countries

It could. A tax on the products we buy from other countries may inspire consumers to buy American made products instead.
ROFLMAO... Do tell...what products are made in America anymore,
products used or needed, on a regular basis?

Shit, I have to look at food items, candy especially, now.
Even food items from China are saturating the marketplace!

Enjoy your posts!
I never found a regulation I didn't love.

When OSHA shows up they have nothing to do. My safety standards are far above OSHA standards, and the zero lost time in five years proves it works.
What's your point?

OSHA wasn't created to keep responsible business owners in check.

And, if you're a business owner, how is it that,
raising the min wage = higher prices, is foreign to you?

OSHA was created because there are bad guys.

By what amount would prices rise?

I'll ask you. What is the NET cost of a $10.00/hr employee vs a $15.00/hr employee?
That's why I stated, OSHA wasn't created for responsible employers.

Well, 3 hotdogs w fries went from $4.99 to $6.99

Pizza slices next store were $1.25, now a slice is $1.75

McDonalds took the double cheeseburger off the dollar menu,
replaced it w the mcdouble, same as a double cb, minus 1 slice cheese.
It's a double cb w 1 slice cheese instead of 2

Everything I buy has increased by a min of .20 cents.

The city forsaw this and warned businesses not to jack up prices,
otherwise they would face fines and whatnot...
What they did was start small, nickle on this, dime on that,
then, after the first phase of pay increases, it was on.

The company I was an asst. mgr for, during the first phase($8.25 to $10)
couldn't raise any prices so they cut hrs/shifts from part timers,
and had management filling the shift instead.

They cut stockers from 4 days a wk, to 2.
These kids were getting anywhere from 4-11hrs...16 if they were lucky.
During Xmas, we only hired 3 people, down from 7,
2 were let go after the holiday season.

I was full time, my hrs went from 37, to 32
When the part time asst. quit, she wasn't replaced.
Asst mgn staff went from 3, to 2.
They were taking 1 asst from the stores w 3,
and moved them to new stores.

Customers waited in line longer and in longer lines..
it wasn't unusual for customers to set down their items
and leave the store, on busy weekends.

Merchandise wasn't getting out, so, that's a loss for sales.
We were taking a hugh loss on food products being damaged out
because it had already expired, before even making it to the floor.

They would no longer allow full timers(which were only mgnmnt)
to use any of their 80 hrs of sick time unless they...
called off due to an illness and brought in a doctors note!
WTF...I'm not going to go to the doctor cuz I have a headache.

This company rakes in BILLIONS every year, just like Walmart.

They rather their stores look like shit, write off lost sales,
piss off regular customers and lose good help, for what!?

Sorry... I'm done babbling
ROFLMAO... Do tell...what products are made in America anymore,
products used or needed, on a regular basis?

Shit, I have to look at food items, candy especially, now.
Even food items from China are saturating the marketplace!

Enjoy your posts!

Thank you very much, but your point is spot on: where do we actually find American made products to buy?

Nowhere. Why? Because foreign competition makes vendors carrying American made products a loss.

You want to buy a big screen so you use your Sam's Club card to get the best deal. There's the phrase: best deal.

American made products don't offer the best deal. However, if there were a tariff on foreign made products, you might be able to get the best deal by buying an American made product.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm supporting Trump's idea of tariffs, but it can't be ruled out that it would have some benefits to help offset the loss.
You left this part out of your quote :

There are two main reasons for the spending drop. The first is the Obama administration’s decision to start removing U.S. troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. The second has to do with a process known as sequestration.

Sequestration refers to the framework for automatic, across-the-board cuts to both military and non-military spending that were originally designed to force bipartisan negotiators in Congress to strike a deal in 2011. When negotiations fell apart, the cuts went into effect.

The bipartisan nature of the sequestration provision means that both parties merit a share of the blame, experts say.

Yes I did. I only posted the part pertaining to your claim that our military was cut by 2%. It was cut far more than that.
You left this part out of your quote :

There are two main reasons for the spending drop. The first is the Obama administration’s decision to start removing U.S. troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. The second has to do with a process known as sequestration.

Sequestration refers to the framework for automatic, across-the-board cuts to both military and non-military spending that were originally designed to force bipartisan negotiators in Congress to strike a deal in 2011. When negotiations fell apart, the cuts went into effect.

The bipartisan nature of the sequestration provision means that both parties merit a share of the blame, experts say.

Yes I did. I only posted the part pertaining to your claim that our military was cut by 2%. It was cut far more than that.
2% nice
When has that ever worked? They don't pay our tariffs, we do. A threat to tax us will have no effect on other countries

It could. A tax on the products we buy from other countries may inspire consumers to buy American made products instead.
ROFLMAO... Do tell...what products are made in America anymore,
products used or needed, on a regular basis?

Shit, I have to look at food items, candy especially, now.
Even food items from China are saturating the marketplace!

Enjoy your posts!
real talk
When has that ever worked? They don't pay our tariffs, we do. A threat to tax us will have no effect on other countries

It could. A tax on the products we buy from other countries may inspire consumers to buy American made products instead.
ROFLMAO... Do tell...what products are made in America anymore,
products used or needed, on a regular basis?

Shit, I have to look at food items, candy especially, now.
Even food items from China are saturating the marketplace!

Enjoy your posts!
SO you are saying we should give up trying to bring jobs back to America?
Not 8 hours. When for instance you build an addition you dig the footers they come out and make sure they are to depth. Takes about 45 seconds. You lay the footers, they inspect make sure the proper materials are used, takes about 15 minutes.So on and so on. My best friend is in the business and he's irritated if these people are there for more than a half hour. This isn't rocket science.

What about set-backs? Health issue remediation?

If your friend is irritated, you should ask him what he is trying to hide?
Not trying to hide anything, he's trying to get back to work. As I said earlier the inspection that had him ticked was the holes dug for footers. It consists of him sticking a tape measure in a hole. A half hour later he's trying to get rid of the guy who still wants to talk baseball. And keep in mind this is the guys only task for the day.

So developing a rapport with an inspector is less important than getting back to work?
That's irrelevant to the subject at hand. The fact is the inspector has nothing else to do, my buddy works for a living.

Or is your buddies work creating issues? This reminds me of a person speeding and it's the cops fault for pulling him/her over.

You miss the point. Neither I nor my friend have a problem with the inspection. It's the fact that were paying taxes so some one can make 70K a year for 15 seconds of "work" a day. And then because he's bored hang around and want to bs about baseball when some of us actually have work to do.
Last edited:
Got you beat. I haven't had a lost time injury in over 9 years. And yet I fight with them all the time, not so much at my own firm but in my side consulting job. The last 2 times I dealt with OSHA the inspectors were 1. a 23 yr old girl who graduated from college a year earlier with a degree in English and 2. a woman that told us that 9 months earlier she was working behind the counter of a post office.

.A year earlier neither would have known an hydraulic power press from a trout. In the case of the English major she was dealing with people that had been operating and maintaining that very equipment for longer than she had been alive. Now when I disagree with them I go in front of their boss, who graduated 8 years earlier with a degree in sociology.

OSHA is a jobs program for Mexicans, Chinese and now Vietnamese.

SWEET! I'm sure your comp carrier is VERY HAPPY!

So minorities are your issue.....VERY TELLING?
Mexicans aren't minorities in Mexico, Chinese aren't minorities in China, Vietnamese aren't minorities in Vietnam.

And yes my carrier's pleased, not that it has stopped my rates from rising.

Rantings of a true RACIST!!!!!
There you have it folks the surest sign a leftist is losing an argument, cry racism. Now make sure to follow up with bigot, misogynist, homophobe, islamaphobe, fascist and nazi. You have to make sure to hit all your virtue signals.

I didn't bring the race card to the table.......YOU DID!
I wasn't making a racial point, I was making an offshoring point.
SWEET! I'm sure your comp carrier is VERY HAPPY!

So minorities are your issue.....VERY TELLING?
Mexicans aren't minorities in Mexico, Chinese aren't minorities in China, Vietnamese aren't minorities in Vietnam.

And yes my carrier's pleased, not that it has stopped my rates from rising.

Rantings of a true RACIST!!!!!
There you have it folks the surest sign a leftist is losing an argument, cry racism. Now make sure to follow up with bigot, misogynist, homophobe, islamaphobe, fascist and nazi. You have to make sure to hit all your virtue signals.

I didn't bring the race card to the table.......YOU DID!
I wasn't making a racial point, I was making an offshoring point.
real talk
Nowhere. Why? Because foreign competition makes vendors carrying American made products a loss.
Wow...first time I disagree with you.

First of all, you can't take a loss on goods that don't exist.
You can't buy 'made in the u.s.a.' products,
when there aren't any being manufactured to sell.

The "competition" is exactly what we are discussing.
Wage earnings, taxes, regulations and greed.

IMHO, foreign competition has nothing to do with,
the collapse of our manufacturing industry.
There is no competition... only greed.

Now, I'm stopping there, cuz, what I just finished reading,
after going to the General Mills website to obtain a 2016 fiscal report,
to support what I was saying and going to say, has done more then that.

It pisses me off, not because it proves me right,
but, it has made me see, how clueless I am to the actual scope of it!

I am boycotting General Mills products...indefinitely
And, I'm pretty sure, if I investigate every brand that comes to mind,
and boycotted them too, I wouldn't have any groceries in the house!

We are so screwed, every which way til forever.

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